Johann Wolfgang Sperber – Part Five: From New York City to Gloversville, Fulton County

This is part five of a story about Johann Wolfgang Sperber immigrating to the United States.

The first of this story provided an overview of the family legacy John Sperber established in his new homeland, an historical background on where John was from in Baden, Germany, the influences on his migration to the United States, and the historical evidence of his departure and arrival to America.

The second part of John Sperber’s story describes his journey from Baden-Baden to Le Havre based on historical evidence and historical accounts.

The third part of the story assesses the three major inland pathways to European ports that John had options to consider. Since it is not absolutely certain that John sailed on the Germania from Le Havre, I have provided historical background on the relative accessibility of the three major routes John may have taken to make his voyage to the United States. 

The fourth part of the story provides possible explanations of why Johann ended up in Fulton County, New York working in the glove making industry.

The fifth part of the story covers his travel to New York City and his options to travel to Gloversville, Fulton County, New York.

The sixth part of the story covers his establishing a new life and family in the Johnstown and Gloversville, New York area. This is the end of a rather long story that attempts to provide not only a discussion of the available ‘facts’ we have of Johann and his family but also provide a broader social and historical context in which he made this journey from Baden to New York state. Like a song, some of the ‘facts’ are a refrain from prior parts of the story.

Johann’s Journey from Le Havre, France

When Johann arrived in Le Havre, France to board a Harvre-Union line packet ship, it is not known how long he waited to start his trans-Atlantic journey. Johann may have already purchased a ticket in advance from an Havre travel agent on the French-Baden border before he started his westward journey across northern France. He conversely may have waited to purchase a ticket, given the uncertainties of travel, once he arrived in Le Havre. [1]

With a ticket in hand, he may have waited for a ship to board staying in or around the ‘German district’ in Le Havre. The German district, as discussed in a previous story, was a small area of about two and a half acres of land in the inner section of the port city. The German district existed for about forty years until 1856, after going through successive stages of demolition.

“This small port district of the old Le Havre … built on the former north-western front of the citadel . … . (the German district was) wedged between the barracks of the old citadel and the quay of the same name. Five small streets crossed the quarter, some of which were lined with shops and stalls. The 300 inhabitants, for the most part of modest backgrounds, exercised professions as diverse as sailor, day laborer, grocer, shoemaker or liquor shopkeeper. [2]

1845 Daguerreotype of the Port of Le Havre – German District [3]

The German District was a natural urban outgrowth of the successive waves of German immigrants traveling to Le Havre to start their journey to the United States. This small area of the port grew and prospered, providing services that were needed for the German emigrants waiting to board packet ships. Starting in 1846, the district was demolished in successive stages. By 1856, the district was no longer in existence.

Rediscovery of Historical Facts in a Daguerreotype Photograph

Gregory Saillard provides an interesting and wide ranging analysis of the 1845 Daguerreotype photograph of the Le Havre port shown above. His analysis and insight provides comparisons with drawings and paintings of the subject area during this time period.  

“(T)he photograph … undeniably constitutes, by its date (ca. 1845-1848), its nature (daguerreotype “in the open air”), its dimensions (full plate format), and its subject (a forgotten corner from the old Le Havre), a very important archive piece, at least on a regional scale.” [4]

Viewing the Angle of the Photograph of the German District with Old Maps

Saillard points out that among the most interesting elements of the landscape in the photograph is the presence of the Germain district, which can be clearly seen in the center of the image.  In his analysis of the old photograph he points out the angle from which the photograph was taken in the old port area of the city on an 1843 map.

Angle from Where the 1845 Daguerreotype was Photographed

Click for Larger View | Map source: Jes. Ct. de Saint-Genis (civil engineer) and J. Lenormand de l’Osier (lith.), Le Havre et ses environs d’après les Plans Parcellaires du Cadastre (Le Havre and its Surroundings According to the Parcel Plans of the Land Register), 1843, colored lithography, 155 x 207 cm, (detail), municipal archives of Le Havre, 1Fi2.

We can ‘zoom out’ further to view the Le Havre port and its environs by relying on digital version of the carte d’état-major (1820-1866).

The carte d’état-major is an amazing series of maps in terms of what it covers, how it was developed, and the organization behind the production of the map. The carte d’état-major is a general map of France produced in the nineteenth century by the French army’s geographical services (Dépôt de la Guerre). It covers the entirety of France in 273 sheets. It also reflects the use of cutting edge techniques (at the time) of topographic surveying and representation methods, especially for relief, which was based on leveling measurements. [5]

Johann was one of many Germans, particularly from Baden, who used the packet ship services from Le Havre to sail to New York city. Between 1830 and the early 1850s, Le Havre was the major port of embarkation for German emigrants to the United states from the Rhine valley area to the United States. It was not until 1852 that Bremen first superseded Le Havre as the major port for the emigration of German nationals. Even after 1852, Le Havre remained the port of choice for ethnic Germans along the southwest area of the Rhine valley.

As a Badener, Johann was not alone in departing from Le Havre. In 1852, the year that Johann departed from Le Havre, sixty-three percent of the total number of immigrants leaving from Le Havre were from the German confederated states. Of the sixty-three percent, thirty-five percent of the German immigrants were from the Grand Duchy of Baden. Of the German confederated states, only Bavaria had more departing from Le Havre with almost half of the German immigrants departing from the port. Together, Bavaria and Baden overwhelmingly represented the number of immigrants departing from Le Havre. [6]

Johann’s Ship – The Havre-Union Germania

One of the hallmark characteristics of the Havre Union Packet ship service was its regularly scheduled service between Le Havre and New York city. The monthly schedules for each of the Havre Union Line ships were relatively stable, barring unforeseen changes in weather or other issues that might delay a scheduled departure date. [7]

At the time of Johnann Sperber’s voyage, there were eleven ships that were making four regularly scheduled round trip voyages between Le Havre and New York City for the Union Line of Havre each month. At the time, the Germania was one of the newer ships in the Havre Whitlock Line. [8]

Standard Advertisement for the Havre-Union Packet Line [9]

Click for Larger View

Johann’s day of departure from Le Havre is not known. However, we can arrive at an estimate of when the ship Germania left port. If John Sperber arrived in New York City on June 14, 1852, as reflected in the Germania ship manifest, [10] then based on the reliance of information found in the company’s advertised ship schedule (above), his ship was scheduled to depart from Le Havre on April 8th 1852. If the ship departed on time, this implies the journey took 64 days.

However, records on the westbound passages for the ship Germania indicate the longest trip was 52 days. Since none of the ship’s documented trips were 64 days in length, It would appear that the departure of John’s ship was delayed at the port of Le Havre. Documentation on the ship indicate that the average westbound passage for the Germania was 33 days. John’s voyage to America may have started on or around May 8th, 1852. [11]

Stereographic Photograph of the Ship Germania at Dock in Le Havre [12]

Source: Collections and Research, Mystic Seaport Museum | Click for Larger View

Based on the ship manifest records, Johann’s birth date was recorded as 1826. Johann Sperber was purportedly 26 years old when he came to America. His birth place was listed as ‘Bavaria‘. He traveled in the steerage area of the ship. The manifest indicated Johann’s professed occupation was a ‘cultivator‘, a farmer. 

Ship Manifest List – Johann Sperber: The Heading of the Manifest List & a Section of Page Six Where Johann Sperber is Listed [13]

While ‘Johann Sperber’ was identified as being from Bavaria on the ship’s manifest, it is possible he was summarily lumped in with the rest of the ‘Bavarian’ Germans he may have been situated with in the steerage area of the ship when the Captain went around and canvassed the passengers and compiled his manifest list. On an earlier page of the manifest list, the captain lists a number of emigrants from Baden.

The Arrival to New York City

Johann Sperber arrived in New York City in the beginning of hot summer in 1852. Johann arrived at pier 14 on the lower end of Manhattan on the East River (see map one below).

An article from the New-York Daily Times published on July 27, 1852 vividly described an oppressive heat wave gripping the city at that time that Johann arrived in America. The article, titled “The Streets in Midsummer”, stated that “The sun mercilessly beats down upon them all day long, heating the stones to the temperature of frying-pans.

“The Streets in Midsummer” is full of meticulous detail, social commentary, references to art and literature, and overwrought prose. (“Nor is it enough that a man’s juices are evaporated, and carried away in clouds perhaps, to tumble elsewhere in thunder showers, upon unconscious umbrellas.”)

The temperature peaked at 89 degrees in late July before the article appeared, and otherwise stayed in the mid-80s before dipping into the high 70s. This suggests the city in the summer of 1852 was experiencing extreme heat. [14]

Map one below indicates where pier 14 was in lower Manhattan. It also reflects the proximity of an area to the east of the piers where many German immigrants settled or stayed before they continued their journey.

Map One: Lower Manhattan New York City: Proximity of Kleindeutschland and The Havre Union Packet Ship Pier 14 [15]

From the 1830’s onward, New York city was the major port for the arrival of German immigrants. Germans that did not stay in New York city or its environs may have had plans to continue their journey further inland.

It is not known how long Johann Sperber stayed in New York City or possibly in other towns in New York state before he settled in Gloversville, New York.

Possible Scenarios and Awareness of Ecological Fallacies

There are a few possible scenarios that describe how Johann made decisions to ultimately arrive in Gloversville, New York and become a glove maker.

  1. With knowledge of his ultimate destination, he may have simply gotten off the ship and then headed north up the Hudson River to Albany and the Johnstown-Gloversville, New York area.
  2. He may have had a vague idea of heading to an area that past generations of Badeners from his home region established homes from prior migrations (the Palatine area around the Mohawk River). He may have stayed in Little Germany in New York City to gain additional information or work, to determine his next specific steps and possible economic opportunities.
  3. He may have had no idea of his next step. He may have stayed in New York city to gain a sense of what his next step would be and given a predilection toward adventure, was willing to try anything and make a new life for himself up north along the Mohawk river.
  4. He may have stopped at one or more intermediate places in between New York City and Johnstown.

What we do know is Johann Sperber married Sophia Fliegel on February 2nd 1857 in Gloversville, New York. It is assumed that they met in Gloversville at least within a year before their marriage or sometime in late 1855. The Fliegel family arrived in January 1855.

I cannot find Johann Sperber in the 1855 New York census for Johnstown, New York or in the various Wards of New York City. As a single young man who probably was a boarder in a household, he may have eluded the census enumerator. The state census in Gloversville was taken in August of 1855 in Fulton county. I do not believe their marriage was arranged, so it is a question of how long their courtship was in in late 1855 and/or 1856.

Timeline for Johan and Sophia

This implies that Johann could have lived in New York City one to four years before traveling to Gloversville.

We do not have evidence on many of the specific actions and stages of life related to Johann Sperber. When attempting to provide possible scenarios of his journey to Fulton county, New York, one must guard against the ecological fallacy of inferring Johann’s individual experiences and characteristics to be necessarily associated with various German immigrant groups or group patterns.

An ecological fallacy is a logical error that occurs when inferences about the nature of individuals are deduced and made from inferences about the group to which those individuals belong. We need to guard against erroneously applying group characteristics of German immigrant groups to Johann who is also part of that group. It is a common error when making inferences from aggregate level data without examining individual-level data. [19]

Arriving in New York city could have been treacherous regardless of whether one had clear ideas of their next step when departing the ship.

“One of the greatest problems for the emigrants was arranging for their travel in the United States. On both sides of the Atlantic aggressive agents, called Makler in Germany and “runners” in the United States, hustled to sell railroad and canal tickets. They often misrepresented the actual cost, facilities and travel time, sometimes selling completely fraudulent tickets.” [20]

The trials of the immigrant were by no means ended when he reached shore, for wherever he landed he was liable to fall a prey to the spoiler. Without the aid of friends who knew the snares that were set for him and understood the arts and wiles of the “bunco” men that lay in wait, he was fortunate if the first few weeks of residence in the land of hope and freedom were passed without the loss of a great part of his possessions including his health and freedom. [21]

(R)unners” met the incoming ships, and by ingratiatory manners, deception, and false promises, sometimes even by seizing the baggage as it was landed, beguiled or forced the immigrants to follow them to the resorts they represented. It is a significant fact that most of the boarding-house owners and nearly all the “runners” were themselves foreign born, and they plundered most successfully people of their own race.” [22]

“Railroad agents and private ticket sellers also sought to influence newcomers. For instance the New York and Erie Railroad sold tickets for departures from the wharf so that docking passengers would not be able to change their minds and head in a direction not served by that line. Whenever an immigrant ship came into port, there was never a lack of hungry agents and runners who swarmed about peddling their services.” [23]

Kleindeutchland” – Little Germany

Only a relatively short distance from the pier 14 where the packet ships arrived from the Le Havre was an area on the east side of Manhattan where Germans started to settle in the 1840s. The area became known as “Kleindeutchland” or little Germany (see map one above). In the mid 1800’s, this area of New York City could more appropriately have been called the “Upper East Side” since it was the northern edge of the developed area of eastern Manhattan Island. [24]

“The entire area reaching roughly from Division Street in the south to 14th Street in the north, and from the Bowery in the west to Avenue D in the east became a thriving center of German-American life and culture in the mid- to late 19th century – not only for New York City, but also for the country.” [25]

Many of the German immigrants who came during this time period, notably those who landed in New York City, settled down to live their lives on the Lower East Side of New York City. Beginning in the 1840s, large numbers of German immigrants entering the United States provided a constant population influx for “Little Germany”. Other German immigrants used this geographical ethnic enclave as a launching pad to find a spouse, establish social networks or gain information and resources to make plans to travel further west into the United States for jobs or land.

“Between 1855 and 1880, Vienna and Berlin were the only cities with a larger German population than New York. Together they constituted the three capitals of the German speaking world.” [26]

Map two below provides a ‘bird’s eye” view of where Little Germany was located in lower Manhattan. Although the map was created thirteen years after Johann’s arrival and a few buildings and docks may have changed in the environment, it gives a sense of the size and location of Kleindeutchland. I have highlighted the approximate area that encompassed Little Germany. [27]

Map Two: Bird’s Eye View of Little Germany in New York City

“By 1855, New York City, then consisting only of Manhattan, was the third largest “German” city in the world, after Berlin and Vienna, and by the 1870s it has been estimated that roughly 30 % of the population of New York City was made up of German immigrants and their American-born offspring. The core of that population lived in Kleindeutschland, the German cultural capital of the United States.” [28]

Kleindeutschland was composed roughly of the 10th, 11th, 13th, and 17th Wards of Manhattan. The 11th and 17th wards were the upper wards bounded on the south by Rivington Street, which were developed primarily through the arrival of these German immigrants. This area was not purely German, but the ‘Teutonic culture’ dominated in most parts. Wards four, five and six, which are contiguous and southwest of Little Germany, were areas that were predominately inhabited by Irish immigrants.

“The most densely Germanic area in terms of residents was the area around Tompkins Square Park, especially extending to the north and south. Avenue B, due to its importance as a commercial center, was sometimes referred to as German Broadway – Yorkville wouldn’t usurp the title for another few decades – and Avenue A rivaled it in importance simply as the main artery through the heart of the community. A bit further west, on and in the vicinity of the Bowery, were many of the important German social and financial institutions as well as places of recreation such as beer halls, theatres, and other attractions.” [29] See map three below.

Map Three: A Close Up of The Four Wards of Little Germany

Click for Larger View

If Johann Sperber stayed in Little Germany before he embarked for the upper New York state, he may have resided in any of the four wards of Kleindeutschland. Badeners and Wurttembergers seem to have been fairly evenly spread throughout the four wards in the earlier years with no major concentrations. [30]

Table One: Relative Concentrations of Immigrants from the German States in Kleindeutschland and Its Wards in 1860 [31]

Click for Larger View

As time went on Germans tended to cluster more than other immigrants in New York City, such as the Irish. Germans from particular German states had a tendency to live close to each other.

