“Next Door” Neighbors – Two Sisters and Their Families

As recent as 2022, it was found that most Americans value living close to their families. In general, over half of adults in America live within an hour’s drive of some of their extended family members. This trend is affected by a variety of factors such as income status, ethnicity, gender, age, urban or rural areas, and education levels. [1]

Living next to or near siblings or other family members while raising a family has been a common practice through time. While it was not uncommon for families of the same extended family to live close to each other in the 1800’s, it is a delight to find such a discovery in the 1800s through family research.

This is a story of two families, connected by two sisters and perhaps connected also by the occupations of their husbands in the glove making business. They lived close to each other on South Main Street in Gloversville, New York in the late 1800s while their families were growing up.

The Two Sisters: Rosa and Sophie Fliegels’ Marriages

The two sisters in question are Rosa (Rosina) Fliegel and Sophie Fliegel. The two sisters were part of the second generation of the Fliegel family that established roots in the Gloversville area in the mid 1800s. Following the footsteps of their sister Catherine, both sisters immigrated to the United States with their parents and their brother Philip.

The Fliegel family emigated from the Ittlingen, which is about 27 miles southwest of Heidelberg, in the Grand Duchy of Baden in 1854. The family followed the migratory path of Catherine who arrived in America in 1848. [2]

The First and Second Generation of the Fliegel Family from Ittlingen, Baden

Click for Larger View | Source: Griffis Family – Mayfield, Fulton County, New York Ancestry.com family tree

John Wolfgang Sperber came to America on his own from Baden in 1852. Similar to the Fliegel family, he ended up in the Gloversville area. [3]

Sophie Fliegel married Johann Wolfgang Sperber in February 1857. They would be the maternal grandparents of Harold Griffis 46 years later. John and Sophie Sperber quickly started a family. Three years after their marriage, their young family consisted of Rose (age 4), Anna (age 2), and John Frederick (8 months). They also had Sophia’s father, Christoph, living with them as well as two boarders. [4]

In 1865, John is reported to be 35 years old and his wife Sophie is 32. Four of their children were living at the time: Rosa (Rose) at 9 years of age, Anna at 8, (John) Frederick at 6 and Katie or Kathryn at 2 years of age. Other records indicate that Kate Sperber was born on January 1, 1864. [5]

While they are found in the 1860 Federal census and the 1865 New York state census, specific addresses for the households were not documented. It is not known specifically where John and Sophia lived between 1857 and 1868. In 1868, the family moved to South Main Street.

Rosa Fliegel was the oldest living child of Christopher and Maria Fliegel. Based on available historical records, not much is known about Rose or Rosina Fliegel. Ship manifest records [6], indicate Rose was 28 when she arrived in January of 1855 to the United States. Birth records indicate she was born in March 4th 1825 which suggests that she was 30 when she arrived in January of 1855. [7] No records have been found of her residence in Gloversville until 1870 when she appears in the U.S. Federal Census.

Rose married relatively late in life at the age of 40 or 41. She married Louis Knoff. At the time Louis was a widower with one son named Herman. Louis was born on January 8, 1828 in Bernstadt, Schlesien, Prussia. [8] As reflected in Map One below, Bernstadt was part of the Prussian Province of Silesia and was a province of Prussia from 1815 to 1919. [9]

Map One: Birthplaces of Louis Knoff and Rosina Fliegel [10]

Source: ziegelbrenner, Karte des Deutschen Bundes 1815–1866 / Map of German Confederation 1815–1866, 19 Jan 2008, Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Deutscher_Bund.svg

Louis Knoff came from a large family of nine brothers and sisters. All of the family members immigrated to the United States but at different times. Moreover, they all settled in different areas. Louis Knoff was the second oldest sibling in the family. He came to the United States in 1849.  [11]

Louis Knoff learned his trade in the leather tanning trade in Breslau, Prussia. He apparently came directly to Gloversville to apply his trade.  He started working in tanning shops in Johnstown. He eventually started his own business in Gloversville in 1861 which flourished. The tanning mill was near the railroad station. He then built a factory and tannery in 1865 on South Main Street. He became a “prominent manufacturer” in Gloversville. [12]

Louis Knoff originally married Pauline Hansel in 1856. Similar to her husband, Pauline also emigrated from Prussia in 1849 at the reported age of 19. She was from Landsberg, Prussia . [13]

Louis and Pauline had one son, Herman Knoff, within the following year of their marriage. [14] Pauline however died at the young age of 31 in 1862.  Louis remarried four years later in 1866, a year after he started his tanning factory, to Rosa Fliegel. They had a son Louis Jr. in 1870. [15]

Rosa and Louis Knoff Move to South Main Street

A review of land records indicate that Louis Knoff purchased a tract of land on South Main Street along the Cayadutta Creek in 1867. [16] While the information in Louis Knoff’s obituary indicated he built a factory and tannery on South Main Street in 1865, I have not found any land deeds in 1864 or 1865 for Louis Knoff.

