During their tenure as policemen in the city of Gloversville, both Fred and Louis Sperber were mentioned in the local newspapers for a wide assortment of arrests, court cases and other police activities.
This is part II of providing a sample of newspaper stories of the Speber brothers’ law enforcement exploits. Since I have found around 940 newspaper articles on the Sperber brothers as policeman, [1] this final story as a second part series only skims the surface of all the news articles.
I have also provided a list of articles that are not presented in the stories about the Sperber brothers as policemen at the end of this story. These articles as well as the others that are presented in the stories can be accessed in a digital archives managed by the NYS Historic Newspaper project.

See tips for accessing the original news articles in the digital archived versions of the newspaper
“Finny… he tried to tear down the bars, and when the officer remonstrated with him and told hm if he did not stop he would turn the hose on him… Finny replied:’Then you will drown a might good man.’ “

“The sheriff, in company with Officer Sperber, found their man at Minnie Wyncop’s place on Elm Street, hid in a clothes press. “

“the deed called for punishment for the sake of virtue and the good order of society.”

“…arrested by Officer Speber charged with assault in the third degree upon his daughter.”

“Amenze Denmark … has started on the downward path to ruin, and unless he reforms he will undoubtably find himself in the penitentiary. … Nor is this all … Charles Ayers will bring a charge against him for cruelty to a horse.”

“Officer Sperber found his man and arrested him at Tribes Hill, where is is occupied as a bartender.

“A little still hunt by Officer Fred Sperber and Charles L. Clark early this morning resulted in the captivity of Geo. H Graff… . “

“This morning officer Sperber, of Gloversville, came to town with a warrant for his arrest, issued upon complaint of his wife who resides in Gloversville, charging him with deserting her.”

“…an individual wearing a huge pumpkin blow in his buttn-hole and a rose blossom on the tip of his nose, was gathered in by Officer Sperber this morning, who disturbed the gallant William’s slumber on the front stoop of a business house.”

“Berry had boasted that no officer in Gloversville could arrest him. … Later a neighbor caused a warrant to be issued and Officer Sperber served it. Berry, still intoxicated, accompanied him to police headquarters as calmly as a lamb.”

“After a short chase the man was overtaken by Officer Sperber … .”

“The theft was easily traced to Teddy’s door by the feathers scattered along the trail, and portions of fowl were found nicely roasted on this table.”

“Even while in jail… the young man was unable to restrain his hankering for other people’s property…”

“…it is apparent that a considerable portion of the shekels thus obtained were spent for liquid refreshments and cigars at the bar, and there is also more than a suspicion that his blindness is a sham.”

“…last night Officer Sperber went over there and found the man cooly engaged in a game of cards.”

“Officer Sperber testified to seeing two men go down the railroad track early that morning…”
Source: The Daily leader, May 8, 1891 Page 5
“…his parents… accused him of being so tough that they could do nothing with him.”

“…found him drunk and driving a horse that had seen hard usage.”

” … Officer Sperber concealed himself in the building and waited for the man to enter…

“… whose flow of language is quite the reverse of elegant… .

“…for a few minutes it was a case of who was strongest. The trunk, being unable to withstand the strain, gave way and the goods which it contained were scattered promiscuously.”

“Daniel Smullens is a resident of the Swamp district, and of late has been on the warpath to such an extent that the neighbors have become terrified.”

“… rented the two bicycles from Decker & Owen on Decoration Day …did not return the wheels … it was not until the bicycle rented by Daniels was discovered at Schenectady, where he sold it … .

…a search showed the remains of several chickens, in the shape of heads and feathers, and in the cellar of the house was found one chicken. It was also ascertained that Taylor has sold a turkey in that city for fifty cents, at a ridiculously low price for the fowl, which was a very large one.

“Officer Sperber received some servere bruises about the legs ands jarred considerably by his leap from the flying wagon…”
Source: The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, June 23, 1897, Page 7
“”Several chickens belonging to Runoff Dutcher … strolled from their coop to the premises of … a neighbor and while there managed to carry away a quantity of rough on rats, with the result that they will not lay any more eggs for their owner, neither will the make harmless potpie..” [2]

. Wells, E. S., Jersey City, monographic, 1882. Notated Music. https://www.loc.gov/item/sm1882.06076/.

… riding without a light, and the wheelman paid a fine of $1.

“C.F. Cunning went out last night to test the new Collins law concerning the carrying of a lamp on his bicycle, and after riding up and down the street he was arrested by Officer Louis Sperber.”