  • Grand Duchy of Baden: Johann Sperber’s fellow countrymen, the Germans from Baden, were found in all wards of Little Germany.
  • Kingdom of Prussia: The Prussians were most heavily concentrated in the city’s Tenth Ward.
  • Province of Hesse-Nassau: Germans from Hessen-Nassau tended to live in the Thirteenth Ward and in the 1860s and in the ensuing decades moved northward to the borders of the Eleventh and Seventeenth Wards.
  • Kingdom of Württemberg: Germans from Württemberg began by the 1860s to migrate northward into the Seventeenth Ward.
  • Kingdom of Bavaria: The Bavarians (included Palatines from the Palatinate region of western Germany on the Rhine River, which was subject to the King of Bavaria), was the largest group of German immigrants in the city by 1860. They were distributed evenly in each German ward except the Prussian Tenth.
  • Kingdom of Hanover: Germans from Hanover constituted a small group and had a strong sense of self-segregation forming their own “Little Hanover” in the Thirteenth Ward.

Although there was self-segregation according to homeland state, there were interactions between Germans of various states and with other immigrant groups in the neighborhood. Bavarians displayed the strongest ‘regional bias’ mainly toward Prussians. The most distinctive characteristic of their settlement pattern was that they would be found wherever the Prussians were fewest. [32]

While the neighborhood was called Kleindeutschland or Little Germany, the wards were not entirely German. Depending on the year canvassed, each of the wards ranged between 33-60 percent of the population as German born. The four wards combined were 65 percent German by 1875. Houses were two to four stories tall, often with a store on the ground floor and/or a workshop in the back, made of wood, stone or brick, and usually with a rear yard for toilets, laundry space, and a kitchen garden. [33]

In the mid-1850s, the tenth and thirteenth wards, retained an early character of urban architecture consisting of wooden frame structures as opposed to the emergence of newer masonry structures. Buildings tended to cover only a small portion of their lots. Each block was ‘a jumble’ of buildings and a maze of alleyways. Industrial workshops were generally tucked away on internal courtyards.

“Alleyways led into the interiors of the blocks, which were filled with the workshops and factories that accounted for 64 percent of the manufacturing establishments in the built-up portion of the city (and 57 percent of the manufacturing establishments in all of New York City).” [34]

The demographics of New York’s settlers had an impact on the city’s make-up as well. Skilled labor would stay in New York City if jobs were available or began to use New York merely as a gateway, staying for a few months before moving to homesteads in outlying areas or the Midwest. Immigrants that stayed in New York city tended to stay in areas close to where they worked. Walking was virtually the major mode of transport available to the immigrant population.

Map four provides a three-dimensional (3D) map showing population density in Manhattan in the year that Johann Sperber arrived in America. The map visualizes population density data in a 3D format, with height representing the number of people living in each area. I have outlined the area that comprised Little Germany in the map. The 3D rendering makes dense population centers visually stand out. Little Germany contained some of the highest density areas in New York City in 1852.

Map Four: Three Dimensional Population Density in Manhattan 1852

Click for larger View | Source: adaptation of a still shot of Solly Angel, Shlomo and Patrick Lamson-Hall, The Rise and Fall of Manhattan’s Densities, 1800-2010, Jan 9, 2015, NYU Narron Institute of Urban Management, YouTube,

Between 1800 and 1910, density in urban Manhattan tripled from 200 to 600 people per hectare. A hectare is larger than an acre of land. One hectare is approximately 2.47 acres. The area known as Little Germany, which is now called the East Village, was significantly more dense than the average population density in the city, approaching 1,200 people per hectare.

As reflected in graph one, the density of Manhattan remained stable at approximately 200 persons per hectare from 1800 to 1840 but then it began to steadily climb. The area (modern day East Village) which was Little Germany in the 1800s, experienced a rapid increase in population density between 1840 and 1860. Little Germany’s density increased three-fold from roughly 200 people per hectare to 600 in 1860. When Johann arrived in New York City, the density of Little Germany was roughly 500 people per hectare.

Graph One: Density in Manhattan Neighborhoods

Click for Larger View | Source: An adaptation of a chart in Angel, Shlomo and Patrick Lamson-Hall, The Rise and Fall of Manattan’s Denisities, 1800 – 2010, Working Paper 1st 8, Nov 2014, Marron Institute of Urban Management, New York University, Page 17 Figure 17,_1_January_2015.pdf

As indicated in graph two below, during the same time, Germans living in Little Germany experienced a drastic reduction in their respective living areas.  The floor area per person in Little Germany declined seventy percent from about 1,200 square feet per person in 1830 to about 350 square feet per person in 1850. This was well below the average of 500 square feet per person.

Graph Two: Residential Floor Area per Person in selected Manhattan Neighborhoods [35]

Click for Larger View| Source: An adaptation of a chart in Angel, Shlomo and Patrick Lamson-Hall, The Rise and Fall of Manattan’s Denisities, 1800 – 2010, Working Paper 1st 8, Nov 2014, Marron Institute of Urban Management, New York University, Page 18 Figure 18,_1_January_2015.pdf

After Johann’s departure from the area, the living space in Little Germany continued to decline but at a less drastic rate to 200 in 1860. As population sky rocketed and living space did not increase at a commensurate rate, politicians, reformers, and scholars were seriously concerned with living conditions, notably in Little Germany, in the city’s crowded neighborhoods during this period. This is reflected in an opinion piece in the New York Times in 1876.

New York Times Article – Over Crowding in Tenement Houses in 1876

Overcrowding in Tenement-Houses
Click for Larger View | Source: Overcrowding in Tenement-Houses, Dec 3, 1876, New York Times, Page 6,

The river districts of the eleventh and thirteenth wards contained some of the world’s leading shipyards. The Eleventh Ward was also the major slaughterhouse district, where more than half of the hogs in New York city were slaughtered. [36]

The thirteenth ward, compared to the other wards, had more and heavier industry. Artisans’ workshops gave way to small and medium sized factories. Some of these factories produced the same products as the artisans’ workshops and furniture factories predominated. Other factories operated on a larger scale such as a fire brick manufacturer with forty employees. [37]

Johann Sperber fit the ‘archetype’ example of ‘the German immigrant in New York city in the 1850s’: a young single German male in his 20s. In 1850, two years prior to his arrival, 66 percent of the German immigrants in little Germany were in their twenties and thirties, as reflected in the distribution chart below. In addition, the male to female ratio was 61 : 39 in 1850, indicating a heavy predominance of single males.  [38]

Graph Three: Ages of German Born Population in Kleindeutschland in 1850

Source: Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, Figure 3, page 27 (Highlighted area is mine) | Click for Larger View

There were many young men arriving from various German states in New York city. All looking for work and perhaps a potential spouse to start a family and a new life. Little Germany offered job opportunities and an effective mesh of social networks for gaining information on possible job opportunities in Little Germany and other areas where Germans were migrating.

When Johann reached America, he landed in a city that had a wide range of employment opportunities in a wide range of occupations. He may have stayed in Kleindeutchland and worked in one of the many occupations that Germans were employed in the four wards in New York City. He may have stayed in a shared living space with other single men to earn a sufficient amount of money to pay for transportation costs to the Mohawk Valley.

As stated in part four of this story, leather tanning and glove making were not novel artisanal activities in Europe. The various stages of the leather tanning and glove making profession and trade had an established history in various European countries.

Jobs in “Kleindeutchland

“The immigrants did not merely enter the economy as isolated individuals – they colonized it. At first the Germans dominated a few trades; then many trades, entire industries, and even whole sectors of the economy became German in character. … (T)he economy of Kleindeutschland evolved and became the basis for a German-American class structure, in which German factory workers and shopkeepers were flanked by a German criminal underclass and by German captains of industry.” [39]

Most of the occupations that Germans dominated were skilled trades or related to the distribution of food and dry goods.

“Some occupations were already German preserves, with Germans accounting for more than half of their practitioners. While many of these were small, specialized trades like furriers and brewers (with fewer than three hundred practitioners each in 1855 ), other German-dominated trades had thousands of members.” [40]

The following data in table two reflects the distribution of German born in selected occupations and trades three years after Johann Sperber arrived in New York City. There were other occupations in 1855 where the Germans were the largest ethnic group even though they were not a majority, for example, food dealers (3,045 Germans), peddlers (941 Germans), and musical-instrument makers (324 Germans).

Table Two: Numbers of German-born Workers in Selected Trades in New York City – 1855 and the Percent German-Born in Each Trade

Data and table are from Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, Table 11 Page 63

Transportation to the Mohawk Valley in the 1850s

Between 1852 and 1856, Johann had a number of options to reach the Mohawk Valley from New York City.

  • Roads: Stage coaches or wagons on the Highlands Turnpike or portions of the Albany Post Road to the capital area (Albany-Troy-Schenectady) could be utilized to make the trip northward. He then could have traveled west on roadways to Gloversville and Johnstown.
  • Waterways and Roads: In the non winter months, steamboats traveled frequently on the Hudson River between New York City and the Albany area.
  • Railways: Johann could have utilized the railway networks that recently linked New York City and the capital area. Once in Schenectady, Albany or Troy, he had an option to travel by rail following the Mohawk River and Erie canal to Fonda. The remainder of the short distance to Gloversville could be traveled by road.

Map five was published in 1853 but was created in 1848. It is the best map that I could find that depicts the transportation networks of road, rail and water that existed when Johann was traveling to the Mohawk Valley. As reflected in map five, there were a number of options. Gloversville and Johnstown are not on the map. However, you can locate Fonda, New York that is located on the rail line that mirrors the Mohawk River. Fonda is west of Amsterdam and east of Canajoharie. Johnstown is about six miles north of Fonda.

Map Five: Railroads, Canals, and Stage Roads Surrounding Hudson and Mohawk Rivers

Click for Larger Vew
Source: Modified map from Drake, Ira S, and Cowperthwait & Co Thomas. Mitchell’s new traveller’s guide through the United States, showing the rail roads, canals, stage roads &c. with distances from place to place. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1853, created 1848. Map.

Map Six provides a graphic depiction of the major roads that Johann may have utilized to get from the capital district area of Troy and Albany to Gloversville.

Map Six: The Old Mohawk Turnpike

Click for Larger View | Source: Annotated version of map found inGreene, Nelson, The Old Mohawk Turnpike Book, Fort Plain, NY: Nelson Greene, 1924, Page 6,

The entire length of the Hudson River is three hundred and twenty-five miles. Ships could ascend the river as far as Hudson, one hundred and fifteen miles. Steamboats and sloops could reach to Albany and Troy, which was about 143 miles, as reflected in the following advertisements around 1851. [41]

Hudson River Day Boats Between New York City and Albany

Click for Larger View | Source: Disturnell, J., Disturnell’s railroad, steamboat and telegraph book being a guide through the United States and Canada : also giving the ocean steam packet arrangements, telegraph lines and charges, list of hotels, &c. : with a map of the United States and Canada showing all the canals, railroads, &c., New York: J. Disturnell, July 1851

Another advertisement, published in a travel guide (see below) in 1851 indicates the prevalence of various Hudson River steamboat lines that traveled between New York City and the capital areas of New York state around the time of Johann’s arrival to America.

Advertisements for Hudson River Steamboats

Click for Larger View | Source: Cobb, Charles, Compiler, American Railway Guide, and Pocket Companion for the United States; containing correct tables, for time of starting from all stations, distances, fares, etc. on all railway lines in the United States; together with a complete railway map. Also many principal steamboat and stage lines running in connection with railroads. New York: Curran Dinsmore & Co., 1851 ,

The biggest difference between steamboat and overland road travel was money and time. Overland travel took significantly longer than steamboat travel. Steamboats could travel fifty to one-hundred miles a day against the river’s current, but stagecoaches and wagons traveled only seven to twelve miles. Stagecoaches often moved slower because they had to change horses, and road conditions and weather also caused delays. Steamboat passengers usually paid less than overland passengers due to supply and demand. A greater supply of steamboats existed, all offering the same accommodations to passengers, so competition kept the prices low. [42]

Steamboats began their domination of Hudson River travel after Robert Fulton’s North River (often referred to as the Clermont) traveled from New York City to Albany in 1807 in a record 32 hours. Hudson River steamboats were called ‘sidewheel steamers’. They were unique in that they had two paddlewheels located in the center of the boat on either side. In contrast, Mississippi River steamboats have single, wide paddlewheel at the rear or stern of the boat. [43]

By the 1820s, steamboats on the Hudson were a common sight, running at night as well as during the day. Night boats became popular with businessmen traveling between New York City and Albany, who could travel first-class and arrive well-rested in the morning. While many of the steamboats afforded travel amenities for the emerging middle class, immigrants could obtain cheaper fares in steerage and on older and slower steamboats that were used for freight and steerage. [44]

In 1819 there were only nine steamboats in operation on the Hudson River. By 1840, there were more than 100 in service. By the 1840s, steamboat travel was the easiest and fastest method of transportation in the Hudson Valley. The trip from New York City to Albany took about 10 hours and 30 minutes. [45]

The Steamboat The New World on the Hudson River

Click for Larger View | Source: Buckman, David Lee, Old Steamboat Days On the Hudson River, New York: Grafton Press, 1907, Page 34,

“Each succeeding steamer cut down the time of the passage. In 1817, it had been reduced to eighteen hours and in 1826 the Constellation and Constitution had made the trip to Albany in fifteen hours. By 1836 a new boat, the North America, had cut it down to ten hours and the improvement went steadily on … . “ [46]  

Table three reflects the ongoing ‘race’ between commercial steamboat enterprises for the distinction of having the fastest boat on the river. As reflected in the table the travel time for the fastest steamboats on the Hudson River were significantly reduced between 1807 and 1849. When Johann arrived in America, the fastest steamboat was able to reach Albany in seven and a half hours. I imagine most of the immigrants traveled on steamboats that were not at the cutting edge of performance. The goal for the majority of steamboat operators was to reach Albany in less than 10 hours. The Hudson River Day Line steamboats in the 1860s claimed to operate under the “nine hour system”, taking 9 hours to complete the trip between Albany and New York City, with Poughkeepsie as the half-way point. [47]

Table Three: Speed Records in Steamboat Travel Time

YearSteamboat NameTime (Hour: Minutes)
1817Chancellor Livingston18
1836North America10
1851New World7:43
1852Francis Skiddy7:30
Source: Buckman, David Lee, Old Steamboat Days On the Hudson River, New York: Grafton Press, 1907, Page 66,

Through the 1840s, steamboat travel was the easiest and fastest method of transportation in the Hudson Valley. It dwindled, however, in the 1850s due to the faster travel service and competition of the Hudson River Railroad.

Railroads were rapidly expanding in the mid-19th century. By the 1840s, a railroad grid was taking shape in New York state, providing a transportation infrastructure that fueled the growth of commerce and transportation.

Between 1852 and 1856, Johann could have taken a train from New York City heading north towards upstate New York. The Hudson River Railroad was chartered in 1846 to build a rail line from New York City north to Rensselaer, NY (near Albany). The full line was completed in 1851, one year prior to Johann’s arrival. This provided the first rail link along the eastern shore of the Hudson River. It reduced reliance on steamboat travel along the Hudson River and spurred economic development in cities and towns along its route

The Start of the Hudson River Railroad was close to Little Germany, as depicted in map seven.

Map Seven: The Start of the Hudson River Railroad in New York City

Click for Larger View | Source: Adaptation of map from an enlarged portion of a map by Moore, W. C. (draftsman), Robert Haering (Engraver), George Snyder (Lithographer), “Map of the Hudson River Rail Road from New York to Albany.” Map. N.Y.: Lith. of G. Snyder, (c) 1848. Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center,

During the winter months, averaging from ninety to one hundred days of each year, the Hudson River was closed by the ice. (I)t proved a serious inconvenience, to say the least, for a channel, through which from one and a half to two millions of passengers were conveyed in the summer months, to be closed for the remainder of the year.” In the winter, when the river was closed the railroad was the major mode of transportation for both passengers and freight. [48]

Map Eight: The Terminus of the Hudson River Railroad in Albany & Troy New York

Click for Larger View | Source: Modified map from Drake, Ira S, and Cowperthwait & Co Thomas. Mitchell’s new traveller’s guide through the United States, showing the rail roads, canals, stage roads &c. with distances from place to place. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1853, created 1848. Map.