The land indenture was made on March 29, 1867. Louis purchased the land from Polly Ann M. McKie of Johnston, Fulton County for the sum of $2,500 dollars. $2,500 in 1867 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $53,131.76 today. [17]

The half acre of land was described as follows: “Beginning at a post in the fence on the South side of the plank road leading from Gloversville to Johnstown and between the lots now occupied by Eliphalet Veeder and Mr. Payne thence running South along the fence to the creek thence Easterly along said creek to lands occupied by Hannah Clark about Eight rods thence North along the said Clarks lands about Eleven and one half rods to the said Plank road thence west along said Plank Road Nine rods & nine feet to the place of Beginning containing one half acre of land more or less: excepting and forever reserving the right of flowing said lot by reason of raising the dam on said creek below said lot…”

I attempted to find the location of the property based on locating the Veeder and Payne households that are referenced in the deed in the 1865 New York state census. I found an ‘Eliphalet Veeder in the 1865 census but did not find a Payne household nearby. [18]

Land Indenture for Louis Knoff – March 29, 1867

Click for Larger View | Source: New York Land Records, Fulton County, Deeds, 1867 – 1869, vol 35 -36, vol 35, page 116
“United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975.”Database with images. FamilySearch. https://FamilySearch.org : 14 June 2024. Multiple county courthouses, New York.

The deed refers to “Plank Road” that was between Gloversville and Johnstown, next to the Cadayutta Creek. In Gloversville, this was South Main Street. Plank roads were wooden roads that were very popular in New York in the 1840s and 1850s before the widespread adoption of railroads and paved roads. The roads typically consisted of hemlock planks that were eight to nine feet wide and two to four inches thick, covering one lane while the other lane was often left unpaved. Loaded wagons would take the planked lane, while empty wagons used the dirt lane. Ditches were dug on each side for drainage. [19]

An 1868 map below (map two) provides an approximate location of Louis Knoff’s tannery on South Main Street, Gloversville, New York once he established his business in 1865. Louis Knoff’s tannery and residence is indicated In the lower left portion of the map where it appears to go outside the map boundary.

Map Two: The Nichols Stanahan Map of Gloversville 1868 [20]

Click for Larger View | Source: Nichols, Beach; Loomer, H.; Sherman, W.A.; Cunningham, P.A.; Fosdick, S.W.; Richie, W.W.; Sherwood, E.J.; Guernsey, T.; Vroman, N., Atlas Of Montgomery And Fulton Counties, New York. From actual Surveys by and under the direction of B. Nichols. Assisted by H.B. Stranahan, W.A. Sherman, H. Loomer, P.A. Cunningham And S.W. Fosdick. Published By J. Jay Stranahan & Beach Nichols, 95 Maiden Lane, New York. 1868. Assistants, W.W. Richie, E.J. Sherwood. Assistants, T. Guernsey, N. Vroman. Entered … Stranahan & Nichols in the year 1868 … New York, New York: Stranahan & Nichols, 1868, digitalized by the David Ramsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries, https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~226773~5506920:Gloversville,-Fulton-County,-New-Yo

As indicated in map two, Louis Knoff’s property is identified on the bottom of the map. Map three is a blown up portion of the South Main Street. Louis Knoff is identified in the map as “N.Nuff”. It is possible that one of Stranahan and Nichols staff obtained information from Knoff or a neighbor and phonetically documented his name when surveying South Main Street.

