The Sperber & Fliegel Families in America: Catherine Fliegel the First to Arrive

The Sperber branch of the Griffis Family is the ‘most recent branch’ of the family tree to arrive in the United States. The Speber family is the maternal branch of Harold Griffis‘ family. Harold’s mother was Ida Sperber. Her father was John Wolfgang Sperber.

Between 1853 and 1954, there were four generations of the Sperbers in America. The last namesake of the family, Ida Mae Speber, the mother of Harold Griffis, died in 1954.

Ida Speber’s mother’s family, the Fliegel family, also immigrated from Germany at the same time. Descendants of the Fliegel family continue to exist into the 21st century. [1]

The story of the two families and their decisions to migrate to the United States reflects the influence of push and pull factors that affected the larger migratory patterns of Germans to the United States in the late 1840’s through the mid 1850’s.

Date of
Harold Griffis’ Maternal Ancestors
1848Catherine Fliegel & her husband Henry Krause were the first to arrive in the United States
1852John Wolfgang Sperber arrived as a single male in the United States
1855The remainder of the Fliegel family immigrated to the United States

This story is the first part of a series of stories related to the Fliegel and Sperber Families. I have provided the social and historical context in which members of these two families immigrated to America and established families.

This story focuses on Catherine Fliegel’s journey to America, her starting a family and the legacy she left as reflected in subsequent generations of her family. She was the first of the two families to arrive in the United States. Subsequent stories focus on her parents and siblings immigrating to the United States.

Source: The Packet Ship Germania at pier, Le Havre, France [20] | Click for larger view

See the story “A German Influence” for more high level narrative on the immigration of the Speber, Fliegel, Hartom and other Germanic family branches to the United States

At times I marvel at the ability to actually find historical information and documentation on a relative. It is amazing records have been kept for so many years and not destroyed or misplaced. It is amazing a knock on the door of a house by a census enumerator is answered and an individual who provides reliable information about the household inhabitants. There are times, however, where questions about ancestors remain unanswered .

There are definitely gaps in documenting life story facts for Catherine Fleigel. However, Catherine or Katharine (Fliegel) Krause’s death announcement in a Gloversville, New York newspaper provides a wealth of information or promising leads regarding reported dates surrounding her birth, immigration to the United States, her marriage to Henry Krause and her children. The dates for some of these events are not entirely accurate nor are they corroborated by other sources. [2]

The death announcement indicates that Katherine Krause died at her home on 26 Elm Street, Gloversville, New York in the afternoon on January, 27, 1898. She was born in Baden, Germany, reportedly on April 12, 1930. Katharine came to the United States in May 1848. She married Henry E (Edward) Krause on June 27, 1850 in New York City. Henry and Katharine moved to Gloversville in 1854. They reportedly lived at 26 Elm Street since 1864. She was survived by her four children Oscar W. Krause, Charles H. Krause, Lucius J. Krause and Louis A. Krause.

Katherine (Sperber) Krause Death Announcement

This newspaper article provided a good start on piecing Katharine’s story together. Coupled with other information related to her brother, sisters and parents who also immigrated from Baden, Germany, a big question that surfaces is why a young lady at the age of 19 or 20 would leave her family for the United States. Subsequent questions are how and why did the remaining Fleigel family members follow Katharine to Gloversville.

Germans Immigrating to the United States between 1845 and 1855

The end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 took a toll on Germany’s economy. [3] The two decades after the wars produced a combination of war debt, it created social structural and economic turbulence from the imperial occupation of the French, a drain on natural resources, trade crises and agriculture disaster. All of these factors led thousands of individuals from Baden and Württemberg to emigrate to America in the 1840s and 1850s. [4]

“After the end of the Napoleonic wars there was a burst of emigration, as the combination of trade crisis and agricultural disaster sent thousands from Baden and Württemberg onto the roads. While many returned home, about twenty thousand went on to the United States and another fifteen thousand went to Russia. It was noted at the time that artisans (who did not grow their own food) were especially vulnerable to famine and were therefore disproportionately numerous among the emigrants.” [5]

“Germany was in transition during the decade of the 1840s and subject to conflicting forces. The founding of the German Customs Union, which joined Prussia with the larger south German states in a “common market” and the beginning of railway construction in Prussia, Baden, Bavaria, Brunswick, and Saxony, created the essential conditions for economic unification and modern economic growth.

“Industrialization and railroads led to Germany’s first industrial boom, which ended with an agricultural depression … .” [6]

During the 1840s and 1850s, there was a collective feeling of hopelessness in Baden and Württemberg given economic hardships, political upheaval, and natural disasters. A shortage of the potato crop developed in 1842 and grain prices rose as a consequence. Grain prices increased by 250 to 300 percent in two years and potato prices rose 425 percent from 1845-47 [7] Severe weather conditions also contributed to bad harvests, causing food prices to surge. [8] The bankruptcy rate among craftsmen rose from one in 250 in the 1840s to tripling the rate to one in seventy-six in the 1850s. [9]

The scarcity of land in Germany during this time led many farmers to sell their land and immigrate to the United States. Small farmers encountered difficulty providing viable sizes of farmland to transfer to their sons. The Germanic rule of impartible inheritance was modified to include the division of land among all heirs in the Southwestern German states, the Hesse, and the Rhineland. [10]

Map of the Grand Duchy of Baden 1848 (indicating location of Ittlingen)

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Source: Störfix, Map of the Grand Duchy of Baden (Germany), from 1819 to 1918, 3 Mar 2006, Wikimedia Commons,

Revolutions of 1848

Coupled with the economic and agricultural conditions, public unrest began to grow in the face of heavy taxation, political censorship and the growing dissatisfaction among citizens with the monarchies that ran their countries. Activism for liberal reforms spread through many of the German states, which had distinct revolutions. Sympathetic revolutions spread from France across Europe and soon reached Austria and Germany that began with the large demonstrations on March 13, 1848, in Vienna. [11]

The combination of the above mentioned vestiges of the Napoleonic war, trade crises, agriculture disasters, and political unrest led thousands of individuals from Baden and Württemberg to emigrate to the United States.

“1848 is historically famous for the wave of revolutions, a series of widespread struggles for more liberal governments, which broke out from Brazil to Hungary; although most failed in their immediate aims, they significantly altered the political and philosophical landscape and had major ramifications throughout the rest of the century.” [12]

On March 15, 1848, the subjects of Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia vented their political opinions through violent rioting in Berlin. The demands Germany made were for an elected representative government and for unification of all the various political entities in the German region. To preserve their status, the princes and rulers, including Wilhelm, conceded in the demand for reform.

The unrest began to reach Baden, the Speber and Fleigels’ homeland, in the ensuing month. The government began to increase its army and sought assistance from neighboring states. To suppress the revolts, they arrested Joseph Fickler, the leader of the Baden democrats. The arrests resulted in outrage and protests. A full-scale revolt broke out on April 12, 1848. The revolution in Baden was suppressed mainly by Prussian troops. [13]

“During the Revolutions of 1848 in the German states, Baden was a center of revolutionist activities. In 1849, in the course of the Baden Revolution, it was the only German state that became a republic for a short while, under the leadership of Lorenzo Brentano.” [14]

The uprisings in Baden and the Rhenish Palatinate (Pfalz) were in essence part of the same phenomenon, given the nationalist sentiments of the participants, and occurring in adjacent territories along the Rhine.

While the revolt was temporarily suppressed, a resurgence appeared the next year. During the Palatine Uprising in May 1849, provisional governments were declared in both the Palatinate and Baden. While the government was supported by its citizens, the Palatinate army received no aid. The new Palatinate government had no organized state or funding.

The revolution collapsed because of the divisions between the various factions in Frankfurt, the caution for aggressive action of the liberals, the failure of the left to gather popular support, and the superiority of the monarchist forces. When order was restored, the king of Prussia, having refused the title of emperor offered to him by the Frankfurt Assembly, aimed to achieve German unity by the union between the various German princes.

Individuals and families from all over the Germanic region left their homelands. The Rhineland represented the main highway out of Germany to the New World.

“The net loss through emigration was especially large between 1847 and 1855, when crop failure and famine impaired living conditions among a population still mainly agricultural.  Political discontent and ferment also quickened the migratory impulse. in the three years, 1853-55, almost half a million people…left Germany annually.

In Baden, (an area where the Sperber and Fliegel families lived) despite a large excess of births between 1847 and 1855, emigration caused a continuous decline in population. … . “ [15]

Nearly one million German immigrants entered the United States in the 1850s. This included thousands of refugees from the 1848 revolutions in Europe and the Sperber and Fliegel families.

For the typical working people in Germany, who were forced to endure land seizures, unemployment, increased competition from British goods, and the repercussions of the failed German Revolution of 1848, the economic and political prospects in the United States seemed bright. It also soon became easier to leave Germany, as restrictions on emigration were eased. As steamships replaced sailing ships, the transatlantic journey became more accessible and more tolerable.” [16]

The Initial Journey on Rail and Wagons to Embark on Packet Ships

Most of the immigrants crossed the Atlantic in the steerage area of transatlantic vessels known as packet ships. Conditions varied from ship to ship, but steerage was normally crowded, dark, and damp. [17] While. the trip for immigrants was much shorter than those experienced in the 1700’s, the Atlantic crossing was still fraught with dangers ranging from shipwreck, overcrowded quarters, meager food rations, theft, disease and death.

Packet Ships were sturdy vessels designed to sail the rough north Atlantic at the cost of speed. They measured about 200 feet long with three masts and a blunt, broad and flat bow. They could travel about 200 miles per day if the conditions were right. Their trans-Atlantic voyages averaged 23 days to go east, and 40 days to go west.”  [18]

Getting and navigating to European ports was a challenge for most emigrants, many of whom had never ventured very far from their home village. Advertisements in German newspapers frequently gave information about where where to stay in ports, when the cost of staying in the ports was included in the passage price, and how to survive cheaply before setting sail. 

“For an adult traveling in steerage on a sailing ship, the average fare was 33 to 35 (Prussian) Thalers, about 23 dollars.  These fares explain why most of the Germans who emigrated were positively self selected, that is, they were not poor farm laborers or servants but were somewhat better off.  Around 1850, even a master farm laborer in the Rhine area earned only about 60 Thalers per year in cash in addition lo various in-kind goods, worth probably at least another 20 Thaler.” [19]

The most common destination for German emigrants was New York City. Getting to New York City was expensive for many Germans.  Moving to the United States was not a cheap endeavor for Germans during the middle of the nineteenth century. The fares were generally higher from Le Havre, Antwerp, and Rotterdam than from Hamburg or Bremen. The reason is that the listings for the fares from these cities included the cost of getting from a city in the interior of Germany to the port city. For example a listing might be “Koeln – Havre – New York”. [20]

“German emigrants left from different regions of Germany and favored different ports of embarkation. The Dutch ports, important in the eighteenth century, declined in the nineteenth because of high fares and the difficulty of finding return freights. Bremen was accessible to migrants from the northwest via the Weser (River). Hamburg was favorably situated with respect to Prussian provinces east of the Elbe (River), and Le Havre was more accessible to the southwest German regions.” [21]

Catherine Fliegel probably traveled from her home of Ittlingen, Baden to the port of Le Havre, France. “From the crossing of the Rhine until the waters of The Atlantic were sighted required a journey of several weeks.” [21a] There is documentation to suggest that her future husband Henry Krause traveled from Hamburg.

Both probably benefitted from the use of the emerging railways in the three dozen German states. Political disunity among the Germanic states made it difficult to build railways in the 1830s. However, by the 1840s, trunk lines linked the major cities. Each German state was responsible for the lines within its own borders. By the year 1845, there were already more than 2,000 km or about 1,245 miles of railway line across German states. [22]

The European Railway Network in 1848 [23]

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The development of rail lines in German states in the 1840s facilitated the transportation capabilities for German travel to the ports of Bremen, Hamburg, Antwerp and Amsterdam. To a limited extent, it also provided rail travel for Germans in the southwest to get to Strasbourg, France. The rail lines, however, were not continuous to each of these ports and to other cities within the German states. A close look at the above map will confirm that oftentimes immigrants would need to take wagons to catch another train line.

“Le Havre in the 1840s imported cotton from the American south and sent “passagers d’entrepot” back to the United States. In the early 1840s and 1850s it was the main port for migrants from Baden, Bavaria, and Wurttemberg as well as from Switzerland and Alsace, as it was closer to these regions than German, Belgian, or Dutch ports.”

Le Havre was the major port for the day-laborers, farmers, merchants, and also iron and textile workers from Mulhouse and Guebwiller. In the 1840s and early 1850s more Germans left for the United States from Le Havre, Rotterdam, Antwerp, London, and Liverpool than from Bremen or Hamburg. ” [23a]

While Le Havre was the most direct access port for Catherine Fliegel in the late 1840’s, the railroad infrastructure in France at the time substantially lagged behind the railway development in the Dutchy of Baden. Consequently, her rail journey was punctuated with travel by wagon or ferry.

“Like most emigrants from their region, they would have started their travel from the German-French border with other families in long caravans of covered wagons. These wagons would probably have been arched with sailcloth and inside would be the women, children, and baggage while the men and older boys would lead the horses by walking outside the wagons. At night they would have probably camped and sparingly consumed the supply of food they brought to support them across the Atlantic. Most would travel by road directly to LeHavre and others may stop in communities along the way where they would rest up in preparation for the long traumatic experience that lay ahead. Once at LeHavre, the reality of what was happening became more certain. Some families may have sold their wagons along the way to obtain extra money for travel expenses and possibly a little start in their new life.”  [23b]

The most direct route for Catherine to reach the Port of Le Havre was to:

  • Take a wagon or carriage from Itlingen to Heidelberg
  • Take the train from Heidelberg south to the rail branch to Kehl which is across the Rhine River from Strausbourg, France.
  • A rail bridge between Kehl and Strasbourg was not built until May 1861. She would need to take a ferry and/ or carriage ride to the Strasbourg. [23c]
  • From Strasbourg to Paris, Catherine probably required the services of a wagon, perhaps riding with another German family for approximately 310 miles to Paris. [23d]
  • Catherine either continued her journey by wagon to Le Havre or used the railway to Rouen and then to Le Havre.

