Y-DNA & the Griffis Paternal Line Part Five: Using Y-DNA & Locating a Griff(is)(es)(ith) Relative and Other Leads

You can only go so far with Y-DNA test results. As stated in prior parts of this story, the ability to combine information from a wide variety of sources will ultimately lead to validated results, promising leads and stories. Oftentimes, in my limited experience I find that many individuals who have completed Y-DNA tests do not do much once they get the results. This is perhaps due to their unrealistic expectations of what the tests will provide. Or given the nature of the field, DNA testers do not know what to do with the results. I have found getting the test results is just the start of the process. They point you in a certain direction. The next steps are then in your hands in terms of trying to make sense of the results. 

I can attest that I have not pushed the envelope in terms of analyzing Y-DNA results as much as possible. It takes a fair amount of time, energy and imagination. It also requires the ability to learn and understand how to interpret the results and use various mathmetical tools to analyze genetic data. DNA companies such as Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) provide access to a wealth of data, some of which is analyzed and packaged in innovative ways. FTDNA also provides working groups to assist in locating genetic matches and providing forums for assistance. However, there are other instances where one is on their own and required to personally gather FTDNA results from fellow testers in order to create “genetic trees” or uncover genealogical discoveries.

G-Haplogroup is a Modern Day Y-DNA Genetic Minority Group

In addition to the challenges of grappling with analyzing genetic data, despite the explosive growth of DNA testing, there is a dearth of data for testers of certain Y-DNA haplogroups. The Griff(is)(es)(ith) patrilineal line is part of the G-haplogroup. The G-haplogroup is a modern day genetic minority group at least in terms of potential testers and actual test kits in the FTDNA database.

The testing of Neolithic remains in various parts of Europe has confirmed that a major sub-branch of G, haplogroup G2a, was one of the dominant lineages of Neolithic farmers and herders who migrated from Anatolia to Europe between 9,000 and 6,000 years ago. They were part of a second massive wave of humans to migrate into Europe. However a third wave, coming from the Steppes, brought an additional Y-DNA genetic mix and eventually overtook the dominance of the G-haplogroup genetic presence. This third wave was predominately composed of the Y-DNA R-Haplogroup. [1]

By the Iron Age, the G2a subclade population in most of Europe had been genetically replaced as one of the predominate genetic paternal lines by the Indo-European migration of the R-Haplogroup. This was also followed by Celtic warfare in northwest Europe.. The net result was the diminished presence of G haplogroup men in Europe.

The ‘third wave’ of migration patterns into Western Europe belonged primarily to haplogroup R1b-U152. But as with any large scale migration pattern, the historic waves of migratory patterns often contain a mixture of genetic groups. Going back to our discussion in part two of this story about the differences between cultural and genetic genealogy, the macroscopic movements of genetic groups are logically separate and invisible from the cultural trappings of the actual migratory human groups. It appears that this third wave also carried a substantial minority of G2a-L140 lineages (of which the Griff(is)(es)(ith) line is part of) along their migration route. The net result of all of this is the G-haplogroup descendants in modern day Europe are a minority Haplogroup.

G2a makes up 5 to 10% of the population of Mediterranean Europe, but is relatively rare in northern Europe. The only regions where haplogroup G2 exceeds 10% of the population in Europe are in Cantabria in northern Spain, in northern Portugal, in central and southern Italy (especially in the Apennines), in Sardinia, in northern Greece (Thessaly), in Crete, and among the Gagauzes of Moldova – all mountainous and relatively isolated regions. Other regions with frequencies approaching the 10% include Asturias in northern Spain, Auvergne in central France, Switzerland, Sicily, the Aegean Islands, and Cyprus.

“. . . (T)he frequency of haplogroup G decreases with the distance from the boundaries of the empire. Haplogroup G is much rarer in Nordic and Baltic countries nowadays than in Great Britain, despite the fact that agriculture reached those regions around the same time. It is therefore not inconceivable that a part of the G2a in Great Britain, and especially in Wales (where G2a is the highest) should be of Roman origin. “ [2]

Illustration One: Distribution Map of Haplogroup G2a-L497 in Contemporary Europe

Source: Maciamo Hay, Haplogroup G2a, Eudepia [2] | Click for Larger View

This means, by inference, there is a smaller pool of available males in Europe to obtain Y-DNA comparative test results. This is reflected in the current distribution of Y-DNA tests results maintained by FTDNA. [3] Test results associated haplogroups of testers residing in in modern Europe and the United States have increased dramatically (for example Haplogroups R, J, and I).

Illustration Two provides a time tree view of the FamilyTreeDNA Haplotree, showing branch lengths in thousands of years. The timeline is oldest (left) to more recent (right). Numbers adjacent to each clade are counts of downstream branches a given haplogroup.. Younger branches are collapsed for readability: 5,000 years ago is depicted in the main tree. 2,000 years ago is depicted in the much larger Haplogroup R tree. While not the smallest Haplogroup in terms of the number of branches documented, the G-Haplogroup is nonetheless smaller than many of the other haplogroups found in Europe. [3]

Illustration Two: Family Tree DNA Haplotree Summary Dec 2020 of the Number of Haplogroup Branches Documented.

Click for Larger View.

Coupled with the present day small population size of G-Haplogroup men in Europe, there are the genetic repercussions of “Brick Wall” challenges that were the result of colonial immigration to the Americas.

The Brick Wall: Colonial Immigration

Many amateur American genealogists lament about the Atlantic Ocean as the ‘brick wall’ in the uncovering ancestors who immigrated to the Colonies. There are historical and social structural parameters that shape and influence the probability of successfully finding descendants through genetic analysis and traditional genealogical research. 

It is inherently easier to document ancestry on the American side of the Atlantic. It is objectively more difficult to discover genetic leads and traditional paper documentation to link our immigrant descendants with European descendants. 

For many Americans, notably those who can trace their last known ancestor to colonial times, the last known connection will be the son of or the original immigrant son from Europe. In our case, it is William Griffis born in 1736 in Huntington, New York.

The original immigrant or the descendant of the original immigrant is in genetic genealogy the founder, a DNA bottleneck who “resets the odometer” on DNA mutations; and descendants start with zero diversity. This is a common pattern with profound effects on mtDNA or Y-DNA research. Bottlenecks on the European side (due to war, natural disaster, disease, etc) can further compound the problem of finding genetic matches 

From an historical demographic and economic perspective, there are fewer descendants to trace back in Europe compared to the United States. Colonial America also had a higher literacy rate and great interest in record keeping which greatly aids efforts in locating documentation associated traditional genealogical research. Families that remained in Europe faced socio-economic hardships that resulted in lower fertility rates, smaller families, and higher mortality rates.  [4]

The life experiences for family member who immigrated to the colonies were substantially different from their respective family members who stayed behind in Europe. While the first 17th century settlers had fearsome mortality rates, poor diets, and their settlements were dependent on the net import of foodstuffs, their life conditions comparatively improved over time and generations compared to their European relatives. 

From a demographic, social, and economic standpoint, individuals who immigrated to the colonies experienced a set of different life experiences. European counterparts in western Europe had smaller families, higher mortality rates, limited economic capabilities and resources, and lived in urban areas. This contrasts with the life experiences of a family member who immigrated to the colonies. Abundant natural resources, higher wages, and cheap land contributed greatly to American colonialists’ standards of living. The period during which Americans most clearly led Britain in purchasing power per capita was in the colonial era.  American colonists also had much more equal incomes than did West Europeans at that time. [5]

It does not seem difficult to find out the reasons why the people multiply faster here than in Europe. As soon as a person is old enough he may marry in these provinces without any fear of poverty. There is such an amount of good land yet uncultivated that a newly married man can, without difficulty, get a spot of ground where he may comfortably subsist with his wife and children. The taxes are very low, and he need not be under any concern on their account. The liberties he enjoys are so great that he considers himself as a prince in his possessions. [6]

The colonies had some of world history’s highest population growth rates, not only in the initial settlement phases, but all the way up to the Revolution. Between 1700 and 1780, population grew at 2.9 per cent per annum for New England and also for the Middle Colonies, and at 2.4 for the Southern colonies. Furthermore, these rates were well above those in the rest of the world. The net fertility in early America was more than double that of Europe. American families from 1650 to 1850 averaged 4.8 children to adulthood.

Two sources of population growth (high fertility rates and higher life expectancy rates) with their opposing implications for the level of income per capita, were at play in the colonial era. The American colonists had extraordinary rates of natural increase, fed by early marriage and high fertility, and by low mortality (outside of the South – excluding the unfortunate effects of slavery). As early as 1751 Benjamin Franklin attributed all of these features to the abundance of land, and half a century later Robert Malthus agreed. [7]

A 1650 emigrant will have 200-fold more descendants than a sibling who stayed in Europe. This, plus DNA testing bias, is why an American DNA tester will seldom find a European connection. [8]

Illustration Three: Example of Two Brothers’ Descendants

Source: Rob Spencer [6] | Click for Larger View

The explosive growth of DNA testing in the United States and Americans’ interest in DNA testing has led to a current situation where DNA databases are heavily slanted to American stories. That explosion coupled with the historical, socio-economic, and demographic patterns on each of the Atlantic during colonial times leads to large scale patterns that have essentially created a steep uphill path for individuals in the United State finding colonial descendants in Europe..

The Griff(is)(es)(ith) family that started from William Griffis certainly fits this argument about tracing colonial immigrant families and their subsequent growth in the new world. William had 12 children, ten of which were males: a good start for the continuation of the Y-DNA line. There are over 1,100 descendants (including family members by marriage) of William Griffis between his life and present day.

The following Illustration Four depicts a visual depiction of the founder effect for the Griff(is)(es)(ith) family through a novel rendering of a family tree. [9] The top of the tree is William Griffis. In addition to the various branches in the family tree, it also illustrates the number of descendant lines of extinction for various generations (the ‘fanning’ of branches in the tree diminishes) as well as the diminishing size of families through time (the width of th ‘fans’ of branches). The visualization also portrays the age longevity of individuals in the tree.

Illustration Four: Descendants of William Griffis – 1773 to the Present

Being part of a present day minority haplogroup, facing the challenges associated with the genetic brick wall of colonial immigration, and the American bias of Y-DNA testing certainly does not raise the expectations of finding Y-DNA genetic discoveries in Europe, regardless of the advancements made in DNA testing.

As will become evident as the story unfolds, the results are not entirely earth shattering but there are surprises nonetheless.

Review of Y-DNA Results

Based on the results of my Big Y 700 test from Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), I was able to compare similar test results from other males who completed the Y- 12, Y- 25, Y-37, Y-67, Y-111 or Big Y 700 Y-DNA tests. Short tandem repeats (STR) matches are limited to results for only the 111 identified STRs. The STRs beyond the 111 are used for predicting a more refined assignment of a Haplogroup or documenting a new branch in the haplotree.

I originally started my examination of potential Y-DNA STR matches with the Y-37 and Y- 67 test results. The more STRs used for comparison will provide more reliable results. It is like comparing two digital photographs of the same subject but one has more pixels and the other. The photograph with more pixels will provide more detail. Without additional traditional genealogical information or knowledge of surnames, using the results from the Y-111 test is the most reliable strategy for analyzing STR results. However, if another Y-DNA tester had taken a test with fewer STRs and had a similar surname or self reported common ancestor, then it is prudent to compare their Y-DNA results. This became apparent as I progressed with my research.

As indicated in earlier parts of this story, my Big Y 700 Y-DNa test confirmed my affiliation with the G haplogroup and documented that the Griff(is)(es)(ith) patrilineal line was also part of the L-497 subbranch of the haplogroup. Reviewing their work was a good start for my research.