Map Three: Blow Up View of a Portion of the 1868 Map with Louis Knoff’s Property Location

Click for Larger View | Source: Nichols, Beach; Loomer, H.; Sherman, W.A.; Cunningham, P.A.; Fosdick, S.W.; Richie, W.W.; Sherwood, E.J.; Guernsey, T.; Vroman, N., Atlas Of Montgomery And Fulton Counties, New York. From actual Surveys by and under the direction of B. Nichols. Assisted by H.B. Stranahan, W.A. Sherman, H. Loomer, P.A. Cunningham And S.W. Fosdick. Published By J. Jay Stranahan & Beach Nichols, 95 Maiden Lane, New York. 1868. Assistants, W.W. Richie, E.J. Sherwood. Assistants, T. Guernsey, N. Vroman. Entered … Stranahan & Nichols in the year 1868 … New York, New York: Stranahan & Nichols, 1868,digitalized by the David Ramsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries, https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~226773~5506920:Gloversville,-Fulton-County,-New-Yo

The map is part of an atlas of Montgomery and Fulton Counties, New York. It was published in 1868 by J. Jay Stranahan and Beach Nichols. It contains maps of the towns and cities in the two counties based on actual surveys conducted under the direction of Nichols. The atlas is 28 leaves in length..  One of the distinctive qualities of the map is the high level of detail for the time period, including land owners, rivers, rail lines, streets and major businesses, making the map a valuable resource for genealogists and those researching family histories in Gloversville.

Click for Larger View | Source: David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries, https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~226708~5506899

Are there Different Versions of the Stranahan & Nichols Map of Gloversville in 1868

The Stranahan & Nichols Map of Gloversville in 1868 (map two) was part of a local atlas of Fulton and Montgomery counties that also listed businesses and individuals on city maps.

The Stranahan & Nichols Map of Gloversville in 1868 is used in this and other stories to locate family relatives in the city of Gloversville in the 1860s.

In my research, I have found ‘three’ versions of the map of Gloversville, New York. Each are identified as ‘the 1868 atlas’. The three versions are largely the same with at the maximum eight notable differences.

These differences suggest that two of the versions of the atlas were actually published simultaneously or after the initial publication.

Read more on this subject

About eight months after the Louis Knoff purchased the property on South Main Street, the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad (FJ&G) company was purchasing portions of land for the construction of a rail line that connected from Fonda through Johnstown to Gloverstown. A November 13th 1867 land deed between Louis and his wife Rosina and the FJ&G company describes a portion of Knoff’s land that was conveyed to the Rail Company by law. [21] While the lawful imposition of slicing a band of land right through the Knoff’s property had a profound and substantial impact on the use of the land, Louis and Rosina received $1,300 dollars from the rail company. [22]

Land Deed between the Knoff Family and the FJ&G Rail Company

Click for Larger View | Source: New York Land Deeds, Fulton County, Volume 34. Pages 538 & 539, 13 Nov 1867, Grantor: Louis and Rosina Knoff, Grantee: Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad (FJ&G) company

The deed described the acquired land by the railroad as “…being a strip of land twenty feet wide on each side of the center line of location of the Fonda, Johnstown Gloversville Rail Road as now staked out over my lot which said center line of location is described as follow to wit, commencing at the partition line between the lands of A.D. Simmons and said Knoffs lot running diagonally across the lot of said Knoff which lot has deeded to said Knoff by Polly Ann McKie by deed bearing date 29th day of March 1867 and recorded in Book 35 Page 116 of Deeds Fulton County; it is hereby agreed & understood that the Slopes of the embankment to or constructed for the Rail Road may extend upon the land of said Knoff … the said party of the second part is authorized to take or acquire under and in virtue of the provisions of the act entitled “an act to authorized the formation of Rail Companies and to regulate the same.” passed April 2nd 1850 and other provisions of law and the said parties of the first part hereby covenant with the said party of the second part.” (emphasis is mine)

The compensation for each of the properties taken by the railroad was determined through court action. In Fulton County, each property was described and a decision on what was to be taken by the railroad was rendered in a court case entitled “In the matter of the Petition of the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville railroad Company for the Appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal of Lands in the County of Fulton Lake and Others”. [23]

John and Sophie Sperber Move to South Main Street

A year after Louis and Rosina had purchased their property on South Main Street, John and Sophie Sperber followed their footsteps and also purchased property on South Main Street in 1868.