“Freight Wagons returning from Basel and Strasbourg to Le Havre carried passengers will to travel the slow way, while persons with more means forwarded their heavy household belongings by the freighters, and themselves used the more rapid stage lines.” [23e]

“At Paris a wait of ten days or so occurred. … In continuing the journey, the majority embarked upon the steamboats on he Seine, or traveled as deck passengers upon the barges that these steamboats towed to the port. Three times a day stages set out for Le Havre, but such conveyance was usually too expensive. … To be sure, some caravans avoided Paris entirely, traveling by road directly to Le Havre.” [23f]

French Railways 1842 – 1860

Seven years later her family probably took the same route but benefitted from the completion of the rail route between Paris and Strasbourg.

I increased the size of portions of the above map to indicate possible rail routes that Catherine and Henry used to get from their home towns to their respective ports of departure (La Havre and Hamburg)

Rail and Road Routes from Heidelberg to La Havre – Probable Routes of Catherine

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Henry Krause may have taken wagon transport either from the Burgwitz to Zwickau (about 55 kilometers) or a 64 kilometer wagon ride from Burgwitz to Chenwitz (to start his train journey to Hamburg. From Zwickau, he had two possible routes. One route went north to Leipzig and continued north to Magdeburg then on to Hanover and Hamburg. The other route continued either from Leipzig and traveled east to Oschatz or started from Chenwitz directly to Oschatz and then to Berlin and Hamburg.

Probable Rail Routes of Henry Krause to Hamburg

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The German migration to America has often been characterized as a family migration pattern, one in which entire families moved together to the the United States, including older parents traveling along with several grown or nearly grown children. [24] This is an accurate depiction of the remaining Fliegel family who came to the United States in 1855 (more on that in a later story). 

However, the demography of the New York immigrants in the late 1840’s and early 1850’s provides a very different picture. In 1850, 66 percent of the German immigrants were in their twenties and thirties, as reflected in the distribution chart below. In addition, the ratio was 61:39 (male:female) in 1850, indicating a heavy predominance of single males. [25]

Both Henry and Catherine were single and were in their early 20’s when they can to the United States.

Source: Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, Figure 3, page 27 (Highlighted area is mine) | Click for Larger View

Catherine Fliegel Arriving in New York City

There were strong push factors for Johan Wolfgang Sperber and the Fliegel family to immigrate from Baden to the United States. Catherine Fliegel, born April 12, 1829 [26], a future sister-in-law to John Wolfgang Sperber, left just prior to the eruption of the 1848 revolution in her homeland of Baden.

We do not know why, as a young lady at the age of 19 or 20, she traveled alone and would leave her family and homeland for America. However, she was not the exception. Both the life experiences of Catherine and her future husband Henry were examples of larger demographic migratory trends of young Germans migrating in the 1840s and 1850s.

“(D)ifferent streams of migration followed channels established by early immigrants as they flowed into the labor pools of America. Social networks of information, contacts, and kinship guided each migrant’s choice of a place to settle. People tended to settle in groups: national, regional, and local. On these bases, they chose one city over another, one neighborhood over another, one block or street or house over another…. .

“Within the constraints established by the labor market, immigrants frequently chose to live among kin, fellow townsmen, fellow provincials, or fellow nationals whenever possible. This preference, in turn, influenced the nature and structure of the settlements of German immigrants in the United States.” [27]

Based on information in her obituary, Catherine Fliegel purportedly arrived in New York City in May 1848. A review of various ship manifest sources however have no lead me to solid leads on which ship she sailed on to the United States. It is highly probably she sailed on a packet ship from Le Havre. [27a]

It is not known what Catherine did while she lived in New York City or where she lived in New York City for seven years. She is not found in the 1850 U.S. Federal Census in New York City.

Within two years of her arrival, she married Henry Edward Krause who was from the Kingdom of Saxony. They purportedly married on June 27, 1850, in New York City. It is likely but not certain that they were married in one of the German Lutheran churches in Little Germany. [28]

Henry Edward Krause Immigrating from the Kingdom of Saxony

Henry Edward Krause was born in July 7, 1827 in Burgwitz, Sachsen or Saxony. Not much is known about Henry’s parents or ancestors. [29] Similar to many of the kingdoms and principalities of Germany, Saxony has a rich history of changes in its boundaries and rulers. Saxony has a long history as a duchy, an electorate of the Holy Roman Empire, and finally as a kingdom. Henry’s home town of Burgwitz is about 70 kilometers west of Chemnitz, Saxony.

Burgwitz in Context of the Kingdom of Saxony

Napoleon conquered Saxony in 1806 and made it a kingdom. It was one of his most loyal allies. After Napoleon’s overthrow, its territory was greatly reduced by the Congress of Vienna (1814–15). Prussia acquired Wittenberg, Torgau, northern Thuringia, and most of Lusatia, which became the Prussian province of Saxony; the truncated kingdom of Saxony became a member of the German Confederation, Der Deutsche Bund. [30]

Kingdom of Saxony – Part of the German Confederation 1815 – 1866 [31]

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In the 1830s to 1840s, Saxony was one of the centers of non-guild artisan production, particularly in textiles. They initially lost ground in world markets during the disorders of the Napoleonic period. When peace returned, they attempted to continue to compete on the basis of hand production.[32]

Several factors led to the decline of linen and in general textile manufacturing in Saxony and their close neighbors to the east: Silesia. The demand for textile products dropped as it faced increased competition from the development of linen industries in Ireland and Scotland. English cotton also became a popular and cheap alternative to linen products. German producers found it increasingly difficult to compete with the mechanized factory production systems in the British textile industry. The innovations associated with the textile work processes, such as the power loom and moving the work process to centralized factories were still rare in German areas.

The persistence of ”feudal’ social and economic arrangements prevented the development of more efficient systems of production. Domestic weavers, who bought the raw materials from merchants and sold back the finished product back to merchants, generally worked in their homes or in small workshops. The export of German textiles declined rapidly in the 1830s and 1840s, and the economy of the region stagnated.

This competition with the newly mechanized British textile industry led to a steady degradation of the German artisans’ standard of living. As the merchants had a monopoly on access to the markets for the weavers’ work, the weavers had no choice but to accept the prices that they were offered. The weavers also had the additional economic pressure of feudal obligations, being still forced to pay seignorial dues in many places. Some weavers were forced into debt, having to borrow money in order to buy the raw materials with which they worked. These economic conditions led to periodic local uprisings.

German emigrants headed for New York board a steamer in Hamburg

Click for Larger View | Source: Collection of the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository,

Coupled with the stagnation of the textile economy in Saxony, similar to the Baden area where Catherine was from, small farmers were also experiencing the brunt of economic impacts. In addition, a severe famine occurred. in 1847. During the 1848–49, constitutionalist revolutions in Germany, Saxony became a hotbed of revolutionaries, in 1849. [33]

For those with resources, immigration to America was a popular option during this period. Henry Edward Krause’s actions to immigrate to the United States in 1848 were undoubtedly influenced by all of these ‘push’ factors.

Ship manifest records suggest that Henry Krause, “H.E. Krause”, arrived in New York City on May 31, 1848 from Hamburg, Germany on the Ship Emma Heyn. [34]

Passenger and Crew List of Ship Emma Heyn, Page One

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Passenger and Crew List of Ship Emma Heyn, Page 7 Line 9: “H.E. Krause age 21”

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Kleindeutschland (Little Germany) in New York City

Depending on what shipping line Catherine and Henry used to come to the United States, they would have walked off their ship onto one of the piers on lower Manhattan on the East River. Catherine’s family, who arrived seven years later, arrived on the Havre Union Line on pier 14.

Pier 14 Port of New York, New York City 1851

Source: From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Map of the Port of New York on the south tip of Manhattan Island in 1851. Heavy broken line marks the waterfront below City Hall park in 1784. Area filled in prior to 1820.  The original source is unknown. The old illustration was found in Carl C. Cutler, Queens of the Western Ocean, Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1961

Catherine and Henry spent seven years in New York City after their arrival to the United States.

Many of the German immigrants who came during this time period, notably those who landed in New York City, settled down to live their lives on the Lower East Side of New York City. Other German immigrants used this geographical ethnic enclave as a launching to find a spouse, establish networks and gain information and resources to make plans to travel further west into the United States.

Kleindeutschland was only a short distance from the piers where the packet ships arrived from the European ports. In the mid 1800’s, this area of New York City could more appropriately have been called the “Upper East Side,” since it was the northern edge of the developed area of eastern Manhattan Island. 

Beginning in the 1840s, large numbers of German immigrants entering the United States provided a constant population influx for “Little Germany”. For many Germans, perhaps true for Catherine Fliegel, it must have been an eye opener to arrive in the United States and to see and experience a small urban area so densely packed with German people, Germanic culture and neighborhood communities similar to “home”.

The following presentation by Richard Haberstroh provides a detailed history of the development of the Kleindeutchland in New York City within the larger context of nineteenth century immigration. Various aspects of the social and day-to-day life in the German community are also provided.

In 1845, Little Germany was already the largest German-American neighborhood in New York. By 1855, its German population had more than quadrupled, displacing the American-born workers who had first moved into the neighborhood’s new housing. By 1855 New York had the third largest German population of any city in the world, out ranked only by Berlin and Vienna. [35]

“The entire area reaching roughly from Division Street in the south to 14th Street in the north, and from the Bowery in the west to Avenue D in the east became a thriving center of German-American life and culture in the mid- to late 19th century – not only for New York City, but also for the country.” [36]

Orange Sections Represent New York Wards Where German Immigrants Lived [37]

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The Kleindeutschland encompassed the 10th, 11th, 13th and 17th Wards of New York City – an area between 14th and Division Streets, the East River and the Bowery. Today this area includes the East Village, Alphabet City, and parts of Chinatown, the Bowery, Little Italy, and NoLita. [38]

The Germans who lived in this part of New York City maintained their language and culture. The “Germans” who came to America in the 1800s tended to form communities within their own regional groups. Badens, Bavarians and Prussians were prominent among the German speaking groups who settled in New York City. [39]

Germans tended to cluster in city wards based on their origin in Germany, more than other immigrants, such as the Irish, during this time period. Those from particular German states preferred to live together. This choice of living in wards with those from the same Germanic region was perhaps the most distinct feature of Kleindeutschland. [40]

The immigrants from Baden and Württemberg seem to have been fairly evenly spread throughout the four wards in the earlier years, with no major concentrations. [41]

The Prussians, for example, were most heavily concentrated in the city’s Tenth Ward. Germans from Hessen-Nassau area were predominantly found in the Thirteenth Ward in the 1860s. The Bavarians (including Palatines from the Palatinate region of western Germany on the Rhine River), were the largest group of German immigrants in the city by 1860 and were distributed evenly in each German wards except for the Tenth Ward.

Aside from the small group of Hanoverians, who had a strong sense of self-segregation forming their own “Little Hanover” in the Thirteenth Ward, the Bavarians displayed the strongest regional bias mainly toward the Prussians. At all times during this period, the Bavarians would be found wherever the Prussians were fewest [42]

“The German-Americans of New York City were broadly representative of the German immigration as a whole, or at least its urban component. The early settlers were from the west and south, Rhineland Germany, and even as late as 1863 it was possible to report that north-Germans are less frequently encountered than south-Germans. The leading contingents are from the Hesses, Baden, Württemberg and Rhenish Bavaria. One hears all dialects, but Berliner, Saxon and Westphalian are rare while Swabian and Upper-Rhenish modes of speech predominate.” [43]

Maps of the City of New York 1857

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Moving to the Johnstown – Gloversville Area

In 1854, the couple moved to Gloversville, New York. Perhaps her positive experiences in the new land were conveyed in letters to her family in Baden, similar to what many other German immigrants did after migrating to the United States. [44] Seven years later, in 1855, the rest of her family made the decision to follow.

From (1830) … until World War I, almost 90 percent of all German emigrants chose the United States as their destination. Once established in their new home, these settlers wrote to family and friends in Europe describing the opportunities available in the U.S. These letters were circulated in German newspapers and books, prompting “chain migrations.” By 1832, more than 10,000 immigrants arrived in the U.S. from Germany. By 1854, that number had jumped to nearly 200,000 immigrants.” [45]

After the Civil War, the glove industry boomed in the Johnstown and Gloversville, New York area, causing large numbers of immigrants from many of Europe’s glove making centers to make their new homes there.

Henry and Catherine (Fliegel) Krause came to the Johnstown area, as indicated, prior to the rest of the Fliegel family. Their first child Elizabeth was born in 1851 while they lived in Little Germany in New York City. They then moved to Johnstown in 1855. Their second child Oscar was born in 1858 and their third child Charles was born in 1862. Their presence is not documented in the 1860 United States Federal Census. They are listed in the 1865 New York State census. [46]

In the New York state census for 1865, the Krause family had one teenaged daughter and two young sons. Lillie was 14 years old, Oscar was 7 years old and Charles H. was 3 years old. In 1870, Henry was reported as 38 years old, his occupation is listed as “Manufacturer” and Catherine was 35 years old

Krause Household, 1865 N.Y. State Census – Johnstown, N.Y.

In July 1870 Federal Census, the Krause family is living in Johnstown, New York. Henry Krause (age listed as 43) and indicated his occupation as a glover cutter. Catherine (age 41) is keeping house. Lillie (Elizabeth) is 18, working as a glover maker and living with her parents. Oscar (age 11) and Charles (age 7) are in school. The parents are found on the bottom of one census page and the children are listed on the following census page. [47]

Krause Household, 1870 Federal Census – Johnstown, N.Y.

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Based on the index of deeds for Fulton County, in 1874 the Krause family purchased a house in Gloversville, New York. [48] Since the source of the transaction is only an index, it is not known exactly where the house was located. However, if we rely on the obituary of Catherine (Katherine) Fliegel Krause, we can plausibly assume the property was located at 26 Elm Street, Gloversville.

By 1875, Henry and Catherine added twins, Louis and Lucius, to the family. The twins were born in 1872. Their oldest and only daughter, Elizabeth, is no longer living with the family. Henry is reported to be 47 years old and his occupation is listed as a “Glove Manufacturer”. Catherine is reported to be 46 years old. [49]

Krause Household , 1875 New York State Census

Click for Larger View

On July 2, 1885 Henry transferred title of his home to his son Charles H Krause. [50] Three years later, in 1888, Charles sold a property to a non-family member. [51]

Catherine Fliegel Krause died at her home, located at 26 Elm Street, at 1:10 p.m. on January 27 1898. She was reported to be 68 years old. Henry Krause, passed away six months after his wife’s passing.