The overwhelming majority of northern and western Europeans who belong to the G2a subclade fall specifically within G2a-L140 subclade. [10] The following ‘breadcrumb’ line traces back from my terminal SNP haplogroup:

G-L140 > G-PF3346 > G-PF3345 > G-L497 > CTS9737 > Z1817 > Z727 > FGC477 > Z6748 > Y38335 > Z40857 > Y132505 > BY211678.

Illustration Five provides a graphic view of the breadcrumb line of haplotree branches to my terminal point on the G-haplotree. It also indicates the approximate date when the MRCA of the branch was born. My strategy for looking for possibleY-DNA matches among the Y-DNA test kits, involved going down the breadcrumb branches of the haplotree to a branch that was created closer to the present. The G-40857 branch started around the time of the Norman invasion of the British Isles 91000 CE). It made sense to start there for possible matches.

Illustration Five: SNP Breadcrumbs to My Terminal SNP

Click or Larger View.

From the L-497 branch (which represented the initial stages of the second wave of modern human migration into Europe) I could narrow my search by going down the haplotree branches. Moving through ‘genetic history’ and following the westward migration of the haplogroup in Europe to the most recent branch: G-BY211678. The most common recent ancestor (tMRCA) for this branch was estimated to have been born around 1500 CE. This would represent a “recent” group of descendants that conceivably had descendants in a geographic area where William Griffis had descendants.

Based on the current population of FTDNA testers who completed one of the six types of Y-DNA tests, eleven individuals that were members of the L-497 project were the closest genetic matches within my haplotype. Table One, which has been mentioned in the prior story, provides the STR results of arranging test kits based on haplogroup affiliation. Twelve test kits (including mine) were grouped in the G-BY211678 haplogroup.

For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. Table One displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) STR results for individuals that either tested or were predicted positive for Y132505+ and BY211678+ for the SNPs associated with these haplogroups.

The table uses a colorized format to display the results. [11] The columns display each project member’s kit number, paternal ancestry information according to project settings, the paternal tree branch (haplogroup), and actual STR marker results (up to 111 markers in this table). In the haplogroups column, haplogroups in green are confirmed by SNP testing. Haplogroups in red are predicted. Above each subgroup, the table displays the minimum, maximum and mode values for each STR marker in the subgroup. STR marker values that differ from the mode values are color-coded.

Table One: Haplogroup G-L497 Y-DNA Project – Y-DNA Colorized Chart

Source: FTDNA L-497 Work Group DNA Results | Click for larger view

Using various FTDNA based analytical tools and other novel applications from amateur genealogists, eight of the eleven test kits were found to be ‘relatively’ close as genetic Y-DNA matches.

Table Two provides information on ‘how close’ the eight test kits are in terms of genetic distance. All but one of the test kits are associated with individuals in the United States. Kit number 149885, the surname of the tester is Gough, is from England. Two of. the eight are ‘two genetic steps’ from me while the remaining six tests kits are four genetic steps. The number of steps from our respective MCRA are not necessarily the same. As stated in the prior story, the number of STRs compared has an impact on how to interpret genetic steps.

Although the test kit 125476, whose tester’s last name is Griffith (first row of the table), only tested for the Y-37 test, his test results are 2 ‘genetic steps’ different from my test results. This means, based on a Y-37 test comparison, Mr. Griffith and I share a common ancestor around 8 generations ago or ‘give or take’ between 2 to 20 generations..

Based on a Genetic Distance of 2 at the Y-37 test level, I and Henry Vieth Griffith are estimated to share a common paternal line ancestor who was, with a 95% probability, born between 1250  and 1850 CE. The most likely year is rounded to 1650 CE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. Eight generations would be around the revolutionary war period in America and around the time that William Griffis was born! [13]

Table Two: STR Haplotype Matches with James Griffis Based Minimally on Y-37 Test

of Tester
on GD
125476Griffith372 Steps8 (2-20)1650 CEWilliam
39633Compton372 Steps8 (2-20)1650 CEUnknown
154471Williams1114 Steps3(7-15)1700 CEWilliam
285488Williams700**4 Steps3(7-15)1700 EGeorge
294448Williams1114 Steps3(7-15)1700 CEGeorge
285458Williams1114 Steps3(7-15)1700 CEGeorge
36706Williams674 Steps11(4-22)1500 CEWilliam
149885Gough374 Steps14(6-28)1300 CEGough
** For Y-700 testers, the Y-111 markers are used for matching purposes.
Source: FTDNA myFTDNA Y-DNA Match Results for James Griffis

The following provides an explanation of the information found in Table Two

Surname is the actual surname of the tester.

Markers Tested indicates the total number of STR markers tested. Only markers from those tests were used for the match. 

Genetic Distance (GD) refers to the number of mutational differences in tested STRs between my results and the individual tester. Fewer differences can indicate a closer relationship to a shared paternal line ancestor. This is used to rank order possible genetic matches among Y-DNA test kits. [12]

Common Ancestor refers to the estimated number of past generations that I and the tester possibly share a common ancestor based on a 90+ percent confidence interval. Since each STR marker has a different mutation rate, identical Genetic Distances will not necessarily yield the same probabilities. Someone else with the same Genetic Distance may have different probabilities, because the distance was prompted by mutations in different markers, with different mutation rates. The numbers in the parentheses represent the confidence level range of generations.

MRCA is based on an estimate time when the common ancestor was born.

Earliest Known Ancestor is self reported by the owner of the test kit.

Another Y-DNA tester is purportedly 2 genetic steps from me as well. The surname associated with the test kit is “Compton” and no earliest known ancestor was reported with the test results. I have not found any relatives through tradition genealogical research with the surname of Compton.

Given the nature of the late adoption of surnames among the Welsh, being related to this gentleman is not necessarily ruled out. While it has been stated that one should expect the presence of surnames for tMRCA’s with branches that are less than 25 – 30 generations ago, I am assuming that range is more like 20-25 generations ago for Welsh surnames. [14] The statistical deviation of 2 genetic generations based on a Y-37 STR test is relatively wide. Similar to my test result comparison with Henry Griffith, based on a Genetic Distance of 2 at the Y-37 test level, I and Mr. Clinton K Compton are estimated to share a common paternal line ancestor who was, with a 95% probability, born between 1250 and 1850 CE. The most likely year is rounded to 1650 CE.

The remaining six testers listed in Table Two are four genetic steps different from my test results. One of the test kits is based on Y-37 results, one on Y-67 results, three on Y111 results and one on the Big Y 700 test kit result.

What is interesting among these six test kits, the common surname is Williams. While I do have any traditional genealogical documentation which connects the Griffis family with other individuals with the Williams surname, perhaps 15 to 22 generations back there might be a common ancestor with the Williams surname.

Illustration Six: Emergence of Surnames in Genealogical Research Depicted in a Genealological Dendrogram

As discussed in earlier stories, the use of surnames in Wales was not widespread until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the greater part of Wales, the ancient patronymic naming system continued: having children identified in relation to their father. This meant that surnames in the 1600’s and and 1700’s did not take on the weight of significance that they have for present generations. Using a surname was similar to using a first name, they changed based on what was conferred by prior generations and also what one wanted to use as a surname.  There was a wide time variation when surnames were adopted in various parts of Wales. Surnames became the norm by 1750 across the coastal plain of south Wales and along the eastern border with England. [15]

The ten most common surnames in Wales in 1856 were Jones (13.84%), Williams (8.91%), Davies (7.09%), Thomas (5.70%), Evans (5.46%), Roberts (3.69%), Hughes (2.98%), Lewis (2.97%), Morgan (2.63%) and Griffiths (2.58%). [16]

The STR Results Using Dendrograms

I used the FTDNA data from the L-497 project as data input into Rob Spencer’s Y STR Clustering and Dendrogram Drawing program [17] and filtered the data to only include test kits within the G-BY211678 haplotree branch (re: Illustration Six above). The dendrogram provides a sense of genetic distance between the test kits and approximate generations from the most recent common ancestors.

The dendrogram provides a genetic tree diagram of test kits that are listed as rows in the dendrogram. The nodes to the branches in the tree represent a most recent common ancestor. Time, as measured in the number of generations from the present, starts from the right and proceeds to the left. The haplogroup for each test kit is listed. Some of the haplogroups associated with test kits are very basic or reflect major ‘trunk branches’ in the G-haplotree. This is due to the type of Y-STR test that was used for a particular kit. If someone completed a Y-37 test, given the limited number of STR markers tested, haplogroup prediction would also be limited. The paternal ancestor, reported by the tester, is also listed in the dendrogram.

Illustration Six: Y-STR Dendrogram of FTDNA Test Kits in the G-BY211678 Haplogroup

Click for larger view

The genetic relationships between the test kits are fairly apparent. What is evident is the close genetic distance between Mr. Griffith and my test kits. His test kit is listed as G-M201 “William Griffis b.c. 1733, Huntington, NY and my test kit is listed as G-BY211678 “William Griffis b. 1736”. Consistent with the FTDNA’s  results from FTDNATiP™ genetic steps analysis, my test kit and Mr. Griffith’s test kit suggest we share a common ancestor approximately 8 generations ago who was born in the mid 1600’s to early 1700’s.

The dendrogram also suggests that a common ancestor is shared with eight test kits that identify their respective paternal ancestors as having the Williams and Gough surnames. Our most recent common ancestor may have been born about 14 generations ago. Using 33 years for a generation [18], this would be around 1560 CE. The approximate date of our MRCA is prior to the time when surnames were prevalent in Wales.

STR Results Portrayed in a Phylogenetic Tree

I also used the FTDNA data from the L-497 project as data input into Dave Vance’s SAPP program to develop a phylogenetic tree that graphically outlined the genetic distance between the test kits within the haplogroup. The program is relatively easy to use and graphically provides an intuitive approach to visualize the possible genetic relationships between various DNA test results. The program is referred to as the SAPP analysis (Still Another Phylogeny Program). The current version that was used in my analysis was SAPP Tree Generator V4.25. [19]

The resultant phylogenetic tree created nodes that represent tMRCA based on key differences between specific STR markers based on the allele values for the respective STR markers. Basically the program creates a genetic tree of test kits based on the comparison of differences between the allele values for the STR markers. It transforms the information in Table One into a tree.

The following phylogenetic tree in Illustration Seven was created (click on the image of the thumbnail of the tree to be able to actually see the table) or see the PDF file – you can increase the size of the PDF file to better viewing.

Illustration Seven: Phylogenetic Tree Results for FTDNA STR Test Results for Individuals within the G-BY211678 Haplogroup (Click for Larger View)

Click for Larger View. | PDF file version

The analysis of STR differences between the 12 test kits resulted in a  phylogenic tree with three major nodes. The most recent common ancestor that started the G-Y132505 haplogroup branch is estimated to have been born around 1250 CE and the birth date of tMRCA for the subsequent G-BY211678 haplogroup is 1500 CE. It is estimated the MRCA for all of the 12 test kits is 23 generations or 1300 CE.

There are three major nodes in the phylogenetic tree. Descending from the MCRA, three individual test kits are listed directly from the MCRA. One of the three major nodes, Node #13, lists descendants of William Griffis.  Node #13 is based on key STR  differences in five STR markers: DYS456, DYS570, CDYa, DYS617 and DYS 715. Both my kit and Henry Griffith’s test kits are part of this node. Another major node, Node #16, groups test kits that have a paternal ancestor listed as William Walmsley and William Williams. Another major node, Node #18, lists test kits that had more recent STR mutations (an estimated TMRCA of 3 generations – around 1800 CE). The  test kit with the paternal ancestor named Gough is listed directly off the major node.