The recorded deed to the house indicates that John purchased the house from Ellery and Edna Cory, who were from Cooperstown, Otsego County, New York on January 2, 1868. John purchased the house for the sum of five hundred dollars.  [24]

The Deed to John Sperber’s House 1868

Page One of the Deed

Click for Larger View
Source John Sperber, Grantee, Ellery R. Corey, Grantor, 14 Feb 1868, Entry Number 36, Page Number 115

Page Two of the Deed

Click for Larger View
Source: John Sperber, Grantee, Ellery R. Corey, Grantor, 14 Feb 1868, Entry Number 36, Page Number 116

The description of the property indicated:

“All that tract or parcel of land … bounded as follows Beginning at the eastern end of a board fence on the Southerly side of the highway leading from the house in which Hezekiah Hulbent formerly lived to Francis Simmons Saw Mill and nearly opposite to the house formerly occupied by Jack Hoag and runs from thence Southerly near by a Yellow oak tree to a small Willow Sapling marked standing on the edge of a swamp thirteen rods thence westerly and parallel with said highway ten rods to a stake thence thirteen rods to the west end of the said board fence thence ten rods along the said board fence easterly to the place of beginning being the premises formerly occupied by Michael O. Burns and described in a deed from Henry Stassel to Ivers H Burns executed July 19th 1832.”

Based on the deed’s description of the location of the property, it is difficult to determine exactly where the parcel of land is located. As indicated in a prior story it is believed that the property purchased by the Sperbers was next to the Knoff property.

A 1902 map of Gloversville appears to confirm that the properties owned by the Sperbers and the Knoffs in the late 1860s are the same properties identified in a 1903 map of Gloversville. The 1903 map also reflects that the properties were contiguous. The Knoffs had a number of buildings on their property. The two households had two other households in between them. [25]

Map Four: Map 22 of Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from 1902 Gloversville [26]

Click for Larger View | Source: Map 22 of Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from 1902 Gloversville, Fulton County, New York, Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York., Sanborn Map Company, Oct 1902, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902/?sp=22&st=image

Sisters as Neighbors on South Main Street in the 70s

As noted in the 1870 U.S. Census (below), Louis Knoff is reported to be 41 years old. His occupation is listed as a “kid manufacturer” which refers to a type of leather. Kidskin or kid leather is a type of soft, thin leather that is traditionally used for high end gloves. Kidskin is leather made from the skin of young goats or “kids”. It is known for being ultra-soft, thin, lightweight yet durable. [27]

The census document indicates that Louis utilized lambskins, salt and alum as the major kinds of material used in his business. Kids skins were alum tanned. In tanning, alum acts as a preservative to prevent hide spoilage. It fixes tannins into the hide’s protein structure to make it stronger yet supple. [28]

“Alum tanning was devised for soft-finished leather… . A paste of egg yokes, flour , salt and alum was used to tan … kidskins… . It was a laborious and time consuming process in which the paste had to be worked into the skins in a series of operations that involved as many as 30 steps.” [29]

Census Document One: 1870 Schedule 4 – Non Population Schedule

Click for Larger View | Source: 1870 Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, New York, Industry Schedule 4, Fulton County, Johnstown, Page 13, Line 3

The Schedule 4 of the Non-Population 1870 census captured information on Louis Knoff’s skin tanning business. Based on the information recorded by the enumerator, the business produced kid leather for mens and ladies gloves. The capital worth (real and personal) invested in the business was $30,000. It was a hand powered business. In addition to himself, he had two employees. He paid $1,000 in wages between the beginning of the year and up to June when the census was taken. Louis used 8,000 lamb skins worth $25,000 to produce 8,000 pairs of gloves worth $5,000.

His birthplace in the 1870 Federal population census is reported as Prussia. The family’s residence is reported to be worth. $5,000 dollars. Rosina was 43 and keeping house. Her birthplace is reported to be Baden, Germany. Herman, Louis’ first son, was 9 years old and he was in school. Louis Junior was born that year in March. The census was taken on June 24, 1870.

Census Document Two: 1870 U.S. Federal Census: The Knoff Family

Click for Larger View | Source: 1870 U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Johnstown,
Page 84, Lines 37 – 40

In 1870, the Sperber’s recently purchased house was valued at $800.00. The family now included John and Sophie and their five children. Rose and Anna were teenagers, 14 and 13 respectively. Frederick is 10 and Kate, who was born on January 1st, 1864, is 7. Their fifth child, Louis Sperber, was one year old. The census enumerator indicated that Rosa, Anna and Frederick were in school. He indicated that Anna and Frederick could not write and Kate could not read nor write. John’s occupation is listed as ‘laborer’.