Obituary of Henry Krause

Source: The Johnstown Daily Republican, 25 July 1898 | Click for Larger View

Both obituaries fail to mention Henry and Catherine’s first child, Elizabeth. In fact, she ‘disappears’ from my research efforts after living with her family when she was eighteen in 1870. I am assuming she married sometime after 1870 and 1875 unless she met an untimely death .

Three of the four remaining children continued to live in the Gloversville area. Lucius, one of the twins, ended up living in New York City as a chiropodist. [52]

As reflected below,, Oscar and Charles, each had two children.

Three Generations of the Krause Family

Click for Larger View

Of the four grandchildren of Henry and Catherine, only Oscar’s children had children. Since many of the Henry and Catherines’ great-great grandchildren are living, they are are not listed in the following family tree.

Descendants of Oscar Walter Krause


Feature Photograph: Inside a Packet Ship, 1854, From Die Gartenlaube Leipzig Fruft Neil Courtesy of the Mariners’ Museum, Wkimedia Commons,,_1854.jpg

[1] Six generations of the Fliegel family have lived in the United States since their head of the family immigrated in the mid 1800s. See the following PDF file of the Fliegel family tree. The PDF format allows the viewers to zoom in and out to view the family tree. For reasons of privacy I have not included the current relatives living the the United States. Fliegel Family Tree. The rendering of the family tree is based on the intellectual property rights of See Fliegel family tree

[2] The Daily Leader, Gloversville, 27 January 1898, Page 8. The death announcement in the newspaper provides a wealth of information regarding Katherine Fliegel’s dates surrounding her birth, immigration to the United States, and marriage to Henry Krause.

The dates for some of these events and her family are not entirely accurate nor are they corroborated by other sources.

The obituary indicates that she passed away the preceding day of the news story and she was 64 years old. This would imply she was born in 1834. Her birth has been listed as April 12, 1829 in other historical sources and in others as 1830. Nevertheless, it is currently the only piece of evidence that provides detailed dates regarding her immigration to America, her marriage, the birth of he first child and movement to the Gloversville area..

The following sources suggest that Caroline Fliegel was born in 1829:

  • 1865 New York State Census, Fulton County, Gloversville Village, Johnstown, Line 20, Page 617
  • 1870 U.S. Census, New York, Fulton County, Johnstown, Line 40, Page 156
  • Cather / Katherine Krause / Fleigel, Find My Grave, memorial id: 183586202, birth: 12 Apr 1829, Baden, Landkreis Verden, Lower Saxony, Germany, DEATH27 Jan 1898 (aged 68), Gloversville, Fulton County, New York, USA BURIAL, Prospect Hill Cemetery Gloversville, Fulton County, New York, USA PLOT Sec 7 H.E. Krause Lot View Source
  • Baden, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1502-1985, online records.

In addition, the obituary indicates that she and Henry lived at Elm Street, Gloversville since 1864. Index of Deeds records for Fulton county indicate Henry Krause was the Grantee of property in Fulton County in 1874. The 1864 New York census indicates that the Krause family lived in Johnstown.

The obituary also indicates thatShe was survived by her four children Oscar W. Krause, Charles H. Krause, Lucius J. Krause and Louis A. Krause.There is no mention of her first child Elizabeth.

[3] Aaslestad, Katherine, and Karen Hagemann. “1806 and Its Aftermath: Revisiting the Period of the Napoleonic Wars in German Central European Historiography,” Central European History (Cambridge University Press / UK) 39, no. 4: 547-579

Walter F. Wilcox, ed, International Migrations, Volume II: Interpretations,  National Bureau of Economic Research NABER, January 1931, Chapter 12: Dr. F. Burgdörfer, Migration Across the Frontiers of Germany, p. 316-317

The Germans in America, European Reading Room, The Library of Congress, April 23, 2014,

Irish and German Immigration, us ,

German Americans, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 4 September 2023

Bruce Levine, The Spirit of 1848: German Immigrants, Labor Conflict, and the Coming of the Civil War. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992

Richard O’Connor,  German-Americans: an Informal History. (1968), popular history

Krawatzek, Félix & Sasse, Gwendolyn. (2018). Integration and Identities: The Effects of Time, Migrant Networks, and Political Crises on Germans in the United States. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 60. 1029-1065. 10.1017/S0010417518000373.

Walter D. Kamphoefner, Germans in America: A Concise History. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2021

Walter D. Kamphoefner, “Immigrant Epistolary and Epistemology: On the Motivators and Mentality of Nineteenth-Century German Immigrants.” Journal of American Ethnic History, vol. 28, no. 3, 2009, pp. 34–54. JSTOR,

Walter D. Kamphoefner and Wolfgang Helbich, eds. German-American Immigration and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective. Madison, Wisconsin: Max Kade Institute, University of Wisconsin–Madison 2004.

Walter Kamphoefner, The German Component to American Industrialization (1840 – 1893), Immigrant entrepreneurship,

Richard J. Bazillion, Social Conflict and PoliticalProtest in Industrializing Saxony, 1840 – 1860, Social History, Vol XVII Number 33 (May 1984: 79-92, 

Amanda A. Tagore, Irish and German Immigrants of the Nineteenth Century: Hardships, Improvements, and Success, Honors College, Pace University, Paper 136,

Bade, Klaus J. “From emigration to immigration: The German experience in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.” Central European History 28.4 (1995): 507–535.

Bade, Klaus J. “German emigration to the United States and continental immigration to Germany in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.” Central European History 13.4 (1980): 348–377

U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, History of German-American Relations > 1683 – 1900 – History and Immigration, June 2008,

Adams, Willi Paul. The German-Americans: An Ethnic Experience (1993) Web Archived

Aaron O’Neil, Number of migrants from Germany* documented in United States between 1820 and 1957, Statistics, June 21, 2022,

Some of the Key Reasons Why, Centuries Ago, Germans Immigrated to America, April 26, 2017,, PDF version

[4] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990, page 16.

Irish and German Immigration, U.S. History ,

Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History: The Call of Tolerance, Library of Congress,

Amanda A. Tagore, Irish and German Immigrants of the Nineteenth Century: Hardships, Improvements, and Success, Pace University: Pforzheimer Honors College, May 2014,

United States. Department of Homeland Security. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2008. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics, 2009, Table 2,

See also: German Americans, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 21 June 2023,

Walter F. Wilcox, ed, International Migrations, Volume II: Interpretations,  National Bureau of Economic Research NABER, January 1931, Chapter 12: Dr. F. Burgdörfer, Migration Across the Frontiers of Germany, p. 313-389

[5] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990, Page 16

Walker, Mack. Germany and the Emigration, 1816-1885. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1964. Pages 4-10, 26, 31

[6] Ira A. Glazier Editor, Germans to America Series II: List of Passengers Arriving  Volume 6 April 1848-  – October 1848, Wilmington: SR Scholarly Resources, Inc 2003, pages x- xi

[7] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990, page 17, 26

Richard J. Bazillion, Social Conflict and Political Protest in Industrializing Saxony, 1840 – 1860, Social History, Vol XVII Number 33 (May 1984: 79-92, 

See also:

History of German-American Relations > 1683-1900 – History and Immigration, U.S. Diplomatic Mission to German, This page was updated June 2008,

Irish and German Immigration, U.S. History , Walter F. Wilcox, ed, International Migrations, Volume II: Interpretations,  National Bureau of Economic Research NABER, January 1931, Chapter 12: Dr. F. Burgdörfer, Migration Across the Frontiers of Germany, p. 313-389

Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History: The Call of Tolerance, Library of Congress,

Amanda A. Tagore, Irish and German Immigrants of the Nineteenth Century: Hardships, Improvements, and Success, Honors College, Pace University, Paper 136,

European Emigration to the U.S. 1861 – 1870, Destination America, PBS, Sep 2005,

[8] Rüdiger Glaser, Iso Himmelsbach, Annette Bösmeier. Climate of migration? How climate triggered migration from southwest Germany to North America during the 19th century. Climate of the Past, 2017; 13 (11): 1573 DOI: 10.5194/cp-13-1573-2017

[9] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, (Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990), Page 18

[10] Simone A Wegge, To Part or Not to Part: Emigration and Inheritance Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Hesse–Cassel, Explorations in Economic History, Volume 36, Issue 1, 1999, Pages 30-55, Accessed 7 Sept. 2023

Hurwich, Judith J. “Inheritance Practices in Early Modern Germany.” The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, vol. 23, no. 4, 1993, pp. 699–718. JSTOR, Accessed 7 Sept. 2023.

Simone A. Wegge, Inheritance Institutions and Landholding Inequality in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Evidence from Hesse-Cassel Villages and Towns. The Journal of Economic History, 81(3), 909-942. 2021, DOI:

Charlotte Bartels, Simon Jäger, Natalie Obergruber, Long Term Effects of Equal Sharing: Evidence from Inheritance Rules for Land, Working Paper 28230, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge: Dec 2020,

[11] 1848, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 5 September 2023,

Baden Revolution, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 9 June 2023,

Lee, Loyd E. “Baden between Revolutions: State-Building and Citizenship, 1800-1848.” Central European History, vol. 24, no. 3, 1991, pp. 248–67. JSTOR, 

Lloyd E. Lee, Baden, Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions, Ohio University, 1997 2005

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Revolutions of 1848”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 8 May. 2023,

[12] 1848, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 5 September 2023,

[13] Baden Revolution, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 9 June 2023,

Lee, Loyd E. “Baden between Revolutions: State-Building and Citizenship, 1800-1848.” Central European History, vol. 24, no. 3, 1991, pp. 248–67. JSTOR, 

Lloyd E. Lee, Baden, Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions, Ohio University, 1997 2005

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Revolutions of 1848”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 8 May. 2023,

[14] Grand Duchy of Baden, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 5 September 2023,

[15] Walter F. Wilcox, ed, International Migrations, Volume II: Interpretations,  National Bureau of Economic Research NABER, January 1931, Chapter 12: Dr. F. Burgdörfer, Migration Across the Frontiers of Germany, p. 316-317

[16] Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History: A New Surge of Growth, Library of Congress,

[17] Aboard a Packet, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian,

Kathi Gosz, A Look at Le Havre, a Less-Known Port for German Emigrants, 9 Oct 2011, ‘Village Life in Kreis Saarburg Germany’, Blog,

[18] Quote from: Genealogy Packet Boats, ships were backbone of U.S. Water travel, Tribune-Star, April 24, 2014,

See also: Packet boat, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 8 March 2023,

[19] Cohn, Raymond L., and Simone A. Wegge. “Overseas Passenger Fares and Emigration from Germany in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.” Social Science History 41, no. 3 (2017): 393–413.

[20] Ibid

[21] Ira Glazier, ed., Germans to America Series II: Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. Ports in the 1840s, Wilmington, Delaware: Scholarly Resources, 2003, Page xiii

[21a] Marcus Lee Hansen, The Atlantic Migration 1607 – 1860. Cambridge, Massachusettes: Harvard University Press, 1941, Page 187

[22] History of Rail Transport in Germany, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 11 September 2023,

J.H. Clapham, The economic development of France and Germany, 1815-1914, Cambridge: University Press, 1921. Pages 140- 157,

Patrick O’Brien, Transport and Economic Development in Europe, 1789–1914. In: O’Brien, P. (eds) Railways and the Economic Development of Western Europe, 1830–1914. St Antony’s/Macmillan Series. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1983

Patrick O’Brien, Patrick, ed. Railways and the Economic Development of Western Europe 1830–1914 Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 1983

Andreas Kunz, Map 105: Map of Railway Lines 1846-1855, Server for digital historical maps

History of Rail Transport in Germany, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 11 September 2023,

Baden main line, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 26 February 2023,

[23] Source: The Railway Network in Europe in 1849, Karten- und Luftbildstelle der DB Mainz, Unknown author, Bahnkarte von Deutschland und Nachbarländern 1849. Dünne Linien sind Straßen. 1849, Public Domain in United States and Germany, Wikimedia Commons,

[23a] Ira Glazier, Ed., Germans to America Series II: Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. ports in the 1840s, Volume 6 April 1848 – October 1848, Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, Inc 2003, Page xiii

[23b] Marcus Lee Hansen, The Atlantic Migration 1607 – 1860. Cambridge, Massachusettes: Harvard University Press, 1941, Page 186

[23c] The first railway bridge at Kehl across the Rhine was opened in May 1861. 

Rhine Bridge, Kehl, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023,,_Kehl#

[23d] The railway between Paris and Strasbourg was opened in several stages between 1849 and 1852, after Catherine’s journey to the United States.

A canal was also built concurrently and parallel with the railway line and by the same French administration, from 1839 to 1855. The 194 mile long canal was the longest in France when it opened in 1853. The canal connects the river Marne and the Canal entre Champagne et Bourgogne in Vitry-le-François with the port of Strasbourg on the Rhine. The original objective of the canal was to connect Paris and the north of France with Alsace and Lorraine, the Rhine, and Germany.

Paris-Est–Strasbourg-Ville railway, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 14 June 2022,–Strasbourg-Ville_railway.

Marne-Rhine Canal, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023,–Rhine_Canal.

The Canal de la Marne au Rhin

Click for Larger View

Canal De La Marne Au Rhin, French Waterways,

[23e] Marcus Lee Hansen, The Atlantic Migration 1607 – 1860. Cambridge, Massachusettes: Harvard University Press, 1941, Page 186

[23f] Ibid, Page 187

[24] Walker, Germany and the Emigration, pp. 46, 50, 74, 87-89; Mack Walker, Germany and the Emigration, 1816 – 1885, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1964, Pages 46, 50, 74, 87-89

Marcus Lee Hansen, The Atlantic Migration. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1940. Pages 211-218 and 296-297

[25] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, (Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990), Page 24

[26] Baden, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1783-1875: Catherina Flügel / Fluegel; Birth Date: 12 Apr 1829; Taufe (Baptism): 20 Apr 1829; Baptism Place: Ittlingen, Baden (Baden-Württemberg), Deutschland (Germany); Father: Christoph Flügel; Mother: Juliana Flügel; Parish: Ittlingen; City: Ittlingen; Evangelische Kirche Ittlingen (A. Eppingen).

[27] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, (Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990), Page 23

[27a] I reviewed available ship manifest records ships arriving in the New York City port between March 1848 through June 1848. The manifest lists are hand written. Many of the lists are difficult to read and many do not spell out the entire names of passengers. I found one manifest list that lists Catherine Fliegel in legible handwriting on the Ship Hector, arriving in New York City June 12, 1848.

Passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1897 [microform], U.S. Bureau of Customs, National Archives and Records Service, Washington: National archives and Records Service, 1959, 

Reel 0071 – Passenger Kits of Vessels Arriving at New York 1820 – 97 The National  – Mar 1 – May 8, 1848  M237 Roll 71

Reel 0072 – Passenger Kits of Vessels Arriving at New York 1820 – 97 The National  – May 9 – 31, 1848 M237 Roll 72

Reel 0073 – Passenger Kits of Vessels Arriving at New York 1820 – 97 The National Jun 1 – Jul 6, 1848 – M237 Roll 73

Based on the review of the U.S. Bureau of Customs records, I isolated ships with German passengers. The following tables list the ships that were reviewed that had German passengers. Since the journey could take approximately one month, I checked ship manifest lists a month before and after May 1848.

“The average length of a westbound journey was 34 days, but it varied very much from one journey to another. Even though there were slower and faster vessels,162 one and the same ship could make a westbound trip in 41 days and the following one in 22.”

Seija-Riitta Laakso, Across the Oceans, Development of Overseas Business Information Transmission, 1815-1875, Helsinki: Helsinki University Printing House, 2006 Page 50.

Ships Arriving in New York March 1 – May 8, 1848

Arrival DateDeparting PortShip Name
April 5-(?)Scotland
April 20BremenBrig Arion
April 21HavreDucher d’Orleans
April 22AntwerpShakespeare
April 22BremenBark Minna
April 24HarvreSt. Nicholas
April 24HamburgLeibniz
May 2BremenFamal
May 2AntwerpShepard
May 3BremenBrig Lesmovin (?)
May 4HamburgHamburg Bank Washington
May 5BremenBank Caroline
May 5(?)Powhatten
May 5HavreMonitor Livingston
May 6BremenMatador
May 8BremenEmma
May 8AntwerpTennessee

Ships Arriving in New York May 9 – May 31, 1848

Arrival DateDeparting PortShip Name
May 9HavreAugusta
May 9HavreAmazon
May 11BremenBank Boden
May 11BremenVon Humbolt
May 11RotterdamF.G. Wicheleausen
May 12HamburgBrarens (?)
May 12HamburgCaroni (?)
May 15AntwerpEcho
May 15HavreHavre
May 18RotterdamAmicitia
May 18HavreLuchinvas (?)
May 19AntwerpVictoria
May 21BremenVater Gunner
May 21HavreEmma Heyn
May 21BremenAtlantic
May 21(?)Magdamina
May 23BremenLivonig
May 23AntwerpInciatta (?)
May 24HamburgHoward
May 25HavreOnego
May 26BremenWestphalia
May 26BremenLessing
May 26HavreBaltimore
May 27BremenAuckland
May 27BremenPacific
May 27HamburgManon
May 27AntwerpMay Flower
May 27RotterdamHenry
May 27BremenMarianne
May 27 BremenArgonaut
May 28BremenMeta
May 29BremenElise Charlotte
May 29BremenMelanie Elise
May 29HavreCharborne
May 29BremenAtlantic
May 29 HavreAdams
May 29AntwerpLarns
May 29AntwerpAdelaide
May 29BremenBark Orion
May 29BremenBark Francisca
May 29HavreFar West
May 29AntwerpAnna
May 29 AntwerpManchester
May 29HamburgFretag
May 29BremenMeta Denison
May 29HavreEliza Dessuchn (?)
May 30BremenMercury
May 30HamburgPerserverance
May 30HavreBavaria
May 30AntwerpMathilde
May 31BremenMary
May 31HamburgEmma Heyn
May 31BremenAmazon

Ships Arriving in New York June 1 – July 6, 1848

Arrival DateDeparting PortShip Name
June 1HavreTremont
June 1HavreBurgundy
June 2AmsterdamBark Dione
June 3HamburgBark Lessing
June 3BremenBark Regina
June 3BremenBrig Joshua
June 5RotterdamBark Helene Catharine
June 5AntwerpBrig Antwerpia
June 5HavreAlfred
June 5RotterdamOscar
June 10HavreMedemseh
June 12BremenBasserman
June 12RotterdamBark Antoleon
June 12BremenBelinda
June 12 AntwerpBarque Orion
June 12AntwerpShip Luconia
June 12HavreShip Hector
June 12HavreShip Laura
June 12AmsterdamBarque Osprey
June 12 BremenSchooner Heros
June 12BremenShip Rapide

I also reviewed lists of ships and German immigrants found in: Ira Glazier, Ed., Germans to America Series II: Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. ports in the 1840s, Volume 6 April 1848 – October 1848, Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, Inc 2003

[28] Richard Haberstroh, The German Churches of Metropolitan New York : A Research Guide / Richard Haberstroh. New York, N.Y.: New York Genealogical & Biographical Society, 2000. 

[29] In this region, part of Germany which was lost to other countries after World War II, many records, both church/parish registers and civil registration records, were damaged, destroyed, or misplaced. Province of Saxony (Provinz Sachsen), German Empire Civil Registration,

FamilySearch, This page was last edited on 2 August 2023,,_German_Empire_Civil_Registration

[30] Saxony, Britannica Last Updated: Aug 2, 2023 ,

Saxony, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 21 September 2023,

[31] Map source: Das Königreich Sachsen innerhalb des Deutschen Bundes, 11 Nov 2012, Diese Datei ist lizenziert unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz , Königreich Sachsen im Deutscher Bund.png,önigreich_Sachsen_im_Deutscher_Bund.png

The German Confederation was an association of 39 predominantly German-speaking sovereign states in Central Europe. It was created by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 as a replacement of the former Holy Roman Empire, which had been dissolved in 1806. The Confederation had only one organ, the Federal Convention.

German Confederation, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 7 September 2023

James Sheehan, German History, 1770-1866. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1989.

[32] Saxony, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 21 September 2023,

Industrialization in Germany, Wikipedia,This page was last edited on 27 July 2023

[33] Schäfer, Michael. (2015). Global Markets and Regional Industrialization: The Emergence of the Saxon Textile Industry, 1790–1914. In Regions, Industries, and Heritage (pp.116-135)

“Saxony is commonly regarded one of the main industrial regions of 19th-century Germany. Industrialization processes started early and apparently this was closely connected to the region’s ‘proto-industrial’ roots. Saxony had been producing goods for markets outside the region itself ever since silver ore had been discovered in the mountainous woodlands bordering Bohemia. For centuries the Erzgebirge – Ore Mountains – region was virtually scattered with mines, foundries and forges where quite an impressive range of metals and minerals was extracted and proc-essed: silver, copper, tin, iron, zinc, nickel, cobalt, even uranium. Home workers produced cutlery and other household goods, musical instruments or wooden toys. Lace-, ribbon- and border-making had spread throughout the Ore Mountains from the 16th century onwards. Many other textile goods were manufactured in the lower regions north and west of the Erzgebirge proper: in the Vogtland as well as in the Chemnitz area, and further east in Upper Lusatia (Oberlausitz). But ore mining had been declining ever since the heydays of the silver boom in the 1490s to the 1520s and thus played only a minor role in the Industrial Revolution. More important for the industrial transformation of Saxony in the 19th century were certainly the various branches of textile manufacture.”

Weavers’ Revolt .” St. James Encyclopedia of Labor History Worldwide: Major Events in Labor History and Their Impact. . 18 Sep. 2023

Charles Tilly, Louise Tilly, and Richard Tilly. The Rebellious Century, 1830-1930.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975.

Jürgen Kocka, “Problems of Working-Class Formation in Germany: The Early Years, 1800-1875.” In Working-Class Formation: Nineteenth-Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States, edited by Ira Katznelson and Aristide R. Zolberg. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986.

[34] “H.E. Krause” Age 21, departed from Hamburg, Germany and arrived in New York port on 31 May 1848 on the Emma Heyn. The National Archives and Records Administration; Washington, D.C.; Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at and Departing from Ogdensburg, New York, 5/27/1948 – 11/28/1972; Microfilm Serial or NAID: M237, 1820-1897, image 7. Line 9.

Passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1897 [microform], U.S. Bureau of Customs, U.S. national Archives and Records Service, Reel 0072 – Passenger List of Vessels Arriving at New York 1820-97 The National  – May 9 – 31, 1848, Page 830 – 831

[35] James K Pollack and Homer Thomas, Homer (1952). Germany in Power and Eclipse. New York, NY: Dylan Hill, 1952, Page 510

[36] Richard Moses, Development of Kleindeutschland or Little Germany, Lower East Side Preservation Initiative,

[37] Philip Liu, Germans, The People of New York, City College of New York CCNY, This page was last modified 13 May 2009 . Based on work by Qing Qing Wu, Richard Huang and Lindsey Freer,

[38] Germans, The People of New York, City College of New York CCNY, This page was last modified 13 May 2009 by Philip Liu. Based on work by Qing Qing Wu, Richard Huang and Lindsey Freer,

Richard Moses, Development of Kleindeutschland or Little Germany, Lower East Side Preservation Initiative,

Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace (1999). Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. New York: Oxford University Press,  1999 Page 745

Sabrina Axster, Deutschland in the US, Part I: tracking German migration, Dec 21, 2015, updated Aug 16, 2017, New Women New Yorkers, Propelling Immigrant Women to greater Heights, part-i-tracking-german-migration

Sabrina Axster, Deutschland in the US, Part II: Coming to New York, Dec 21, 2015, updated Aug 16, 2017, New Women New Yorkers, Propelling Immigrant Women to greater Heights,

Kleindeutschland and the Lower East Side, Manhattan – Streets,

Little Germany, Manhattan, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 8 August 2023,,_Manhattan

Stanley Nadel, Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990,

Burrows, Edwin G. and Wallace, Mike. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. New York: Oxford University Press., 1999, 

Fans Jacobs, The Short Life of Little Germany, New York’s First Ethnic Enclave, June 22, 2014, ThinkBig,

[39] Stanley Nadel (1990), Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, Pages 29, 37-39

[40] Little Germany, Manhattan, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 8 August 2023,,_Manhattan

[41] Stanley Nadel (1990), Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, Page 38

[42] Little Germany, Manhattan, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 8 August 2023,,_Manhattan

[43] Stanley Nadel (1990), Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, Page 23

[44] Timothy G. Anderson Ohio University, David j Wishart, ed, Germans, Encyclopedia of the Great Plains, Paged accessed 22 Sep 2023,

A research project by Krawatzek and Gwendolyn Sasse developed a computer-aided textual analysis of about 6,000 letters sent between the US and Germany between 1830 and 1970. Their contents allowed the researchers to trace how migrants’ identities and transnational ties changed over the decades.

See: Félix Krawatzek and Gwendolyn Sasse, Writing home: how German immigrants found their place in the US, February 18, 20016, The Conversation,

Félix Krawatzek, Gwendolyn Sasse, The simultaneity of feeling German and being American: Analyzing 150 years of private migrant correspondence, Migration Studies, Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 161–188

Félix Krawatzek and Gwendolyn Sasse, Integration and Identities: The Effects of Time, Migrant Networks, and Political Crises on Germans in the United States. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 60(4), June 2018, 1029-1065. doi:10.1017/S0010417518000373

Félix Krawatzek and Gwendolyn Sasse, Deciphering Migrants’ Letters, November 28, 2018, comparative Studies in Society and History,

Walter D. Kamphoefner, Wolfgang Helbich, et al., Editors., News from the Land of Freedom: German Immigrants Write Home (Documents in American Social History) : Cornell University Press, 1991.

[45] Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History: Germans – A New Surge of Growth, Library of Congress,

[46] “By using both federal censuses (administered by the U.S. Government every ten years beginning in 1790) and state censuses (administered by the State of New York every ten years beginning in 1825), one could theoretically locate a family every five years, creating a fantastic framework for further research and uncovering a lot of useful information in the process.”

New York State Census Records Online, New York Genealogical & Biographical Society,

Henry Krause Household. New York State Archives; Albany, New York, USA; 1865 Census of the State of New York, 1865, page 429, Lines 19-23. New York, U.S., State Census, 1865 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Original data:Census of the state of New York, for 1865. Microfilm. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.

[47] Household of Krause Family, 1870; Census Place: Johnstown, Fulton, New York; Roll: M593_938; Page: 156 and 157, 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch. Original data: 1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publication M593, 1,761 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.Minnesota census schedules for 1870. NARA microfilm publication T132, 13 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.

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[48] Index of Deeds, Fulton County, New York, Page, Line 9, Page 406, “United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975”, database with images, FamilySearch( : 1 March 2023), Henry E Krause, 1874.

Grantee’s NameHenry E Krause
Grantor’s NameHarman G Krause
Event TypeLand Assessment
Event Date7 Dec 1874
Event PlaceFulton, New York, United States
Entry Number46
Page Number494
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[49] Household of Krause Family 1875, New York State Archives; Albany, NY, USA; Census of the State of New York, 1875, Fourth Election district of corporate limits of Gloversville, New York, U.S., State Census, 1875 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013. Page 617, Lines 6-11
Original data:Census of the state of New York, for 1875. Microfilm. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.

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[50] “United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975”, database with images, FamilySearch( : 1 March 2023), Henry E Krause, 1885.

Grantee’s NameC H Krause
Grantor’s NameHenry E Krause
Event TypeLand Assessment
Event Date2 Jul 1885
Event PlaceFulton, New York, United States
Entry Number65
Page Number572

[51] “United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975”, database with images, FamilySearch ( : 1 March 2023), Henry E Krause, 1888.

Grantee’s NameSalem T Foster
Grantor’s NameHenry E Krause
Event TypeLand Assessment
Event Date13 Apr 1888
Event PlaceFulton, New York, United States
Entry Number72
Page Number89

[52] Chiropody is an historic term which has been used to describe someone that specializes in the health and well-being of feet. According to the Institute of chiropody and podiatry, it was not until more recent years that the professional title of Podiatrist was created to recognize the specialist qualifications of the profession.