The Results: The Big Picture

In general, while the results from analyzing STR Y-DNA data are sparce, the analysis underscored the value of genetic genealogical analysis for unearthing discoveries associated with each of the three periods of genealogy, particularly for potential lineages and genealogies. [20]

Illustration Eight: The Three Periods of Genealology

Finding genealogical matches are slim. The size of the current database of Y-DNA testers within my specific G-haplogroup is relatively small. The probability of finding matches is obviously related to the size of the population that has completed a Y-DNA test with the particular company that you are utilizing. While DNA testing has appreciably increased over the past 10 years, Y-DNA testing has specifically increased at a lower rate than the popular ‘ethnic heritage’ tests. Like fly fishing, I knew my ability to snag a ‘lead’ through Y-DNA analysis might be slim but a catch is always delightful.

It came as no surprise that the available test results for comparison for potential genetic matches are presently small. There were only a dozen or so test kits for comparison in one of the FTDNA working projects. There may be additional test kits to compare but it involves a more active search on my part to search the FTDNA complete database.

Matches with different surnames were found in the lineages period of genealogy.  Since the Griff(is)(es)(ith) surname is purportedly a Welsh surname, the use of surnames did not become firmly established in certain parts of Wales until the late 1700’s to mid 1800’s. Based on my traditional genealogical research I knew the Griffis family line had three spellings of the surname (Griffis, Griffith, and Griffes) in America. Y-DNA tests have corroborated that finding genetically related ancestors with different surnames in Europe is evident. The next step is to see if any of the Williams clan are part of our genetic lineage.

Finding genealogical matches currently confirmed through traditional research. The Y-DNA test did indeed find a match with an individual that I have already documented in my family tree. I might be able to find additional clues to male family members that are descendants of William Griffis in the future.

Finding genealogical matches that point to Wales.  It appears Y-DNA test results point to ancestors in the area we currently call ‘Wales”. Obviously, one’s ancestors could be Welsh and have lived in London or other parts of the British Isles. This is investigated in the next story.

Identify unknown ancestors and lineages in timelines where no records exist.  The Y-DNA test results have narrowed the search of male ancestors of the Griff(is)(es)(ith) paternal line to specific genetic Y-DNA lines in the G-haplogroup in the British Isles.

Identify ancient groups and migration patterns associated with the genetic paternal line. I certainly have obtained information about ‘deep ancestry’. Viewing the patrilineal line at a higher, macroscopic anthropological level provides a novel perceptive on the origins of the lineage. More on that in subsequent stories.

Further research into the possible background of the remaining test kits may produce worthwhile results! WHO KNOWS, we might be related to a few Williams and a Gough and a Compton a few centuries ago!

Corroboration of a Family Tie: Henry Vieth Griffith

The results of the Y-DNA testing thus far have confirmed one distant Griffith relative: Henry Vieth Griffith.

Henry Vieth Griffith and Arvilla Rogers
Dave Sickler originally shared this  photograph on an ancestry.com family tree on 13 Jan 2021

Henry Vieth Griffith was originally discovered through traditional research. Y-DNA analysis confirmed the results of traditional genealogical research. Through the course of researching various on-line family trees, coupled with access to personal family histories surrounding the descendants of James Griffis, William Griffis’ second son, I was able to document Henry Griffith’s family ties.

In the course of conducting my on-line research prior to completing Y-DNA tests, I discovered a defunct website “Gruffydd Genealogies: Griffi(th)(n)(s)(ng)Surname DNA Project“.

The website had a link entitled “Pedigrees” which listed family trees with Kit Numbers, brief information on the paternal ancestor and email contacts. At that time I had no idea what a ‘Kit Number’ was nor was it immediately apparent that the website represented the results managed by FTDNA. [21]

On a Pedigree link on the website it listed a number of Family Pedigrees found in this Y-DNA surname research project. One of the pedigree’s got my attention: “ #49, Kit Number 125476, William Griffith, born 1773 of New York, married Abiah Gates ” and provided a contact email address”.

“Eureka! I found a relative! “

Unfortunately, my repeated attempts to send emails provided no responses. The email address appeared to be a dead-end. Moreover, the link to the family tree for this Kit number returned with a ‘404’ web error, meaning the link no longer linked to an existing web page. I did not realize until later on in my research that the email address on the website was Henry’s wife’s email address. Sadly, Arvilla Griffith passed away in 2014.

While the website was no longer being actively managed, I did not realize that the website was the early precursor of the current FTDNA Griffi(th)(n)(s)(ng) Surname project of which I am now a member. The project administrator listed on the website is no longer involved with the project but some of the links on the old site still direct the reader to current information on DNA results for another current FTDNA project: the L-497 haplogroup project!

At the time of this discovery of the defunct website, it merely provided, for my research, another confirmation that “William Griffith(is)” married Abiah Gates.

Through my continued research of genealogy material posted on various family trees, I found a number of sources that ultimately provided bits and pieces of the James Griffis (b. 1758) family line of descendants – sufficient information to progressively put puzzle pieces together to develop ties between Henry Vieth Griffith and the descendants of William Griffis.

All said and done, tracing Henry’s line of descent up to William Griffis and back down the tree to me indicates that Henry is my 5th cousin once removed.

Illustration Eight: Most Recent Common Ancestor for Henry Griffith and James Griffis

Henry Vieth Griffith, was a descendent of James Griffis, William’s second son. Here is Henry’s surname line:  

  • William Griffis, born 1736 Huntington ,NY;
  • James William Griffis, born 04 June 1758 Suffolk, Co, NY, died 21 November 1838, Suffolk, County, NY;
  • James Harvey Griffith, born 19 August 1801 Huntington, NY, died 11 April 1883 Rockaway, Queens NY; 
  • James Harvey Griffith, born 23 April 1854, died 26 Sep 1918 Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island;
  • Benjamin Fessenden Griffith, born 8 March 1897 East Rockaway Nassau NY, died 27 May 1977 Suffolk County, NY; and
  • Henry Vieth Griffith (17 October 1923 Barrington RI – 20 May 2017 Weslaco, TX) 

It is interesting to note that James Griffis’ descendants reverted to the Griffith spelling of the surname. With one exception, all the descendants of James Griffis spelled their surname as ‘Griffith‘. the reason for the reversion to the Griffith spelling is not known. One of the daughters, Abiah, possibly spelled her maiden name as Griffis or Griffiths. [22] Many of his descendants continue to live in Long Island and New England area. 

James Griffis and Sarah Totten had seven children. All of his children were baptized under the name of Griffith and other records associated with his children indicate the use of Griffith as a last name. It is interesting to note that church records indicate that the first six children were baptized in a group ceremony on the same day on August 4 in 1797. [23]

Table Three: Children of James William Griffis

Second Generation of
Griffis Family
Third Generation
James William Griffis
1758 – 1838
Suffolk Co. NY
Jerusha Griffith (female)
1785 – 1859
Suffolk Co. NY
Abiah Griffis (female)
1786 – 1871
Suffolk Co., NY
Sarah Griffith (female)
1787 – 1847
Suffolk Co, NY
Jesse Griffith (male) 
1788 – 1855
Suffolk Co., NY
William Griffith (male)
1791 – 1879
Suffolk Co., NY
Peter Griffith (male)
1796 – 1874
Suffolk Co., NY
James Harvey Griffith (male)
1801 – 1883
Suffolk Co., NY

For about 8 generations, there were 53 male descendants of James Griffis. All used the ‘Griffith’ surname. Thirty-seven of the descendants lived in the counties contiguous to or part of the New York City area. Eight lived in Connecticut and four lived in Rhode Island. One descendant lived in Rensselaer county, NY and one lived in Union county, NJ. Four lived in Jefferson county, KY; one is Hidalgo county, TX, Chester County, PA, and Broomfield county, CO.

I have not looked closely at the range of geographical mobility for each of the male descendants. The geographic mobility for most of descendants was limited within the area noted in the table and maps. Henry Vieth Griffith was one notable descendant living outside of the New England area. Military life took him to many places and he appears to have had the most extensive mobility of his descendants over his lifetime.

Illustration Nine: Locations of Descendants of James Griffis in New York State

Click for Larger View

Illustration Ten: Locations of Descendants of James Griffis in Connecticut and Rhode Island

Descendants of James Griffis residing in Connecticut, click for larger view.
Descendants of James Griffis residing in Rhode Island, click for larger view.

Henry Vieth Griffith’s father, Benjamin Fessenden Griffith, lived in Rhode Island where Henry and his siblings were born. When Henry Vieth Griffith was born on October 17, 1923, in Barrington, Rhode Island, his father, Benjamin, was 26 and his mother, Sara, was 26.

The following is an undated newspaper article about Henry and one of his brothers, Harvey K. Griffith, when they both were in military service during World War II.

Illustration Eleven: Newspaper Article About the Two Griffith Brothers

Click for Larger View

Henry and Arvilla met in Oklahoma City, OK during World War II. They were married on August 17, 1944, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. They had a long and event filled life together. Shortly before Arvilla’s death in 2014, they celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. 

They both were in military service during World War II. Henry made a career out of his military service to the country. While rising their family and following her husband around the world in his military career, Arvilla earned credits at 11 different universities, received her Bachelor’s degree and then went on to obtain her Doctorate in Education. They had five children during their marriage. Their retirement years were spent in southern Texas, Henry passed away on May 20, 2017, in Weslaco, Texas, at the age of 93, and was buried along with Arvilla, in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, TX. [24]

Henry or Arvilla or both were evidently were interested in genealogy. This was reflected in Henry completing a Y-DNA test. I only wish I was able to have met Henry and Arvilla before they passed away.

Illustration Twelve: Headstones for Henry Vieth Griffith and Arvilla Rogers Griffith


The Featured Image at the top of the story is a section of a spreadsheet of Y-DNA test kit results managed by the Haplogroup G-L497 Y-DNA Project. Highlighted rows point to my test kit and Henry Vieth Griffith’s test kit. The chart page displays Y-Chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) STR results that are grouped on the baiss of their similarity on SNP haplogroup results. The columns display each project member’s kit number, paternal ancestry information according to project settings, the paternal tree branch (haplogroup), and actual STR marker results. Above each subgroup, the minimum, maximum and mode values for each STR marker in the subgroup are displayed. STR marker values that differ from the mode values are color-coded.

[1] Andrew Curry, The first Europeans weren’t who you might think, National Geographic, Sept 2019, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/first-europeans-immigrants-genetic-testing-feature?loggedin=true&rnd=1676757061299

Early European Farmers, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_European_Farmers

Reich, David Who We are and how We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past. Oxford University Press. 2018

Lazaridis, Iosif; et al. (July 25, 2016). “Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East”. Nature. Nature Research. 536(7617): 419–424. Bibcode:2016Natur.536..419L. doi:10.1038/nature19310. PMC 5003663. PMID 27459054 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5003663/

González-Fortes, Gloria; et al. (June 19, 2017). “Paleogenomic Evidence for Multi-generational Mixing between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers in the Lower Danube Basin”. Current Biology. Cell Press. 27 (12): 1801–1810. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.05.023https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5483232/

Lazaridis, Iosif (December 2018). “The evolutionary history of human populations in Europe”. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. Elsevier. 53: 21–27. arXiv:1805.01579doi:10.1016/j.gde.2018.06.007https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959437X18300583

Shennan, Stephen (2018). The First Farmers of Europe: An Evolutionary Perspective. Cambridge World Archaeology. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108386029. ISBN 9781108422925

Nikitin, Alexey G.; et al. (December 20, 2019). “Interactions between earliest Linearbandkeramik farmers and central European hunter gatherers at the dawn of European Neolithization”Scientific Reports. Nature Research. 9 (19544): 19544. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6925266/

[2] Maciamo Hay, Haplogroup G2a, Eudepia, Last update January 2021, https://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_G2a_Y-DNA.shtml

[3] The following graphics illustrate the smaller sample size of Y-DNA test data for the G Haplogroup managed by Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), source: 2020 Review Of Big Y, FTDNA Blog, Feb 1, 2021, https://blog.familytreedna.com/2020-review-of-big-y/

Click for Larger View
Click for Larger View

[4] Rob Spencer, Case Studies in Macro Genealology, Presentation for the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, July 2021, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/ext/NYG&B_webinar.pdf

Rob Spencer, The Big Picture of Y STR Patterns, The 14th International Conference on Genetic Genealology, Houston, TX, March 22-24, 2019, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/ext/RWS-Houston-2019-WideAngleView.pdf

Rob Spencer, Genetic Genealogy at the Library, Mystic and Noank Library October17, 2019, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/mnl/mnl3.pdf ; October 10, 2019 http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/mnl/mnl2.pdf; October 7, 2019 http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/mnl/mnl1.pdf

[5] Scott Miller, Ten Facts About the American Economy in the 18th Century, George Washington”s Mount Vernon, https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/colonial-life-today/early-american-economics-facts/

Peter H. Lindert and Jeffrey G. Williamson, American Colonial Incomes, 1650-1774, Working Paper 19861, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, January 2014, https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w19861/w19861.pdf

[6] Peter Kalm’s Travels in North America: The English Version of 1770, revised from the original Swedish and edited by Adolph B. Benson (Wilson-Erickson, 1937); reprint edition (Dover, 1966), p. 211. 