Census Document Three: Sperber Family in the U.S. 1870 Census

Click for Larger View |
Source: 1870 U.S. Federal census, New York State, Fulton County, Johnstown, Page 197, Lines 33 -39

While both families are found in the 1870 census, based on the census enumerators tabulations it is not apparent that the families lived next to each other. The Knoff family is found on page 84 and was the 553rd swelling canvassed. The Sperber family was found on page 197 and was the 1201st dwelling canvassed.

It is apparent in the 1875 census (below) that the Knoffs and Sperbers were ‘next door’ neighbors. The Knoff family lived in a brick house. John Sperber’s house was wooden frame house. Adjacent to or across the street from the Sperber’s household was the household of Charles Kane. The census enumerator canvassed the Kane household after he had canvassed the Sperber household.

Census Document Four: The Sperber and Knoff Families in 1875

Click for Larger View | Source: 1875 New York State census, Fulton County, Second election District of Johnstown,, June 1875, Page 428

The 1875 census reflects two related families that had similar demographic and occupational characteristics. Both families were similar in terms of their ‘station of life’. The parents were similar in age. They also experienced the same life experienced of immigrating to the United States from either the Duchy of Baden or Prussia.

While the Sperbers had a larger family, the two families had working teenagers and young sons. Each family was involved with the glove making business. The Knoffs were involved in the initial stages with skin dressing while the Sperbers were involved in the later stages of glove making.

Table One: 1875 New York Census: “Next Door” Neighbors – The Knoff & Sperber Families

John SperberFather46Glove Finisher
Sophia SperberMother43Keeping House
Rosa SperberDaughter19Glove Maker
Anna SperberDaughter17Glove Maker
Frederick SperberSon15Working in Glove Shop
Louis SperberSon5At home
Louis KnoffFather46Kid Dresser
Rosina KnoffMother48Keeping House
Herman KnoffSon18Works in Kid Shop
Louis Jr KnoffSon5At home

In five years, the family structure of both families changed slightly in 1880. The composition of their respective families were similar. They each had young adult sons living at home and working and young sons in school.

Census Document Five: 1880 U.S. Federal Census: “Next Door” Neighbors – The Knoff & Sperber Families

Click for Larger View | Source: 1880 U.S. Federal census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville, Enumeration District 006, Page 1, Lines 30 -35 & 44 – 47

John Sperber was probably a ‘glove finisher’ at the Littauer Glove factory. His brother-in-law, Louis Knoff, owned a leather tannery with his son was working for his father. Louis indicated his occupation was a ‘Kid Dresser”. Both wives, the Fliegel sisters, were “keeping house”.

Table Two: Two Related “Next Door Neighbor” Families in Gloversville 1880

John SperberFather51Glove Finisher
Sophia SperberMother47Keeping House
Frederick SperberSon20Glove Finisher
Catherine SperberDaughter16Glove Maker
Louis SperberSon10At School
Ida SperberDaughter4– –
Louis KnoffFather52Kid Dresser
Rosa KnoffMother54Keeping House
Herman KnoffSon21Works in Kid Shop
Louis Jr KnoffSon10At School

Knoff Families in the 1890s

We do not have access of census material to glean a snapshot of the composition of the Sperber and Knoffs’ households between 1885 and 1900. However, city directories provide clues as to where family members possibly resided and what were their stated occupations. Comparing family member information from the directories can provide a basis to determine the locations of family members within the city. [30]

The 1890s was a decade of change for the two families of South Main Street. during the 1890’s, three of the four parents passed away and the adult children chartered new courses in their adult lives. Both parents in the Knoff family passed away in the early 1890s. Rosina passed away on March 22nd, 1891 at the age of 64. [31] Louis passed away two years later on April 7th, 1893. Louis was 65. [32] His business continued to be managed by his estate and had less than 10 employees.

Louis Knoff’s tanning mill business was prosperous in the late 1880s and early 90s. A year before his death, the following newspaper article indicated his successful collaborative efforts with a leather tanning business in neighboring Johnstown.

Click for Larger View | Source: Fulton County Republican, 14 July 1892, Page 4

The two Knoff brothers Herman and Louis Jr. were working for their father in the year that Louis senior passed away, as reflected in their 1894 listing in the Gloversville city directory below, they continued with the business with their homes listed as 235 South Main Street. There is also a Karl Knoff listed as a tanner in the 1893 directory. It is not known if he is related to Herman or Louis. [33]

Gloversville City Directory 1894

Click for Larger View | Source: 1894 Gloversville City Directory, Page 105

What would appear to be more than coincidence, three months after Louis Knoff’s death on April 11th, a fire destroyed the leather tanning building on July 7th. The building and its contents were valued at $10,000 and was insured at $4,000.