“Earl Kinney rode along North and South Main streets to-day on a bicycle without placing his hands on the handle bars… . “

Evidently bicycle riding became a local issue in 1899. Louis Sperber continued his vigilance on bicycle etiquette by issuing a $3.00 ticket for riding on the sidewalk (The daily leader., July 28, 1899, Page 8
“Joseph Aldea called him in his barber shop and proceeded to knock him down. He also claimed that the razors in the place had a very threatening appearance, and he did not desire to be mutilated, he postponed his desire to thrash the barber until a more opportune time. “

“Chief Sperber sounds the warning, and it remains for the wise ones to heed it.”

Selected News Articles of the Sperber Brothers
The following are a selected list of the some of the 940 articles. Articles that are found in the prior two stories associated with the Sperber brothers are not in this list since the links to those stories are provided in the specific genealogical stories.
See tips for accessing the original news articles in the digital archived versions of the newspaper
The easiest way to read a specific news story that is listed below or a news story referenced in the stories is to locate the exact issue of the paper.
Norton’s Jewelry Robbery – The daily leader., June 11, 1890, Page 4 This article consumed a large portion of a newspaper page.
Arrested for disorderly conduct, The daily leader., February 16, 1891, Page 8
Arrest for Cruelty to Animals, The daily leader., April 17, 1893, Page 7,
Skiff’s Examination, Several witnesses Sworn by the Prosecution, The daily leader., April 28, 1893, Page 8,
The Skiff Case Not Ended, Fulton County Republican., May 04, 1893, Page 3,
Disturbers Punished, The daily leader., May 11, 1893, Page 8, Image 8,
Albert Ott’s Assailant, The daily leader., May 18, 1893, Page 8,
Chased by the Police, The daily leader., May 24, 1893, Page 7,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, May 25, 1893, Page 5,
Arrested based on wife’s complaint, The daily leader., May 27, 1893, Page 8,
Four Months in the Pen, The daily leader., May 31, 1893, Page 4,
Sunday Morning Row, The daily leader., June 07, 1893, Page 8,
Another member of the Street Row Arrested, The daily leader., June 08, 1893, Page 8.
Anther of the Gang Arrested, The daily leader., June 09, 1893, Page 7, The daily leader., June 09, 1893, Page 7
Another of the Gang Arrested, The daily leader., June 12, 1893, Page 8,
Annie Burke Arrested, The daily leader., June 13, 1893, Page 8,
Stewart Putman Arrested, The daily leader., June 14, 1893, Page 7,
Tampering with Fire Alarm Wires, The daily leader., June 14, 1893, Page 8,
Intoxication Arrest, The daily leader., July 05, 1893, Page 8,
Arrested for Larceny, The daily leader., July 15, 1893, Page 8,
The Safe robbers are believed to be Men who were employed by the Plumbing Firm, The daily leader., July 20, 1893, Page 8,
Before he Recorder, The daily leader., July 31, 1893, Page 7,
He Skipped a Board Bill, The daily leader., August 01, 1893, Page 8,
Henry Gets Four Months, The daily leader., August 03, 1893, Page 8,
Intoxication Arrest, The daily leader., August 10, 1893, Page 8,
For Selling Tainted Meat, The daily leader., August 16, 1893, Page 8,
Skipped a Board Bill, The daily leader., August 17, 1893, Page 8,
From the Woods of Arietta,The daily leader., August 22, 1893, Page 8,
In Police Court, The daily leader., September 02, 1893, Page 8,
Local Record, The daily leader., September 05, 1893, Page 7,
Local Record, The daily leader., September 11, 1893, Page 7,
Charged with False Pretenses, The daily leader., September 19, 1893, Page 7,
Stabbed in Three Places, The daily leader., September 20, 1893, Page 8,
Shared with False Pretenses, The Johnstown daily Republican, September 20, 1893, Page 5,
Stabbed in the Back, The Johnstown daily Republican. September 21, 1893, Page 5,
Flynn is a Runner, The daily leader., September 22, 1893, Page 8,
Flynn in Jail, The daily leader., September 23, 1893, Page 7,
Flynn Held for the Grand Jury, The daily leader., September 26, 1893, Page 8,
Four Months in the “Pen:, The daily leader., September 29, 1893, Page 8,
Local Record, The daily leader., October 02, 1893, Page 7,
Assault in the Third Degree, The daily leader., October 16, 1893, Page 7,