[7] Franklin, Benjamin. 1751 / 1959. “Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc.,” in The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Volume IV, edited by Leonard W. Larabee. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. pp. 227-228

Malthus, Thomas Robert. 1798 / 1920. An Essay on the Principle of Population. London. Reprinted for the Royal Economic Society, London: 1920. pp. 105-106

[8] Rob Spencer, Case Studies in Macro Genealology, Presentation for the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, July 2021, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/ext/NYG&B_webinar.pdf

Rob Spencer, The Big Picture of Y STR Patterns, The 14th International Conference on Genetic Genealology, Houston, TX, March 22-24, 2019, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/ext/RWS-Houston-2019-WideAngleView.pdf

[9] This image is the result of plugging in a GED file of my family tree into a javascript program build by B.F. Lyon, Exploring Family Trees (Beta), On-line Visualization https://learnforeverlearn.com/ancestors/?fbclid=IwAR0OJcmL83m2WRI0mnuCp26h-14btQ2MWGaTGmdpPECkP0VvkCKY4IptI9w

Features of a Web-Based Family Tree Visualization Tool, Sep 20, 2105, http://familytreeviz.blogspot.com/2015/09/features-of-family-tree-visualization.html

[10] Maciamo Hay, Haplogroup G2a, Eudepia, Last update January 2021, https://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_G2a_Y-DNA.shtml

[11] The Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) Results Colorized report headings are color-coded in two ways. First, each testing level (Y-DNA1-12, Y-DNA13-25, Y-DNA26-37, Y-DNA38-67, and Y-DNA68-111) is coded with a different shade of blue. Second, the STR (short tandem repeat) markers that have faster mutation rates and are more likely to change within the genealogical time frame are coded with a red background.

The Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) results chart is color coded to show where someone in a subgroup differs from the calculated modal value for an STR (short tandem repeat) marker. For each step less than the modal value, a progressively darker shade of blue is used for the background color. For each step greater than the modal value, a progressively darker shade of pink is used for the background color.

Understanding the Y-DNA Results Colorized Report, FTDNA Help Center, https://help.familytreedna.com/hc/en-us/articles/4503464738319#accessing-the-y-dna-results-colorized-report-0-0

[12] The GD estimates and estimated number of Generations is based on FTDNATiP™ Reports, Most Recent Common Ancestor Time Predictor based on Y-STR Genetic Distance

Understanding Y-DNA Genetic Distance, FTDNA Help Center, https://help.familytreedna.com/hc/en-us/articles/6019925167631-Understanding-Y-DNA-Genetic-Distance

Concepts – Genetic Distance, DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy,, Blog, 29 June 2016, https://dna-explained.com/2016/06/29/concepts-genetic-distance/

[13] Time Predictor Estimates related to FTDNATiP™ Reports:

The Time Predictor (TiP), or FTDNATiP™, is a proprietary program that incorporates Y-chromosome DNA STR mutation rates to increase the power and precision of estimates of Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA). It is a tool provided by FTDNA  which allows for a probabilistic comparison between two Y-STR haplotypes to determine the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA). The program incorporates marker-specific mutation rates to increase the power and precision of the TMRCA estimates.

[14] Rob Spencer, Case Studies in Macro Genealology, Presentation for the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, July 2021, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/ext/NYG&B_webinar.pdf

Rob Spencer, The Big Picture of Y STR Patterns, The 14th International Conference on Genetic Genealology, Houston, TX, March 22-24, 2019, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/ext/RWS-Houston-2019-WideAngleView.pdf

[15] John and Sheila Rowlands, The Use of Surnames, Chapter 4, Patronymic Naming – A Survey in Transition, Llandysul, Ceredigion: Gomer Press, 2013, Figure 4-3: Decay in the use of patronymic naming to the 10% level, Page 56

[16] Shiela Rowlands, Sources of Surnames in John and Shiela Rowlands, ed, Stages in Researching Welsh Ancestry. Bury, England: The Federation of Family History Societies Publications Ltd., 1999. Pages 153 and 159

Although we are focused on individuals with the Griffith surname in the 1700’s in the American colonies, the prevalence of the Griffith surname has been documented in Wales in the 1800’s. Based on an analysis of census data in Wales in 1850, the top ten most common names represented approximately 80 percent of the Welsh population. While these names were common, it does not imply they were related. 

The result of using similar names as surnames resulted in the lack of diversity in surnames in Wales, see: John Rowlands, The Homes of Surnames in Wales in John Rowlands and Shiela Rowlands, ed, Stages in Researching Welsh Ancestry. Bury, England: The Federation of Family History Societies Publications Ltd., 1999. Page 162

Durie, Bruce, Welsh Genealogy, Stroud, United Kingdom: The History Press, 2013, Page 27

John Rowlands, The Homes of Surnames in Wales, in John and Shiela Rowlands, ed, Stages in Researching Welsh Ancestry. Bury, England: The Federation of Family History Societies Publications Ltd., 1999. Page 162-164

John and Sheila Rowlands, The Use of Surnames, Chapter 4, Patronymic Naming – A survey in Transition, Llandysul, Ceredigion: Gomer Press, 2013, Pages 50-57

[17] Rob Spencer, Y STR Clustering and Dendrogram Drawing, Tracking Back: a website for genetic genealogy tools, experimentation, and discussion, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/clustering.html

The data was from:

Family Tree DNA L-497 Project, DNA Results, https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/g-ydna/about

[18] “All things considered, 33 years per male generation is more accurate than 30 and a reasonable choice for the eras of interest in STR genealogy. ”

Rob Spencer, tMRCA Estimation from STR Data, Revisited, Tracking Back: a website for genetic genealogy tools, experimentation, and discussion, http://scaledinnovation.com/gg/gg.html?rr=strByMu

[19] David Vance, The Life of Trees   (Or:  Still Another Phylogeny Program),SAPP Tree Generator V4.25, http://www.jdvsite.com

Dave Vance, Y-DNA Phylogeny Reconstruction using likelihood-weighted phenetic and cladistic data – the SAPP Program, 2019, academia.edu, https://www.academia.edu/38515225/Y-DNA_Phylogeny_Reconstruction_using_likelihood-weighted_phenetic_and_cladistic_data_-_the_SAPP_Program

The following provides an explanation of the structure of the phylogenetic tree;

Click for Larger view

Source: David Vance, Output, The Life of Trees   (Or:  Still Another Phylogeny Program),SAPP Tree Generator V4.25, https://www.jdvsite.com/outputs/

[20] Source: Page 13 of a readable transcript of the narration in a YouTube at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CdU…, The video is by J. David Vance, DNA Concepts for Genealogy: Y-DNA Testing Part 1, 10 Oct 2019, https://youtu.be/RqSN1A44lYU

[21] Gruffudd Genealogies: Griffi(th(n)(s)(ng) Surname DNA Project. Website no longer updated., links are not working. http://griffdna.org/pedigrees.html#griffis

“The Griffi(th)(s)(n)(ng) surname project is intended to provide an avenue for connecting the many branches of Griffith, Griffin, Griffis, and other forms of the surname. The patronymic naming system, practiced in Wales into the latter 18th century, makes this task more difficult. Evan, Thomas, Johns, Jones, Rees, Owen, and many other common Welsh names may share common male ancestors. Surnames included in the project include: Griffen, Griffeth, Griffeths, Griffets, Griffett, Griffin, Griffing, Griffis, Griffit, Griffith, Griffiths, Griffitth, etc.”

“For the results to be meaningful, participants will need to share their direct male line ancestry back to the earliest known GRIFFITH/GRIFFIN/GRIFFIS/etc., either in the form of a pedigree chart, family group sheets, or electronic GEDCOM files.  Living persons should be excluded from the documentation.”

[22] References to Abia’s marriage to Simon half indicate her name was Abiah Griffis. Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 278.

References to Abiah burial, indicate her name as “Abiah Griffiths Haff”, Find A Grave Website, memorial no. 206641461, Hauppauge Rural Cemetery Hauppauge, Suffolk County, New York, USA

[23] Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 .

[24] Arvilla Rogers Griffith, Obituary, Valley morning Star, 18 Sep 2014, Page 8, Harlingen, TX. PDF available.

Henry V. Griffith, Find My Grave, Memorial ID: 180803329, Plot section 47A site 49 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/180803329/henry-v.-griffith

Arvilla Rogers Griffith, Find My Grave, Memorial ID: 136333620, Plot Section 47A Site 48 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/136333620/arvilla-rogers-griffith

Part Three: How Do You Spell Griffis?

This is the third part of a four part series on tracing the Griffis surname for the family that started in Huntington, Suffolk County, New York.

From my father I picked up a patterned answer to a common question when asked what is your last name. I can recall in the past and to the present, when asked to provide my last name, I state it and then intentionally spell the last name, “Griff… two f’s as in Frank.. i…s… as in Sam“. Even today it is oftentimes challenging for others to hear and accurately identify the spelling of my surname. I can only wonder what it was like in the 1700’s to the present.

The name purportedly started as Griffith or Griffiths then morphed into Griffis, Griffith and Griffes. The variability of spellings across and within the documented second and third generations of the family perhaps reflects the fluid nature of how individuals viewed and used surname conventions among Welsh descendants in Colonial America. It also may reflect how others hear the name and how it gets transcribed in various public documents.

Depending on the source of information, some of the family individuals are referenced by two or more spellings of the name. Without direct proof, it is not entirely certain if ‘Griffis’ or Griffith’ was used.

“Griffis … G…R…I..two ‘F’s’… I…S… as in Sam” – Typical reply on questions on what is my last name.

Family Folklore:

“In the tumultuous days preceding and during the Revolution, many records and many buildings were destroyed. At best the records are sketchy and inconsistent, and, obviously the spelling by clerks laboriously writing by hand as casual and irregular; for instance, in one book we find the name spelled GRIFFIS on one page and then spelled GRIFFITHS on another page.”

“According to the family legend, as told by Albert Buffet Griffith… , William Griffith had difficulty pronouncing ‘th’, and in a name or worth ‘th’ sounded like an ‘s’. As this speech impediment was an embarrassment to him, he allowed the clerk to record his name as Griffis rather than confessing the spelling was Griffith which would have called the clerk’s attention to the impediment.”