Click for Larger View | Source: The Johnstown Daily Republican, 8 July 1893, Page 3

Two years after the fire, the Knoff brothers established plans to rebuild the leather tanning business with a new building and “the latest machinery for the dressing of glove leather”.

Click for Larger View | Source: Building a New Mill, The Daily Leader, 15 July 1895, Page 8 also found in The Johnstown Daily Republican, 18 July 1895, Page 3

Louis Knoff Junior married a year after his father’s death on August 15th, 1894 at the age of 24. [34] He married Louisa Schmidtt who was reportedly 19 at the time their marriage. [35] He left the South Main Street Neighborhood and lived a few houses north on Main Street with his wife at 192 South Main Street. [36] As indicated in the 1900 population census, Louis Jr left the tanning business and became a motorman on the electric rail in Gloversville. [37]

Map Five: Household Location of Louis Knoff Jr – 192 South Main Street 1900

Click for Larger View | Source Map 22 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York. Sanborn Map Company, Oct, 1902. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902/

Louis and Louisa quickly started a family. In 1896, they had their first child, Lillian Rosina Knoff. Sadly, she only lived for four days. In 1896. Their second daughter, Lillian Gertrude, was born and in 1898 and their third daughter Marian Augusta was born. Their fourth and final child, Marian Augusta, was born in 1906. [38]

At the end of the century, Herman Knoff is still living in his father’s home. His occupation is listed as ‘landlord’. A ‘housekeeper’ Mary Hildenbrand was living in the household along with her son Fred. It appeared that Mary Hildebrand was Herman’s wife. No records of the marraige can be found. Mary’s maiden name was Bender and her first husband was Frederick Hildenbrand.

The other properties on the lot are largely populated by lodgers who are working as tanners.

Census Document Six: 1900 U.S. Federal Census – Knoff Properties

Click for Larger View | Source: 1900 U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 1, District 0006, Page /Sheet A3, Lines 31 – 49 & Sheet/Page B3, Lines 54 – 59

A correlation of the 1900 census data associated with each of the addresses of households on South Main Street with the 1902 Sanborn map that depicts the physical buildings at those street addresses provides a picture of the Knoff properties at the turn of the century.

Knoff Properties on South Main Street as Documented in a 1902 Sanborn Map of Gloversville and 1900 Population Census Click for Larger Presentation

Click for Larger View | Sources: 1900 U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 1, District 0006, Page /Sheet A3, Lines 31 – 49 & Sheet/Page B3, Lines 54 – 59 and Source Map 22 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York. Sanborn Map Company, Oct, 1902. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902/

The Sperber Family in the 1890s

Sophia Sperber and her family continued to be neighbors to her sister Rosina’s family after she passed away in 1891. During the 1890s, the household size of Sophia and John’s family reduced to their daughters Kate and Ida.

Their eldest son Frederick married in September 1878. Frederick Sperber’s family was living on Broad Street since 1886. Based on Fulton county land deed documents, Frederick and Ella purchased property on Broad Street in Ella Sperber’s name from Andrew D. & Mary C. Simmons. [39] 

During the 1890s, Frederick, who was the Chief of Police for Gloversville, and his wife Ella had a family of teenagers and toddlers. By the end of the decade Rose, their oldest was 19 years old. Rose was living with her parents and was a pocket book maker. Arthur and Frederick John Sperber were teenagers. Arthur was a glove finisher and his brother was still in school. [40]

Louis P. Sperber, John and Sophia’s second son, resided lived with his father and mother. During his first two years of marriage (1893 – 1894), he and his wife Anna lived across the street from his parents at 246 South Main Street. The house was a wooden frame one room house with a porch.

Sophia passed away on March 17, 1897. [41] Eights days after her passing, Sophia’s youngest daughter, Ida Sperber, married Charles Griffis on March 25, 1987 in Gloversville. [42]

In 1900, John Sperber was around 72 years old, widowed; and living other family members at 243 South Main Street, Gloversville, New York. The household consisted of John along with his daughter Kate and his youngest daughter Ida and her husband Charles Griffis.