His Little Speculation, The daily leader., October 17, 1893, Page 8,
A Serious Charge, The daily leader., October 18, 1893, Page 8,
Recuperate in the Pen for the Next Six Months, The daily leader., October 20, 1893, Page 8,
Local Record, The daily leader., October 23, 1893, Page 7,
John Chinaman’s Assailant, The daily leader., October 24, 1893, Page 7,
Measuring Land, The daily leader., October 26, 1893, Page 8,
His Life is at Stake!, The daily leader., October 30, 1893, Page 8,
This Girl is a Boy, The daily leader., November 03, 1893, Page 7,
Convicts at Large! Three Prisoners Make A Successful Break for Liberty, The daily leader., November 06, 1893, Page 8,
Jumped a Board Bill, The daily leader., December 20, 1893, Page 8,
Caught a Robber, The daily leader., December 22, 1893, Page 7.
A Frisky Detective, The Johnstown daily Republican, December 23, 1893, Page 3,
A Runaway’s Bad Plight, The daily leader., January 02, 1894, Page 8,
A Runaway’s Bad Plight, The Johnstown daily Republican, January 03, 1894, Page 5,
A Serious Charge, The daily leader., January 05, 1894, Page 8,
Solen Property Recovered, The daily leader., January 06, 1894, Page 8,
Curious Charge, The Johnstown daily Republican, January 06, 1894, Page 5,
Louis Speber Running for Inspector in Ward One, The daily leader., February 15, 1894, Page 8,
The daily leader., March 05, 1894, Page 4,
Public Record, The daily leader., February 16, 1894, Page 8,
The daily leader., February 19, 1894, Page 4,
One of Dewitt Temple’s Assailants Gets Four Months Charge, The daily leader., February 19, 1894, Page 8,
A Patron Of Industry Who is Now in Limbo for Defrauding a Local Hotel Keeper, The daily leader., March 02, 1894, Page 7,
Where’s the Rest of Him, The daily leader., March 08, 1894, Page 8,
A Saratogian’s Funny Experience, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, March 09, 1894, Page 3,
Reappointment as a Policeman, The Johnstown daily Republican, March 15, 1894, Page 5,
Transporting Prisoners, The daily leader., March 20, 1894, Page 9,
Arrest Selling Liquor without a license, The Johnstown daily Republican, March 23, 1894, Page 5,
Wicked Gloversville, The Johnstown daily Republican, March 30, 1894, Page 5,
Battled with Gloves, The daily leader., April 06, 1894, Page 8,
The Daily Leader, The daily leader., April 20, 1894, Page 8,
Petty Larceny Arrest, The daily leader., May 05, 1894, Page 8,
Family Dessertion, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, July 27, 1894, Page 5,
Stolen Property,The daily leader., August 04, 1894, Page 8,
Receiving and Selling Stolen Goods, The Johnstown daily Republican, August 06, 1894, Page 5,
Keeping a Disorderly House, The daily leader., August 09, 1894, Page 7,
Recovery of stolen cigars, The daily leader., September 14, 1894, Page 8,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican, September 15, 1894, Page 5,
The Criminal Grab Bag, A Cowardly Crime, The daily leader., September 19, 1894, Page 8,
Arrested got Burglary, The daily leader., September 26, 1894, Page 9,
Assault in the Third Degree, The daily leader., November 02, 1894, Page 8,
Charged with Non Support,The daily leader., November 09, 1894, Page 8,
Keeping a Disorderly House, The Johnstown daily Republican. November 13, 1894, Page 3,
Wanted for Larceny, The daily leader., December 14, 1894, Page 8,
Musician defrauded hotel on board bill, The daily leader., January 02, 1895, Page 8,
Running his car at unlawful speed, The daily leader., January 03, 1895, Page 8,
Motorman Arrested Fatally injuring Person on Sleigh, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, January 03, 1895, Page 3,
Louis Sperber District committeee member, The daily leader., January 04, 1895, Page 7, ,
Stolen Property Recovered, The daily leader., January 12, 1895, Page 7,
Thieves plundered clothes lines, The daily leader., January 22, 1895, Page 7,
See also Fulton County Republican., January 31, 1895, Page 4,
Striking barbershop owner with cash register drawer, The daily leader., March 21, 1895,
Man arrested for Punching Wife in Eye, The daily leader., March 19, 1895, Page 8,
Transporting Two to Prison, The Johnstown daily Republican, March 30, 1895, Page 7,
Embezzeler Arrested The daily leader., April 26, 1895, Page 8,