Podiatry, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 10 September 2023,

Ships Arriving in New York June 1 – July 6, 1848

Arrival DateDeparting PortShip Name
June 1HavreTremont
June 1HavreBurgundy
June 2AmsterdamBark Dione
June 3HamburgBark Lessing
June 3BremenBark Regina
June 3BremenBrig Joshua
June 5RotterdamBark Helene Catharine
June 5AntwerpBrig Antwerpia
June 5HavreAlfred
June 5RotterdamOscar
June 10HavreMedemseh
June 12BremenBasserman
June 12RotterdamBark Antoleon
June 12BremenBelinda
June 12 AntwerpBarque Orion
June 12AntwerpShip Luconia
June 12HavreShip Hector

A German Influence

The families of both Harold Griffis and Evelyn Dutcher have a German influence. It is an influence that reflects a distinctive characteristic of the families of the Mohawk valley in New York state. German immigrants and their descendants made an indelible imprint on the Mohawk valley in New York since Colonial times.

“The Rhine and the Hudson ! The historic river of Europe and the historic river of America! How closely associated are they in the minds of those who dwell in the lovely valley in which we are met today !” [1]

The first European influence arrived in the early 1600’s with the arrival of the Dutch who promptly named all of the area to the north “New Netherlands”. They soon spread their influence up the Hudson River and west along the Mohawk River until 1664 when the British took over the Dutch lands and renamed them New York after the Duke of York.

In the early 1700’s, the Germans started to arrive and actually became the first permanent European settlers of today’s Mohawk valley. They and their Dutch neighbors tilled the rich soil of the region. This was literally a frontier area in flux between the Mohawk and European settlers.

Many of the initial settlements in the early 1700’s were created by German immigrants. While the Dutch, French and English occupied various colonial settlements on the fringe boundaries of the young colonies at various time periods, it was the German immigrants who created unique relationships with the Iroquois, particularly the Mohawk tribe, in establishing permanent settlements in the western territory of the New York colony. It was also the German immigrants who incurred substantial losses of property and life prior to and during the Revolutionary War while they lived in these settlements in the fringes of colonial controlled territory. [2]

In the late 1600s and early 1700s, the Germans took a different approach to dealing with the New York Indians than had the Dutch and English before them.

“The Dutch brought from Holland a traders sense of the world and viewed Indian villages as nodes on the paths of commerce. Because the Dutch wanted to control trade, not land, they did not need to occupy Indian villages. … The English, on the other hand, carried to America visions of extending the king’s dominion. They viewed New York as a battleground, a place to fight the French for domination of North America. The English could not possess New York without controlling the land.

“Just as the Dutch and English attitudes had been shaped by their European roots, the Germans’ attitude toward the Mohawks and the chaotic conditions of the Schoharie Valley may have been shaped by their experiences in the German southwest. Perhaps the Germans, coming from an area subject to continual invasion and to ever-changing rulers, had replaced a worldview consisting of conqueror and conquered with one of constantly changing allies and enemies, in which power was never absolute and always short-lived. Since conquest was an illusion, one sought allies who might help secure short-term gains. The Indians could be enemies or allies; the Germans needed the latter.” [3]

Harold and Evelyn’s German Family Ties

The relationships among European settlers and the Indians in the early colonial and post Revolutionary War period in the upper New York area is reflected in the ethnic background of the family ties found in the respective family trees of Harold Griffis and Evelyn Dutcher.

Some of the earliest emigrants to America came from the state of Württemberg, Germany. It is the area of Germany from which the number of emigrants surpassed any other German state. It is also the area where Harold and Evelyn’s German ancestors started their journey to America. [4]

Family Tree Branches with a Germanic Influence

Family Tree Individual Locator

Click here to see the family trees for Griffis family branches that are from German areas of Europe. Each family tree provides a context of their place in the general family tree for Harold Griffis and Evelyn Dutcher Griffis. Only grandparents and direct siblings are shown in the family trees.

On Harold’s side of the family, the Sperber family and the Fliegel Family were immediate branches of the family that emigrated in the mid 1800’s from the Baden Würtemberg area [5] to the United States. While we do not know much about the Sperber family prior to their arrival in America, the Fliegel family can be traced back many generations to the Ittlingen, Germany area. Both families are maternal family branches of the Griffis family. Harold Griffis’ mother was Ida May Sperber. Ida Sperber was youngest child of John Wolfgang Sperber and Sophia Fliegels’ children. The immediate paternal side of Harold’s family reflect a Welsh (Griffis surname), English (Carpenter), and Scots-Irish background (Gillespie).

The German Side of the Griffis Family [6]

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Similar to Harold’s family, Evelyn Dutcher’s family tree reflects the interaction of various ethnic backgrounds representing the mix of early European settlers in the New York colony. Her family represents Dutch, French, German and English ancestry.

In fact, there is family lore that one of Evelyn’s female ancestors was from the Mohawk tribe. My father often mentioned the existence of this relative but had no specific documented knowledge about this relative. Based on conversations between Nancy Griffis and one of Evelyn’s cousins, Gertrude Platts Perry, it was indicated that Gertrude had old photographs that depicted the female family member that was from the Mohawk tribe. [7] If her recollections were true, then the individual possibly married a Platts family member. A review of available documentation on the Platts family offers no clue of an individual who had Mohawk descent. But, if there was a Mohawk member of the family, her name probably would have been an anglicized name in any documented records.

Evelyn’s surname, Dutcher, can be traced back to Dutch colonists in the 1600’s. The name is found with many spellings in the 1600’s: Duyster, Duyscher, Duchier, De Duyster. The family was likely one of the persecuted French Huguenots who fled from France to Holland. The names De Dutchier and De Duyster are found throughout sixteenth century French records. [8]

The Hartom family was a branch of Evelyn Dutcher’s family that emigrated from Germany earlier in 1775 to the American colonies. Evelyn’s father was Squire Dutcher. Squire’s father, Ruleff Dutcher, married Maria Hartom. Casper Hartom was Maria’s father. Casper’s father, Michael Hartom, is the family member that emigrated to the colonies in 1775. It is not known what part of the Germanic area of Europe his family is from.

The German Side of the Dutcher Family

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There are two other family branches of Evelyn Dutcher’s family that may be German. However, I do not have definitive proof of their Germanic origin in terms of ship manifest lists of family members that originally came to the American colonies to confirm their point of origin. In addition, the origin of the surnames for these two family branches are not unique to one specific country or European region.

One of the family branches is the Demelt family. There is a good chance that the Demelt family is from Germanic origins. The family name, Demelt, was first found in Bavaria, where this surname surfaced in mediaeval times. [9]

The second family branch is the Platts family. Evelyn’s maternal side of the family included the Platts. It was originally presumed the Platts are of English origin. However, given where they settled and the name may have been an anglicized version of the German “Platz”, it is possible they were German. [10] There is no documentation to determine the ethnic origin of the Platts side of the family.

German Emigration to the Colonies & the United States

The reasons for emigrating to the new world for each of these families or individuals is perhaps unique but their respective decisions to leave their homeland were influenced by a larger economic and political landscape which provided a number of push and pull factors that influenced their decision. In addition, where they landed in the new world and where they subsequently traveled to put a stake in their new homeland were influenced by the paths of previous German immigrants.

At each successive wave, newcomers joined established settlers. This phenomenon of “chain migration” strengthened the already existing German regions in the American colonies and, later, the United States.  Large sections of Pennsylvania, upstate New York, and the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia attracted multiple generations and successive waves of German emigration. [11]

Michael Hartom emigrated to the American Colonies in 1775. He was not part of the first wave of Germans to immigrate to the colonies but he closely followed the migratory path of the Palantines that represented the first major wave of Germanic immigration.

John Sperber and the Fliegel family emigrated in the mid 1850’s to a young new nation. Both were part of a major second wave of German immigration.

Germany in the 1600’s through the 1800’s

There was no unified “Germany” in the time period when the Hartom, Sperber, and Fliegel families emigrated to the Colonies and later to the United States. The European region that is currently Germany was divided into principalities and remnants of the Holy Roman Empire. Between the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) and the French Revolution (1789-1799), German geography was largely reflected by the histories of dozens of small political units, each enjoying virtually full rights of sovereignty. Political power increasingly fell to small regional governments controlled by aristocratic overlords, ecclesiastical dignitaries, or municipal oligarchs. [12]

Among the most powerful of these principalities was Prussia, led beginning in 1740 by King Frederick II, known as “Frederick the Great.” Under Frederick, Prussia expanded its territory to include parts of modern-day Austria and Poland. It would be almost a century before Germany was unified into the country we know today. Germany, or more exactly the old Holy Roman Empire, in the 18th century entered a period of decline that would finally lead to the dissolution of the Empire during the Napoleonic Wars. [13]

The following map reflects the political contours of the German states around the time that Michael Harton immigrated to the American Colonies in 1775.

Map of German States 1789 [14]

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About 75 years later when the Sperber and Fliegel families emigrated to the United States, the German States had a similar yet different configuration. The Sperber and Fliegel families were from the Baden area of the map, an area located in the southwestern area of the empire next to the Kingdom of France along the Rhine River..

Map of German States 1815 – 1865 [15]

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The immigrants from these geographic areas were referred to as German. However, ‘within’ the Germanic umbrella of ethnic identity as viewed by the English, Dutch, French, or Indians, they were Palatines, Badeners and Hessians. The Germans included many quite distinct subgroups with differing religious and cultural values. The making of a German and American identity was one of immigrants not just defining themselves in contrast to a British, French, Dutch, or Iroquois “other” group but also first defining themselves in contrast to many German “others”. [16]

Various Waves of German Immigration

German immigration to North America began in the 17th century and continued into the late 19th century at a rate exceeding that of any other country.

The Germans migrated to America for a variety of reasons depending on the specific historical time period. Push factors involved the effects of the continuous wars and conflicts, worsening opportunities for farm ownership in central Europe, persecution of some religious groups, and military conscription. Pull factors were better economic conditions, the opportunity to own land or earn a better wage, and religious freedom.

Germany also experienced unfavorable weather conditions in the 1800’s that brought about food crises. Lack of food brought about elevation of prices. With a continually increasing population, some areas experienced devastation. When sons were not able to inherit the ancestral farm to support themselves and their families, emigration was one way out. 

German emigration to the American colonies began at the end of the 17th century when Germany was suffering from the after-effects of the bloody religious conflicts of the Thirty Years’ War and Christian minorities were being persecuted. Many farmers lived in poverty, their very existence threatened by failed harvests and land shortages.

German immigrants in the initial wave came from the states of Pfalz, Baden, Wuerttemberg, Hesse, and the bishoprics of Cologne, Osnabruck, Muenster, and Mainz. Working with William Penn, Franz Daniel Pastorius established “Germantown” near Philadelphia in 1683. A group of Mennonites, Pietists, and Quakers in Frankfurt, including Abraham op den Graeff , a cousin of William Penn, approached Pastorius about acting as their agent to purchase land in Pennsylvania for a settlement. Pastorius arrived in Philadelphia on August 20th, 1683. In Philadelphia, he negotiated the purchase of 15,000 acres from William Penn, the proprietor of the colony, and laid out the settlement of Germantown. [17]

European Migration to Britain in the 1700s

The initial wave of Germans to the colonies is often referenced as ‘the story of the Palantines” [18]. The Germans that eventually settled the Mohawk Valley came from the Rhine Valley River region known as the “Palatinate.” The name arose from the Roman word “Palatine,” the title given to the ruling family of the area when it was part of the Holy Roman Empire. With the outbreak of the Thirty Years War in 1618, came 96 years of sporadic fighting and wars that would leave the Palatinate destroyed. This forced thousands of Germans to flee their homeland, many who made the American colonies (before the revolution) and the United States (after the revolution) their new home.

The movement of the initial wave of German immigrants, the so-called Palantines, was the result of the British government sending roughly 3,000 German immigrants in the early 1700’s to the colonies after they initially immigrated to England on rumors that Britain would provide passage to the American Colonies. In a quandry as to what to do with these German immigrants, the immigrants were sent by the English to the colonies on the proviso that they would be indentured laborers for the production of ‘naval stores’ (the production of tar and pitch in the pine forests of the Hudson valley). Once they got to the colonies, they refused to such an agreement and the English did not enforce their original contract. As a result the German immigrants settled on the Hudson River, some moved to New York City and New Jersey and others settled to scarcely settled areas of the New York frontier. [19] Many of these ‘scarcely settled’ areas would be areas that Griffis family branches would settle in the Mohawk valley.

Early German Settlements in the New York Colony

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Source: Sanford H. Cobb, The Story of the Palatines: An Episode in Colonial History, New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1897,  The Palatine Settlements of the Hudson, Mohawk, and Schoharie, Page 148

By the middle of the 18th century, German immigrants occupied a central place in American life. Germans accounted for one-third of the population of the American colonies, and were second in number only to the English. [20] Wars in Europe and America had slowed the arrival of immigrants for several decades starting in the 1770’s. By the year 1800, 100,000 Germans had migrated to the United States, and over eight percent of the American population was of German descent. The trend started to reverse and German immigration increased tenfold by 1830. [21]

From that year until World War I, almost 90 percent of all German emigrants chose the United States as their destination. Once established in their new home, these settlers wrote to family and friends in Europe describing the opportunities available in the U.S. These letters were circulated in German newspapers and books, prompting “chain migrations.” By 1832, more than 10,000 immigrants arrived in the U.S. from Germany. By 1854, that number had jumped to nearly 200,000 immigrants.” [22]

For the typical working people in Germany, who were forced to endure land seizures, unemployment, increased competition from British goods, and the repercussions of the failed German Revolution of 1848, the economic and political prospects in the United States seemed bright. It also soon became easier to leave Germany, as restrictions on emigration were eased.

Nearly one million German immigrants entered the United States in the 1850s; this included thousands of refugees from the 1848 revolutions in Europe. As reflected in the table below, there were to major peaks in German immigration between 1820 and 1920. The 1850’s and the 1880’s witnessed the latest influx of immigrants from Germanic areas in Europe.

It was during the first of the two major waves in the 1800’s that John Sperber and the Fliegel family migrated to the United States. Nearly one million German immigrants entered the United States in the 1850’s. The German immigrants arriving in the 1850’s represented almost 18 percent of the total number of German immigrants arriving to the United States between this one hundred year period. In the 1850’s German immigrants represented a little over a third of all immigrants coming to the United States. [23]

Table One: German Immigration to the United States (1820-1920) [24]

Number of
% of Total
% of U.S.
By decade
Note: From 1899 to 1919, data from part of Poland included in Germany

The graph below depicts the two major waves of German immigrants within this one hundred year period.

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The area that John Sperber and the Fliegel family left the German territories were particularly affected by the mass exodus to the United States.