“My Great Grandfather, on my father’s side came from Wales & settled in Huntington, Long Island. They spelled the name Griffiths. My Grandfather, who died at my Father’s house could never give me a reason why he changed it to Griffis.” – William Case Griffis [1]

It is not until the third or fourth generation of the descendants of William Griffis that the surname was finally stabilized in a respective branch of the family tree. A major challenge in reconstructing the family past is determining what constitutes evidence and proof of how a specific individual and their descendants spelled his or her name.

” The OW (old world) form was Grippiud (Gripiud); this would change in the first place to Griffudd, and then to Gruffudd, for when i was followed in the next syllable by u, the i changed to u. (In the name Griffri, the i of Gripp – or Griff remained unchanged). When u came to have the same quality as the ‘clear y’ (the y of monosyllables and final syllables) the name generally became Gruffydd, and this is now regarded as the standard form. But forms such as Gruffith, Gryffydd are not uncommon in early documents. In South Wales the peculiar vowel sound of u/y was lost entirely and ‘Griffidd’ would be the normal pronunciation. The medieval scribes who were not Welsh generally wrote Griffith, even when they heard the original Welsh vowel, for Griffith would be the nearest they could get within their writing system. And this form, Griffith and Grilfiths came to be used almost universally, as forename and surname, throughout Wales.

The addition of -s to Griffith, which came about when the name became a surname, might not cause any alteration in appearance, i.e. in the spelling, but the pronunciations of -iths cannot be expected to stay unaltered and Griffiths is inevitably simplified to Griffis (which is the way the surname is usually pronounced) or Griffies. Versions of this kind are found in the Shropshire registers, and it is possible that other versions such as Griffits represent a simplification of -iths . There is very little point in trying to classify the many versions and provide an explanation because in most cases the various versions merely represent attempts to spell in English a name of Welsh origin with an unusual combination of sounds.” [2]

As indicated in part one of this story, there are a number of web based family trees and manuscripts of family genealogies that reference William Griffis(th) and his 12 descendants. There are four notable limitations for all of these sources on the Griff(is)(ith)(es) family from Huntington, New York: 

  • The proposed ancestors of William lack sound, corroborating facts that support the linkages to his purported parents or grandparents and other ancestors;
  • many of the internet based family trees contain inconsistent or contradictory facts;
  • many of the family trees list family members with the same uniform surname without documenting or recognizing facts regarding the discrepancies in the spelling of the surname in the various branches of the family tree; and
  • none of the genealogical sources, whether they are family trees or manuscripts, provide complete family lines of descendants for all of William’s 12 children.

While this part of the story and remaining fourth part of the story do not attempt address these four limitations, I will hopefully provide documentation on how the surname changed between family members across and within generations. Documenting the complete family tree for William’s 12 descendants coupled with the variations of the surname spelling is an ongoing process but will be covered in a future story.

My Madness in the Method

In my attempt to document the different spellings of the surname within and across generations of the Griff(is)(th)(es) family, I have compared various genealogical sources for an individual person and assessed the reliability of those sources. It is not a fool proof method. I may still have missed the target on specific individuals.

The following ordinal scale of ‘proof’ was used as a heuristic guide to determine how I reviewed various sources of evidence for a given individual . In many cases, if I was able to find a family or individual headstone, I figured a headstone with a name carved into the stone reflected a convincing basis of how the surname was spelled. While mistakes have been made on head stones, the amount of effort put into creating a marker for an individual’s burial is much more involved than simply transcribing a name on paper. Proof of a headstone and its spelling of the surname also may have influenced my views on how an individual’s immediate family may have spelled their surname since they were the ones that had the tomb stone made.

One thing I am certain of is you can not totally rely on how census or tax roll enumerators spelled names in their census, tax, or government documents. I imagine they relied on what they heard from who ever answered the door. In relation to the spelling of the surname in census sources, I am inclined to believe that any spelling of a family member as ‘Griffiths’ would point to or corroborate the actual spelling of the surname as ‘Griffis’ since phonetically it sounds very similar. So if I found the name spelled as ‘Griffiths’, I assumed the name was ‘Griffis’. This could also be true for the recording of the name as ‘Griffith’ since this was a common form of the spelling of the surname.

In the end, I felt the determination of the spelling of the surname for a given individual in a branch of the family came down to finding: primary sources (e.g. actual documents written by an individual, which, unfortunately is rare), a headstone, or following a person’s line of descendants to see if there is any continuity of how they spelled their last name.

Table One: Levels of Proof and Genealogical Evidence

Proof LevelLevel of CertaintyDescriptionConsistency Between Sources &
Examples / Types of Sources of Evidence
ONEConclusiveBeyond a Reasonable Doubt Consistency between all available records

Evidence supported by birth marriage & death certificates, wills, probate and court records, headstones, family headstones, family names in bibles, personal direct knowledge, how descendants spelled the name, etc.
TWOAlmost CertainlyPreponderance of EvidenceConsistent spellings across a wide range of types of various documents.

Evidence supported by sources found in level one but there may be a few exceptions in surname spelling in sources.
THREEMost LikelyPreponderance of EvidenceConsistent spellings across most sources of documents

Evidence supported by sources found in level two but there may be a number of exceptions in surname spelling.
FOURProbable Preponderance of EvidenceConsistent spellings across at least half of all types of various documents

Spellings of surnames in transcribed documents are numerous and the lack of a majority one way or another draw support to those that identify key events such as both marriage and death.
FIVELikely Conflicting EvidenceLimited sources of conflicting evidence.

Based on available genealogical sources of information, it appears that three variations of the surname have been used by the descendants of William and Abiah Griffis. For some individuals, it is not entirely certain if they used Griffith or Griffis.

An Overview: The First and Second Generations of the Family

The variations of spelling the Griff(is)(es)(th) surname in the first two generations of the family. Click for larger view.

The chart to the left reflects the variations in spelling in the family surname among William’s 12 children.

Based on my assessment of genealogical evidence, seven of the children used the ‘Griffis’ surname, three used the ‘Griffith’ surname and one used the ‘Griffes’ surname.

The third generation of the family reflects a continuation of various spellings of the surname. The descendants of William’s second child, James Griffis, reverted back to the ‘Griffith’ surname. The descendants of the third son, William Griffis, used both Griffis and Griffith. Three of his four sons used ‘Griffis’ while a fourth son used ‘Griffith’.

The fifth son, Stephen Griffis, appeared to have used or was recorded as a Griffith and Griffis but it is not entirely certain what he actually used as a last name.

Nathaniel Griffes, the sixth son, was the only child that spelled his name as an adult with an ‘es’ on then, Griffes. His descendants continued the tradition.

While it is not entirely certain, Joel Griffith probably spelled his name with a ‘th’ on the end.

Little is known of the second daughter of William, Esther Griffis, but she probably spelled her last name with an ‘-is’.

Epenetus and John used Griffith and Daniel and Jeremiah used Griffis.

A Review of Historical Sources

Starting with the ‘Pater Familias‘ William Griffis and his 12 children, the following story goes through all of the various sources that led me to my conclusions on what surnames each of the first two generations of the family used.

Not much is known of William Griffis. I can only find two records that document his existence. Both records are not original documents so it is assumed the individuals who documented and transcribed the records in publications had spelled the surname as it was reflected in the original document. Baptism records indicate his name as William Griffis. [3] An assessment of property in Huntington, Long Island about the close of the war in 1782 referenced a “William Griffis” living in Huntington, New York. [4] Published and unpublished family manuscripts spell his name as William Griffis or William Griffith. [5]

William Gates Griffis was baptized 7 Nov 1756 and his name is spelled ‘Griffis’. [6] Not much is known of William Gates Griffis. Records indicate his possible participation in the Revolutionary War and in receiving a pension for his service between 1831 thru 1849. Records indicate the spelling of his name as ‘Griffis’. [7] It is not known if he was married and had children. A family manuscript indicates that he “served in the American Revolution, settled in Oneida County, New York“. [8] However, I have not been able to corroborate this assertion.

The records associated with William’s second son, James Griffis, document a confusing reflection of how others spelled his surname in different sources. His name is either spelled as Griffis or Griffith. Based on a review of the various records and accounts by his descendants in family manuscripts, I am lead to believe, it is ‘almost certain’, he spelled his name as Griffis despite the fact that his descendants reverted to spelling the surname as ‘Griffith’.

James William Griffis was baptized with the surname name “Griffis’ on 2 July 1758. [9] When James William Griffis was born in 1758, in Hauppauge, New York, his father, William, was 22 and his mother, Abiah, was 29. When he was 26 years old, he married Sarah Totten on January 11, 1785, in Smithtown, New York. They had seven children in 16 years. He died on November 21, 1838, in Dix Hills, New York, having lived a long life of 80 years.

Between the ages of 17 and 21, James Griffis also fought in the Revolutionary War. Various war roll call and payment records indicate the spelling of his name as Griffis. He is listed as James Griffis, an enlisted soldier in the First Regiment of Minutemen from Suffolk County. [10] He is listed as James Griffis in pay roll records of Captain Nathaniel Platt’s Company in Colonel Josiah Smith’s Regiment of the New York Militia in 1776 for pay drawn from July 26th to December 2nd. [11] He is also listed as James Griffis as an enlisted man in the Third Regiment for the New York Troops. [12]

Census enumerators in various census years have spelled his name in various fashions. In the 1790 Federal Census, he is listed as James Griffiths [13]. In the 1810 Federal census, he is listed as James Griffis [14].

What is interesting about the 1820 census is that five family members are listed in close proximity to each other. The census enumerator spelled the surname as ‘Griffis’. Brother Stephen Griffis lived one household away from James Griffis. Another brother, Jeremiah Griffis, lived 8 households away from James Griffis. A census page before the three aforementioned Griffis households lists another brother, Epenetus Griffis, who lived next to a William Griffis who was a son – a member of the third generation of the Griff(is(es)(th) family. [15]

1820 Federal Census
1820 Federal Census
1830 U.S. Census

The 1830 census also reflects a number of Griff(is)(its)(iths) family households in the Huntington area. This time the census taker spelled the name as ‘Griffiths’ or ‘Griffith’. [16]

Based on the route the census enumerator took, the family households of Epenetus Griffith and James Griffith were next to each other. Eight and eleven households away were the households of Jeremiah Griffith and William Griffith respectively.

Doubting the veracity of various enumerator’s abilities to reliably transcribe names is underscored when looking at the Huntington, New York Tax Rolls (see below). The surname is spelled as Griffeth, Griffeths, and Griffiths. In 1799, the tax assessors located three of the brothers. I imagine the enumerator of the tax information probably knew the three ‘Griffis’ brothers. Nonetheless their names were spelled three different ways: Stephen Griffeths, Epenetus Griffeth, and James Griffiths! [17]

1799 Huntington, New York Tax Rolls

There were two applications for membership into the Sons of the American Revolution by descendants of James Griffis. [18] Both applications list his name as Griffis or Griffith. It is interesting to note that one application, submitted by Everett Arthur Babcock, incorrectly lists James’ wife as Ann whereas the application submitted by Clarence Albert Griffith correctly lists his wife as SarahTotten. His marriage to Sarah Totten is documented in a genealogical application and his last name is spelled as Griffis. [19]

William’s oldest daughter and third child was Nancy Anne (Ann) Griffi(s)(th). When Nancy Anne Griffith was born in 1760, in Huntington, New York, her father, William, was 24, and her mother, Abiah, was 31. At the age of 20, she married Alexander Brush on November 11, 1781, in Smithtown, New York. They had ten children in 21 years.