Gang of Roughs Bothering Salvation Army, The daily leader., May 10, 1895, Page 8,
Arrested for stealing Gloves, The Johnstown daily Republican, May 15, 1895, Page 3,
See also: Fulton County Republican., May 16, 1895, Page 3, Image 3,
Chief of Pastime park police generously remembered by his friends, The daily leader., May 21, 1895, Page 8,
A Timely Capture, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, June 12, 1895, Page 7,
See also Fulton County Republican., June 13, 1895, Page 3,
Arrested Man passing bogus checks, The daily leader., June 25, 1895, Page 7,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican, June 26, 1895, Page 5,
Suspicious looking vagrant arrested, The daily leader., August 05, 1895, Page 8,
Board Bill arrest, The daily leader., August 19, 1895, Page 8,
Failure to Appear, The daily leader., August 22, 1895, Page 8,
Disorderly conduct arrest, The daily leader., September 07, 1895, Page 8,
Assault of tetrae third degree arrest, The daily leader., September 09, 1895, Page 7,
The Skiff Case, The daily leader., October 29, 1895, Page 7,
Skiff Case rendered a verdict, The Johnstown daily Republican, October 29, 1895, Page 3,
Arrest of Fugitive for Grand Larceny, The daily leader., November 02, 1895, Page 8,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican, November 04, 1895, Page 5,
Trail of George West, The daily leader., November 11, 1895, Page 7,
Arrest for abuse of wife assault in the third degree, The daily leader., November 29, 1895, Page 8,
Hoboes obliged to decamp, The daily leader., February 03, 1896, Page 8,
Sperber designated as a truant officer in addition to police duties, The daily leader., February 06, 1896, Page 4,
Selling cigarettes to minors, The daily leader., March 07, 1896, Page 8,
Neglected to Square Account with his Landlord, The daily leader., March 17, 1896, Page 8,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican, March 18, 1896, Page 7,
Arrested for not sending sons to school, The daily leader., March 21, 1896, Page 8,
Arrest for Nonsupport of Family, The daily leader., March 30, 1896, Page 8,
Drunk and Disorderly Conduct Arrest, The daily leader., March 31, 1896, Page 8,
Disorderly Conduct Arrest, The daily leader., April 13, 1896, Page 7,
Two Arrests and an Inquiry in one day, The daily leader., April 15, 1896, Page 7,
Arrested the Minister, The daily leader., May 05, 1896, Page 8,
Gave him the Slip, The Johnstown daily Republican, May 15, 1896, Page 5,
Arrest for Stealing Pocketbook, The daily leader., May 20, 1896, Page 7,
Arrested on New York Warrant for Deserting Family, The daily leader., May 21, 1896, Page 8,
Board of Health Arrest, The daily leader., June 06, 1896, Page 7,
Chicken Poachers, The daily leader., June 27, 1896, Page 8,
Assault of the Third Degree, The daily leader., July 13, 1896, Page 8,
Defrauding Hotel Bill, The daily leader., July 17, 1896, Page 8,
Accused of Stealing from his Employer, The daily leader., August 12, 1896, Page 8,
Accused of Larceny The Johnstown daily Republican, August 19, 1896, Page 7,
Arrest of Young Man Steeling, The daily leader., September 01, 1896, Page 8,
Taken to Baallston, The daily leader., September 12, 1896, Page 8,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican, September 12, 1896, Page 7,
Stealing a Watch, The daily leader., September 21, 1896, Page 7,
Arrest of Gloversville City Clerk on presenting false accounts, The daily leader., October 16, 1896, Page 8,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, October 16, 1896, Page 3,
See also: The daily leader., November 24, 1896, Page 8,
See also: The daily leader, November 24, 1896, Page 5,
An Important Arrest, The Johnstown daily Republican, December 24, 1896, Page 5,
17 Year Old Arrested for Assault, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, January 15, 1897, Page 3,
Did not pay rent, The Johnstown daily Republican, February 08, 1897, Page 7,
A Lively Day in Court, The Johnstown daily Republican, February 09, 1897, Page 7,
A Midnight Raid of a Disorderly House, The Johnstown daily Republican, April 02, 1897, Page 7,
Arrest on Petty Larceny, The Johnstown daily Republican, April 24, 1897, Page 7,
Another Amsterdam Arrest Playing Bunco, The Johnstown daily Republican, June 05, 1897, Page 7,