As reflected below, travel by rail took about ten hours between New York City and the capital area for the price of four dollars. Four dollars in 1850 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $161.06 in contemporary times. [49]

Click for Larger View | Disturnell, J., Disturnell’s railroad, steamboat and telegraph book being a guide through the United States and Canada : also giving the ocean steam packet arrangements, telegraph lines and charges, list of hotels, &c. : with a map of the United States and Canada showing all the canals, railroads, &c., New York: J. Disturnell, July 1851

Map nine is an amazing multipage map that depicts the entire length of the Hudson River Railroad, from New York city to Albany New York.

Map Nine: The Hudson River Railroad from New York to Albany [50]

Click for Larger View

Since this map is so long, for a closer look at various sections of this map, click on the following lnks for a particular segment of the map:

Map One | Map Two | Map Three | Map Four | Map Five | Map Six

The broadside advertisement [51] of the railroad schedule for the Hudson River railroad below lists twelve trains scheduled for departure from New York City. It is noteworthy that one scheduled night train at 7:30 pm was listed as an “Emigrant and Freight Train for Albany and Troy”. The fares possibly were cheaper than the day rates; and the quality of the ride to Albany was probably ‘below standard’.

Hudson River Railroad Schedule Published on a Broadside Advertisement- July 10th 1852 [52]

Click for Larger View | Source: Hudson River Railroad Schedule of Fares Between New York City, Albany and Troy, New York, 1852, Broadside Poster, The Henry Ford, 10 July 1852,

The following 1850s engravings depict a train with baggage and passenger cars near the town of Hudson, New York, traveling the tracks that parallel the Hudson River.

Train on the Hudson River Railroad, “At Hudson, N.Y.,” circa 1851 [53]

Wood Engraving of a Railroad Train, 1848-1852 [54]

Arriving in Troy or Albany, New York by rail, water, road left about 45 miles from Johnstown and Gloversville. Johann could have continued on rail service to Fonda, New York and then could have taken a stagecoach to Johnstown The distance between Fonda and Johnstown is only 4.6 miles. Otherwise, Johann could have traveld by road from the train station in Albany to Gloversville.

The area around Albany, Troy and Schenectady had a long history of developing segments of railway. The Erie Canal, opened in 1825 between Albany and Buffalo and followed the Hudson and Mohawk rivers between Albany and Schenectady. The 40-mile Albany–Schenectady water route included several locks and was slow. Stagecoaches traveled the 17-mile direct route between the cities. In 1826 the Mohawk & Hudson Rail Road was incorporated to replace the canal stages between Albany and Schenectady. The Mohawk & Hudson Railway opened in 1831 [55]

“One by one, railroads were incorporated, built, and opened westward from the end of the Mohawk & Hudson: Utica & Schenectady, Syracuse & Utica, Auburn & Syracuse, Auburn & Rochester, Tonawanda (Rochester to Attica via Batavia), and Attica & Buffalo. By 1841 it was possible to travel between Albany and Buffalo by train in just 25 hours, lightning speed compared with the canal packets. Ten years later the trip took a little over 12 hours. In 1851 the state passed an act freeing the railroads from the need to pay tolls to the Erie Canal, with which they competed. That same year the Hudson River Railroad opened from New York to East Albany.” [56]


Once Johann Sperber landed in New York City, he had a number of options for his future in America. New York City provided a geographical base to plan his future movements. For the 1850s saw major changes and improvements in transportation, ushering in what historians call the “Transportation Revolution.”

The biggest advancement was the rapid growth of railroads. In 1850, there were about 9,000 miles of railroad tracks in the U.S. By 1860, this had more than tripled to over 30,000 miles. Railroads allowed people and goods to be transported much faster and more efficiently than ever before. A trip from New York to Chicago that used to take over a month could now be completed in just two days. [57]

However, train travel in the 1850s was still quite primitive and uncomfortable compared to today’s standards. Passenger cars were hot and stuffy in the summer, freezing cold in the winter, and filled with smoke and soot from the engine. Seating was on hard wooden benches. There were no dining cars, so passengers had to rely on meager offerings at train stations, which often lacked proper facilities. [58]

Before railroads became widespread, stagecoaches were a common way to travel longer distances. In the early 1800s, a network of toll roads called turnpikes were built, with stagecoach lines running between major cities. By the 1830s, the travel time from Boston to New York had been reduced from 4-6 days to just 1.5 days thanks to better roads and stagecoach relays. However, stagecoach travel was still bumpy, dusty, and unpleasant. [59]

In addition to overland travel, steamboats and canals became important modes of transportation, especially for freight. Starting with Robert Fulton’s steamboat in 1807, a network of steamboat lines soon developed on major rivers. Canals were also built to connect waterways, with the famous Erie Canal opening in 1825. But by the 1850s, railroads had outpaced both improved roads and canals to become the dominant form of transportation.

In the early 1800s, the primary routes from New York City to the Mohawk Valley were turnpikes (toll roads). Stagecoaches and wagons traveled these rudimentary roads, which made for slow and uncomfortable journeys that could take weeks.

However, the transportation revolution of the early-to-mid 19th century brought major improvements. The Erie Canal, completed in 1825, provided an efficient water route between the Hudson River at Albany and Buffalo on Lake Erie, running through the Mohawk Valley. This allowed goods and people to be transported much more quickly compared to overland routes.

The development of railroads in the 1830s and 1840s further transformed travel. In 1831, the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad began the first regular steam locomotive service between Albany and Schenectady. By the 1850s, several railroads were operating in the region as part of the rapidly expanding New York state railroad system, including the Utica and Schenectady Railroad and Syracuse and Utica Railroad. These rail connections made travel between New York City and the Mohawk Valley substantially faster and more comfortable compared to previous decades.

For example, maps showing travel times from New York City in 1830 indicate that reaching Albany took about 1 week.

Click for Larger View | Source: Paullin, Charles O., John K Wright, ed., Atlas of the Hstorical Geography of the United States, Carnegie Institute of Washington and the American Geographical Society of New York, 1932,

By 1857, that same trip only took around 1 day by railroad. The 80-mile trip from Schenectady to Utica along the Mohawk Turnpike that used to take days now took just a few hours by rail.

Click for Larger View | Source: Paullin, Charles O., John K Wright, ed., Atlas of the Hstorical Geography of the United States, Carnegie Institute of Washington and the American Geographical Society of New York, 1932,

While Johann was traveling up to the Mohawk Valley between 1852 and 1856, the many options he had available were rapidly changing.


Feature Photograph: This is a portion of an 1847 map that also appears in Williams, Wellington, Map 19, Appleton’s northern and eastern traveller’s guide: with new and authentic maps, illustrating those divisions of the country. Forming, likewise, a complete guide to the middle states, Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Illustrated with numerous maps and plans of cities, engraved on steel and several wood engravings, New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1855,$b263188&seq=251

[1] Braunstein, Jean, L’émigration allemande par le port du Havre au XIXe siècle, Table: Emigrants Allemands Embarques Au Havre (1830 – 1870), Annales de Normandie, 1984, Page 102,

[2] Gregory Saillard, Discovery of an unknown daguerreotype from old Le Havre: “The quai de la Citadelle circa 1845-1848” , 11 Jan 2023, The Classic,

[3] Daguerreotype Photo Source: Anonymous, Havre, Quai de la Citadelle  ca. 1845-1848, full plate daguerreotype, 20 x 24,8 cm, temporary modern mount, private collection.; referenced in Gregory Sallard’s blog story.

[4] Gregory Saillard, Discovery of an unknown daguerreotype from old Le Havre: “The quai de la Citadelle circa 1845-1848” , 11 Jan 2023, The Classic,

[5] Carte D’Etat-Major 1820-1866,

The Service Géographique’s Carte de France refers to a detailed topographic map series produced by the French military’s geographical service, known as the Service Géographique de l’Armée. This map series, often referred to as the “Carte d’état-major,” was initiated in the early 19th century and played a crucial role in military and administrative planning in France.The Carte de France was notable for its scale and detail, typically at 1:80,000, which allowed for precise military and civil use. 

The production of these maps was a significant undertaking, involving extensive surveys and cartographic expertise. The maps were highly regarded for their accuracy and detail, including topographical features like elevation contours, waterways, and urban layouts, which were essential for both military strategy and civil administration.

Carte d’état-major, Wkiipédia, La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 20 avril 2024,état-major

[6] Beckert, Sven, Empire of Cotton: A Global History, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014, Pages 95, 148, 202, 205, 211 – 212, 216

See also: Dunham, Arthur L. “The Development of the Cotton Industry in France and the Anglo-French Treaty of Commerce of 1860.” The Economic History Review, vol. 1, no. 2, 1928, pp. 281–307. JSTOR

“En 1852, 63 % des 72 325 emigrants embarques au Havre sont des Allemands. Ce chiffre s’eleve meme a 78,5 %, soit 54 000 emigrants allemands, en 1853. L’ emigration allemande par le port du Havre a atteint alors un sommet qui ne sera plus depasse.”

Braunstein, Jean, L’émigration allemande par le port du Havre au XIXe siècle, Table: Emigrants Allemands Embarques Au Havre (1830 – 1870), Annales de Normandie, 1984, Page 97 (quote) and page 101,

[7] Havre-Union Line, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 14 January 2024,

Albion, Robert G. (1965). Square-Riggers on Schedule: The New York Sailing Packets to England, France, and the Cotton Port (reprint ed.). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965, Pages 110, 126 – 27, 286 – 287

Fairburn, William A. (1945). Merchant Sail, 6 vols. Center Lovell, Me: Fairburn Marine Educational Foundation, 1945, Pages  1136 -1137, 1235, 1245, 1269

Holley, O. L., ed. The New-York State Register, for 1845. New York: J. Disturnell, 1845, p. 257.

[8] A ‘standard’ advertisement of the Havre Union Shipping Line schedule between New York and Le Havre provided standardize dates for departure and arrival for each ship. It was routinely posted in the New York Evening Post as reflected below:

  • Evening Post 12 February 1851, Page 4
  • Evening Post 21 February 1851, Page 4
  • Evening Post 16 May 1851, Page 4
  • Evening Post 29 July 1851, Page 4
  • Evening Post, 7 October 1851, Page 4
  • Evening Post 23 October 1851, Page 4
  • Evening Post 18 November 1851, Page 4
  • Evening Post 10 December 1851, Page 4
  • Evening Post 29 January 1852, Page 4
  • Evening Post 3 March 1852, Page 4
  • Evening Post 8 April 1852, Page 4
  • Evening Post 24 July 1852, Page 4
  • Evening Post 1 July 1852, Page 4
  • Evening Post 27 July 1852, Page 4
  • Evening Post 10 August 1852, Page 4

[9] Evening Post 3 March 1852, Page 4

[10] This record is found on microfiche Passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1897 United States. Bureau of Customs; United States. National Archives and Records Service [microform], slide 552 of 830, reel 114 – June 1-19, 1852 . The entire ship manifest list came be accessed as a PDF file.

[11] In its thirteen years in service, the shortest westward trip for the Germania was 26 days, the longest was 52 days and the average number of days the Germania took to reach New York City was 38. See Fairburn, William A. (1945). Merchant Sail, Volume II  Center Lovell, ME: Fairburn Marine Educational Foundation. Pages 1198 & 1298

[12] The photograph was a stereographic photograph of the ship Germania docked at the Quai Casimir Delavigne, port of Le Havre. The stereographic photograph was produced after 1850. Handwritten in pencil on back was “Packet Ship GERMANIA/ Chas H Townsend [sic.] Comdg”. The photograph was printed “420 Quai Casimir – Delavigne (Havre).” The GERMANIA was built 1850, Portsmouth, New Hampshire by Fernald & Pettigrew. It was part of the New York & Havre Union Line.

Ship GERMANIA at pier, Le Havre, France, Collections and Research, Mystic Seaport Museum

Stereographs became extremely popular in the 19th century, especially after the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Cheap stereoscope viewers and mass-produced stereograph cards made the technology affordable and accessible to the general public. By the mid-1850s, stereographs had become a widespread form of home entertainment.

Johnson, David, Nineteenth-Century Virtual Reality Devices, Oct 19 2017, New Orleans Museum of Art,

Guthrie, Anabeth, Stereo Views: The Nineteenth Century Meets the Twenty-First Century, National Gallery of Art,

Development of stereoscopic photography, Britanica,

Falza, Labiba, Double Takes: A Brief History of Stereographs, Jun 30 2023, Library Matters, McGill University Library News,

Christie, Ian, 19th Century Craze for Stereoscopic Photography, Gresham College,

[13] New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data:View Sources. “United States Germans to America Index, 1850-1897.” Database. FamilySearch. : 18 July 2022. Citing NARA NAID 566634. National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

M237 Roll 114, 1 Jun 1852–19 Jun 1852,

[14] Weiser, Benjamin, Heat-Struck, July 1852, New York TImes, July 26, 2013,

Weiser, Benjamin, Heat-Struck, July 1852, July 26, 2013, New York TImes,

[15] This map is a portion of the 1850 map made by Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, City of New-York, Hand Colored Map, 1850 Mitchell Map of New York City, Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia 1850.

Mitchell Map of New York City 1850

Click for Larger View

“This hand colored map of New York City is a lithograph engraving, dating to 1850 by the American mapmaker S.A. Mitchell Sr. The map epicts the island of Manhattan from 37th street (Kips Bay) south to Battery Park and Brooklyn from Williamsburg to Columbia St. The whole is shown in magnificent detail with many important buildings, ranging from the Brooklyn Naval Yard to important hotels and churches, depicted and labeled. One of the most visually appealing maps of New York City to emerge from the workshops of a mid-19th century American cartographer.”

Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, City of New-York, Hand Colored Map, 1850 Mitchell Map of New York City, Published by S. Augustus Mitchell, Philadelphia 1850; Online image: Geographicus NewYork City, Wikipedia,

Information on the location of the Havre Union Pier is based on: Map of the Port of New York on the south tip of Manhattan Island in 1851. Source: From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Map of the Port of New York on the south tip of Manhattan Island in 1851. Heavy broken line marks the waterfront below City Hall park in 1784. Area filled in prior to 1820.  The original source is unknown. The old illustration was found in Carl C. Cutler, Queens of the Western Ocean, Annapolis: U.S. Naval Institute, 1961

Information regarding the boundaries of Little Germany are based on information in Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, (Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990), Page 24

[19] Ecological Fallacy, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 15 May 2024,

Hsieh, John J.. “ecological fallacy”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 4 Sep. 2017,

[20] Hoerder, Dirk. “The Traffic of Emigration via Bremen/Bremerhaven: Merchants’ Interests, Protective Legislation, and Migrants’ Experiences.” Journal of American Ethnic History, vol. 13, no. 1, 1993, pp. 76. JSTOR,

[21] Thomas W. Page, “The Transportation of Immigrants and Reception Arrangements in the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 19, no. 9, 1911, pp. 744. JSTOR, .

[22] Ibid, Page 744

[23] Rippley, La Vern J. “Official Action by Wisconsin to Recruit Immigrants, 1850-1890.” Yearbook of German-American Studies, vol. 18, 1983, pp. 185-196; Page 186

[24] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, (Urbana:University of Illinois Press, 1990), Page 24,

Herman, David, Revisiting Kleindeutschland, the East Village’s Little Germany, Oct 6, 2022, Off the Grid: Village Preservation Blog,

Moses, Richard, Kleindeutschland: Little Germany in the Lower East Side, Lower East Side Preservation Initiative (L.E.S.P.I.),

Herman, David, Revisiting Kleindeutschland, the East Village’s Little Germany, Oct 6, 2022, Off the Grid: Village Preservation Blog,

Schulz, Dana, Kleindeutschland: The History of the East Village’s Little Germany, Oct 2, 2014, 6sqft New York City,

Little Germany, Manhattan, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 22 November 2023,,_Manhattan

Carter, Abi, Little Germany, NYC: The rise and fall of a New York German community , 22 Sep 2023,

Yarce, Julio, What’s Left of Little Germany in NYC, Kleindeutschland, Untapped New York,

Lebkuchen, Leckerlee, A Brief History of Kleindeutschland in NYC, Nov 18, 2016, Leckerlee,

Carr, Nick, Remnants of Kleindeutschland (Little Germany), May 11, 2009, Scouting in New York Blog,

The Decline and Fall of Kleindeutschland, Blog Archive, Tenement Museum,

[25] Richard Moses, Development of Kleindeutschland or Little Germany, Lower East Side Preservation Initiative,

[26] Nadel, Stanley, Kleindeutschland: New York City’s Germans: 1850 -1880, PhD Thesis, Columbia University, 1981, Page 1,

Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany : ethnicity, religion, and class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1990,

[27] Bachmann, John, and Kimmel & Forster. Bird’s eye view of New York and environs. [New York Kimmel & Forster, 1865] Map.