Censuses have been taken in Germany at regular intervals since 1816. In most of the German states, including Prussia, they were taken every three years. Within the territory of pre-war Germany between 1840 and – 1910, the German population doubled in size. The increase however was due mainly to higher fertility rates and was not attributable to people moving into the German territory. In fact, there was an appreciable exodus of German’s moving out of the area which mitigated population growth in Germany. Germany lost about 5 million due to people moving out of the German territories. [25]

“The net loss through emigration was especially large between 1847 and 1855, when crop failure and famine impaired living conditions among a population still mainly agricultural.  Political discontent and ferment also quickened the migratory impulse. in the three years, 1853-55, almost half a million people…left Germany annually. These losses through migration had the more harmful effect on the growth of population, since the mortality also increased, so that periods with the greatest losses through migration were also periods with the smallest excess of births. 

“Between 1853-55, almost three quarters of the natural population increase was lost through migration. … In some parts of German (Württemberg, Baden and the Palatinate) noted for their large emigration it became so heavy that the population decreased. In 1849-52, Wüttenberg suffered an annual loss of 11,000 people (2.2 per 1000) and in 1852-55, suffered an annual loss of 64,000 persons or 12.2 per 1000. 

“In Baden, (an area where the Sperber and Fliegel families lived – my note) despite a large excess of births between 1847 and 1855, emigration caused a continuous decline in population. … . “ [26]

Getting to America: the German Experience in the 1700’s

In the 1700’s, the emigrants from the Baden Wüteenberg area usually gathered in a town close to the River Rhine and then took passage on the Rhine north to The Netherlands. From there they sailed to a colonial port. It took several weeks to reach an Atlantic seaport, and another eight to 10 weeks of demanding ocean travel before they reached the shores of North America. [27] This migration path resembles the path of Michael Hartom, Evelyn’s great great grandfather.

The handwritten note below appears to be a torn page from a small calendar notebook. Evelyn was interested in the genealogy of the Dutcher family and this was found in her notes. The note depicts an immigration path of the ‘second wave of Palatines‘ to the colonies.

“Michael Hartom Squire Dutcher’s great grandfather set sail from Hamburg, Germany in 1775. Six months journey in a sail vessel. Settled in New York and then in Stone Arabia.”.

I have researched a wide range of ship passenger lists from Europe between 1770 and 1800 but have yet to find Michael Hartom’s name on a ship manifest list. Discovering a passenger list with a name of a relative is often the result of chance and luck. Many ship manifests were not saved or documented. In addition, there is the inherent issue of what was written on paper.

Generally speaking the captains’ lists have the least value, as far as the spelling of the names is concerned.  They were in most cases written by men who had no knowledge of German and to whom German surnames were a mystery they could not fathom. They wrote down the names as they were pronounced to them, spelling them as they would spell English names. As a result there are hundreds of names that have such fantastic forms that they are unrecognizable.  [28]

The note written by Evelyn Dutcher Griffis indicates that it took Michael Hartom six months to reach America. This statement perhaps was overstated in terms of the actual length of the voyage. His entire journey from ‘home’ to New York City may have been six months.

In the days of sailing ships, crossing the Atlantic Ocean was certainly slow compared with modern times and frequently a dangerous experience. The overcrowded boats were at the mercy of the ocean and the weather, dependent upon the wind belts for propulsion. On a calm sea with little wind, the sails would hang useless and a trip across the ocean could take on average from one to three months. Disease was rampant in these crowded circumstances, with the ill and the healthy immigrant packed tightly together. Fatalities from disease and ships lost at sea were estimated to range from 10% to 15%. [29]

Prior to 1848, not only would immigrants have to load their own belongings, but families would be required to bring along food for the voyage. There was no one to advise the immigrants as to whether or not these rations would be adequate for the trip..

Poor immigrants often travelled to America on ships that were making their return voyage after having carried tobacco or cotton to Europe. The voyage took up to 90 days, oftentimes much longer, depending on the wind and weather. In steerage, ships were crowded, each passenger having about two square feet of space. The conditions were not sanitary, lice and rats were prevalent. Passengers were required to bring their food or were forced to procure food from the ship’s captain. The ventilation was poor. Between 10-20% of those who left Europe died on board. [30]

After the long and gruelling ocean voyage, most immigrants to the United States in the late 18th and early part of the 19th century made their way to rural areas to farm. Most immigrants in the mid-19th century remained in the ports where they had arrived except for those with the financial means for further travel. 

Gottlieb Mittelberger, an organ master and schoolmaster, who left one of the small German states in May 1750 , documented his experiences of sailing from the German territory to the colonies. Mittelberger had lost his job in the Duchy of Wurttemberg in the Holy Roman Empire. He sailed to Philadelphia and lived in colonial America for four years. Upon his return home he wrote a book, with the purpose to warn Germans of the hardships of emigration. [31]

Cover Page of Mittelberger’s Book

Mittelberger indicates that the passage to America was long and treacherous. Due to delays in travel along the Rhine River and European ports, many of the immigrants would run out of funds and by the time they arrived in the American colonies, they were too poor to pay for the journey and therefore indentured themselves to wealthier colonialists, selling their services for a period of years in return for the price of the passage. 

I have provided a number passages from his personal account:

“This journey lasts from the beginning of May to the end of October, fully half a year, amid such hardships as no one is able to describe adequately with their misery. The cause is because the Rhine boats from Heilbronn to Holland have to pass by 36 custom-houses, at all of which the ships are examined, which is done when it suits the convenience of the custom-house officials.  In the meantime the ships with the people are detained long, so that the passengers have to spend much money.  The trip down the Rhine alone lasts therefore 4, 5 and even 6 weeks. When the ships with the people come to Holland, they are detained there likewise 5 or 6 weeks. Because things are very dear there, the poor people have to spend nearly all they have during that time.” [32]

“Both in Rotterdam and in Amsterdam the people are packed densely, like herrings so to say, in the large sea-vessels. One person receives a place of scarcely 2 feet width and 6 feet length in the bedstead. “ [33]

“But during the voyage there is on board these ships terrible misery, stench, fumes, horror, vomiting, many kinds of sea-sickness, fever, dysentery, headache, heat, constipation, boils, scurvy, cancer, mouth-rot, and the like, all of which come from old and sharply salted food and meat, also from very bad and foul water, so that many die miserably. Add to this want of provisions, hunger, thirst, frost, heat, dampness, anxiety, want, afflictions and lamentations, together with other trouble, as c. v. the lice abound so frightfully, especially on sick people, that they can be scraped off the body. The misery reaches the climax when a gale rages for 2 or 3 nights and days, so that every one believes that the ship will go to the bottom with all human beings on board. In such a visitation the people cry and pray most piteously.” [34]

“Children from 1 to 7 years rarely survive the voyage; and many a time parents are compelled to see their children miserably suffer and die from hunger, thirst and sickness, and then to see them cast into the water. I witnessed such misery in no less than 32 children in our ship, all of whom were thrown into the sea.” [35]

“When the ships have landed at Philadelphia after their long voyage, no one is permitted to leave them except those who pay for their passage or can give good security ; the others, who cannot pay, must remain on board the ships till they are purchased, and are released from the ships by their purchasers. The sick always fare the worst, for the healthy are naturally preferred and purchased first; and so the sick and wretched must often remain on board in front of the city for 2 or 3 weeks, and frequently die, whereas many a one, if he could pay his debt and were permitted to leave the ship immediately, might recover and remain alive.” [36]

“The sale of human beings in the market on board the ship is carried on thus: Every day Englishmen, Dutchmen and High-German people come from the city of Philadelphia and other places, in part from a great distance, say 20, 30, or 40 hours away, and go on board the newly arrived ship that has brought and offers for sale passengers from Europe.” [37]

“When a husband or wife has died at sea, when the ship has made more than half of her trip, the survivor must pay or serve not only for himself or herself, but also for the deceased. When both parents have died over half-way at sea, their children, especially when they are young and have nothing to pawn or to pay, must stand for their own and their parents’ passage, and serve till they are 21 years old.” [38]

Mittelberger perhaps provides a description of what Michael Hartom may have experienced sailing to the colonies in 1775. However, each personal experience may have unique experiences that are not common for similar voyages at the time and possibly do not represent the experiences of the majority of voyages.. While it does not diminish the general portrayal of hardships that were faced crossing the Atlantic, recent studies on German emigration during this time period suggest that mortality rates on voyages were a bit lower than what Mittelberger states.

For example, mortality rates for German immigrants traveling to American in two time periods, 1727 to 1754 and 1785 to 1805, were much lower. One study was based on a sample of fourteen German immigrant vessels which enumerated passenger deaths directly in the ship records, taken from the Strassburger collection of German ship lists for the port of Philadelphia. This sample had over 1,566 passengers and appeared to be relatively representative of the typical immigrant voyage: voluntary, white, civilian immigrants transported by the private shipping market on the North Atlantic route. Six of the ships had mortality enumerated for the separate categories of adult men, adult women, and children. The overall passage mortality for these 1,566 Germans was 3. 8 percent.  The voyage mortality for the the 1,153 adult men was slightly above that for the 237 adult women, 3.5 versus 2.5 percent, respectively, although this difference was not statistically significant. The 382 children fared far worse with a passage mortality of over 9 percent or almost three times the adult rate. [39]

Mittelberger’s journey took over 100 days at sea, whereas the average crossing during this time period was onJy about two months. Michael Hartom’s voyage was purportedly six months, as documented by Evelyn Dutcher Griffis. However, we do not know if Evelyn’s “six month” statement includes his travel to the departing port. We also do not know when Michael Hartom started his journey.

Mittelberger’s ship carried 486 passengers. The average in the German trade was 300 between 1750 and 1754, and almost half that at other times.  He also experienced a relatively longer, more crowded passage. [40]

By the 1830s to 1860s, North Atlantic passage mortality had fallen to between 2.4 and 1.0 percent, or as low as 10 per J,000 per month. Since these voyages lasted around one to one and a half months, the annualized crude death rate was as low as 80 to 120 per 1,000. Thus late eighteenth-century passage mortality was only about twice as high as early nineteenth-century passage mortality. [41]

Immigration in the 1800’s: Packet Ships from Havre

The German emigrants in the 1800’s, which included John Sperber and the Fliegel family, came to the United States via Le Havre, France, which was also reached via the Rhine River. Though people from all over Germany migrated to America, the Rhine represented the main highway out of Germany to the New World in the 1800s. They also took ships from other ports, notably Bremen, Germany and a smaller portion of travelers left via Hamburg. In the nineteenth century these ports were reachable by train.

“After the fall of Napoleon, Havre became the chief port of departure for continental Europe, and it retained its supremacy for more than a generation. The Swiss and South Germans arrived there overland or by sail from Cologne; and many came in coasting vessels from North Germany, and even from Norway for transshipment to America. In 1854 the German emigration by way of Havre exceeded that from Bremen by twenty thousand; while Bremen was ahead of Hamburg by twenty-five thousand, and Hamburg in turn led Antwerp by a like number. The completion of the German railway system and the great expansion of steam navigation in the Hanseatic cities eventually deprived Havre of her predominance in the business, but she remained an important port of departure as long as there was a large emigration from the region to which she was an accessible outlet.” [42]

“The development of steam transportation for immigrants, even after the invention of the screw propeller, was not so rapid as might have been expected. It was not till 1865 that more of them came by steam than by sail; and for more than a decade after that date sailing vessels still had a considerable share of the business.” [43]

Beginning in 1820, ship captains were required to file a list of all passengers aboard an arriving ship to the U.S. port authorities. The documentation provided a basis for official estimates of immigration for the nineteenth century. [44] While this increased the chances of being able to document German immigrants arriving in the United States, it is not a certainty that one will find ship manifest lists for all incoming passengers on ships that traveled to the United States in this time period.

Many immigrants sailed to America or back to their homelands in packet ships between 1817 – 1880. The term packet ship was used to describe a vessel that featured regularly scheduled service on a specific point-to-point line. Usually, the individual ship operated exclusively for a specific shipping line. Packet ships were sail vessels that carried mail, cargo, and people.

Most of the immigrants crossed the Atlantic in the steerage area of the packet ships. Conditions varied from ship to ship, but steerage was normally crowded, dark, and damp. [45] While. the trip for immigrants was much shorter than those experienced in the 1700’s, the Atlantic crossing was still fraught with dangers ranging from shipwreck, overcrowded quarters, meager food rations, theft, disease and death.

In the late 1840s, William Smith became one of many immigrants who chose to leave his native home and family to undertake the trip to the United States. His published personal narrative of his experiences aboard the ship India as a steerage passenger traveling from Liverpool, England, to New York City exemplifies the experience of many millions of other immigrants to the United States. The mid-nineteenth-century steerage deck was, at its best, cramped and uncomfortable; ceiling heights could lie as low as five and a half feet, and the overall dimensions of the space were often about seventy-five by twenty-five feet. Travelers shared these tight quarters for an average of forty days. [46]

Disease spread quickly in this crowded environment, Smith’s personal narrative alludes to the prevalence of sickness and death. However, various studies have shown that the mortality rate on ships in the md 1800’s was not as high as what personal narratives have portrayed. Many have thought that immigrant mortality was fairly high during these years, but one study has shown that the mortality rate was 1.4 percent of the passengers, or about 10 per thousand per month, died on a typical voyage. The percent who died was significantly higher for ships arriving in November through February than for the other months. Sailing conditions in the North Atlantic were substantially worse during these months. [47]

The packet ships, unlike the later and more glamorous clippers, or steamers were not designed for speed. They carried cargo and passengers, and for several decades packets were the most efficient way to cross the Atlantic.

“Packet ships, packet liners, or simply packets, were sailing ships of the early 1800s that did something which was novel at the time: they departed from port on a regular schedule.” [48]

The cutaway below reveals how travelers and cargo sailed together on a packet ship. Travelers with enough money purchased “cabin passage” and slept in private or semiprivate rooms. The vast majority of passengers, usually immigrants, bought bunks in steerage, also called the ’tween deck’ for its position between the cabins and the hold.

Cross Section of a Packet Ship [49]

Packet Ships were sturdy vessels designed to sail the rough north Atlantic at the cost of speed. They measured about 200 feet long with three masts and a blunt, broad and flat bow. They could travel about 200 miles per day if the conditions were right. Their trans-Atlantic voyages averaged 23 days to go east, and 40 days to go west. [50]

In the 1830s steamships were introduced, and by the end of the Civil War they were taking over as the mode of transportation, especially for the more affluent. The sailing packet lines ceased operation altogether in 1880.