Grand Larceny, The Johnstown daily Republican July 08, 1897, Page 3,
Arrests of Two in a Fight, The daily leader., July 12, 1897, Page 8,
Chicken Stealer sent to Albany Pen ,The daily leader., July 19, 1897, Page 8,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, July 20, 1897, Page 5.
Father Arrested, The daily leader., August 02, 1897, Page 8,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, August 02, 1897,
Court Arrests, The daily leader., August 07, 1897, Page 7,
Worked as detective at Sacadanga Park,The daily leader., August 21, 1897, Page 8,
They deserve punishment, The daily leader., August 23, 1897, Page 8,
See also the following which pits one newspaper against the other!: The Johnstown daily Republican, August 23, 1897, Page 5,
Four women taken to the pen, The Johnstown daily Republican, September 20, 1897, Page 3,
Theft of diamond ring, The Johnstown daily Republican, November 08, 1897, Page 6,
Who Stole the Horse? The Johnstown daily Republican, November 16, 1897, Page 3,
Custody of Two Girls, The Johnstown daily Republican, November 19, 1897, Page 6,
Rousting Hoboes, The daily leader, November 23, 1897, Page 8,
Appointment of Police Officers for the Year, The Johnstown daily Republican, January 06, 1898, Page 5,
Littauer Stenographer arrested in New York City, The daily leader., January 29, 1898, Page 8, See also:
The daily leader., January 31, 1898, Page 5,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican, February 14, 1898, Page 7,
Boughten Commits Suicide, The daily leader., February 19, 1898, Page 8,
See also: The Johnstown daily Republican, February 21, 1898, Page 6,
No official punishment for a truant under age of 12 , The daily leader., March 12, 1898, Page 8,
9 Year old truant sent to Rochester Industrial School, The Johnstown daily Republican, March 17, 1898, Page 5,
Nor ringing his bicycle bell, The daily leader., April 19, 1898, Page 8,
Truancy Arrests, The daily leader., April 29, 1898, Page 8,
Boys Arrested for taking money from photography store, The daily leader., May 09, 1898, Page 7,
Assaulting his father, The daily leader., June 01, 1898, Page 8,
Multiple arrests for assault, The daily leader., June 27, 1898, Page 8,
Stole $6 from a grocery store, The daily leader., June 28, 1898, Page 5,
Bicycle Stealer arrested, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, October 10, 1898, Page 7,
Arrested for horse stealing, The Johnstown daily Republican, October 14, 1898, Page 5,
Returned stolen property who learned that Sperber was on his trail, The daily leader., October 17, 1898, Page 8,
Guarding two bodies, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, December 01, 1898, Page 4,
Appointment as Chief of Police, The Johnstown daily Republican, January 05, 1899, Page 5,
Police Change of Shifts ,The daily leader., January 20, 1899, Page 5, Image 5,
Throwing Light on the Subject, The daily leader., January 20, 1899, Page 5, Image 5,
Missing since November, The daily leader., January 21, 1899, Page 7,
Sensational Criminal Case: Akin Aroused over the trial of Joseph Brookine, Alleged Chicken Thief, The daily leader., January 30, 1899, Page 7,
14 Year olds stealing 49 pounds of brass, The daily leader., February 20, 1899, Page 7,
A startled officer Louis Sperber, The daily leader., March 20, 1899, Page 5,
Mayor compliments Chief Speber, The daily leader., April 12, 1899, Page 5,
Punished for their sins, The daily leader., April 28, 1899, Page 5,
Louis Sperber arrest, The daily leader., May 08, 1899, Page 8,
The Sperber brothers and capture of gang leader., Johnstown daily Republican, May 10, 1899, Page 6,
Big Newfoundland dog recovered by dog owner, The daily leader., May 11, 1899, Page 5,
Louis Sperber and the Dance Hall, The daily leader., May 11, 1899, Page 5,
No Bikes on the parade route, The daily leader., May 29, 1899, Page 8,
Arrest for intoxication by Louis Speber, The daily leader., June 07, 1899, Page 5,
Parade coverage, The daily leader., June 09, 1899, Page 7,
Tramp umbrella mender sentenced to four months in the pen, The daily leader., June 21, 1899, Page 8,
Their Captured stole dress suit, The daily leader., June 23, 1899, Page 8,
Retired Minister cuts throat, commits suicde, The daily leader., August 16, 1899, Page 8,