Census Document Seven: John Sperber Household in 1900

Click for Larger View | Source: 1900 U.S. Federal Census New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 1, Fulton, New York; Roll: 1036; Page: 5; Enumeration District: 0006 Page 5 Lines 98 – 100 & Page 6 Line 1

While each family witnessed many changes in the 1890s, the two families continued to have family members in the general area of South Main Street.

Map Six: Sperber and Knoff Families in the South Main Street Area of Gloversville

Click for Larger View Map Source: Part of Map 22 of the of Sanborn Fire Insurance Map series for Gloversville, Fulton County, New York, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902/?sp=1&st=image , Residence locations from various City Directories of Gloversville

The Legacies of the Two Sisters: Different Generations But Still Close Together

At the age of 75, John Sperber was still listed in the Gloversville Directory as a glover, living in the same house he raised his family since the late 1860s. [43] His nephew Herman Knoff was living two doors down in his parent’s house.. His other Nephew Louis Knoff was up a few blocks on South Main Street with his family. His son Frederick was around the corner on Broad Street.

John was the last surviving parent who moved their families to the southern border of the city of Gloversville on South Main Street. John Wolfgang Sperber passed away on January 27th, 1905, twenty-five days after his 77th birthday. Harold Griffis was born in John’s house on South Main Street. He was one year and a half years old when his grandfather passed away.

Members of the second and third generation of the families continued to live in the neighborhood they grew up in. The strong tradition of intergenerational families and interdependence meant that most people in the late 1800s lived very close to parents, adult children, and other relatives. Family togetherness was an economic and social necessity. While nuclear families became more prevalent in cities, they still often lived near extended kin.

Census Document Eight: 1905 – The Griffis/Sperber Household and the Knoff Household

Source: 1905 New York State census, Fulton County, Gloversville, Ward 01, Election District 01, page 305, Lines 1 – 4 & 27- 29

Census Document Nine: 1905 – Louis Knoff on South Main Street

Click for Larger View | Source: Louis Knoff Household 1905 New York State census, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 02, Election District 01, Page 429, Lines 9 -13


Feature Banner of the story is part of a Sanborn map 22 of a series of maps of Gloversville in 1902 that shows the location of the Sperber and Knoff households.

The Sanborn Map Company was a prominent American publisher of detailed fire insurance maps from 1867 to the late 20th century. The maps provided detailed information about the size, shape, construction materials and function of buildings in urban areas. They also included details like street names and widths, property boundaries, building use, and the location of water mains, fire alarms and fire hydrants and the exact street numbers of buildings. 

Founded in 1867 by Daniel Alfred Sanborn, the company created richly detailed maps of approximately 12,000 cities and towns across the United States, Canada, and Mexico.Sanborn maps were originally designed to assist fire insurance companies in assessing the risk associated with insuring a particular property.

The Sanborn Company sent out legions, or to use the collective group term of surveyors, ‘chains’, of surveyors to map building footprints and collect urban data. At its peak in the 1920s, the company employed about 700 people, including 300 field surveyors and 400 cartographers, printers and managers. Sanborn held a virtual monopoly over fire insurance maps for much of the 20th century after acquiring its last major competitor in 1916

While originally created for insurance purposes, Sanborn maps have become invaluable historic resources. They allow researchers to trace urban development and changes over time, providing unparalleled detail about the built environment of American cities from the late 1800s through the mid-1900s. The Library of Congress holds the largest collection of Sanborn maps, which are widely used by historians, architects, genealogists and others.

Sanborn Maps, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 1 May 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanborn_maps

Sanborn Maps, About This Collection, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/collections/sanborn-maps/about-this-collection/

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York., Sanborn Map Company, Published Oct 1902, Digital Id http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902 

Coons, Alana, Let’s Talk about Sanborn Maps, University Heights Historical Society, https://www.uhhs-uhcdc.org/blog/lets-talk-sanborn-maps

Introduction to the Collection, Sanborn Maps Collection, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/collections/sanborn-maps/articles-and-essays/introduction-to-the-collection/

Interpreting Sanborn Maps, Fire Insurance Maps at the Library of Congress: A Resource Guide, Library of Congress, https://guides.loc.gov/fire-insurance-maps/sanborn-interpreting

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map: How to Read Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia ,  https://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/collections/maps/sanborn/web/details.html 

How to: Use Sanborn Maps City Archives & Special Collections, New Orleans Public Library, https://nolacityarchives.org/2024/01/08/how-to-use-sanborn-maps/

[1] Hurst, Kelly, More than half of Americans live within an hour of extended family, May 18, 2022, Pew Research Center, https://pewrsr.ch/3yKn2ms 

[2] See the stories of their journey: “The Fliegel Family: Their Journey to America” and “The Sperber & Fliegel Families in America: Catherine Fliegel the First to Arrive“.)