[28] Nadel, Stanley, Kleindeutschland: New York City’s Germans: 1850 -1880, PhD Thesis, Columbia University, 1981, Page 1,

[29] Moses, Richard, Kleindeutschland: Little Germany in the Lower East Side, Lower East Side Preservation Initiative (L.E.S.P.I.),

[30] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany : ethnicity, religion, and class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1990, Page 38,

[31] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany : ethnicity, religion, and class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1990, Appendix B Page 163

[32] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany : ethnicity, religion, and class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1990, Pages 29, 37 – 39,

[33] Ziegler-McPherson, Christina. (2014). German Immigrants in New York City, 1840-1920.

See also Ernst, Robert, Immigrant Life in New York City, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1994, Page 193. While this table reflects numbers for 1855, it is representative of the ethnic and native born mix of population in each of the New York City wards.

Click for Larger View

[34] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany : ethnicity, religion, and class in New York City, 1845-80, Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1990, Page 32,

[35] Floor Area Per Person (FAPP) is a measure of the amount of floor space available to each individual within a given area or building. It is commonly used in space planning for offices, residential buildings, event venues, and public spaces to ensure comfort, safety, and efficient use of space.

Floor area, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 16 May 2024,

Bitton, David, What Is Floor Area Ratio (FAR) & How to Calculate It, may 28, 2024, Doorloop,

[36] Nadel, Page 32

[37] Nadel, Page 34

[38] Nadel, Page 24

[39] Ellis, B. Eldred, Gloves and the Glove Trade, London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, 1921 , Page 71

[40] Ellis, B. Eldred, Gloves and the Glove Trade, London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, 1921 , Page 71

[41] Bradbury & Guild, Hudson River and the Hudson River Railroad : with a complete map, and wood cut views of the principal objects of interest upon the line, Boston: Bradbury & Guild, 1851, Page 8,

[42] Oklahoma Historical society, Steamboat Heroine, Overland Travel vs. Steamboat Travel, 

[43] Barges were also used to transport passengers up and down the Hudson River.

“Another feature of river life in the early days of steam navigation was the barges that carried passengers up and down the Hudson. These generally hailed from some of the small towns on the upper river that could not supply traffic enough to support a steamboat service. … These barges were boats with a main and upper deck almost as long and commodious as a steamer.” – Page 95

“It is believed the propeller type of river boat was especially built to make it more feasible to tow these barges, as the side wheel boats made it very noisy, the revolving paddles splashing the water at the side of the barges all night long.  … Traveling by barge was not always the height of enjoyment and comfort … . Progress was slow and the boats latterly carried a varied cargo of farm products, bales of hay and live stock. Calves and lambs bound for the city slaughter horses and horses for the New York street car lines… .” – Page 98

Buckman, David Lee, Old Steamboat Days On the Hudson River, New York: Grafton Press, 1907,

[44] Blauweiss, Stephen and Karen Berelowitz, The Hudson River was yesteryear’s Thruway, AUG 18, 2021, HV1, The Hudson River was yesteryear’s Thruway,

[45] North River Steamboat, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 1 May 2024,

Blauweiss, Stephen and Karen Berelowitz, The Hudson River was yesteryear’s Thruway, AUG 18, 2021, HV1,

[46] Buckman, David Lee, Old Steamboat Days On the Hudson River, New York: Grafton Press, 1907, Page 65

[47] Map of the Hudson River Line Steamers, 1883, Jan 21, 2014, Croton History & Mysteries,

[48] Bradbury & Guild, Hudson River and the Hudson River Railroad : with a complete map, and wood cut views of the principal objects of interest upon the line, Boston: Bradbury & Guild, 1851, Pages 10-11,

[49] CPI Inflation Calculator,

[50] Moore, W. C. (draftsman), Robert Haering (Engraver), George Snyder (Lithographer), “Map of the Hudson River Rail Road from New York to Albany.” Map. N.Y.: Lith. of G. Snyder, (c) 1848. Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center,

This map is also found as the last page in Bradbury & Guild, Hudson River and the Hudson River Railroad : with a complete map, and wood cut views of the principal objects of interest upon the line, Boston: Bradbury & Guild, 1851

[51] Broadside printing was a popular form of printing in the 18th and 19th centuries that involved printing on a single large sheet of paper pr heavy cardboard, only on one side. Some key characteristics of broadside printing include:

  • Broadsides were typically large sheets printed on one side only, designed to be read unfolded and posted publicly to disseminate information widely.
  • They served as an early form of mass media before newspapers became common, used to spread news, announcements, advertisements, and political views to the public.
  • Broadsides were a very common form of ephemeral, disposable printing from the 16th-19th centuries, intended to have an immediate impact and then be discarded.
  • They were often quickly and crudely printed in large quantities and distributed for free or sold cheaply on the streets.
  • Broadsides featured large, eye-catching lettering and sometimes included woodcut illustrations to attract attention from a distance.
  • In the ninteenth century, new technologies like fat face type and chromolithography allowed for more expressive typography and color printing in broadsides.
  • Broadsides were used to announce events, publish proclamations, advocate political and social causes, advertise products, and celebrate literary and musical works

Broadside (printing), Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 15 May 2024,

The Popularity of Broadsides, Printed Ephemera: Three centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera, Library of Congress,

Brabner, Ian, Rare Americana, American Broadsides: History on a Sheet of Paper,

[52] Hudson River Railroad Schedule of Fares Between New York City, Albany and Troy, New York, 1852, 10 July 1852, Broadside (Notice), Mat board Paper (Fiber product), Height: 16.438 in x Width: 10.75 in, Seymor Dunbar Collection, Digital Collections, Henry Ford Museum,

[53] Train on the Hudson River Railroad, “At Hudson, N.Y.,” circa 1851, Height: 7.688 in Width: 10.5 in, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago Illinois, Digital Collections, Henry Ford Museum,

[54] Wood Engraving of a Railroad Train, 1848-1852, Height: 5.688 in Width: 9.375 in, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago Illinois, Digital Collections, Henry Ford Museum,

[55] New York Central Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 27 September 2023,

Troy & Schenectady Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 12 September 2023,

Adam Burns, Mohawk and Hudson Railroad, American Rails, June 7, 2023

List of New York railroads, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 3 August 2023, ,

Adam Burns, New York Central Railroad (NYC): “The Great Steel Fleet”, Sep 11, 2023, American Rails,

Adam Burns, Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad, Apr 13 2023, American-Rails,

Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 28 December 2022,,_Johnstown_and_Gloversville_Railroad

George Drury, December 28, 2020, Remembering the New York Central System — Part 1, Railroads & Locomotives,

Daniels, George H. (George Henry),   1893 map of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, The New York Central & Hudson River R.R. and connections, Buffalo, 1893 , Library of Congress,

[56] George Drury, December 28, 2020, Remembering the New York Central System — Part 1, Railroads & Locomotives,

New York Central Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 27 September 2023,

[57] Burns, Adam, Railroads and the Industrial Revolution (1850s), Mar 9, 2024, American-Rails,

[58] Lacy, Connie, Not for sissies: Train travel in the 1850s, Dec 2, 2020,

[59] Historical Background on Traveling in the Early 19th Century, Teach US History. Org,

Johann Wolfgang Sperber – Part Four: Heading to Fulton County and Glove Making

This is part four of a story about Johann Wolfgang Sperber immigrating to the United States. This part of the story discusses the possible influences that drew Johann Sperber to Fulton County, New York. We do not have direct evidence to explain why Johan Sperber ended up specifically in Gloversville, Fulton County, New York. However, we have indirect historical evidence that may offer clues as to why he ultimately chose Fulton county as his new home.

Six Part Story

The first of this story provides an overview of the family legacy John Sperber established in his new homeland, an historical background on where John was from in Baden, Germany, the influences on his migration to the United States, and the historical evidence of his departure and arrival to America.

The second part of John Sperber’s story describes his journey from Baden-Baden to Le Havre based on historical evidence and historical accounts.

The third part of the story assesses the three major inland pathways to European ports that John had options to consider. Since it is not absolutely certain the ship manifest list for the Germania reflect our John Sperber, I have provided historical background on the relative accessibility of the three major routes John may have taken to make his voyage to the United States. 

The fifth part of the story covers his travel to New York City and his options to travel to Gloversville, Fulton County, New York.

The sixth part of the story covers his establishing a new life and family in the Johnstown and Gloversville, New York area. This is the end of a rather long story that attempts to provide not only a discussion of the available ‘facts’ we have of Johann and his family but also provide a broader social and historical context in which he made this journey from Baden to New York state. Like a song, some of the ‘facts’ are a refrain from prior parts of the story.

Why did Johann Sperber end up in Fulton County, in New York state? I have addressed general aspects of this question in prior parts of this story. We can specifically look at this question in terms of three nested questions that start from a general question to a regional question and then to a specific geographical question.

The first question is why Johann landed in New York City. The second question is why did he head to the Mohawk valley. The third question is why did he specifically end up in the Gloversville – Johnstown area in Fulton County

Le Havre to New York City

Johann’s arrival in New York city is substantiated by information found on the Germania ship manifest . In previous parts to this story, it was also substantiated with historical facts that Germans from the Grand Duchy of Baden had a long history of migrating to the Mohawk valley in New York state. In addition, since 1830 New York city was “the gateway of the nation” for the vast majority of Germans immigrating to America.

New York City served as the gateway not only to the Empire State but to an entire region. Included in its hinterland was northern Ohio, which was mainly settled by the Erie canal and Great Lakes route… . [1]

“The most important ports of arrival in the United States were New York, from which the immigrants dispersed via Albany and Troy throughout the western part of the country, and Baltimore and New Orleans, from which they reached the Mississippi.” (emphasis added) [2]

“(New York city’s) connection with the interior was a prime cause of New York’s commercial supremacy,. … In the middle of the century Buffalo, Cleveland, and Milwaukee were the distributing points for those bound to the Northwest, and to reach these cities the Erie Canal and, after 1846, the railroad from New York to Buffalo were by far the quickest and the cheapest routes.[3]

Johann was one of many Germans who sailed to New York city in 1852. If we were to look at the place of origin of male individuals arriving in the United States the year Johann arrived (see table one), German males from the various German states represented one of the two largest groups to migrated to American in 1852. Men from Ireland and Germany represented almost three quarters of all males entering the United States in 1852.

Table One: Place of Birth of Males Arriving in the United States 1852

Place of BirthNumberPercentageCumulative
German States84,20535.972.5
Other Countries16,8477.2
Source: 1850 U.S. Census,Table LXXI – Nativities of Passengers Arriving in the United States, Year ending December 31, 1852, Nativities of passengers arriving in U.S. Year ending in 1852, Nativities of the Population of the United States, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Classification of Ages,

New York City to the Mohawk Valley

Why did Johann gravitate to the Mohawk valley rather than simply stay in New York city or migrate to Ohio or other locations in America? Johann’s journey to the Mohawk valley is perhaps due to the influences of the migration decisions of past generations and his contemporaries in Baden, the contours of transportation networks in New York state and the economic prospects of the time.

The Baden area, from where Johann lived, had a rich and long history of migration to the Mohawk valley in New York state. This intergenerational tradition reaches back into the late 1600s and 1700s. 

“In the eighteenth century, more than 100,000 migrants left the south-west German regions of the Electoral Palatinate, Kraichgau, Baden-Durlach, and Duchy of Württemberg, as well as neighbouring Alsace and the Swiss cantons, in order to cross the Atlantic.” (emphasis is mine) [4]

The Kraichgau region and Baden Durlach were areas in the eighteenth century where generations of the Fliegel and Sperber families possibly resided. Individuals from these areas along the Rhine River, migrated to the Mohawk valley in the 1700s. While the route getting to America may have been different, there may have been a strong likelihood to follow the ‘guiding star’ of tradition (oral or written) that lead him to the ‘Palatine’ area along the Mohawk River in New York state.

The inland flow and direction of migration patterns of German migration in New York state were largely determined by the natural topological contours of the state. The natural path between New York city and Albany and westward from Albany had been firmly established since the early 1700s, (see map one). The Hudson river valley provided a natural topographical pathway between New York city and the Albany – Schenectady area. The Mohawk River Valley, running east and west, cuts a natural path between the Catskill Mountains to the south and the Adirondack Mountains to the north.

Map One: Topological Map of New York State

Click for Larger View | Source: 3D render of a topographic map of New York. All source data is in the public domain. SRTM data courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey ([0][v]=f&pg[0][gsk]=-start_date&q=srtm%201%20arc&tl=1640787673!3!!&m=11.7421875!-80.859375!2!1!0!0%2C2). Map rendered using QGIS and Blender software.

While a few rough roads existed, the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers were the primary transportation arteries in the 1700s. Along with the two waterways, major roads following the two rivers were established in the 1600s based on Indian pathways. They continued to be used and upgraded through the time that Johann arrived: the Albany Post Road and the Mohawk Turnpike. Another road that paralleled the Mohawk Turnpike was on the southern side of the Mohawk river. There was also the was the Great Western Turnpike. [5]

Map Two: Travel By Road: Albany Post Road & Mohawk Trail (Fulton County Highlighted)

Click for Larger View | Dilts, David, Map of the Albany Post Road from New York City to Albany, New York, and connecting migration routes, 24 June 2011, FamilySearch,

The Albany Post Road, also known as the “Queen’s Road,” and later the “King’s Road” existed since 1669. The road connected the colonial seaport of New York City (then called New Amsterdam) with the fur trading outpost, and, at that time, the second-largest city of Albany (Beverwijck). Each end of the road at New York City and Albany was a nexus of other significant migration routes. (see map two). The Albany Post Road followed along the east side of the Hudson River and was about 150 miles (241 km) long. However, in 1806 competing turnpike routes lessened the traffic on the old route. By 1850 railroads had made the Albany Post Road obsolete and stagecoach service stopped. [6]

“A private company built the Highlands Turnpike to the west, in more level country, and opened it in 1806. This diverted traffic away from the section north of Peekskill through Continental Village and past the lakes. Iron mining at Hopper Lake in the 1820s partially replaced it, and the stage route was not changed. The old road fell into further disuse when the turnpike became a public highway in 1833 and it was no longer needed as a shunpike. The completion of the Hudson River Railroad to Albany in 1850 made the road obsolete as a commercial and postal artery, and stage service ended.” [7]

As a main artery through the Mohawk Valley, the Mohawk Turnpike was critical in facilitating the massive westward migration of settlers in the early nineteenth century before canals and railroads took over the bulk of long-distance transportation. The turnpike ran about 95 miles from Schenectady to Rome, NY, paralleling the Mohawk River and providing an overland route through the Mohawk Valley. [8]

The turnpike developed from old Mohawk Indian trails and was also known as part of the Iroquois Trail that ran from Albany to Buffalo. Its improvement in the early 1800s made it the favored route for westward travel. In 1811, stagecoach lines ran day and night over the turnpike from Albany to Buffalo, completing the trip in just 3 days with frequent horse changes. This enabled more rapid migration. Traffic on the turnpike began to diminish after the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, but it continued to be used heavily in the winter months when the canal was closed. [9]

Map three illustrates the network of waterways from New York city to the Johnstown-Gloversville area (highlighted in yellow). From a transportation infrastructure perspective, Johann took the same route as did those from Baden before him. Except he had three avenues of travel: road, water and rail. Immigrants in the early 1800s would have traveled by steamboat up the Hudson River or traveled on roads along the river from New York City to Albany. By the 1830s-1850s, railroads and turnpikes became the preferred modes of travel as transportation infrastructure rapidly improved during the transportation revolution of the nineteenth century.