“Four years after Elisha Maynard (first ) settled in what is now Bovina, Alexander Brush came from Long Island and settled on the site of the present Bovina Center. He cleared brush from an area that is now the home of Tim McIntosh and purchased about 400 acres of land, including the present site of the hamlet of Bovina Center. Parts of this land he later sold to new settlers. In 1796, he erected the first grist mill in Bovina at the site of the current Town Garage. Brush also was the local preacher for the Methodist Society. In later life he became blind and crippled, but continued to preach – often from a rocking chair. For nearly a half century after his death Bovina was called “Brushland” in his honor. Mr. Brush’s friend and nearest neighbor was James Bogardus. His home was on the site of the Parsons residence, next to the current United Presbyterian Church. He cleared and owned a large piece of land at the northern end of the village. For many years, Brush and Bogardus existed here in real pioneer fashion.” [20]

She died on October 13, 1835, in Delaware, New York, at the age of 74, and was buried in Bovina Center, New York. She died five years before the passing of her husband Alexander.

Based on a review of available records, how she spelled her maiden name is a toss up. However based on marriage records and documentation on her burial, despite not having a photo of a headstone, it is ‘probable’ her maiden name was spelled as Griffith. A transcription of records of the First Church in Huntington by Moses Scudder, indicate her name as Ann Griffis. [21] Another genealogical publication documents her marriage to Alexander Bush and her name is listed as Ann Griffith. [22] Although a headstone is not identified for Ann Bush, a memorial record in the Find A Grave website lists her name as “Nancy Griffith Brush” . [23]

William and Abiah had two sons named William. The fourth child was William Griffis. When William Griffis was born around the early part of February of 1763, in Fresh Pond, New York, his father, William, was 26 and his mother, Abiah, was 33. He married Tunta “Content” Noxon in 1791 in Dutchess, New York. They had four children during their marriage. He died in 1847 in Fredericksburg, Ontario, Canada, having lived a long life of 84 years.

William Griffis’ name is consistently spelled across a wide range of sources as Griffis. A family tree website provides instances of his name being spelled as ‘Griffis’, ‘Griffits’, ‘Griffes’, ‘Griffiths’ [24] He and his four sons are listed as Griffis in a list of American loyalists that emigrated to Ontario [25]. In Revolutionary War Pension claim files, he signed various affidavits as William Griffis but is at times is referred to as William Griffith. In fact the cover folder lists his name as William Griffis or Griffith. He is referenced as William Griffis in Daughters of the American Revolution lineage documentation. [26]

William was listed in The Executive Council List in Ontario, Canada, as a United Empire Loyalist; however, he also had joined up with the Americans in Dec 1775 for short stints, three times for 3 month periods, one for 4 months, and one 5 month period, until Dec. 1780. In a family manuscript, which documents his descendants in Canada and provides individual accounts, the surname ‘Griffis’ is consistently used by William and his descendants. [27] However, one of his four sons, Gilbert, appears to have used the Griffith surname, contrary to what the family manuscript states. [25] His descendants also used the Griffith surname, as documented the fourth part of this story. The Ontario Bureau of Industries census listed William Griffis from March 18, 1794 with a wife and three sons but sometime about 1815 his name disappears from the records. 

Stephen Griffis was William’s fifth child. He was born nine months after his older brother William. When Stephen Griffith was born in December 1763 (he was baptized 19 Dec 1763), in Fresh Pond, New York, his father, William, was 27 and his mother, Abiah, was 34. He married Nancy Anna Ruland on March 4, 1789, in Smithtown, New York. He died on December 24, 1838, in Huntington, New York, having lived a long life of 75 years.

Based on available records of his existence, it is possible he went by either Griffith or Griffis. I am tipping the argument in favor of Griffis based on census data and baptism documentation. As indicated above, census enumerators identified Stephen as ‘Griffis’ and as ‘Griffith’. In the first United States census in 1790, his name is spelled as Griffiths [28]. In 1800, Stephen and James are identified as ‘Griffiths’ [29]. An enumerator may be lead to spell Griffis as Griffiths based on sound. In 1810 Stephen and brother Epenetus are identified as ‘Griffis’. [30] In the 1820 census he is identified as a Griffis and in the 1830 census he is referred to as Stephen Griffith. [31] Records of Stephen’s marriage to Nancy Anna Ruland on 4 March 1789 indicate his name is ‘Griffith’. [32]

There is a Stephen Griffis referenced as an enlisted Revolutionary War soldier in the Albany County Militia (Land Bounty Rights) – Sixth Regiment Regiment. However, it is not certain that this Stephen Griffis is the same Stephen that lived in Huntington, New York. Similar to his older brothers, it is possible that he fought in the Revolutionary since he was born in 1763. [33] It is not known where Stephen or his wife are buried. Family manuscripts indicate Stephen Griffis died on December 24, 1838, in Huntington, New York, when he was 75 years old. [34]

The lack of documentation on Stephen Nancy Anna Ruland’s family makes it difficult to determine who are his descendants. In the 1800 U.S. Census for Huntington, New York , it indicates that Stephen, at 37 years of age, was a head of a household that had one male under 10 and one female under ten along with his wife Anna.

Headstone of Nathaniel’s wife Esther. Click for larger view.

Nathaniel Griffes, the sixth child of William and Abiah, is discussed in the second part of this story. Based on his will, church records, and gravesite documentation, there is conclusive evidence that he spelled his last name as ‘Griffes’. He is the only child of William to spell his surname as such. In the 1810 U.S. Census his name is spelled Griffis. [35] In the 1820 census, it is spelled Griffies. [36] In the 1840 census it is spelled Griffes. [37] A Nathaniel Griffis is found as an enlisted Revolutionary soldier in Albany in 1776 named Nathaniel Griffis. [38] Church records indicate that his name was spelled as Griffes. [39] His Will [40] and probate records also reflect that his name was spelled Griffes. [41] Burial documentation reflects his name was spelled Griffes and there is a large family presence of Griffes family members in Vale cemetery in Schenectady, New York [42]

A family manuscript erroneously indicates that he married Anna Ruland 4 March 1789. Unless Mildred Peets Griffith, who wrote the unpublished manuscript, had access to the original ledger or documents of the Reverend Hartt who conducted the marriage ceremony , a genealogical publication that lists marriages and baptisms by the the Rev. Hartt indicates that Anna Ruland married Nathaniel’s brother Stephen. [43]

There is not much documentation on the sixth child of William and Abiah Griffis: Joel Griffi(s)(th). In family manuscripts, it is mentioned that he was born on 26 December, 1770, Fresh Ponds, Suffolk County and died in 1816. [44] In the context of a discussion of the life of the Reverend Joshua Hartt, who was the pastor of the church in Smithtown, New York, it was mentioned that among the many roles he played, he opened a school in Smithtown.  One of his pupils in the school was a ‘Joel Griffis’. However, it is unlikely this Joel Griffis is the Joel Griffis who was born in 1770 since Reverend Hartt opened his school in 1793. It is unlikely Joel would have been a pupil at the age of 23 unless Hartt’s school was for young adults. [45] The Joel mentioned as a pupil of Reverend Hartt might be a nephew of Joel’s and son of Epenetus Griffith, Joel Griffith, who was born around 1818.

There is little information on Esther Griffi(s)(th). Given the limited pieces of evidence, I currently am leaning towards her surname as ‘likely Griffis’. Based on baptism records that were kept by the Reverend Prime for the First Church of Huntington, an “Esthes” Griffis was baptized on 27 February 1774. [46] Family manuscripts indicate that Esther Griffis was born 22 March, 1773, baptized on 27 February, 1774 by the Reverend Prime, and died 28 June 1829. [47]. Unfortunately there is no corroborating documentation on her birth or death.

As indicated in the second part of this story, reviewing the 1850 New York state Federal census in Mayfield revealed a puzzling household composition for Esther’s brother Daniel Griffis.  [48] In the 1850 New York census, Daniel is still listed as the head of the household at the age of 73. He reported is birth year as 1777 and born in Suffolk County. There is an Esther Griffis, age 86 in the household. While is it possible on face value that this could be Daniel’s wife, based on information in the 1840 Federal census, his wife would have been estimated to be in her 60’s when the 1850 census was undertaken. Daniel’s wife’s name is not known and presumably she died between 1840 and 1850. The 1850 state census did not list relation of family nor county of birth for individuals. This Esther might have been his spinster sister; and if so, the Griffith manuscripts have an erroneous date of death for Esther.

Table Two: Household of Daniel Griffis 1850

NameAgeBirth Year
Esther Griffis861764
Daniel Griffis731777
Sally Griffis241826
Stephen Griffis161834
Wm Griffis
1850 New York State Census, Mayfield, Fulton County

Epenetus Griffith was William’s ninth child. From cradle to grave, he and his two families lived in Suffolk County, New York. When Epenetus Griffith was born at the end of September or beginning of October in 1775, in Fresh Pond, New York, his father, William, was 39 and his mother, Abiah, was 46. Records of his baptism list his name as Epenetus Griffis. [49]

At the age of 29, he married Mary Smith in 1803. [50] They had four children. Mary died 19 January 1813 at the age of 31. Her fourth child, Mary Elizabeth Griffith, also passed away two months after her death. It is not known what were the causes of both their deaths. Their deaths may be attributed to what was called at the time, Spotted Fever, or Typhus. There are historical accounts of a wave of spotted fever that impacted areas in New England and part of New York in the winter of 1812-1813. [51]

Headstone of Mary Smith Griffith
Headstone of Mary Smith Griffith, click for larger view.
The short life of Mary Elizabeth Griffith, click for larger view.

Two years after Mary’s death, Epentetus then married Elizabeth Vail on 15 Feb 1815 and they also had four children. He died on the 24th of April 1857, in Northport, New York, having lived a long life of 81 years.

As mentioned above, U.S. census enumerators have spelled Epenetus’ surname either as Griffis or Griffith. [52] A record of his marriage indicates an Epenetus Griffis marrying an Elizabeth Vail on 15 February 1815. Documentation on his children from both wives however reflect their use of the Griffith surname.

The Children of Epenetus Griffith. Click for larger view.

Whether Epenetus used Griffis or Griffith, it is not entirely certain. Huntington tax rolls mention an Epentetus Griffith in 1801 and 1803 [53].

It is not known where he is buried. Documentation associated with the burial of his first first wife Mary indicate her married name was Griffith. [54] On the basis of available documentation, it is more than likely he went by the last name of Griffith.

When Daniel Griffis was born on April 1, 1777, in Fresh Pond, New York, his father, William, was 40 and his mother, Abiah, was 48. Based on the reported age and sex distributions of his household in various U.S. census, it is believed he had four sons and two daughters between 1802 and 1827. It is presumed that he died after 1855 and before 1860 in Mayfield, New York, having lived a long life of up to 83 years. His name is spelled as Griffis in various state and Federal census documents as indicated in part two of this story.

Not much is known about Daniel. However, as indicated in part two of this story, two of his sons, William and Joel, and his two daughters Sally and Ruth, were documented as using the surname ‘Griffis’. It is not known where he is buried. There is no evidence of a will. Despite the lack of genealogical sources that support his use of the Griffis surname, given information about his immediate family and census data, it is most likely he used the ‘Griffis’ surname.

John Griffith was baptized on 29 Jun 17, 1778 . [55] In a family manuscript, it is mentioned, based on unstated church records, that he married Hannah Smith in Smithtown, New York. [56] It is ‘likely’ that he used the ‘Griffith’ surname. There are no available records of his descendants if he had children. There are no known records of a will or where he is buried.