“By 1847, there were many ads showing that regular service had been established. In 1850, there was a noticeable uptick in the number of advertisements announcing regularly scheduled sailings between Europe and the United Stales. At this point. there were also more ads claiming passage on “fast” sailing ships, presumably trying to compete with the new steamships. Over the 1850s, more and more ads were placed regarding passage on steamships. By 1855, advertisements for fares on sailing ships dropped off and the paper no longer printed a fare table.” [51]

Getting and navigating to European ports was a new challenge for most emigrants, many of whom had never ventured very far from their home village. Ads in German newspapers oftentimes gave information about where where to stay in ports, when the cost of staying in the ports was included in the passage price, and how to survive cheaply before setting sail.

“For an adult traveling in steerage ona sailing ship, the average fare was 33 to 35 (Prussian) Thalers, about 23 dollars.  These fares explain why most of the Germans who emigrated were positively self selected, that is, they were not poor farm laborers or servants but were somewhat better off.  Around 1850, even a master farm laborer in the Rhine area earned only about 60 Thalers per year in cash in addition lo various in-kind goods, worth probably at least another 20 Thaler.” [52]

The most common destination for German emigrants was New York City, and getting there was expensive for many Germans.  Moving to the United States was not a cheap endeavor for Germans during the middle of the nineteenth century. The fares were generally higher fares from Le Havre, Antwerp, and Rotterdam than from Hamburg or Bremen. The reason is that the listings for the fares from these cities included the cost of getting from a city in the interior of Germany to the port city. For example a listing might be “Koeln – Havre – New York”.

Even for individuals with skills that commanded a good wage, such as 70 to 100 Thalers a year, paying for just one transatlantic fare would have cost between one-third and one-half of their yearly income. While individuals could afford to emigrate at these prices, it was near the limit of what was affordable. For those who could come close to raising the necessary funds. paying for the voyage was made more feasible if they had an inheritance or could liquidate all their goods and properly before leaving.

“Most German emigrants had incomes no lower than those earned by the lower middle class, creating an emigrant population from German states that was positively self selected in the 1840s and 1850.” [53]

The Sperber and Fliegel Families: Emigration in the 1850’s

John Sperber and the Fliegel family emigrated to the United States in different years in the 1850’s. John Sperber reportedly arrived around 1853 and the Fliegel family arrived in 1855.

The ‘pater familias’, John Wolfgang Sperber, was born in Baden, Germany around 1828. His bride, Sophia Fliegel, and her family also immigrated to the United States around the same time. Both families were from the Grand Duchy of Baden. It is the German State occupying the southwest corner of Germany. As you can see from the map below, Baden borders on the Alsace region of France, Switzerland, Austria, and the German states of Hessen and Bavaria.

1855 Colton Map of Bavaria, Wurtemberg and Baden, Germany

Click for Larger View

The Sperber and Fliegel families were originally from Baden and Ettlingen Ittlingen respectively. Both towns are in the Baden Würtemberg area. The Wageneck family is a maternal branch of the Fliegel family. The family can also be traced back a number of generations from the Baden Würtemberg area.

The Baden-Württemberg area comprises the historical territories of Baden, Prussian Hohenzollern, and Württemberg.  Baden spans along the flat right bank of the river Rhine from north-west to the south (Lake Constance) of the present state. Württemberg and Hohenzollern lay more inland and are hillier, including areas such as the Swabian Jura mountain range. The Black Forest formed part of the border between Baden and Württemberg. While the area is now formally a German state, it is historically an area that represented a variety of German city states.

John Sperber was the second of the two family members to settle in Gloversville, New York. It is not entirely certain as to when John Sperber arrived in the United States. In a 1900 U.S. Federal Census, John Sperber reported, at the age of 72, that he arrived in the United States in 1853. Ship manifest records indicate a John Sperber arrived in 1852. [54]

Researching ship manifest lists of ships that arrived in the United States around 1853 revealed a few records that may point to our John or Johann Sperber. [55] The most likely record documents the arrival of a Johann Sperber arriving in the port of New York City on June 14, 1852. [56] Johann Sperber traveled on the packet ship named Germania and departed from Havre, France. Based on the ship manifest records, Johann Sperber was 26 years old, his estimated birth date was 1826, his occupation was listed as ‘cultivator‘ and his birth place was listed as ‘Bavaria‘. He stayed in the steerage area of the ship.

The Packet Ship Germania at pier, Le Havre, France [57]

Click for Larger View

Johann Sperber sailed on the Germania, a packet ship built in 1850 . It was in service by by the Havre Whitlock ship line between 1850 – 1863. Based on the ship’s records, it took an average of 38 days to sail from Havre to New York City. The Germania was one of fourteen ships owned and managed by the Havre Whitlock Line. [58] The ships sailed from New York to Le Havre every month on the 8th, 16th, and 24th, and sailed from Le Havre every month on the 1st, 8th, and 24th. [59]

As reflected in the map below, Johann arrived at pier 14 in New York City on June 14, 1852.

Port of New York 1851

Source: From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Map of the Port of New York on the south tip of Manhattan Island in 1851. Heavy broken line marks the waterfront below City Hall park in 1784. Area filled in prior to 1820.  The original source is unknown. The old illustration was found in Carl C. Cutler, Queens of the Western Ocean, Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1961

It is not known how and how long it took for Johann Sperber to travel from New York City to the Johnstown – Gloversville area.

“Gloversville was originally settled by New England Puritans in the 1790’s. In the ensuing decades as the community grew, leather tanning became a prominent local industry due to the purity and abundance of water and the availability of hemlock bark as a source of tannin. As a result, the manufacture of gloves became widespread as a cottage industry. It was in 1828 that the settlement was officially given its current name upon the establishment of the first post office.” [60]

After the Civil War, the glove industry boomed in the Johnstown and Gloversville, New York area, causing large numbers of immigrants from many of Europe’s glove making centers to make their new homes there.

The Fliegel family was actually from Ittlignen which is not listed on the above 1855 map. From 1355, Ittlingen was a possession of the Lordship of Gemmingen. Their rule ended in 1806, when the Gemmingens’ properties were mediatized to the Grand Duchy of Baden. Ittlingen was assigned on 22 June 1807 to Oberamt Gochsheim, the only such district in Baden. On 24 July 1813, Ittlingen was assigned to the district of Eppingen.

As the crow flies, Baden and Eppingen are about 47 miles apart. It would take you 16 and a half hours to walk from one area to the other.

Distance Between Baden and Eppingen Germany

Click for Larger View.

In 1855, Christopher (Christoph) Fliegel and his wife Maria Juliana Wageneck made a major life altering decision to emigrate with their three young adult children to the United States. This must have been a hard decision to make, perhaps due to push factors they experienced in Germany. Christopher was 60 years old and Juliana was in her late fifties.

Similar to Johann Sperper’s experience, the family traveled from their German Rhineland home to Havre, France and took one of the packet ships run by the Havre-Union Line. They, like Johann arrived at pier 14 in New York City.

The manifest list for the ship the Fliegel family traveled on is below. It lists the following information (lines 3 – 7): Christoph Fliegel (age 60), Juliani (59), Phillipp (33), Rosina (28) and Sophie (21) from Baden Germany. [61]. They were among 303 individuals who sailed on the ship ‘Zurich‘ and arrived in New York City on January 26, 1855. [62]

Ship Manifest List for Fliegel Family

The American Ship Zurich was built in New York by W.H. Webb in 1844. [63] It was a class A2 ship of 817 tons with 2 decks. It was made of white Oak and the hull was medalled in September 1854. During its lifetime (1844 – 1863) it sailed from the New York port and principally sailed to Havre, France and it averaged 35 days from Harvre to New York City. [64] It was one of twenty-five packet ships that were part of what was called the Havre Old Line. [65]

Once in New York City, the family traveled west and ultimately established their new home in Johnstown New York. In five years, the U.S. Federal Census captured a shapshot of the family. [66] Chistopher, age 72, is living with this son Philip’s family Philip’s occupation is listed as a “Skin Dresser” , a work activity associated with glove making. Evidently the census enumerator did not capture Juliana’s whereabouts. Christoph Fliegel lived long enough to see his family settled in the United States. He passed away at the reported age of 74 on October 15, 1872. His wife Juliana reportedly died on February 23, 1867.

1860 U.S. Census

Click for Larger View


Feature Photograph of this story: This is a portion of a map from Colton, G. W., Colton’s Atlas of the World Illustrating Physical and Political Geography, Vol 2, New York, 1855 (First Edition) Issued as page no. 14 in volume 2 of the first edition of George Washington Colton’s 1855 Atlas of the World. The map covers the 19th century German provinces of Bavaria, Wurttemberg, Baden and Pfalz, as well as numerous smaller regions. The map is divided and color coded according to regional divisions. Various cities, towns, forts, rivers and assortment of additional topographical details are identified.

Highlighted Areas on Map: You can see the proximity of Eppingen (the home of the Fliegel family) and Baden, the home of John Wolfgang Sperber).  1855 Colton Map of Bavaria, Wurtemberg and Baden, Germany – Geographicus Wikipedia,,Wurtemberg_and_Baden,_GermanyGeographicus-_Germany3-colton-1855.jpg The Fliegel family was actually from Ittlignen which is not listed on the 1855 map. From 1355, Ittlingen was a possession of the Lordship of Gemmingen [de]. Their rule ended in 1806, when the Gemmingens’ properties were mediatized to the Grand Duchy of Baden. Ittlingen was assigned on 22 June 1807 to Oberamt Gochsheim [de], the only such district in Baden. On 24 July 1813, Ittlingen was assigned to the district of Eppingen.

Google Maps

Original digital file of map: 3,500 x 2,810 pixels, in ZoomViewer:

[1] Benjamin Myer Brink, The Palatine Settlements, Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association, 1912, Vol. 11 (1912), pp. 136

[2] Cobb, Sanford Hoadley. The Story of the Palatines: An Episode in Colonial History. United Kingdom, G. P. Putnam’s sons, 1897.

Brink, Benjamin Myer. “THE PALATINE SETTLEMENTS.” Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association, vol. 11, 1912, pp. 136–43. JSTOR, Accessed 27 May 2023.

Ellsworth, Wolcott Webster. “THE PALATINES IN THE MOHAWK VALLEY.” Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association, vol. 14, 1915, pp. 295–311. JSTOR, Accessed 27 May 2023.

Diefendorf, Mary Riggs. The Historic Mohawk. United Kingdom, Putnam, 1910.

Walter Allen Knittle, Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration; a British Government Redemptioner Project to Manufacture Naval stores, Philadelphia: Dorrance & Co, 1905,

Nelson Greene, History of the Mohhawk Valley, Gateway to the West, 1614 – 1925 Covering the Six Counties of Schenectady, Schoharie, Montgomery, Fulton, Herkimer and Onieda – CVolume 2, S.J. Clarke Publishing Company,

The Palatine Germans, National Park Service,

[3] Quote is from Philip Otterness, Becoming German, The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004, Pages 120-121

See also:

Donna Merwick, Possessing Albany, 1630-1710: The Dutch and English Experiences, Cambridge, 1990), Pages 204, 227, 259, 291, 294

Thomas Burke, Mohawk Frontier: The Dutch Community of Schenectady, New York 1660-1710, Ithaca, 1991, Page 213

Natalie Zemon Dennis, Cultivating a Landscape of Peace: Iroquois-European Encounters in the Seventeenth-century America, Ithaca, 1993, , Page 131

Francis Jennings, Ambiguous Iroquois Empire, New York, 1984, Page 193

[4] Württemberg Emigration and Immigration, FamilySearch, This page was last edited on 9 December 2022,ürttemberg_Emigration_and_Immigration

Germany Emigration and Immigration, FamilySearch, This page was last edited on 11 May 2023,

Pre-1820 Emigration from Germany, FamilySearch, This page was last edited on 16 December 2022,

Michael P. Palmer, German and American Sources for German Emigration to America, Germans to America,

[5] Baden-Württemberg, Wikipedia, Page accessed 19 May 2023,ürttemberg

Baden-Württemberg Maps, Family Search, Baden-Württemberg_Maps, This page was last edited on 26 June 2020,ürttemberg_Maps

History of Baden-Württemberg, Wikipedia, Page accessed on 19 May 2023,ürttemberg

Württemberg Emigration and Immigration, FamilySearch, This page was last edited on 9 December 2022,ürttemberg_Emigration_and_Immigration

[6] The family tree diagrams were created using the online family tree software. Consistent with their terms and conditions, the images of my family tree are used for only personal use in this blog.

[7] Gertrude Platts Perry was Evelyn Dutcher’s first cousin.

Kinship Relationship Between Evelyn Dutcher and Gertrude Platts

Click for Larger View

According to Nancy Griffis, based on conversations with Gertrude, she held her cousin, Evelyn, in high esteem; so much so that at times she was jealous of Evelyn’s success in life. As indicated by Nancy Griffis, based on Gertrude’s perception of her relationship with her cousin, she grew up in Evelyn’s shadow. At one point, she burned many photographs associated with the family. Allegedly one of the photographs was of the Indian descendant of the family.

[8] Walter Kenneth Griffith, The Dutcher Family, General Books LLC, 2010

[9] Demelt History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms,House of Names,

[10] The Platts name has three possible origins. The first and most likely being a topographic name for someone who lived on a flat piece of land deriving from the Olde French “plat” meaning “a flat surface”. The surname is first recorded in the early half of the 13th century. The name may also derive from the Olde English “plaett” or the Medieval English “plat” meaning “a plank bridge”, and given to one dwelling by a foot bridge. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of John de la (of the) Platte, which was dated 1242 – The Pipe Rolls of Worcestershire, during the reign of Henry III, The Frenchman 1216-1272. A third possibility is of German origin, an “Anglicized” form of German Platz.