Once in the ‘capital city area’ of Albany, Schenectady, and Troy, the confluence of roadways heading north and south and west were critical in facilitating the massive westward migration of settlers in the early nineteenth century before canals and railroads took over the bulk of long-distance transportation. The improvements of the roadways enabled hundreds of thousands to more easily make the journey from the eastern seaboard into the Great Lakes region and beyond.

Map Three: The Hudson and Mohawk River Valleys Johnstown-Gloversville Area

Click for Larger View | Source: Greene, Nelson, History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614 – 1925, Volume I, Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925, Page 19,

The map: “Showing also the rivers of northeast New Jersey, which empty into the mouth of the Hudson, and towns over 50,000 on these streams. The mountains bordering the Hudson valley are also indicated. Only New York state towns having city charters, lying in the Hudson valley, the Mohawk being the chief tributary of the Hudson.[10]

The Origins of Fulton County

Map Four: Mohawk River and Settlements in 1777 – Tryon County, Province of New York

Click for Larger View
Source: Blown up section of Sauthier, Claude Joseph, Bernard Ratzer, and William Faden. A map of the Province of New-York, reduc’d from the large drawing of that Province, compiled from actual surveys by order of His Excellency William Tryon, Esqr., Captain General & Governor of the same, by Claude Joseph Sauthier; to which is added New-Jersey London, Wm. Faden, 1776. Map.

Prior to the eighteenth century, the lands that would become Fulton County were used by the Mohawk Indians as hunting and fishing grounds. In the early 1700s, the first European settlers, mostly German Palatines, started arriving and tilling the rich soil in the western regions. [11]

Map Five: Mohawk Indian Towns 1580 – 1779

Click for Larger View | Greene, Nelson, Chapter 103: Mohawk Manufacturing Statistics, History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614 – 1925, Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925 Volume 1 Page 140

Map Six: Tryon County (Highlighted) 1777

Click for Larger View | Source: Sauthier, Claude Joseph, Bernard Ratzer, and William Faden. A map of the Province of New-York, reduc’d from the large drawing of that Province, compiled from actual surveys by order of His Excellency William Tryon, Esqr., Captain General & Governor of the same, by Claude Joseph Sauthier; to which is added New-Jersey
. London, Wm. Faden, 1776. Map.

In 1753, the Kingsborough Patent [12] , containing parts of present-day Johnstown, Mayfield and Ephratah, was purchased by Sir William Johnson, a prominent British colonial official. It was originally part of Albany County, a county in the colonial province of New York in the British American colonies. In 1772, at Johnson’s urging, this area became part of the newly formed Tryon County, with Johnstown as the county seat. After the American Revolution, Tryon County was renamed Montgomery County in 1784. (See maps five and six). [13]

As western migration took place, this large Montgomery County soon became sub divided into new counties with their own county seats. In 1789, Ontario County was split off from Montgomery. The area of the new county was much larger than the present Ontario County, as it included the present Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara, Orleans, Steuben, Wyoming, Yates, and part of Schuyler and Wayne counties. In 1791, Herkimer, Otsego, and Tioga counties were split off from Montgomery. In 1802, portions of Clinton, Herkimer, and Montgomery counties were combined to form St. Lawrence County. In 1816, Hamilton County was split off from Montgomery county.

The operation of the new Erie Canal and the building of new roads along the river attracted new settlements to the Mohawk Valley and population growth soared in that area of the county south and southwest of Johnstown.

Map Seven: Montgomery County 1829

Click for Larger View | Source: Bur, David H., Montgomery County, Atlas Map, New York: D.H.Burr, Page 17, 1829—B#

Because of this shift in the population center, the people in the Mohawk Valley area petitioned the New York State Legislature to have the county seat of Montgomery County transferred to Fonda, New York  This was approved in 1836.

The relocation of the county seat from Johnstown to Fonda created a groundswell of resentment from citizens living in Johnstown area and on the north side of the Mohawk river. A petition was made to the New York Legislature to have the county divided into two counties. On April 18, 1838, this request was approved and the northern half of the divided county was named Fulton County after Robert Fulton of steamship and Erie Canal fame and Johnstown once again became a county seat. [14]

Map seven depicts the town boundaries within Fulton county after the split. The county was composed of nine towns: Stratford, Oppenheim, Carugao, Ephrayah, Blecker, Johnstown, Mayfield, North Ampton, Broadalbin and Perth.

Map Seven: Fulton County New York

Click for Larger View | Nichols, B, H.B. Stanahan, W.A. Sherman, H. Loomer, P.A. Cunningham and S.W. Fosdick, Atlas of Montgomery and Fulton counties, New York, NewYork: J.Jay Stranahan & Beach Nichols, 1868,

Heading to the Gloversville – Johnstown Area

The third leg of the journey, Johann Sperber’s decision to migrate specifically to Fulton County, is an open research question. It is a question that may never have a definitive answer.

One general observation is that Johann’s intended destination may have been one of the major settlement areas of the Palatine area and not necessarily Fulton county. As indicated above, the historical subdivisions of Montgomery county resulted in a number of different counties. Johann may have been focused on getting to a particular town or general area rather than a particular county.

There are plausible explanations of why he settled in the Gloversville-Johnstown area. Johann may have had contacts that settled in what was now called Fulton county. The Fulton County area may have offered economic opportunities among the towns and cities within the old ‘Palatine” area along the Mohawk River. The lingering question is what did this particular area have that was different from other towns along the river that also experienced growth and opportunity.

The 1850s saw the Mohawk Valley transitioning to a manufacturing based economy enabled by transportation developments, while still maintaining agricultural roots especially in the dairy industry. The Erie Canal, completed in 1825, facilitated the development of large villages in the Mohawk Valley and provided a means to transport goods east and west. (see map eight) [15]

Map Eight: The Erie Canal and the New York Barge Canal System

Click for Larger View | Source: Finch, Roy, The Story of the New York State Canals,

“The Erie Canal had a tremendous impact on the economic growth of the Albany area and points further west. The first railroad in the ‘Capital Region’ ironically was built as a way to circumvent the slow down of barge traffic at Cohoes Falls. It was among the first railroads in the country and helped herald in a new age of transportation. Soon after the success of this early pioneer line, other railroads soon followed and the Capital District became a hotbed of economic growth and a leader in railroad transportation.” [16]

There were 29 railroads in New York already built or under construction by 1850. Troy and Schenectady became a hub for the emerging railway system in New York state. Within the ‘Capital region’ railroads such as the Mohawk & Hudson Railroad (1831), Troy and Greenbush Railroad (1845), Utica and Schenectady Railroad (1833), Syracuse and Utica Railroad (1839) ,the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad (1836), and Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad (1832) enabled further industrial growth and movement of people. [17]

The Hudson River Railroad connected New York city to the ‘Capital Region’ (New York to Greenbush, now renamed Rensselaer, opposite Albany). It was opened a year prior to Johann’s arrival in 1851. The Troy and Greenbush Railroad became part of this greater Hudson River Railroad in 1851.

As reflected in map nine, Johann had many options to travel up to the Capital area and through the Mohawk valley area. One observation to note is the absence of a connected rail line to Johnstown from the Utica and Schenectady Rail Line that followed the contour of the Mohawk River in the 1850s. Compared to the other towns and cities in the Mohawk Valley, Johnstown was not directly on the bank of the Mohawk River. Depending on what side of the Mohawk River one traveled on, traveling to Johnstown could be accomplished by taking the road north from Fultonville to Johnstown (if you were on the south side of the river). If you were traveling west from the Capital area on the north side of the river, you could take the road or train to Fonda and then the road north from Fonda to Johnstown, which is only abut five miles. 

Map Nine: Water, Road and Rail Connections in the Capital Area and Mohawk Valley 1850

Click for Larger View | This is a portion of an 1847 map that also appears in Williams, Wellington, Map 19, Appleton’s northern and eastern traveller’s guide: with new and authentic maps, illustrating those divisions of the country. Forming, likewise, a complete guide to the middle states, Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Illustrated with numerous maps and plans of cities, engraved on steel and several wood engravings, New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1855,$b263188&seq=251

By the 1850s, the Mohawk valley had a significant manufacturing presence, with industries such as textiles, furniture, heavy machinery, and lumber. Specific examples include the the emerging Remington Arms company in Herkimer County which was a major employer, and textile mills in Utica. Specific industries emerged in certain areas, such as glove and leather manufacturing starting in Fulton County. Smaller towns specialized in certain products, such as food packing in Canajoharie, knit goods in Fort Plain and St. Johnsville, and felt shoes in Dolgeville. Overall, the period saw a diversification of manufacturing, the rise and fall of certain industries like dairy and textiles, the emergence of new industries enabled by technological developments, and the growth of factories as major employers. [18]

Map Ten – The Mohawk Valley [19]

Map ten depicts the Mohawk valley and the six New York state counties that are part of ‘the valley’. The map shows all places that had over 200 in population in 1920 as well as smaller places that had historic significance. It should be noted the map shows a rail connection between Fonda and Johnstown that did not exist when Johann Sperber was migrating to Johnstown. 

Two years prior to Johann’s arrival in the United States, of the six counties in the Mohawk valley, Fulton county was second smallest county based on population size in 1850. (see table two). Oneida county was the largest of the Mohawk valley counties, constituting 41 percent of the total Mohawk valley population. Oneida’s size was attributable to the presence of two towns: Utica and Rome.

Both cities were located along major transportation routes. Utica was situated on a shallow spot of the Mohawk River, while Rome was positioned at an important early land bridge between main waterways. Both cities flourished as canal towns, with the flow of raw materials, finished goods and settlers. [20]

This made them key points for the movement of people and goods. Utica underwent significant industrial growth in the mid-1800s, becoming a major center for manufacturing, especially in the textile industry. It was known as the “Manchester of America” for its booming textile mills[21]

Table Two: Population of the Six Counties of the Mohawk Valley 1850

CountyPopulationPercentage of
Mohawk Valley
Oneida99,56640.9 %
Herkimer38,24415.7 %
Schoharie33,58413.8 %
Montgomery31,99213.1 %
Fulton20,1718.3 %
Schenectady20,0548.2 %
Total243,611100.0 %
Source: 1850 U.S. Census, New York, Table II – Population by Subdivision of Counties,

Table three provides examples of principal industries in which the majority of the wage earners of the valley were engaged prior to and up to when Johann Sperber migrated to the area. Grist mills, saw mills, tanneries, blacksmith shops, fulling and carding mills, and asheries were built at nearly all Mohawk valley centers in the settlement period, from 1813 to 1852, the year Johann arrived.

Table Three: Principal Industries in Mohawk Valley Counties 1813-1852

DateDescription of Manufacturing DevelopmentCounty
1813Pottery Works started in RomeOneida
1820Manufacture of plows began in Utica.Oneida
1822Ephraim Hart foundry started in Utica.Oneida
1823Grist mill and an iron foundry opened in Utica.Oeida
1823Worthington hat factory opened in Rome.Oneida
1826Pottery works opened in Utica.Oneida
1839Harry Burrell of Salisbury makes first shipment of cheese to England.Herkimer
1831Remington opens forge for manufacture of gun barrels and firearms in Ilion.Herkimer
1832Manufacture of knit goods began in Cohoes.Schenectady
1836Manufacture of axes and other edge tools began in Cohoes.Schenectady
1836Manufacture of ready-made clothing began in Utica.Oneida
1836Manufacture of cotton cloth (white goods) introduced in Cohoes, Harmony Mills Company.Schenectady
1840Threshing machine invented by George Westinghouse, ,Central Bridge.Schoharie
1840Manufacture of ingrain carpets began in Amsterdam.Montgomery
1842Manufacture of woolen goods began in Little Falls.Herkimer
1842Stove and furnace manufacture began in Utica.Oneida
1842Carpet mill at Hagamans rmoved to Amsterdam.Montgomery
1844Manufacture of matches started in Frankfort.Herkimer
1845Manufacture of yarn begun in Little Falls.Herkimer
1845Manufacture of railroad steam locomotives began in Schenectady.Schenectady
1846First kid glove factory of Johnstown established. Gloves continued to be made in the homes of Johnstown and Gloversville.Fulton
1847Manufacture of woolens began in Utica.Oneida
1848Manufacture of linseed oil began in Amsterdam.Montgomery
1848Manufacture of linseed oil begun at Amsterdam.Montgomery
1848Manufacture of cotton cloth (white goods) began in Utica.Oneida
1850First solid steel gun barrel made in the Remington works at Ilion.Herkimer
1851Manufacture of locomotive headlights started int Utica.Oneida
1852Iron works started at Utica.Oneida
Source: Greene, Nelson, Chapter 102: The Birth and Development of Mohawk Valley Inventions and Manufacturing Industries,History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614- 925, Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925, Pages 1481 – 1501, also

“(E)ven in cities with large numbers of unskilled German workers, substantial numbers of skilled Germans tended to dominate the same trades (especially clothing, shoe, and furniture making). … (S)killed German-American artisans and workers either migrated to and stayed in the major manufacturing centers where there was employment for their skills or they settled in smaller centers to the extent that there was employment available in their trades.” [22]

Despite other Mohawk valley counties that were larger and perhaps had larger sized employers in various manufacturing industries, Johann ended up in Gloversville, Fulton county. The key question is what drew Johann to the Johnstown – Gloversville area. Did he have contacts in the area? Did he have experience with glove making? Why did he end up working in the glove making business?

“The Littauer Laying Off Room” – An older John Sperber in the Middle Foreground with Arms Folded circa 1890s

Source: Family Archives | Click for Larger View

Based on family photographs and information in state and Federal census enumerations, we do know Johann Sperber was a glove maker between 1860 and 1900 when he established roots and raised a family in Fulton County, New York area. However, it is not known if:

  • he was drawn to the Glove trade because of prior work experience or knowledge of glove making in the Baden-Baden area;
  • he was aware of leather and glove making jobs through knowledge from correspondence from immigrants that settled in Fulton county;
  • he obtained information or work experience once he landed and visited “Little Germany” in New York City on the Glove making trade in Fulton county;
  • he had friends or acquaintances that migrated earlier to Fulton county; or
  • he simply went to Fulton county based on other reasons and found a paying job in the burgeoning glove making market in Gloversville and Johnstown.

Leather Tanning and Leather Products in New York City

If Johan was ‘introduced’ to glove making shortly after he landed in Little Germany, New York City, it is not known how many German immigrants were possibly employed as glove makers in Little Germany in the mid 1850s. New York City likely had some small-scale glove making operations but they were associated with custom work and repairing. [23]

Map Eleven: Manhattan in Late 1700’sNew York Made and Swamp Land

Click for Larger View | Source: D.T. Valentine, D.T., Manual of the Corporation of the City, for 1856, New York: McSpedon & Baker, 1856, New York Plan of the City of New York Made and Swamp Land. Plan of the city of New York : showing the made and swamp land. 