Jeremiah Griffis was the youngest William’s 12 children. Jeremiah was born on 9 January 1781 [57] and was baptized 18 September 1781 and his name was listed as Griffith. [58]

Jeremiah, listed as Griffiths, married Elsie Mott on 3 Nov 1814 in New York City. [59]

Click for larger view

Based on census documentation, Jeremiah spent his entire life as a farmer in Huntington, New York. His name is spelled in various forms in the U.S. census. In 1820, he is listed as Jeremiah Griffis. In 1830 he is listed as Griffith. In the 1840 census there is a Jeremiah Griffiths living in Huntington, New York. In 1860, there is a Jeremiah Griffiths in Huntington and in 1865 there is a Jeremiah Griffis. [60] The following illustrates the variation of spelling in the surname and the proximity of Griffis family farms in Huntington, New York in 1840.

1840 U.S. Census, click for larger view.

While a Jeremiah Griffis(th) is found in Federal and New York state census in 1860 and 1865, it is not certain that this is the Jeremiah that was born in 1781. If he was living in the 1860’s he would have been 84 in 1865. It is possible that the Jeremiah listed in the 1860 and 1865 census was a son named Jeremiah.

One Family Three Surnames

As reflected in this story, it is difficult to pinpoint with certainty what surname may have been used by some of William’s children. What perhaps can be distilled from this journey through genealogical records and the discovery of an occasional grave site is three surnames have been used and passed on to the descendants of William Griffis who lived in Huntington, New York.

The last part of this four part story will provide information on the third and fourth generations of the family surname. However, given the number of individuals, it will not provide the level of detail as found in this third part of the story.

The following table provides a summary of the genealogical sources that informed my judgements on whether ‘Griffis’, ‘Griffith’, or ‘Griffes’ was used by William’s children.

Table Three: List of Family Members and Names Based on Sources

William GriffisGriffisFamily manuscript (Peets)
GriffisFamily manuscript (Hall)
GriffisFamily Lore
GriffisTax Record
William G. GriffisGriffisBaptism
GriffisFamily Manuscript
GriffisRev. War Pension Records (Peets)
GriffisFamily manuscript (Hall)
James GriffisGriffisBaptism
GriffisRev War Participation
GriffisPay Roll War Records
Griffiths1790 U.S. Census
Griffis1810 U.S. Census
Griffis1820 U.S. Census
Griffith1830 U.S. Census
Griffiths1799 Tax Record
GriffisApplication for Rev War Ancestor
GriffisFamily manuscript (Peets)
Anne GriffithGriffisBaptism
GriffisFamily Manuscript (Peets)
William GriffisGriffisSurvivor’s Pension Application File
GriffisFamily manuscript (Peets) (Welch)
GriffisThe Loyalists in Ontario
Griffisdaughters of the American Revolution
GriffithsCanada Land Petitions
Stephen GriffisGriffisRev War: 6th NY Militia Albany Co.
Griffiths1790 U.S. Census
Griffiths1800 U.S. Census
Griffis1810 U.S. Census
Griffis1820 U.S. Census
Griffith1830 U.S. Census
Griffiths1801 Tax Assessment
Griffeth1803 Tax Assessment
GriffisFamily Manuscript (Peets)
Nathaniel GriffesGriffis1810 U.S. Census
Griffies1820 U.S. Census
Griffes1840 U.S. Census
GriffisLand Bounty Rights 6th Regiment Albany NY
Grifes1776 Residence
GriffesChurch Records
Griffith(s)Family manuscripts (Peets) (Hall)
Esther GriffisGriffisBaptism
GriffisFamily manuscript (Peets) & (Hall)
Griffis1850 U.S. Census
Epenetus GriffithGriffithBaptism
GriffithTax Rolls
GriffisMarriage to Vail
Griffis1810 U.S. Census
Griffis1820 U.S. Census
Griffith1830 U.S. Census
Griffiths1840 U.S. Census
Griffeth1799 Tax Rolls
Daniel GriffisGriffisBirth
Griffis1810 U.S. Census
Griffies1820 U.S. Census
Griffis1830 U.S. Census
Griffis1840 U.S. Census
Griffis1850 U.S. Census
Griffis1855 N.Y. Census
John GriffithGriffithBaptism
Jeremiah GriffisGriffis1820 U.S. Census
Griffith1830 U.S. Census
Griffiths1840 U.S.census
Griffiths1860 U.S. Census
Griffis1865 U.S. Census


Featured Image: Gruffudd or Gruffydd is a Welsh name, originating in Old Welsh as a given name and today used as both a given and surname. It is the origin of the Anglicised name Griffith[s]. The Welsh form evolved from the Common Brittonic Grippiud or Gripuid. – Morgan, T.J., Welsh Surnames, Qualitex Printing Limited, Cardiff, 1985, The Orthography of Welsh Surnames 5-8Gruffydd pgs 103–105

[1] The first quote is from Mildred Griffith Peets, Griffith Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 . Page 8

The second quote is also from the Peets manuscript, page 9.

The third quote is from information that was added by William Case Griffis to his father’s personal journal, William Griffis, in a family manuscript written compiled by Mary Martha Ryan Jones and Capitola Griffis Welch, compiled by, Griffis Sr of Huntington Long Island and Fredericksburg, Canada 1763-1847 and William Griffis Jr, (Reverend William Griffis) 1797-1878 and his descendants. A self published genealogical manuscript, 1969. Page 103 PDF copy of the manuscript can be found here.

[2] T. J. Morgan M.A., D.Litt., LL.D. and Prys Morgan M.A., D.Phil., Welsh Surnames, Cardiff: Cardiff University Press of Wales, 1985, Page 102.

[3] Moses L. Scudder, ed., Records of the First Church in Huntington, Long Island, 1723 – 1779, Being the Records Kept by the Rev. Ebenezer Prime the Pastor During Those Years, (from old catalog) (Huntington, NY: Moses L Scudder, 1899) Page 31.

Record of baptisms and marriages performed by the Rev. Joshua Hartt as extracted from his daily journal. This journal is in the hand writing of Rev. Joshua Hartt.  The extracts were made by Evelyn Briggs Baldwin on November 5th and 6th, 1910 from the originals held by great grand daughter Miss M. L. Brown and they supplement the records obtained from his great grand daughter Mrs. Martha Hartt Collars of 1652.

[4] “Assessment of property in Huntington about the close of the war – 1782” in Charles Rufus Street, ed. Huntington Town Records, Including Babylon, Long Island, N.Y.: 1776-1873. Volume III, N.p., Huntington, L.I.: The “Long Islander” Print, 1889.

“William Griffis 16 pounds page 91”

[5] The three manuscripts are 

Mildred Griffith Peets, Griffith Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 . PDF copy of the manuscript can be found here.

Mary Martha Ryan Jones and Capitola Griffis Welch, compiled by, Griffis Sr of Huntington Long Island and Fredericksburg, Canada 1763-1847 and William Griffis Jr, (Reverend William Griffis) 1797-1878 and his descendants. A self published genealogical manuscript, 1969. PDF copy of the manuscript can be found here.

M.K. Hall, Griffith Genealogy: Wales, Flushing, Huntington, Unpublished Manuscript 1929, originally published 1937. It has been reproduced for commercial access by a variety of publishers. The copy I accessed was published by Creative Media Partners, LLC, Sep 10, 2021. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America. A PDF copy of the book can be found here.

[6] Moses L. Scudder, ed., Records of the First Church in Huntington, Long Island, 1723 – 1779, Being the Records Kept by the Rev. Ebenezer Prime the Pastor During Those Years, (from old catalog) (Huntington, NY: Moses L Scudder, 1899) Page 48.

[7] William Griffis, Ancestry.com. U.S., Revolutionary War Pensioners, 1801-1815, 1818-1872 , Volume 10: Revolutionary War: 1838 – 1850[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2007. Page 51

Original data: 

Ledgers of Payments, 1818-1872, to U.S. Pensioners Under Acts of 1818 Through 1858 From Records of the Office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, 1818-1872. NARA microform publication T718. 23 rolls. Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, 1775-1978, Record Group 217. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Pension Payment Roll of Veterans of the Revolutionary War and the Regular Army and Navy, 3/1801 – 9/1815. NARA microform publication M1786. 1 Roll. NAI: 2600769. Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 1773–2007, Record Group 15. The National Archives at Washington, D.C.

Click for Larger View

William Griffis, Ancestry.com. U.S., Revolutionary War Pensioners, 1801-1815, 1818-1872 , Volume 9: Revolutionary War: 1849 – 1864 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2007. Page 147

Click for Larger View

[8] Mildred Griffith Peets, Griffith Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 , Page 10.

[9] James Griffis baptized 2 July 1757, Moses L. Scudder, ed., Records of the First Church in Huntington, Long Island, 1723 – 1779, Being the Records Kept by the Rev. Ebenezer Prime the Pastor During Those Years, (from old catalog) (Huntington, NY: Moses L Scudder, 1899) Page 49.

[10] Frederic Gregory Mather, The Refugees of 1776 from Long Island to Connecticut, Westminster, MD: Heritage Books Page, reprint 2010, Page 995

[11] James Griffis, U.S., Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783, 28 Sep 1775, Third Regiment of the New York Troops. Image 668,

Ancestry.com. U.S., Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2007.Original data: 

Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M246, 138 rolls); War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, Record Group 93; National Archives, Washington. D.C.

Revolutionary War American Forces included various organizations formed by the Continental Congress as well as individual states, counties, and towns. Regular military units created by the Continental Congress comprised the Continental Army. Often this Army was reinforced with units created by individual states. The records contained in this database regard only the Continental Army, and state and other units that served with them.

James Griffis, U.S., Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783, 28 Sep 1775, Third Regiment of the New York Troops. Image 668, Click for Larger View

See also: James Griffis, U.S., Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783, York 2nd Regiment, 1777-1783 (Folders 31-37) – 3d Regiment, 1776-1780 (Folders 40-41), Image 631, Nov – Dec 1779

Click for Larger View

[12] Frederic Gregory Mather, The Refugees of 1776 from Long Island to Connecticut, Westminster, MD: Heritage Books Page, reprint 2010, Page 1006

[13] James Griffiths, 1790 United Stated Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Image 2 of 9, Page 79, Line – third name from bottom of the handwritten list.

Stephen and James Griffiths 1790 census
Click for larger view

[14] James Griffis, 1810 United Stated Census, Smithtown, Suffolk County, New York, Page 536, Line 5

Click for Larger View

[15] 1820 U.S. Census; Census Place: East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, Page 295 NARA Roll M33_74: image 308

James Griffis, 1820 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 153, Line 28

Stephen Griffis, 1820 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 153, Line 26

Jeremiah Griffis, 1820 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 153, Line 36

William Griffis, 1820 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 152, Line 39

Epenetus Griffis, 1820 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 152, Line 38

[16] 1830 United Stated Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, NARA M19_ 103, Page 300, Image 7 of 72, Family History Library 0017163

Epenetus Griffith, 1830 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 300, Line 11

James Griffith, 1830 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 300, Line 12

Jeremiah Griffith, 1830 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 300, Line 20

William Griffith, 1830 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 300, Line 23

[17] 1799 New YorkTax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799 – 1804, Suffolk County, 1801, Huntington, Image 8, Lines 30, 31 and 37.

Data source: New York State Archives, Ancestry.com. New York, U.S., Tax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799-1804 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. Original data: New York (State), Comptroller’s Office. Tax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799–1804. Series B0950 (26 reels). Microfilm. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.

In 1799 the New York state legislation provided for the collection of taxes on real estate and personal property in the state of New York. This database includes tax rolls that were prepared on the county level and submitted to the state comptroller’s office. It also includes some lists of taxes that remained unpaid.

The tax lists include the name of the “possessor,” a description of the real estate (e.g., farm, house, land), value of real estate, value of personal property, and the amount taxed. The lists of unpaid taxes list the name of the possessor, the amount, and in some cases a brief description of what was being taxed and the reason the tax wasn’t collected.