Louis Sperber arrests father who killed infant, The Johnstown daily Republican, October 09, 1899, Page 5,
Childs’ Body Found, The Johnstown daily Republican, October 09, 1899, Page 7,
Not sending son to school, The daily leader., October 14, 1899, Page 8,
Marriage was a failure, The daily leader., October 18, 1899, Page 8,
Street fight arrests, The daily leader., October 30, 1899, Page 7,
Police required at opera house, The daily leader., November 23, 1899, Page 7,
Confessed his guilt, The daily leader., November 25, 1899, Page 8,
Heavy fines imposed on two intoxicated men driving with no sigh bells and hitting pedestrians, The daily leader., December 18, 1899, Page 7,
Tramp arrested by Louis Sperber, The daily leader., December 21, 1899, Page 8,
Trifeca for Louis Sperber, The daily leader., January 22, 1900, Page 8,
Good stolen from Glove Shop, The Johnstown daily Republican, January 27, 1900, Page 3,
Use of Police at the Opera House. The daily leader., January 31, 1900, Page 5,
Arrested for Murder, The daily leader., February 05, 1900, Page 8,
See also: A Mayfield Man probably murdered, The Johnstown daily Republican, February 05, 1900,
See also: Man probably Murdered, Fulton County Republican., February 08, 1900, Page 6,
Jury Retires to Find Verdict, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, March 14, 1900, Page 7
Fulton County Republican., March 15, 1900, Page 3,
Where to Coast, The daily leader., February 07, 1900, Page 5 ,
More streets added to coast list, The daily leader., February 10, 1900, Page 8,
Saloon Keepers Gave Strict Heed to Police Orders, The daily leader., February 26, 1900, Page 8,
In Recorder’s Court, The daily leader., March 06, 1900, Page 7,
Robbed the Hen Roosts and Killed a Fulton County Farmer’s Fatted Cow, The daily leader., March 23, 1900, Page 6, See also: The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, March 24, 1900, Page 3
In Recorder’s Court, The Gloversville daily leader., April 02, 1900, Page 7,
In Recorder’s Court, The Gloversville daily leader., April 09, 1900, Page 1,
The Johnstown daily Republican, April 04, 1900, Page 3,
A plain drunk arrested by Louis Sperber, The Gloversville daily leader., April 14, 1900, Page 7,
Vagrant arrested by Louis Sperber, The Gloversville daily leader., April 21, 1900, Page 7,
Fortune Teller Stopped for Illegal Business, The Gloversville daily leader., May 12, 1900, Page 7,
Man pelted with eggs, The Gloversville daily leader., May 12, 1900, Page 8,
See also The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, May 12, 1900, Page 3,
Se also: The Gloversville daily leader., May 16, 1900, Page 7,
A Husband’s Crime: Tried to Kill His Wife and Her Male Escort,The Gloversville daily leader., May 24, 1900, Page 5,
Recorder’s Court Arrests, The Gloversville daily leader., May 24, 1900, Page 8,
Infant’s Body Unearthed, body reused from a dog, The Gloversville daily leader., May 29, 1900, Page 8,
See also Fulton County Republican., May 31, 1900, Page 3,
Recroder’s Court rests, The Gloversville daily leader., June 02, 1900, Page 8,
Charging contractor with assault, The Gloversville daily leader., July 09, 1900, Page 7,
Transport of arrest to Albany, The Gloversville daily leader., July 10, 1900, Page 8,
Louis Sperber capturing a brace of toughs, The Gloversville daily leader., July 16, 1900, Page 7, See also, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, July 16, 1900, Page 6,
See also: Six Months at Albany, The Gloversville daily leader., July 17, 1900, Page 7,
Arrest by Louis Sperber, The Gloversville daily leader., July 19, 1900, Page 8,
Wholesale Robber stole a whole drove of cattle and empties a hen coop, The Gloversville daily leader., July 20, 1900, Page 8,
Disturbs Dealt with by Chief Sperber, The Gloversville daily leader., July 23, 1900, Page 8,
Horse thief captured, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, August 04, 1900, Page 3,
Records Court – Chief Sperber, The Gloversville daily leader., August 08, 1900, Page 7,
Drove his horse to death now will reside in Albany, The Gloversville daily leader., August 16, 1900, Page 7, Arrest of Bicycle Thief, The Gloversville daily leader., September 10, 1900, Page 7,