While related, leather tanning and glove making are two distinct work processes and associated with different skill sets and occupations. The leather tanning industry had a long history in lower Manhattan. However, the industry was devoted to boot and shoe making and not glove making. Moreover, the areas conducive to leather tanning were originally near marsh and swamp land. (see map ten)

“New York City had its own leather tannery district called ‘the swamp’. During the colonial period, tanners plied their trade along Ferry, Frankfort, Gold Jacob, and Spruce Sts. in Manhattan’s swamp. The also made leather along the margins of Collect Pond. … Manhattan’s Swamp became the financial hub of the American leather industry. Tanners-turned merchants contracted with tanners through New York State, Pennsylvania and beyond to tan hides the merchants owned and to return the leather to New York City for sale.” [24]

In the early colonial days of New Amsterdam in the 1600s, much of Lower Manhattan consisted of swamps, streams, and wetlands. Tanneries were some of the first industries to be established around the swamps, such as the Collect Pond. Over the centuries, roughly eighty-five percent of Manhattan’s coastal wetlands and virtually all of its freshwater wetlands were lost as the island was developed. From the late 1600s through the early 1800s, Manhattan’s shoreline gradually expanded into the East River through deliberate landfilling. [25]

Maps from the 1600s through the 1700s show how the original coastline of Lower Manhattan, which corresponded to present-day Pearl Street, was extended several blocks into the East River, turning former swamps and wetlands into new made land. Much of the swamp land in Manhattan was eventually drained and filled, as reflected in maps eleven and twelve.

Map Twelve: Growth of Manhattan Island

Click for Larger View | Source: Wallace,McHarg, Roberts and Todd, Whittlesey, Conklin and Rossant; Voorhees & Associates, Growth of Manhattan Island, 1650-1980,The Lower Manhattan Plan, CapitalProject ES-1,June 1, 1966,Page 27,

Impact of 1811 Commissioners’ Plan – New York City

Many of the tannery businesses that existed before Johann Sperber’s arrival to America also were affected by the implementation of the 1811 Commissioners’ Plan which reduced the acreage of swamp and marsh land.

“What made the grid plan, formally called the Commissioners’ Map and Survey of Manhattan Island, so farsighted was that in 1811 a vast majority of New York City’s population lived below what became Houston Street — tellingly named North Street then. … Yet while largely exempting the existing village of Greenwich, the visionary commissioners imposed their 2,000-block matrix on the forests, farms, salt marshes, country estates and common lands that extended north for nearly eight miles to what would become 155th Street, and expanded the city’s plotted land area by nearly fivefold.” [26]

Video: The Evolution of Manhattan 1811 – 1857

Source: A segment of Zhang, Myles, The New York City Evolution Animation, Youtube, To see the entire video, see: . The animation illustrates the development of NYC’s street grid and infrastructure systems from 1609 to the present-day, using geo-referenced road network data and historic maps. The short film, link above, presents a series of “cartographic snapshots” of NYC’s built-up urban area at intervals of every 20-30 years history.

The 1811 Commissioners’ plan not only impacted the tanning industry, it had had an impact on all facets of urban life and growth in Manhattan. The area where many Germans settled in Manhattan between 1830 and 1860, Little Germany, was affected by the planned northward growth of New York, as informed by the Commissioners’ plan.

Map Thirteen: 1811 Commissions’ Plan and its Impact on the Growth of Little Germany

Click for Larger View | Screenshot and adaptation of Zhang, Myles, The New York City Evolution Animation, Youtube, To see the entire video, see: .

The Commissioners’ plan established Manhattan’s iconic rectangular street grid from Houston Street to 155th Street. It had a profound influence on the growth of Manhattan’s population. The Commissioners’ Plan provided a framework for Manhattan to grow from a city of 100,000 in 1811 to over 10 times that a century later. The grid was a catalyst for the real estate development, housing construction, and neighborhood formation that enabled Manhattan to absorb wave after wave of new residents in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. [27]

Glove Making in Upstate New York

The historical evidence suggests glove manufacturing in the early to mid-1800s was concentrated further upstate in Fulton County which became the undisputed center of the American glove making industry in the nineteenth and first third of the twentieth centuries. [28]

The rise of glove manufacturing from its humble origins in the early 1800s to a booming industry by the turn of the 20th century was the primary driver of Gloversville and Johnstown’s growth and prosperity for over one hundred and fifty years. It provided employment for a significant portion of the population, spurred development of supporting industries, and shaped the economic and social fabric of the community, establishing Fulton county as a major manufacturing center.

Johann Sperber may have obtained information on the economic experiences and opportunities in the Gloversville and Johnstown areas before he departed from Baden. He may have heard or read about these opportunities in letters from immigrants who started new lives in Fulton county.

Initially, most of Fulton county’s German population were descendants of Palatines who settled in the Mohawk Valley in the 1700s. Some of their descendants moved into Gloversville and Johnstown in the 1840s and 1850s to find work in the glove industry. [29]

“Fulton County became a polyglot community. Palatines from Germany had joined the Scots and English in early days , working as farmers through the county. In the early nineteenth century, English, Scots, and later a few French-trained glove makers made their way to the area along with New England Yankees. They were joined by a new wave of Germans, some trained as glovers and tanners … . “ [30]

“… (G)loves and mittens were first manufactured in the United States in what is now Fulton county. As the industry became of commercial importance the number of families that depended upon it for a livelihood increased, until nearly every man, woman, and child in the surrounding country became proficient in the making of some special part of the glove or mitten. Foreign cutters coming to this country naturally settled in Fulton county.” [31]

Influence of an Agricultural and Artisanal Background

It might not have been a ‘long stretch’ for Johann to consider working in various trades when he came to America. It is possible that Johann was familiar with or aware of other trades, such as glove making or textile production when he was in Baden.

As previously mentioned, Johann indicated to the Germania ship captain that his occupation in Baden was a cultivator, a farmer. Being a farmer may conjure various meanings of what is it to be a farmer. Being a farmer in Baden in the 1800s was different than a farmer in the United States.

Blow Up of “Johann Sperber” – Germania Ship Manifest June 14 1852 Page 6 Line 13

Click for Larger View

Baden in the 1800s was a region of agricultural villages rather than scattered agricultural farmsteads that consisted of large tracts of land. The tracts of land for farmers in Baden were typically smaller than those found in America. While there was likely some variation, the typical Baden farm in the 1800s was quite small by American standards, averaging only around 8 hectares or 20 acres or less in size. The small scale farming suited the hilly terrain and fragmented land ownership patterns that existed in Baden during this period of the nineteenth century. [32]

In the early nineteenth century, Baden was a margraviate with an area of only about 1,300 square miles and a population of 210,000. The small population and territory likely contributed to the prevalence of small farms. The practice of partible inheritance, where land was divided equally among heirs, was prevalent in Baden during the nineteenth century. This led to the fragmentation of farm holdings into smaller parcels over generations.

The small farm sizes sometimes became problematic, as some farm sizes had become so small that they no longer could support a family in the 1830s-1840s. The growth of cottage industries and manufacturing in some areas of Baden provided alternative livelihoods, possibly reducing pressure to subdivide farms in those localities. But agriculture remained the main occupation for most. [33]

Agriculture was closely intertwined with artisanal trades. [34] Farmers often supplemented their income with home based cottage industry trades such as handloom linen or wool production. Based on data in 1861, Baden was second in the entire Zollverein (Confederation of German states) in the number of master weavers, with 54 per 10,000 inhabitants. [35]

The structure of the working environment of the glove making industry in Fulton county was vaguely similar to the proto-industrial work patterns in the western and central German states in the nineteenth century.. Proto-industrial work patterns involved the expansion of small-scale, home-based manufacturing of goods like textiles, ironware, pottery, and other products by peasant families. This cottage industry production was done alongside traditional agricultural work.

Glove making in Fulton county was similar to the proto-industrial patterns in Germany in terms of the ability to work from home or have a small shop behind the house. A major exception was that it was a primary occupation and not a supplemental work activity to agricultural pursuits. Workers could live a life solely on the wages of leather work, tanning or glove making in America while working from home.

“From the 1860s to as late as the 1930s, a man cutting gloves at home, with a wife and one other female relative to sew, constituted a glove shop. Their products were made under contract for larger shops or combined with the gloves of several small shops with sales handled by a common agent. Few of these shops advertised or are counted in the Census; almost none show up in the city directories.” [36]

Gloves and the Glove Trade in Europe

Glove Making

Click for Larger View |
Source: This part of an illustration of the various facets of glove making by Fredrick Remington, for an article in the Harper’s Bazar: Glove Making in Fulton County, Harper’s Bazaar, Volume XX, Number 21, May 21, 1887, New York: Hearst Corporation,

“(I)f an old adage is to be believed, for it used to be said : a glove to be good three realms must have contributed to it, Spain to prepare the skin, France to cut it, and England to sew it.” [37]

While glove making was not a major occupation, trade or craft, it had its roots in France, England, Germany, Spain and other countries.

“Gloving … enjoys an established claim to rank among the oldest of handicraft industries, and although machinery now enters very largely into all operations which the making of gloves involves, there are yet some processes calling for the exercise of mental intuition in association with manipulative expertness rather than for what one may term mere mechanical dexterity. Such is particularly true of glove-cutting.” [38]

Guilds for glove makers emerged in Europe as early as the 11th century. While the exact origins are unclear, there is evidence of glove makers’ guilds existing in major European cities like Paris from the eleventh century onward and with the London guild being formally established by the mid-fourteenth century.

The first Glovers’ Guild in Britain was established at Perth. The Perth glovers received a charter in 1165. Worchester, England established a glove making guild in 1571. The glovers of Grenoble, renowned for their glove making, organized themselves into Corporation des Gantiers in 1691. Nicot and Montpelier, France also had a long history of glove making. These guilds became increasingly prominent in the following centuries as the glove industry expanded. [39]

At the turn of the 1700s many of the trained glove makers from Grenoble and other towns of France, such as Blois, Vendome, and Grasse, migrated to Germany, Holland, and other countries due to religious persecution. They brought their glove making skills to other countires. In addition, protestant benefactors who supported the glove making industry brought their capital to these countries. [40] “Many of those who served their apprenticeship in Grenoble, and the master glovers holding the secrets of her art, probably became rivals, in other lands, of the city they once called their own.” [41]

“In the early part of the seventeenth century the manufacturers of gloves reached Germany, being brought there by French refugees from Grenoble, who introduced the art to Erlangen, Haberstadt, and Magdeburg.” [42]

Map fourteen gives sense of where the Grenoble refugee glove makers relocated in the German states. The map does not depict the political boundaries in the early seventeenth century. It is a 1850 map that depicts the locations of where the Glove makers from Grenoble relocated in Germany in relation to where Johann’s family from Baden. It gives a geographical sense of where the Grenoble refugees relocated.

Map Fourteen: Locations of French Refugees from Grenoble in German States [43]

Click for Larger View

In the seventeenth century, Paris and Grenoble enjoyed a monopoly of the glove markets in Europe. During the eighteenth century, however, these cities began to cope with Germany, Italy, Austria, and Russia in glove making. [44] 

Tariffs and other trade practices, as early as the mid 1400s, impacted the growth and contraction of the glove making industry through the centuries. Commercial rivalries between various European countries and technological changes in the glove making process in the 1800s resulted in glovers migrating to the United States. In 1825, the lifting of the ban on the importation of French gloves into England had devastating economic effects on the glove makers in England and Ireland. Major glove making centers in Worcester, Woodstock, York, Hexham, Leominster, Yeovil, Limerick, Dublin, Cork, were decimated. [45]

Some say the word “glove” comes from the German Handschuh, meaning “hand-shoe”. [46] While there may be some merit to this view of the English derivation of the word, glove making did not originate in Germany. Nevertheless, the tanning of leather and glove making was not a foreign work process in Germany or to Germans.

Glove Making in America and the European Influence

Leather tanning became a prominent local industry in the area that became Fulton county due to the purity and abundance of water and the availability of hemlock bark as a source of tannin. [47]

“Unlike tanning in other regions of New York State, this was not hemlock bark tanning of cowhides for shoes and boots, but deer-skin tanning using other organic materials and manufacturing into gloves and clothing. It began with the first glove and mitten shops in Johnstown in 1808 and in what became Gloversville in 1810. “ [48]

The European influence of glove making and leather tanning in the area purportedly began with Sir William Johnson bringing 60 tanners and glove makers from Perth in Scotland in 1760. 

“The manufacture of gloves and mittens in the United States dates from about the year 1760, when Sir William Johnson, chief agent of King George with the North American Indians, brought over from Scotland many families as settlers on his grants. Several families came from Perthshire and settled in the eastern part of what is now Fulton county, N. Y., calling the town Perth. Many of these settlers had been glove makers and members of the glove guild in Scotland, and brought with them glove patterns and the proper needles and threads for glove making.” [49]

There are some who argue that Johnson’s bringing glove makers from Scotland is a myth. “In 1895, the local newspaper was exuberantly extolled the town’s growth and industry in a historical review celebrating the centennial of the town’s founding. …The paper, following earlier historians, …erred in stating that Johnson brought the first glovemakers. No trained glovemakers arrived until well after his death… .” [50]

Notwithstanding the facts on both sides of the argument, immigrants of Scottish origin have been documented in living in Perth, New York. It is possible they had knowledge of glove making. Whether they had brought with them glove patterns and the proper needles and threads for glove making is an open question. [51]

As reflected in map fifteen, an area north of Johnstown had a settlement called Kingsboro. Before the Revolutionary War, it was at the crossroads where settlers traded with farmers in Broadalbin and Mayfield. Kingsboro was populated by immigrants from Perthshire Scotland who brought their leather making skills to America. As mentioned when discussing glove making in Europe, Perthshire had a long tradition of glove making.

Map Fifteen: Locations of Broadalbin, Mayfield Village, Perth, Kingsborough, Gloversville and Johnstown

Click for Larger View | Source: A portion of the map created by Nichols, B, H.B. Stanahan, W.A. Sherman, H. Loomer, P.A. Cunningham and S.W. Fosdick, Atlas of Montgomery and Fulton counties, New York, NewYork: J.Jay Stranahan & Beach Nichols, 1868,

There were a number of documented European immigrants who settled in Gloversville and Johnstown in the mid nineteenth century came from glove making centers in Europe, bringing their skills and traditions with them. Several European countries had significant influence on the glove making industry in Fulton County, New York

“The first trained leatherworkers to come from France were two brothers, Lucien and Theophilus Bertrand. They arrived from Millau around 1840. They began tanning kidskins (the skins of young goats) in Johnstown.  This may have marked the beginning of the production of finer grades of men’s gloves. “ [52]

“The Bertrands’ glove shop was the first of five manufacturing concerns established by trained French glovemen in Johnstown before the Civil War. The others were established by LouisJeannisson, Ferdinand Vassier, Jean Joseph Riton from Strasburg (his sons Charles J. and Eugene later formed the Riton Brothers glove concern), and by the father of Emile Julien. ” [53]

In Fulton County, New York, the leather tanning and glove making industries were growing in the 1840s and 1850s. Low overhead encouraged the proliferation of small glove making shops. They were as productive as the larger sized shops. For the small amount of funds required to set up a shop, the risk and investment resided in the purchase of leather. [54]

The 1840s marked the beginning of specialization in the industry. Separate parts of shops were established to accommodate the division of leather-making and glove-making operations. During the 1840s, as glovemen built separate structures for glove making and tanning or dressing of skins, these buildings became known as glove shops or a skin mill. [55]

However, despite the emerging specialization of leather tanning and glove making and the specialization of various roles of the glove making process (as depicted in the illustration at the top of this story), the smallest shops continued to be attached to the owners’ homes, as did most of those who produced leather and not gloves. The tradition of one manufacturer dressing deerskins and producing gloves continued through the next three decades along with the trend toward specialization an larger glove making firms.

“By 1850, the products of the industry had begun to change. Finer grades of men’s gloves were produced by the Bertrands with their imported kidskins. In the decade before 1860, others began to import kidskins for gloves, but the sturdy work gloves remained the bulk of the production along with deerskin mittens.” [56]

No longer were most of the gloves designed for ‘rough’ work, glove makers started to produce fine dress gloves for gentlemen and women. For example, Harry S. Cole, a glover who had worked for two prestigious firms in London, Fownes and Dents, came to Gloversville in 1857 to produce fine gloves made of calf skin. . [57]

“As the industry became of commercial importance the number of families that depended upon it for a livelihood increased, until nearly every man, woman, and child in the surrounding country became proficient in the making of some special part of the glove or mitten. Foreign cutters coming to this country naturally settled in Fulton county.” (Emphasis is mine) [58]

As indicated in table four, when Johan Sperber arrived in the Johnstown – Gloversville area in the mid 1800’s, he witnessed an area that had explosive growth which was largely attributed to glove making. The population in the county as well as the Johnstown – Gloversville area witnessed substantial growth between 1840 and 1880. The two towns increased in population in forty years by two hundred percent.