[18] Everett Arthur Babcock, Application for Sons of American Revolution SAR Membership Number 88189 for James Griffith 16 Feb 1962, National Society, Sons of the American RevolutionAncestry.com. U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.

Original data: Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls.

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As reflected on the pages below, Mr. Babcock incorrectly states that James Griffith’s son was Epenetus Griffith. Epenetus was actually a brother of James Griffith(is).

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Clarence Albert Griffith, Application for Sons of American Revolution SAR Membership Number 94594 for james Griffith 27 Oct 1966, National Society, Sons of the American RevolutionAncestry.com. U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 

Click for Larger View
Click for Larger View

[19] Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 137

[20] Ray LaFever, Brief History of Bovina,  Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site, 8 February 1999, page accessed 13 March 2022

[21] Moses L. Scudder, ed., Records of the First Church in Huntington, Long Island, 1723 – 1779, Being the Records Kept by the Rev. Ebenezer Prime the Pastor During Those Years, (from old catalog) (Huntington, NY: Moses L Scudder, 1899) Page 51.

[22] Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 134

Another source indicates that her maiden name was Ann Griffis:

Anne Griffis and Alexander Brush – Printed by order of Gideon J. Ticker, Secretary of State, Names of Personsfor whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York Previous to 1784. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, : Page 160

Click for larger view.

[23] Nancy Griffith Brush. Memorial Number 66781372, Created by Rick Bushong, Find A Grave, Brush Cemetery Bovina Center, Delaware County, New York, Plot: First Row

[24] William Griffis, Individual Web Page, Person Id: I6051, Tree Id: 118202, RootsWeb, Updated 14 Oct 2019, owner: Cheryl (Kemp) Taylor

[25] William Griffis of Fredericksburgh and Adolphustown, William D. Reid, The Loyalists in Ontario: The Sons and Daughters of the American Loyalists of Upper Canada, reprinted Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1973, page 134

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Ancestry.com. The Loyalists in Ontario [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.Original data: Reid, William D. The Loyalists in Ontario: The Sons and Daughters of the American Loyalists of Upper Canada. Lambertville, NJ, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1973.

[26] William Griffis, Pension Year 1845 Application, Applicant Designation Survivor’s Pension Application File, Archive Publication Number M804, Archive Roll Number 1133, 39 pages in packet; Ancestry.com. U.S., Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files (NARA microfilm publication M804, 2,670 rolls). Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Revolutionary War Pension File folder for William Griffis

[26b] See also a reference in Daughters of the American Revolution for William Griffis:

Charter member 39800 Mrs. Mary Jones, Lineage Book National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, of the Charter Members of the DAR Vol 040 Harrisburg, Pa: Telegraph Printing Co. 1915, Page 293-294

Click for larger view.

[26c] Another reference to William Griffis can be found at a website: Fort Plank, Bastion of My Freedom, Colonial Canajoharie, New York, Additional Partisans

“His pension file is too light to read on microfilm]. See also American State Papers Class 9, page [ ]. In October of 1780 he served under the command of Captain Jacob Lansing of Colonel Morris Graham’s Regiment at Schoharie. He states he took part in the pursuit of Sir John Johnson through Stone Arabia under the command of Major Melancton Woolsey of Colonel Lewis Dubois Regiment of Levies in October of 1780. His file contains depositions by Jellis A. Fonda and [ ] Gates [Cates].”

[27] Mary Martha Ryan Jones and Capitola Griffis Welch, compiled by, Griffis Sr of Huntington Long Island and Fredericksburg, Canada 1763-1847 and William Griffis Jr, (Reverend William Griffis) 1797-1878 and his descendants. A self published genealogical manuscript, 1969. PDF copy of the manuscript can be found here.

[28] Stephen Griffiths, 1790 United States Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 79, Line 31

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[29] Stephen and James Griffiths, 1800 U.S. Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 84, Lines 3 and 12.

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[30] Stephen and Epenetus Griffis, 1810 U.S. Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 519, Image 9, Lines 8 and 22.

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[31] Stephen Griffith, 1830 U.S. Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Image 31, Line 14

[32] Marriage of Stephen Griffith and Anna Ruland 4 Mar 1789, Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 137

[33] Stephen Griffis, Albany County Militia (Land Bounty Rights) – Sixth Regiment Regiment, New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, Vol. I: The Militia, Compillation of Documents and Records from the Office of the State Comptroller, Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1904, page 227

See the page reference below. This page also reveals puzzling information on other individuals named ‘Griffis’. To date, I have not been able to link Abner Griffis, Jasper Griffis, and Nathaniel Griffis to the Huntington, New York family. In fact, it is not certain that the Stephen Griffis listed in this source is the Stephen Griffis that resided in Huntington, New York. Since Nathaniel Griffes lived most of his life in the Schenectady / Albany area, this reference of Nathaniel Griffis may be our Nathaniel Griffes.

Abner Griffis enlisted at Little Hoosick, Albany County, New York and served various times an in various New York Companies, accounting to 12 months and eleven days in all from 1776 to 1781. He served as a first corporal in various companies in New York. In 1834 he was living in Unadilla, Otsago County, New York when he moved to live with his son.  A son of Abner, Solomon Griffis was a resident of Unadilla. The might be related to the Huntington Griffis family.

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[34] Mildred Griffith Peets, Griffith Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 . 

[35] Nathaniel Griffis, 1810 U.S. Census, New York, Albany, Watervliet, Line 20, Page 1312

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[36] Nathaniel Griffes, 1820 U.S. Census, New York, Schenectady, Niskayuna, Line 16, Page 577

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[37] National Griffes, 1840 U.S. Census, New York, Schenectady, Niskayuna, Line 15, Page 353

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[38] Nathaniel Griffis, Albany County Militia (Land Bounty Rights) – Sixth Regiment Regiment, New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, Vol. I: The Militia, Compillation of Documents and Records from the Office of the State Comptroller, Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1904, page 227 See footnote 32 above for image.

[39] Nathaniel Griffes and family were members of the Dutch Reformed Church in Schenectady, New York. The church records indicate that Nathaniel Griffes and his wife Mary Ann Griffes, and Mary Esther Griffes became a members in 30 October 1834. The three are listed again as being received into the church on 1 November 1842. Nathaniel’s son James A. Griffis was received into the church congregation on 6 June 1853. His wife was received by ‘confession’ on 4 June 1869.

Click for larger view of left had photo | Click for larger view of right hand photo.

[40] Will of Nathaniel Griffes, U.S. Wills and Probate Records, 1659 – 1999, Schenectady Wills, Vol D – E, 1832 – 1845, date of Will 20 May 142, date of Probate 15 Apr 1842, Probate Place Schenectady NY, Image 325 – 327, Pages 386 – 390. See PDF copy of will.

[41] Nathaniel Griffes, Probate Date 15 Apr 1842, Probate Place Schenectady, New York, Inferred Death Date 1842 Letters Test, Vol 0004-0006, 1839-1863, image 68, Page 32, Ancestry.com. New York, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1659-1999 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015. Original data: New York County, District and Probate Courts.

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[42] Vale Cemetery Memorials for Individuals named Griffes, Find a Grave website, accessed 31 Mar 2022. There are nineteen individuals buried in the cemetery with the surname Griffes.

[43] Mildred Griffith Peets indicates that Nathaniel married Anna Ruland (page 8), Mildred Griffith Peets, Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 . 

However, Anna marriage with his brother Stephen is documented in : Marriage of Stephen Griffith and Anna Ruland 4 Mar 1789, Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 137

[44] Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 129:

[45] Mildred Griffith Peets, Griffith Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 . PDF copy of the manuscript can be found here.

M.K. Hall, Griffith Genealogy: Wales, Flushing, Huntington, Unpublished Manuscript 1929, originally published 1937. A PDF copy of the book can be found here.

[46] Moses L. Scudder, ed., Records of the First Church in Huntington, Long Island, 1723 – 1779, Being the Records Kept by the Rev. Ebenezer Prime the Pastor During Those Years, (from old catalog) (Huntington, NY: Moses L Scudder, 1899) Page 58.

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[47] M.K. Hall, Griffith Genealogy: Wales, Flushing, Huntington, Unpublished Manuscript 1929, originally published 1937. A PDF copy of the book can be found here.

Mildred Griffith Peets, Griffith Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 . PDF copy of the manuscript can be found here.

[48] Daniel Griffis family household, 1850 United States Federal Census, Mayfield, Fulton County, New York, National Archives and Administration, page 38, lines 6-10

[49] Baptism of Epenetus Griffith, Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 282

Click for larger view9

[50] Marriages are referenced in: Mildred Griffith Peets, Griffith Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 , Pages 8 – 9

Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 279:

[51] See, for example: Alan F. Rumrill, The “Spotted Fever” Epidemic of 1812, Historical Society of Cheshire County Website, 15 February, 2021,

[52] See [14] 1810 U.S. Census, Epenetus Griffis;

Epenetus Griffis, 1820 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 152, Line 38

Epenetus Griffith, 1830 United States census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 300, Line 11

Epentetus Griffiths1840 U.S. Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 192, Line 6, image 79

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[53] Epenetus Griffith, New YorkTax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799 – 1804, Suffolk County, 1801, Huntington, Image 9, Line 20.

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Epenetus Griffith, New YorkTax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799 – 1804, Suffolk County, 1803, Huntington, Image 13, Line 3.

Click for larger view

Epenetus Griffeth, New YorkTax Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estates, 1799 – 1804, Suffolk County, 1799, Huntington, Image 8, Line 31.

Click for larger view

[54] Mary Smith Griffith, Find A Grave Website:

BIRTH31 Jan 1781
DEATH19 Jan 1813 (aged 31)
BURIALCrab Meadow Burial Ground, Crab Meadow, Suffolk County, New York, USA Add to Map
MEMORIAL ID30620772 · View Source

[55] John Griffith baptism: see footnote [48]Baptism of Epenetus Griffith, there are two references to baptisms of Griffith brothers Epenetus and John.

[56] Mildred Griffith Peets, Griffith Family History in Wales 1485–1635 in America from 1635 Giving Descendants of James Griffis (Griffith) b. 1758 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, compiled by Capitola Griffis Welch, 1972 . Page 9

[57] Ibid, Page 9

[58] Baptism of Jeremiah Griffith, Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs contributed by, Marriages and Baptisms Performed by Rev. Joshua Hartt of Smithtown , Long Island, with a Sketch of his Life, New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol 42, April 1911, July 1911 . Page 284

Click for larger view

[59] Marriage of Jeremiah Griffiths and Elsie Mott, Book 1, Marriages Bloomingdale, New York, Marriages from 1804 – 1868, page 65, image 80, Ancestry.com. U.S., Dutch Reformed Church Records in Selected States, 1639-1989[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. Image 80, New York > New York > Bloomingdale Church Records Consistory, 1805 – 1913.

Original data: 

Dutch Reformed Church Records from New York and New Jersey. Holland Society of New York, New York, New York. 

Dutch Reformed Church Records from New Jersey. The Archives of the Reformed Church in America, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Founded in New York City in 1885, the Holland Society is home to collections relevant to the settlement and history of Dutch colonies in America, with an emphasis on New Amsterdam and Hudson River settlements. This Holland Society collection includes records of the Dutch Reformed Church dating back to 1639. Within the collections are records of baptisms, marriages, and burials. 

For more information see the Holland Society.

[60] Jeremiah Griffith, 1830 United States Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 300, Line 20

Jeremiah Griffis, 1820 United States Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 153, Line 36

Jeremiah Griffiths, 1840 United States Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 168 , Line 18

Jeremiah Griffiths 1860 United Stated Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 9 , Line 12

Jeremiah Griffiths 1865 United Stated Census, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, Page 62 , Line 39