Last name: Platts, SurnameDB,
Read more:

Platts Name Meaning,,

Platt Surname Definition, Forebears,

Platts Name Origin, Meaning and Family History, Your Family History,

[11] History of German-American Relations, 1683-1900 – History and Immigration, U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, Public Affairs, Information Resource Center, Page updated June 2008,

Carl Wittke, Carl, We Who Built America The Saga of the Immigrant (Cleveland: Western Reserve University, 1939). Page 187

[12] Germany from c. 1760 to 1815, Britanica, Page accessed 25 May 2023,

See also: States of the German Confederation, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 29 June 2023,

[13] Germany from c. 1760 to 1815, Britanica, ,

Office of the Historian, The United States and the French Revolution, 1789-1799, Milestones: 1789-1800, U.S. Departmement of State,,embroiled%20in%20these%20European%20conflicts

French Revolution, Wikipedia, Page updated 23 May 2023,

Thirty Years War, Wikipedia, Page updated 27 May 2023,

Benecke, Gerhard, Germany in the Thirty Years War. New York: St. Martin’s Press 1978

Polišenský, J. V. (1968). “The Thirty Years’ War and the Crises and Revolutions of Seventeenth-Century Europe”. Past and Present39 (39): 34–43. doi:10.1093/past/39.1.34

Rabb, Theodore K. (1962). “The Effects of the Thirty Years’ War on the German Economy”. Journal of Modern History34 (1): 40–51. doi:10.1086/238995JSTOR 1874817

Theibault, John (1997). “The Demography of the Thirty Years War Re-revisited: Günther Franz and his Critics”. German History15 (1): 1–21. doi:10.1093/gh/15.1.1

[14] Robert Alfers, Map of German States 1789, 8 June 2008, German version, Wikimedia Commons,,_1789_en.png

[15] States of the German Confederation, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 16 April 2023, Map of German states 1815-1866, by Ziegelbrenner, from Wikipedia, Karte des Deutschen Bundes 1815–1866 / Map of German Confederation 1815–1866, 19 Jan 2008,

[16] Philip Otterness, Becoming German, The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004, Page 3

{17] Learned, Marion Dexter, The Life of Francis Daniel Pastorius, the Founder of Germantown: Illustrated with Ninety Photographic Reproductions, Philadelphia, W. J. Campbell, 1908,

Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, The Settlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania: And the Beginning of German Emigration to North America,Phildelphia, W. J. Campbell, 1899,

[18] F. Burgdorfer, Chapter 12: Migration Across the Frontiers of Germany, p. 313-389, Walter F. Wilcox, ed, International Migrations, Volume II: Interpretations,  National Bureau of Economic Research NABER, January 1931,

In 1709, in an area in Blackheath in south London, 13,000 German migrants called the Palatines formed what became regarded as Britain’s first refugee camp. They spoke different languages and belonged to different churches and became a curiosity for thousands of Londoners of the period. Most hoped to travel on to Carolina in the New World, after promises of work and prosperity, but in the end only a few made the trip to North America, and many returned to Germany.

See a YouTube video on the subject: BBC bitesize migration 2 palatines online v3 :European Migration to Britain in the 1700’s

[19] The Palatine Germans, The National Park Service, Updated October 8, 2022

Aaron Spencer Fogleman, Hopeful Journeys: German Immigration, Settlement and Political Culture in Colonial America, 1717-1775, Philadelphia: University of pennsylvania Press 1996

Philip Otterness, Becoming German, The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York,Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004

Cobb, Sanford Hoadley. The Story of the Palatines: An Episode in Colonial History. United Kingdom, G. P. Putnam’s sons, 1897.

Brink, Benjamin Myer. “The Palatine Settlements” Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association, vol. 11, 1912, pp. 136–43. JSTOR, Accessed 27 May 2023.

Ellsworth, Wolcott Webster. “The Palatines in the Mohawk Valley.” Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association, vol. 14, 1915, pp. 295–311. JSTOR, Accessed 27 May 2023.

Diefendorf, Mary Riggs. The Historic Mohawk. United Kingdom, Putnam, 1910.

Benton, Nathaniel Soley. A History of Herkimer County: Including the Upper Mohawk Valley, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time ; with a Brief Notice of the Iroquois Indians, the Early German Tribes, the Palatine Immigrations Into the Colony of New York, and Biographical Sketches of the Palatine Families, the Patentees of Burnetsfield in the Year 1725 ; and Also Biographical Notices of the Most Prominent Public Men of the County ; with Important Statistical Information. United States, J. Munsell, 1856.

[20] Building a New Nation, Library of Congress, Classroom Materials, Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History, German,

Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History, Building a New Nation, Library of Congress,

[21] German Immigration timeline, Study Smarter,

Bernard N. Meisner, Pushes, Pulls and the Records: A Brief Review of the Various Waves of German Immigrants to the United States, Dallas Genealogical Society German Genealogy Group,

[22] Quote from: Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History: A New Surge of Growth, Library of Congress,

European Emigration to the U.S. 1861 – 1870, Destination America, PBS, Sep 2005,

[23] History of German-American Relations > 1683-1900 – History and Immigration, U.S. Diplomatic Mission to German, This page was updated June 2008,

Irish and German Immigration, U.S. History ,

Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History: The Call of Tolerance, Library of Congress,

Amanda A. Tagore, Irish and German Immigrants of the Nineteenth Century: Hardships, Improvements, and Success, Pace University: Pforzheimer Honors College, May 2014,

[24] United States. Department of Homeland Security. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2008. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics, 2009, Table 2,

See also: German Americans, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 21 June 2023,

[25] Walter F. Wilcox, ed, International Migrations, Volume II: Interpretations,  National Bureau of Economic Research NABER, January 1931, Chapter 12: Dr. F. Burgdörfer, Migration Across the Frontiers of Germany, p. 313-389

[26] Ibid, Pages 316-317

[27] The Call of Tolerance, Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History, Germany, Library of Congress,

[28] William John Hinke, ed, Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arivals In the Port of Philadelphia From 1727 to 1808, Volume I, Norristown, PA: pennsylvania Gernam Society, 1934, Page xx

[29] David Lodge, The Journey Was Difficult: Many Did Not Survive the Trip Across the Ocean, Shelby County Historical Society, Nov 1997,

[30] Leaving Europe: A New Life in America – Departure and Arrival, Europeana, European Union,

Patricia Bixler Reber, 18th century immigrant ships – provisions, hardships, indentured servant process, 14 Oct 2019, Researching Food History,

Ellie Ayton, What was Life Like on Board an Emigrant Ship generations Ago?, 9 Sep 2020, Find My Past,

A “description of Gottleib’s account – Passage To America, 1750,” EyeWitness to History, (2000)

John Simkin, Journey to America, Sep 1977, Spartacus Educational,

Ellie Ayton, What was Life Like on Board an Emigrant Ship generations Ago?, 9 Sep 2020, Find My Past,

Leaving Europe: A New Life in America – Departure and Arrival, Europeana, European Union,

[31] Gottlieb Mittelberger’s Journey to Pennsylvania in the Year 1750 and Return to Germany in the year 1754, Philadelphia: John Jos. McVey, 1989

[32] Ibid, Page 18

[33] Ibid, Page 19

[34] Ibid, Page 20

[35] Ibid, Page 23

[36] Ibid, Page 25

[37] Ibid, Page 26

[38] Ibid, Page 28

[39] Grubb, Farley. “Morbidity and Mortality on the North Atlantic Passage: Eighteenth-Century German Immigration.” The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 17, no. 3 (1987): 565–85.

[40] Ibid.

[41] Ibid

[42] Page, Thomas W. “The Transportation of Immigrants and Reception Arrangements in the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of Political Economy 19, no. 9 (1911): 732–49.

[43] Ibid; see also

Cohn, Raymond L. “The Transition from Sail to Steam in Immigration to the United States.” The Journal of Economic History 65, no. 2 (2005): 469–95.

Cohn, Raymond L. “Mortality on Immigrant Voyages to New York, 1836-1853.” The Journal of Economic History 44, no. 2 (1984): 289–300.

Graham, Gerald S. “The Ascendancy of the Sailing Ship 1850-85.” The Economic History Review 9, no. 1 (1956): 74–88.

Moltmann, Günter. “Migrations from Germany to North America: New Perspectives.” Reviews in American History 14, no. 4 (1986): 580–96.

Graham, Gerald S. “The Ascendancy of the Sailing Ship 1850-85.” The Economic History Review 9, no. 1 (1956): 74–88.

Riley, James C. “Mortality on Long-Distance Voyages in the Eighteenth Century.” The Journal of Economic History 41, no. 3 (1981): 651–56.

Hoerder, Dirk. “The Traffic of Emigration via Bremen/Bremerhaven: Merchants’ Interests, Protective Legislation, and Migrants’ Experiences.” Journal of American Ethnic History 13, no. 1 (1993): 68–101.

Bade, Klaus J. “German Emigration to the United States and Continental Immigration to Germany in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries.” Central European History 13, no. 4 (1980): 348–77.

[44] Immigration, Steaming into the Future, Steamship Historical Society of America,

[45] Aboard a Packet, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian,

Kathi Gosz, A Look at Le Havre, a Less-Known Port for German Emigrants, 9 Oct 2011, ‘Village Life in Kreis Saarburg Germany’, Blog,

[46] William Smith, An Emigrant’s Narrative or a Voice from Steerage, New York: Published by the Author and Printed by E. Winchester, 1850

An Emigrant’s Narrative; or, A Voice from the Steerage Summary, WikiSummaries, Last updated on November 10, 2022,

[47] Cohn, Raymond L. “Mortality on Immigrant Voyages to New York, 1836-1853.” The Journal of Economic History 44, no. 2 (1984): 289–300.

[48] McNamara, Robert. “Packet ship.” ThoughtCo. (accessed July 10, 2023)

[49] Inside a Packet Ship, 1854, From Die Gartenlaube Leipzig Fruft NeilCourtesy of the Mariners’ Museum, Wkimedia Commons,,_1854.jpg

[50] Quote from: Genealogy Packet Boats, ships were backbone of U.S. Water travel, Tribune-Star, April 24, 2014,

See also: Packet boat, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 8 March 2023,

[51] Cohn, Raymond L., and Simone A. Wegge. “Overseas Passenger Fares and Emigration from Germany in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.” Social Science History 41, no. 3 (2017): 393–413.

[52] Ibid

[53] Ibid

[54] United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls. Year: 1900; Census Place: Gloversville Ward 1, Fulton, New York; Roll: 1036; Page: 5; Enumeration District: 0006, Bounded By Forest, Fremont, Steele Ave, City Limits, South Main , Page 5, Line 98.

[55] Researching ship manifest lists during this time period have revealed a few records that may point to our John or Johann Sperber

German Passengers Immigrating to American Around 1853 with Name Sperber

Johann Sperber1826Bavaria14 Jun 1852HavreNew York
Joh G. Sperber1834Bavaria09 Jul 1856HamburgNew York
J. Sperber1832Bavaria08 May 1855BremenNew York
W. Sperber 182820 Jun 1853BremenNew York
Sources: New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Original data:View Sources.
“United States Germans to America Index, 1850-1897.” Database. FamilySearch. : 18 July 2022. Citing NARA NAID 566634. National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

I have researched a number of sources for ship manifest records for Johan Wolfgang Sperber and Michael Hartom, some of which are listed below:

Below is a list of indexes and finding aids for New York passenger lists for 1820 to the 1890s (and beyond), including the Castle Garden period. 

[56] Affiliate Manifest ID: 00006987, Affiliate ARC Identifier: 1746067 “United States Germans to America Index, 1850-1897,” database, FamilySearch ( : 27 December 2014), Johann Sperber, 14 Jun 1852; citing Germans to America Passenger Data file, 1850-1897, Ship Germania, departed from Havre, arrived in New York, New York, New York, United States, NAID identifier 1746067, National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

Source: |Click for Larger View

[57] Source: Ship GERMANIA at pier, Le Havre, France, Collections & Research, Mystic Seaport Museum , Stereograph photograph by Andrieu, J.
France, Normandie, Le Havre after 1850, paper 7 x 3-1/2 in.; sailing vessels at pier, GERMANIA in foreground; written on back “422 Ecluse de la Barre, at Saquebot, de Gernania de New-York/ au Heavre/ Packet ship Germania/ Chas Henry Townsend [sic.] Cmdg.” Printed on front “VILLES & PORTS MARITIMES” and “PHOTOIE DE J. ANDRIEU, PARIS.” [GERMANIA, ship, later bark, built 1850, Portsmouth, NH, by Fernald & Pettigrew, 996 tons, 170.7 x 35.5 x 17.7; New York & Havre Union Line.]

[58] Havre-Union Line (trans-Atlantic packet), Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 17 May 2023,

[59] Holley, O. L., ed. (1845). The New-York State Register, for 1845. New York: J. Disturnell. p. 257

[60] History of Gloversville, City of Gloversville,

[61] Albion, Robert G. Square-Riggers On Schedule: The New York Sailing Packets to England, France, and the Cotton Ports. Hamden, Conn.: Archon, 1965.

Cutler, Carl C. Queens of the Western Ocean: The Story of America’s Mail and Passenger Sailing Lines. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1961.

Lubbock, Basil. The Western Ocean Packets. New York: Dover, 1988.

[62] Christoph Fliegel (age 60), Juliani (59), Phillipp (33), Rosina (28) and Sophie (21) from Baden Germany, Year: 1855; Arrival: New York, New York, USA; Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897; Jan 26, 1855, Page One, Lines: 3-7; List Number: 53, Ship or Roll Number: Zurich

New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957, Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897. Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls. NAI: 6256867. Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36. National Archives at Washington, D.C. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957. Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls. NAI: 300346. Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives at Washington, D.C. Supplemental Manifests of Alien Passengers and Crew Members Who Arrived on Vessels at New York, New York, Who Were Inspected for Admission, and Related Index, compiled 1887-1952. Microfilm Publication A3461, 21 rolls. NAI: 3887372. RG 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004; Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Index to Alien Crewmen Who Were Discharged or Who Deserted at New York, New York, May 1917-Nov. 1957. Microfilm Publication A3417. NAI: 4497925. National Archives at Washington, D.C. Passenger Lists, 1962-1972, and Crew Lists, 1943-1972, of Vessels Arriving at Oswego, New York. Microfilm Publication A3426. NAI: 4441521. National Archives at Washington, D.C. ;

[63] Immigration & Steamships, Mystic Seaport, the Museum of America and the Sea,

[64] American Lloyd’s Register of American and Foreign Shipping, New York: E & G.W. Blunt, Clayton & Ferris Printers, 1859, Page 93

[65] Havre-Union Line (trans-Atlantic packet), Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 17 May 2023,

[66] U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Johnstown, Dweling Number 1398, 6 household members, lines 16-21, Page 179.