Depending on when Johan arrived in the area, Gloversville and Johnstown increased in size by a whopping 29 percent between 1850 and 1855; and by 11 percent between 1855 and 1860. Fulton county in general also witnessed substantial growth between 1850 and 1855. After the Civil War, Johnstown and Gloversville also experienced twenty percent population increases between 1865 and 1875.

Table Four: Population Size of Johnstown – Gloversville, NY

YearPopulation of
Johnstown –
Population of
Fulton County
as % of
Fulton County
18506,13113.3 %20,17110.5 %30.4 %
18557,91229.0 %23,28413.4 %34.0 %
18608,81111.0 %24,1623.6 %36.5 %
18659,80511.0 %24,5121.4 %40.0 %
187012,27320.1 %27,0649.4 %45.3 %
187515,68921.8 %30,15510.3 %52.0 %
188016,6265.6 %30,9852.7 %53.7 %
1840 –
207.4 %71.6 %
Sources: U.S. Federal Census and New York State Census.

“Gloversville and Kingsboro remained part of the Town of Johnstown and census records lumped the two together until the 1880 Census, giving the appearance that Johnston was the more important.” [59]

Chart one depicts the change rates found in table four. The chart visually depicts the similarity of the population changes between the Johnstown and Gloversville area and the entire county. Both areas experienced similar ups and downs but the magnitude of change was greater for the Johnstown and Gloversville area.

Chart One: Population Change Rates for the Johnstown-Gloversville Area and Fulton County Between 1840 and 1880

Click for Larger View

It is impossible to present comparative statistics on the glove making industry until the 1900 U.S. Federal census. Unfortunately, this hampers our understanding of Johann’s experiences when he started his family in the late 1850s and established a home in the 1860s. While the Civil War years were static with a sharp reduction of in new glove shops and a retrenchment of existing shops as people left to serve in the military, the war effort required the production of gloves.

Moreover, it is important to note that the reporting of ‘glove manufacturers’ was severely undercounted by due to the definition of manufacturing establishments and the nature of the work process and industry. [60]

Documenting the number of glove making establishments are probably undercounted and possibly misleading. It was observed in 1900 that “a great majority of the persons employed in this industry are pieceworkers ... . The making (of gloves) by “home workers” is an important and interesting phase o:f their manufacture, and since the inception of the industry much of the glove making· has been done at the homes of families, the members of which were unable, on account of various household duties, to take employment in a factory. Many of the large glove and mitten manufacturers of Gloversville and Johnstown, N. Y., employ delivery teams to distribute and collect the work of the home.” [61]

New York state and specifically Fulton county was the center of the glove making industry in America, starting in the early 1800s through the early 1900s. For example, New York state represented sixty-four percent of the total number of glove making establishments in 1900.

“In 1901, gloves were manufactured in 27 states, but, outside of Fulton county, N. Y., the product was mostly of the coarser and cheaper grades, as it is impossible to· induce the expert labor to emigrate to another section of the country.” [62]

Table five below provides quantitative data on the dominance of Gloversville and Johnstown, Fulton County and New York state on the production of gloves in 1900. For example, eighty-eight percent of all reported glove manufacturers were in New York state. Roughly seventy percent of all capital invested, wages, and workers were in New York state. Almost sixty percent of the products were also from New York state. Fulton country represented sixty percent of all glover workers in the nation. Gloversville represented sixty percent of all glove works in the nation and sixty-five percent of all glove workers within Fulton county. 

Table Five: Comparative Summary of Statistics for Glove Making Enterprises in Futlon County, New York State and the United States: 1900

AreaNo. of
WagesAve. No.
of pairs
of gloves
U.S. Total3819,004,4274,151,12614,1802,895,661
New York State2486,219,6472,723,7029,9071,721,831
% of U.S.88.369.165.670.059.5
Fulton County1665,517,8502, 381,1607,9311,484,579
% of U.S.43.661.357.460.051.3
% of county60.866.371.265.462.3
% of county29.530.624.429.226.9
Outside of cities16170,863105,979432160,482
% of county9.
Source: Hunt, Arthur, Twelfth Census of the United States, Census Bulletin No. 175, Washington D.C. May 24, 1902, Manufactures: Gloves and Mittens – Leather, Selected statistics derived from Table 11 on Page 10

Although the manufacture of gloves was of commercial importance since the early 1800s, the 1850 census was the first time where statistics were available on glove making firms for analysis. Table six bellow provides a high level view of the size of the glove making industry in the United States for the last half of the nineteenth century. The increase between 1860 and 1870 was attributable to the demand for gloves during the Civil War.

Table Six: Glove Making Establishments in the United States 1850 – 1900 [63]

Census YearNumber of
Glove Making

The ability to drill down into the data is limited. Data for the earlier census years was not as detailed as found in the 1900 U.S. census. While the data is fifty years after Johan’s arrival to the United States, it is interesting to note that of the total number of glove making ‘establishments’ reported in 1900 is rather small compared to other categories of manufacturing.

Of the 397 establishments making gloves in 1900, 222 of the ‘establishments’, or 56 per cent, were operated by individuals. The remaining· 125 were what we commonly think of as commercial establishments. They were limited partnerships or incorporated companies. Also 96 percent of the establishments in 1900 were producers of leather gloves.

It is noteworthy that “over 60 per cent of the glove and mitten establishments of Fulton county were located in Gloversville. This localization of the industry is not due to economic conditions, such as low price of coal or to advantageous freight rates, but it may be attributed to the nature of the industry itself, and to the circumstances connected with its inception in the United States. …”As the industry became of commercial importance the number of families that depended upon it for a livelihood increased, until nearly every man, woman, and child in the surrounding country became proficient in the making of some special part of the glove or mitten. Foreign cutters coming to this country naturally settled in Fulton county.” (Emphasis is mine), [64]

So Why Did Johan Sperber End His Journey in Gloversville?

There were a number of possible influences that led Johann Sperber to the Gloversville, New York area. An overarching migratory influence was knowledge of past generations from his home area in Baden that came to the Mohawk Valley. This influence may have provided a general vague influence of where to go in America. He may have had contemporary personal contacts that came to the Mohawk Valley, providing information on employment opportunities.

Johann may have stopped and stayed in New York City when getting off the boat. He may have stayed in Little Germany to get his bearings, earn some money, and gain a better understanding of job prospects in the Mohawk Valley. He may have learned on the economic prospects of the glove making trade while in New York City.

While many towns and cities along the Mohawk Valley offered economic opportunities, many of those opportunities were in emerging industries in manufacturing. Johann may have been drawn to the working arrangements associated with the glove making practices in Gloversville. The glove making industry retained a semblance of the characteristics of cottage industries in Baden. [65]

“What is particularly remarkable is that even during its height, the manufacture of gloves never became one of mass production. The creation of each pair of leather gloves was the work of an individual craftsman. “The Glove Cutter” was personally responsible for the quality of his product. A middle management level was never developed in the glove industry. Each owner of any one of dozens of glove companies, both large and small, had a personal relationship with his “cutters” and sewers or “makers”. Quality was a matter of personal pride.” [66]

“What is amazing is the number of men who set up glove shops and skin mills. This great number of entrepreneurs distinguishes glove-making throughout its entire tenure in Fulton county. Large shops arose, and they, too, were numerous, but no single man or family ever dominated local industry. 

“The smallest shops continued to be attached to the owners’ homes, as did most of those who produced leather and not gloves. However, the tradition of one manufacturer dressing deerskins and producing gloves continued through the next three decades along with the trend toward specialization.” [67]

Perhaps Johann was attracted to Gloversville due to tradition, to the economic prospects of the future in glove making and to the comfort of past experiences and working relationships that were reminiscent of the homeland. [68]


Feature Photograph: This is ‘rearrangement’ of an illustration of the various facets of glove making that was done by Fredrick Remington, for an article in the Harper’s Bazar: Glove Making in Fulton County, Harper’s Bazaar, Volume XX, Number 21, May 21, 1887, New York: Hearst Corporation,

Frederic Sackrider Remington (1857-1926) was a painter, illustrator, and sculptor who specialized in depicting the Old West. Frederic Remington and his wife Eva Adele Canton were both born in Canton, New York. Eva grew up in Gloversville and the couple got married after Eva’s father finally accepted Frederic’s second request for her hand in marriage in Gloversville on October 1st, 1884. Aside from his paintings, Remington also produced more than 3,000 drawings, 22 bronze sculptures, a Broadway play, and more than 100 articles. 

Nicole Todd, Love Stories: Frederic and Eva Remington, 14 Feb 2017,Buffalo Bill Center of the West,

Frederic Remington, Timeline, Carter Museum,

Remington also completed a drawing of the tanning process. See “A Day in the Tannery”, Harper’s Weekly, January 25, 1890, Vol 34, No. 1727, New York: Harbor & Bros., P72 & 74

[1] Kamphoefner, Walter D., The Westfalians: From Germany to Missouri, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987, Page 81

Two years prior to Johann’s arrival, in 1850, New York State had the largest ‘base’ of first generation Germans reported by the Federal census. This reflected the effects of German migration in the prior twenty years. Ohio was closely behind New York state. This reflected the migration patterns from New York city up the Hudson river and across the state to Buffalo and onward to the great lakes region.

As the quote from Kamphoefner indicates, New York City was the gateway to America and the Erie canal and developing railways in New York facilitated migration to Ohio, Indiana and Illinois and Wisconsin.

Similar to New York State, Pennsylvania, particularly Philadelphia and its outlying areas, also had a long history of German migration in the 1700s and 1800s. Germans sailing to New Orleans settled in Lousiana.

Foreign Born in Germany by State 1850

StateForeign Born
of Total in
United States
1New York118,39820.720.7
10New Jersey10,6861.984.8
11-32Remaining states88,05515.3
Total 573,225100.00*
May not add up to 100 percent due to rounding error. Source: 1850 U.S. Census, Table XV. – Nativities of the Population of the United States – Place of Birth – Foreign, Nativities of the Population of the United States, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Classification of Ages,  Page xxxvi,

[2] Ira Glazier, Ed., Germans to America Series II: Lists of Passengers Arriving at U.S. ports in the 1840s, Volume 6 April 1848 – October 1848, Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, Inc 2003, Page xiv Page xiv

[3] Page, Thomas W. “The Transportation of Immigrants and Reception Arrangements in the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 19, no. 9, 1911, pp. 736. JSTOR,

[4] James Boyd, The Rhine Exodus of 1816/1817 within the Developing German Atlantic World, The Historical Journal, vol. 59, no. 1, 2016, page 102. JSTOR

[5] The Great Western Turnpike ran along the south side of the Mohawk River, while the Mohawk Turnpike ran along the north side. In modern times, NY Route 5 follows the path of the old Mohawk Turnpike along the northern bank of the Mohawk River, while NY Route 5S follows the path of the old Great Western Turnpike along the southern bank.

Green, Nelson, ed, History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925, Chapter 101: The Mohawk Turnpike and Valley Highway System, Chicago: S.J. Clark Pub. Co., 1925, PP 1465 – 1480,

Green, Nelson, The Old Mohawk Turnpike Book, Fort Plain: Nelson Green, 1924,

Mohawk or Iroquois Trail, FamilySearch Wiki, FamilySearch,This page was last edited on 24 October 2023,

[6] Albany Post Road, Research Wiki, This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, FamilySearch,

Dollarhide, William, Map Guide to American Routes, 1735-1815, Utah: AGLL, Inc, 1997,Pages 2-4 & 7

Albany Post Road, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 20 February 2024,

Old Albany Post Road, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 14 September 2023,

At the time of his arrival to New York City, it was possible to utilize rail service from New York City to Albany New York.

Capsule History of the Old Albany-New York Post Road, Old Road Society of Philipstown. Retrieved 23 May 2024,

A Short History of of the Origin and Development of the Public Works Concept in the State of New York, New York Public Works, 1965, Page 7,

List of turnpikes in New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 8 May 2024,

New York Turnpikes, Research Wiki, FamilySearch,

[7] Old Albany Post Road, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 14 September 2023,

[8] History of Albany, New York (1784–1860), Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 24 August 2023,,_New_York_%281784–1860%29

[9] Green, Nelson, ed, History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925, Chapter 101: The Mohawk Turnpike and Valley Highway System, Chicago: S.J. Clark Pub. Co., 1925, PP 1465 – 1480,

Green, Nelson, The Old Mohawk Turnpike Book, Fort Plain: Nelson Green, 1924,

[10] Map and description of map from:

Greene, Nelson, History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614 – 1925, Volume I, Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925, Page 19,

[11] Loveday Jr.,William G. The Evolution of a County, Fulton County New York, Page Accessed Mar 6 2024,

[12] The Kingsborough Patent was a land grant in colonial New York during the 18th century. The patent contained parts of the current towns of Johnstown, Mayfield, and Ephratah in present-day Fulton County, New York, including the cities of Johnstown and Gloversville.

Map of Kingsborough, comprehending the Patents of James Stewart and A. Stevens. Map #72, New York State Archives, Digital Collections,

Thomas Cowperthwait & Co., A New Map of Germany, 1850, American made map of Germany, published in Philadelphia for the New Universal Atlas of the World of 1852,

History of Fulton County, Fulton County New York, Page accessed Mar 6 2024,

Fulton County, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 9 June 2024,,_New_York

[13] History of Fulton County, Fulton County New York, Page accessed Mar 6 2024,

[14] Loveday Jr.,William G. The Evolution of a County, Fulton County New York, Page Accessed Mar 6 2024,

History of Fulton County, Fulton County New York, Page accessed Mar 6 2024,

Fulton County, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 9 June 2024,,_New_York

Montgomery County, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 12 June 2024,,_New_York

Tryon County, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 26 April 2024,,_New_York

Lisa Slaski, Lisa,History, Fulton County MyGenWeb,

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Fulton”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 24 Aug. 2023, 

[15] Canal History, New York State,

Finch, Roy, The Story of the New York State Canals,

Canal History, New York State,

Klein, Christopher, 8 Ways the Erie Canal changed America, July 19, 2016, updated Oct 25, 2023, History,

North, Edward P. “The Erie Canal and Transportation.” The North American Review, vol. 170, no. 518, 1900, pp. 121–33. JSTOR,

Bahret, James L. “Growth of New York and Suburbs Since 1790.” The Scientific Monthly, vol. 11, no. 5, 1920, pp. 404–18. JSTOR,

Erie Canal, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 2 June 2024,

Keene, Michael, The Psychic Highway: How the Erie Canal Changed America. Fredericksburg, Va.: Willow Manor Publishing 2016

[16] The Growth of Railroads in the Capital District,

[17] Drake, Ira S, and Cowperthwait & Co Thomas. Mitchell’s new traveller’s guide through the United States, showing the rail roads, canals, stage roads &c. with distances from place to place. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1853, created 1848. Map. 

Drake, Ira S., Mitchell’s new traveller’s guide through the United States, showing the rail roads, canals, stage roads &c. with distances from place to place, Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., published 1853, created 1848.

Albany and Schenectady Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 13 December 2023,  The railroad was incorporated on April 17, 1826, as the Mohawk & Hudson Company and opened for public service on August 9, 1831. On April 19, 1847, the company name was changed to the Albany & Schenectady Railroad. The railroad was consolidated into the New York Central Railroad on May 17, 1853.

Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 11 September 2023, The line was opened from Schenectady to Ballston Spa on July 12, 1832, and extended to Saratoga Springs in 1833 for a total of 20.8 miles (33.5 km). 

Troy & Schenectady Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 3 March 2024, The building of the road began in 1841, and trains began running from Schenectady to Troy, New York in the fall of 1841 (21.0 miles)

Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 7 April 2024, It completed 25.2 miles (40.6 km) between Troy and Ballston Spa on March 19, 1836.