Runaway found, The Gloversville daily leader., September 14, 1900, Page 7,
See also The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, September 15, 1900, Page 7,
Arrest for public intoxication, The Gloversville daily leader., October 12, 1900, Page 8,
A gang of soap peddlers ordered to leave city, The Gloversville daily leader., November 16, 1900, Page 3,
Excitement on Forrest Street ! The Gloversville daily leader., November 22, 1900, Page 8,
Starving Children, The Gloversville daily leader., November 27, 1900, Page 5,
Stop Riding on the Walk, The Gloversville daily leader., December 01, 1900, Page 5,
1900 Annual Police Report, The Gloversville daily leader., January 15, 1901, Page 5,
Clairvoyant and Palmist ordered to close establishment, The Gloversville daily leader., January 17, 1901, Page 8,
Adult and Juvenile Offenders, The Gloversville daily leader., January 23, 1901, Page 13,
Arrest of New Merchant, The Johnstown daily Republican March 15, 1901, Page 6,
Louis Sperber arrested boy riding bicycle on sidewalk, The Gloversville daily leader., April 03, 1901, Page 7,
Chief Sperber received letter from Scotland about lost boy, The Gloversville daily leader., April 06, 1901, Page 5,
Will Serve the state for six months after arrest by Louis Sperber, The Gloversville daily leader., April 15, 1901, Page 5,
See also The Johnstown daily Republican, April 15, 1901, Page 3,
Louis Sperber arresting two women for making nuisance of themselves, The Gloversville daily leader., April 24, 1901, Page 7,
Forty-nine days in Jail The Gloversville daily leader., April 24, 1901, Page 8,
Chief Sperber and truants, The Gloversville daily leader., May 04, 1901, Page 7,
A Bullet to the Brain, The Gloversville daily leader., May 13, 1901, Page 8,
See also The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, May 13, 1901, Page 6,
Found Sleeping on Sidewalk, The Gloversville daily leader., May 16, 1901, Page 8,
Wholesale chicken stealing, The Gloversville daily leader., May 23, 1901, Page 8,
A plain drunk arrested, The Gloversville daily leader., June 08, 1901, Page 7,
Mischievous Boys Captured in Rail yard, The Gloversville daily leader., June 15, 1901, Page 7,
Cycists and Drunks arrested, The Gloversville daily leader., June 17, 1901, Page 8,
A street fracas, The Gloversville daily leader., July 24, 1901, Page 7,
Arrested for desertion , The Gloversville daily leader., August 01, 1901, Page 5,
Young man wanted to be locked up,The Gloversville daily leader., August 03, 1901, Page 5,
Chief Sperber gave the officer a few tips, The Gloversville daily leader., August 03, 1901, Page 8,
Be on the look out! The Gloversville daily leader., August 17, 1901, Page 7,
Louis Sperber arresting women from Amsterdam, The Gloversville daily leader., August 19, 1901, Page 7,
Louis Sperber arrest man and sent horse testable, The Gloversville daily leader., August 23, 1901, Page 6,
Power store burglarized The Gloversville daily leader., August 24, 1901, Page 7,
Charged with dissertion, The Gloversville daily leader., September 12, 1901, Page 7,
Officer Louis Sperber only witness sworn in, The Gloversville daily leader., September 13, 1901, Page 8,
See also The Johnstown daily Republican, September 13, 1901, Page 6,
Arrested and charged with burglary of mower store, The Gloversville daily leader., September 18, 1901, Page 8,
Police Chiefs of the state, The Gloversville daily leader., November 19, 1901, Page 8,
Hundred dollar reward, The Gloversville daily leader., November 23, 1901, Page 7,
See also The Johnstown daily Republican, November 25, 1901, Page 6,
New York State Chief’s convention, The Gloversville daily leader., December 02, 1901, Page 5,
59 Days in Jail, The Gloversville daily leader., December 08, 1901, Page 5,
She sends letters, The Gloversville daily leader., December 14, 1901, Page 8,
Caught in the Act, The Gloversville daily leader., December 18, 1901, Page 8,
The slot machines, The Gloversville daily leader., December 31, 1901, Page 8,
“Andy of Mayberry” style of arrest by Louis Sperber, The Gloversville daily leader., January 07, 1902, Page 5,
Reappointment as Chief of Police, The Johnstown daily Republican, January 07, 1902, Page 6
Electric wire on the street, The Gloversville daily leader., February 04, 1902, Page 8,