Troy and Boston Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 7 November 2022, (1852)It completed a railroad from Troy, New York to the Vermont state line (35 miles) in 1852.

Boston and Albany Railroad, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 17 March 2024,

Palmer, Richard, Three Rivers Hudson~Mohawk~Schoharie,

Greene, Nelson, ed, History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925 Volume II, Chapter 87: History of the New York Central Railroad and Other Valley Lines, Chicago: S.J. Clark Pub. Co. 1925, PP 1288-1306,

Larkin, F. Daniel, Historical Context: The Railroads and New York’s Canals, Consider the Source New York, Page accessed May, 3, 2024,

[18] Greene, Nelson, Chapter 103: Mohawk Manufacturing Statistics, History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614 – 1925, Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925, Pages 1502 – 1504, also

Grist mills, saw mills, tanneries, blacksmith shops, fulling and carding mills, asheries, etc., were built at nearly all Valley centers, in the settlement period, from 1661 to 1800. The following are examples of principal industries, in which the great majority of the wage earners of the valley were engaged prior to and up to when Johann Sperber migrated to the area.

See also:

Utica, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 15 May 2024,,_New_York

Johnstown, New York, Wikipeadia, This page was last edited on 5 May 2024,,_New_York

Gloversville, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 5 April 2024,,_New_York

Utica, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 15 May 2024,,_New_York

Amsterdam, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 15 March 2024,,_New_York

Little Falls, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 4 March 2024,,_New_York

[19]  Greene, Nelson, Chapter 103: Mohawk Manufacturing Statistics, History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614 – 1925, Volume II, Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1925, Page 20

[20] Utica, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 9 June 2024,,_New_York

Koch, Daniel,  Land of the Oneidas: Central New York State and the Creation of America, From Prehistory to the Present. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2023

Rome, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 16 March 2024,,_New_York

[21] Utica, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 9 June 2024,,_New_York

[22] Nadel, Stanley, Little Germany: Ethnicity, Religion, and Class in New York City 1845-80, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, Page 64

[23] Hunt, Arthur L., Twelfth Census of the United States, Census Bulletin No. 175, Washington D.C. May 24, 1902, Manufactures: Gloves and Mittens – Leather, Data from Table One, Page 10.

F. W. Beers, F.W. , History of Montgomery and Fulton counties, N.Y. : with illustrations and portraits of old pioneers and prominent residents, New York : F.W. Beers & co., 1878, Pa

Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities: How A People and Their Craft Built Two Cities, NY: Lake View Press, 1999

Gloversville, New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 21 May 2023,,_New_York#:~:text=The%20city%20would%20become%20the,official%20name%20of%20the%20community.

Twelfth Census of the United States, Census Bulletin No. 175, Washington D.C. May 24, 1902, Manufactures: Gloves and Mittens – Leather,

Washington Frothingham, History of Fulton County : embracing early discoveries, the advance of civilization, the labors and triumphs of Sir William Johnson, the inception and development of the glove industry; with town and local records, also military achievements of Fulton county patriots, Syracuse, N.Y. : D. Mason, 1892, Chapter XVI, The Glove Industry, Pages 154 – 170

[24] Eisenstadt, Peter, ed, , Tanning Industry, The Encyclopedia of New York State, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2005, Page 1526 – 1527

[25] Schifman, Joathan, Water, Water Everywhere, and Not a Drop to Drink, Smithsonian Magazine, Nov 25 2019,

Great Swamp (New York), Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 25 October 2021, 

Young, Michelle, Fun Maps: The Slips and Swamps of Early NYC, untapped new york,

Johnson, Amy, The Saw-Kill and the Making of Dutch Colonial Manhattan, Sawkill Lumber Co. ,

History of Manhattan, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 10 April 2024, History_of_Manhattan

Norcross, Frank W., A History of the New York Swamp, New York: The Chiswick Press, 1901,

Urbanus, Jason, New York’s Original Seaport, Archaelogy Magazine, Sep / Oct 2015,

[26] Roberts, Sam, 200th Birthday for the Map That Made New York, Mar 20, 2011, New York Times,

[27] Gannon, Devin, On this day in 1811, the Manhattan Street Grid became official, Mar 22 2017, 6sqft,

Commissioner’s Plan of 1811, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 4 June 2024,

The 1811 Plan, The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan 1811 – Now, Museum of the City of New York, 

Yu, Kerry, The Greatest Grid: History of the Mater Plan of Manhattan, Feb 7, 2019, Information Visualization, Student Work at the School of Information, Pratt Institute,

McQuilkin, Alexander,  The Rise and Fall of Manhattan’s Density, Urban Omnibus, Pblication of the Architectual League of New York,

Howe, Richard, Notes On The Commissioners’ Future City, Nov 9, 2013, The Gothan Center for New York City. History,

Roberts, Sam, 200th Birthday for the Map That Made New York, Mar 20, 2011, New York Times,

Jaffe, Eric, Nov 21, 2011, A Visual History of Manhattan’s Grid, Bloomberg,

Panero, James,The Greatness of the Grid, Mar 23, 2012, City Journal,

Kimmelman, Michael, The Grid at 200: Lines That Shaped Manhattan, Jan 2 2012, New York Times,

Barr, Jason and Gerard Koeppel, The Manhattan Street Grid Plan: Misconceptions And Corrections, Dec 4 2016, The Gothan Center for New York City History,

Holloway, Marguerite, How Manhattan Got Its Street Grid, Feb 15, 2013, Scientific American,

Wright, Artis Q., Designing the City of New York: The Commissioners’ Plan of 1811, New York Public Library Blog, Jul 3 2010,

[28] Barbara McMartin and W. Alec Reid, The Glove Cities, Caroga, NY: Lake View Press, 1999 Page 74

[29] Barbara McMartin and W. Alec Reid, The Glove Cities, Caroga, NY: Lake View Press, 1999 Page 8

[30] Barbara McMartin and W. Alec Reid, The Glove Cities, Caroga, NY: Lake View Press, 1999 Page 2

[31] Hunt, Arthur, Twelfth Census of the United States, Census Bulletin No. 175, Washington D.C. May 24, 1902, Manufactures: Gloves and Mittens – Leather, Page 10

[32] Grand Duchy of Baden, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 25 April 2024,

Lambert, Audrey M. “Farm Consolidation in Western Europe.” Geography, vol. 48, no. 1, 1963, pp. 31–48. JSTOR

Wegge SA. Inheritance Institutions and Landholding Inequality in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Evidence from Hesse-Cassel Villages and Towns. The Journal of Economic History. 2021;81(3):909-942. doi:10.1017/S0022050721000358

[33] Cottage industries is akin to what many historical researchers call Proto-industry. Proto-industry refers to the widespread growth of rural handicraft production for external markets that occurred in many parts of Europe between the 16th and 19th centuries, prior to and during the early phases of the Industrial Revolution. It involved the expansion of small-scale, home-based manufacturing of goods like textiles, ironware, pottery, etc. by peasant families. This cottage industry production was done alongside traditional agricultural work. Proto-industry arose in many parts of Europe including England, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Belgium/Netherlands. Historians like Franklin Mendels coined the term “proto-industrialization” to describe this phenomenon. 

Mendels, Franklin F. “Proto-Industrialization: The First Phase of the Industrialization Process.” The Journal of Economic History, vol. 32, no. 1, 1972, pp. 241–61. JSTOR

Proto-industrialization, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 5 June 2024,

Ogilvie, Sheilagh (1996). European proto-industrialization : an introductory handbook. Sheilagh C. Ogilvie, Markus Cerman. Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press. pp. 227–239

Ogilvie, Sheilagh, protoindustrialization, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, 2008 Edited by Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume,

See also:

Kamphoefner, Walter D., The Westfalians: From Germany to Missouri, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987, Chapter 1: At the Crossroads of Economic Development 12 -40

Grand Duchy of Baden, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 25 April 2024,

Gehrmann, Rolf. “Denomination and Number of Children: The Case of Rural Baden, 18th/19th Century.” Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung, vol. 42, no. 2 (160), 2017, pp. 92–113. JSTOR

Barels. Charlotte, Simon Jager, Natalie Obergrube, Long-Term Effects of Equal Sharing: Evidence from Inheritance Rules for Land, May 2022,

[34] Kamphoefner, Walter D., The Westfalians: From Germany to Missouri, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987, Page 81

[35] Kamphoefner, Walter D., The Westfalians: From Germany to Missouri, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987, Page 28 – 29

[36] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities: How A People and Their Craft Built Two Cities, NY: Lake View Press, 1999, Page 27

[37] Ellis, B. Eldred, Gloves and the Glove Trade, London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, 1921 , Page 71

[38] Ellis, B. Eldred, Gloves and the Glove Trade, London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, 1921 , Page 5-7, 71,

[39] Smith Willard M., Gloves Past and Present, New York: The Sherwood Press, Inc., 1917, Pages 42, 54-55, 58-59

Worshipful Company of Glovers, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 3 June 2024,

Hunt, Arthur, Twelfth Census of the United States, Census Bulletin No. 175, Washington D.C. May 24, 1902, Manufactures: Gloves and Mittens – Leather, Page 14

[40] The revocation of the Edict of Nantes was an edict signed by King Louis XIV of France in October 1685, known as the Edict of Fontainebleau, which ended religious tolerance for Protestants (Huguenots) in France. The revocation ended a long period of limited religious tolerance in France and led to renewed persecution of Protestants, the destruction of their institutions, and a massive refugee crisis as Huguenots fled into exile.

Edict of Nantes, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 28 April 2024,

Edict of Fontainebleau, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 29 April 2024,

Davis, Stephen M., Louis XIV and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes World History Encyclopedia, 26 July 2022,

[41] Smith Willard M., Gloves Past and Present, New York: The Sherwood Press, Inc., 1917, Pages 45

[42] Frothington, Washington, History of Fulton County : embracing early discoveries, the advance of civilization, the labors and triumphs of Sir William Johnson, the inception and development of the glove industry; with town and local records, also military achievements of Fulton county patriots, Syracuse D. Mason & Co. 1892, Page 155,

[43] The map is an 1850 map that depicts the locations of where the Glove makers from Grenoble relocated in Germany. Thomas Cowperthwait & Co., A New Map of Germany, 1850, American made map of Germany, published in Philadelphia for the New Universal Atlas of the World of 1852,

[44] Smith, Gloves Past and Present, Page 64

[45] Smith, Gloves Past and Present, Page 58-65

[46] The History of Glovers, Rhanders,

“English word glove comes from Proto-Germanic *lōfô, Proto-Germanic ga-, and later Proto-Germanic galōfô (Glove.)”

Glove etymology, Cooljugator,

“Old English glof “glove, covering for the hand having separate sheaths for the fingers,” also “palm of the hand,” from Proto-Germanic galofo “covering for the hand” (source also of Old Norse glofi), probably from ga- collective prefix + *lofi “hand” (source also of Old Norse lofi, Middle English love, Gothic lofa “

Glove, Online Etymology Dictionary,

Redwood, Mike, Timeline for gloves, 

Redwood, Mike, Gloves and Glove-Making, Kindle Edition, Shire Publications, 2016

[47] Morrison, James, City Historian, City of Gloversville, Page accessed Jan 18, 2024,

Canhan, Hugh O., Hemlock and Hide: The Tanback Industry in Old New York, Summer 2011, Northern Woodlands,

Padmin, W., Fulton County, Then and Now, Jan 22, 2021, Fulton County Center for Regional Growth   (CRG), 

Houghton, George C., Leather, Tanned, Curried, and Finished, Census Bulletin, No 195, June 18, 1902, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902,

Elizabeth R. Hosterman and Robert B. Hobbs, Leather Gloves: General Information, Oct 11 1948, Letter Curcular LC921, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards,

[48] Eisenstadt, Peter, ed, , Tanning and Glove Making, Fulton County, The Encyclopedia of New York State, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2005, Page 611

[49] Hunt, Arthur, Twelfth Census of the United States, Census Bulletin No. 175, Washington D.C. May 24, 1902, Manufactures: Gloves and Mittens – Leather, Selected statistics derived from Table 11 on Page 15

“Journal of the Society for Arts, Vol. 50, No. 2598.” The Journal of the Society of Arts, vol. 50, no. 2598, 1902, pp. 812-813. JSTOR,

[50] Barbara McMartin does not cite the referenced newspaper. The local newspaper may have been The Johnstown Daily Republican, 19 Oct 1895, Illustrated Supplement, Johnstown and Interesting HistoryPages 9 – 24.

Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities: How A People and Their Craft Built Two Cities, NY: Lake View Press, 1999, Page 8

[51] For an alternative explanation of the origin of glove making in Fulton county, see: F. W. Beers, F.W. , History of Montgomery and Fulton counties, N.Y. : with illustrations and portraits of old pioneers and prominent residents, New York : F.W. Beers & co., 1878, Pa, Page 175

[52] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities: How A People and Their Craft Built Two Cities, NY: Lake View Press, 1999, Page 15

[53] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities, Page 16

[54] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities, Page 18

[55] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities, Page 15

[56] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities, Page 19

[57] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities, Page 25

[58] Hunt, Arthur L., Twelfth Census of the United States, Census Bulletin No. 175, Washington D.C. May 24, 1902, Manufactures: Gloves and Mittens – Leather, Data from Table One, Page 10.

[59] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities: How A People and Their Craft Built Two Cities, NY: Lake View Press, 1999, Page 10 

[60] The definition of manufacturing establishments expanded from 1850 to 1900 to capture the shift from shop and household manufacturing to centralized factory production. By 1900, the Census distinguished between larger factories and smaller shop-based manufacturing, with factories representing the bulk of output.

“In the statistics of manufactures, the establishment is taken as the basic unit, as the individual is taken in population, or the farm in agriculture.

1. Definition.-The term “establishment” as employed at this census is defined as representing one or more mills owned or controlled by one individual, firm, or corporation, located either in the same city or town, or in the same county, and engaged in the same industry. “

1900 U.S. Federal Census, Chapter II. Summary and Analysis of Results,  Page lxii ,

[61] Hunt, Arthur L., Census Bulletin No. 175, Page 5

[62] Hunt, Arthur L., Census Bulletin No. 175, Page 11

[63] Hunt, Arthur L., Census Bulletin No. 175, Table 11, Page 10.

[64] Hunt, Arthur L., Census Bulletin No. 175, Page 10

[65] A study of German immigration to Bucks county in the same time period that Johann Sperber immigrated to Gloversville, New York addresses similar issues raised in this story of immigrating to America. Similar to Johann’s experience, the vast majority of these immigrants that moved to Nockamixon Township in Bucks County, Pennsylvania in the 1830s – 1850s came from the Upper Rhine region, and a majority of those came from Baden. Furthermore, most of the Badener were from specific areas of the Grand Duchy of Baden. Chain migration, now recognized as normative in migration history, largely accounted for the clustering of these newcomers in America. 

A major source of employment in Nockamixon Township was canal waterway work. It seems odd that the Nockamixon Township German settlers’ major entrée into the local workforce was canal work, which seemingly neither required Old World craft skills nor appeared readily compatible with farming.

“The larger reason for the Rhinelanders’ heavy concentration in canal work echoes the experience of so many immigrants in all eras: it provided an available niche.”

“While boating clearly constituted the dominant occupational opportunity for Rhinelanders in this area, the local economy also offered some of the newcomers opportunities in skilled labor commensurate with their Old World trades. Nockamixon Township provided a favorable environment because at midcentury it retained much of its preindustrial character. “

Hueston, Robert F., The Assimilation of German Immigrants into a Pennsylvania German Township, 1840–1900, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. CXXXIII, No. 1 ( January 2009), Pages 59 – 87, Two quotes – Page 66

[66] Morrison, James, City Historian, City of Gloversville,

[67] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities: How A People and Their Craft Built Two Cities, NY: Lake View Press, 1999, Page 16

[68] “The Auswanderer went to America less to build something new than to regain and conserve something old, which they remembered or thought they did … .”

Walker, Mack, Germany and the Emigration 1816 – 1885, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1964, Page 69