The men would be mistaken for bible students and they are not strangers to the custody of authorities, The Gloversville daily leader., February 14, 1902, Page 8,
See also, The Johnstown daily Republican, February 14, 1902, Page 6,
In the record’s court, The Gloversville daily leader., March 01, 1902, Page 8,
Sad ending to a woman’s life, The Gloversville daily leader., March 20, 1902, Page 8,
See also The Johnstown daily Republican, March 20, 1902, Page 3,
No Place for Women – Saloons, The Gloversville daily leader., March 26, 1902, Page 8,
Three Tramps arrested and ordered to leave in 15 minutes. The Gloversville daily leader., April 11, 1902, Page 7,
Fish Dealers ordered to clean up their mess, The Gloversville daily leader., April 21, 1902, Page 8,
In a Smashing Mood, The Gloversville daily leader., May 03, 1902, Page 8,
The recorder and the attorney differ in their versions, The Gloversville daily leader., May 08, 1902, Page 8,
Selling Whiskey, The Gloversville daily leader., May 14, 1902, Page 8;
Her Dead Body Found at the Rear of a Saloon This Morning, The Gloversville daily leader., March 20, 1902, Page 8,
Miss Boy, The Gloversville daily leader., May 26, 1902, Page 5,
Pick Pockets Arrested Followed the Circus and Now safe in a cell, The Gloversville daily leader., June 06, 1902, Page 7,
Louis Speber arresting intoxicated woman in the afternoon, The Gloversville daily leader., August 13, 1902, Page 8,
Looking for Murderers, The Gloversville daily leader., September 06, 1902, Page 5,
Heart Became Weak, The Johnstown daily Republican, September 23, 1902, Page 5,
A Youthful robber Stolen Team and Wagon Recovered , The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, October 18, 1902, Page 7,
See also The Johnstown daily Republican, October 20, 1902, Page 8,
A Gratifying Record: Police Court Dockets Show a Large Decrease in Number of Arrests, The Gloversville daily leader., December 20, 1902, Page 5,
For Keeping a Disorderly House: The Police Have Prepared a Strong Case Against Elizabeth Philes, The Gloversville daily leader., March 14, 1903, Page 8, Malicious Boys Arrested, The Gloversville daily leader., March 31, 1903, Page 5,
Advance warning, The Gloversville daily leader., October 08, 1903, Page 8
Alderman Gilles Accuses Colleagues of Many Crimes , The Gloversville daily leader., April 28, 1903, Page 5,
Bully Sherman arrested by Louis Sperber, The Gloversville daily leader., May 18, 1903, Page 7,
Explosion of Chemicals Killed John Kennedy, The Gloversville daily leader., May 25, 1903, Page 1,
Fearful Accident at Gloversville: John Kennedy Fatally Burned While Trespassing, The Johnstown daily Republican. volume, May 25, 1903, Page 3,
Continuing Investigation of Kennedy Death, The Gloversville daily leader., May 26, 1903, Page 8,
Kennedy Matter for Grand Jury, The Gloversville daily leader., May 28, 1903, Page 8,
Daniel Kennedy May be Indicted, The Johnstown daily Republican, May 28, 1903, Page 3,
Youthful burglars in hands of police, The Gloversville daily leader., June 15, 1903, Page 8,
Were Waiting for Him, The Gloversville daily leader., July 01, 1903, Page 7,
Bertha Went to Jail, The Gloversville daily leader., July 01, 1903, Page 8,
Property to be Guarded during Fireman’s Convention, The Gloversville daily leader., August 04, 1903, Page 8,
Featured image: Headline banner of The Johnstown Daily republication. The dates of publication of this paper in Johnstown, New York was between 1890-1912. See: About The Johnstown daily Republican, New York Historic Newspapers, https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85042216/
[1] Online copies of the Newspaper can be accessed at: NYS Historic Newspapers, in Fulton County: https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/
All of the articles were found in newspapers from Fulton County, New York that were published between 1880 and 1920. Specifically:
Table One: Fulton County Newspapers
[2] Peter Sopelsa, The Human Harms and Many Meanings of “Rough on Rats”, Inhabiting the Anthropocene, March 10, 2021, https://inhabitingtheanthropocene.com/2021/03/10/the-human-harms-and-many-meanings-of-rough-on-rats/
[3] NYS Historic Newspapers project, https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/