[3] See an eight part series of stories on his journey to America for specific facts about John and Sophia Sperber.

Marriage document of John Wolfgang Sperber and Sophia Fliegel, Source: Original Document from Family Collection, Click for access to document

[4] John and Sophia Sperber Household, 1860 U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Johnstown, Page 183 Lines 23 -28

Click for Larger View
Source U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Johnstown, Page 183 Lines 23 -28

[5] 1865 New York State Census, Fulton County, Johnstown, Page 387, Lines 33 – 38

Click for Larger View | Source: 1865 New York State Census, Fulton County, Johnstown, Page 387, Lines 33 – 38

[6] Rosina Flügel, Taufe (Baptism), Birth Date 04 Mär 1825, 03 Apr 1825, Ittlingen, PreuBen, Baden, Father Christoph Flügel, Juliaa Flügel, Pages 130-131; Birth and baptism records in Baden and Hesse Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1502-1985, Ancestry.com. Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.Original data: Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.

Reynolds, Cuyler, ed., Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, Vol. III , Pages 1353-1354 ,https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=njp.32101030753469&seq=7

[7] New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957, Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897. Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls. NAI: 6256867. Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36. National Archives at Washington, D.C. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957. Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls. NAI: 300346. https://griffis.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/NYM237_150-0080.jpg

[8] The obituary for Louis Knoff provides a wealth of biographical information on Louis and on his marriage to Rosa Fliegel. The obituary indicates:

  • He passed away, primarily due to heart disease, on April 7th, 1893 at 11:30 pm;
  • At the time f his death, he lived at 149 South Main Street;
  • He was born in Barnstadt, Prussia on January 8, 1828;
  • He learned the trade of tanning of leathers in Breslau, Prussia;
  • He came to Gloversvlle in 1849 and was employed Gilbert Burr and worked in Johnstown for several years;
  • In 1861 he established his own tanning business and had a tanning mill near the railroad station;
  • In 1865 he built a factory and tannery on South Main Street;
  • He married Pauline Gansel in 1856;
  • Pauline died in 1862;
  • He remarried Rosa Fliegel in 1866;
  • Rosa died in 1891;
  • He was survived by two sons Herman and Louis Junior; and
  • Louis was a member of the Congregational Curch in Gloversville.

Louis Knoff Obituary, The Gloversville Daily Leader, 8 April 1893, Page 8

Click for Larger View

The obituary is also found in the Fulton County Republican, 13 April 1893, Page 3.

[9] The Duchy of Bernstadt (German: Herzogtum Bernstadt, Polish: Księstwo bierutowskie, Czech: Bernštatské knížectví) was a Silesian duchy centered on the city of Bernstadt, present-day Bierutów in Lower Silesia, currently located in now in Poland. 

Silesia (Schlesien), Prussia, German Empire Genealogy, FamilySearch, This page was last edited on 2 August 2023, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Silesia_(Schlesien),_Prussia,_German_Empire_Genealogy

Duchy of Bernstadt, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 20 February 2022, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duchy_of_Bernstadt

[10] States of the German Confederation, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 16 April 2023, Map of German states 1815-1866, by Ziegelbrenner, from Wikipedia, Karte des Deutschen Bundes 1815–1866 / Map of German Confederation 1815–1866, 19 Jan 2008, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_of_the_German_Confederation

[11] The family of Louis Knoff:

  • Robert (1826–1908)
  • Louis (1828–1893)
  • William Morris (1829–1906)
  • Herman Alexander (1832–1910)
  • Amelia Henrietta (1833–1894)
  • Hugo Berthold (1836–1914)
  • Heinrich (Henry) (1838–1924)
  • Henrietta (1841–1921)
  • Ellen Bertha (1845–1908)

Source: Ancestry.com family trees and Gerald Everett, Are There Any Knoffs Here? An Inquiry and Some Answers. United States: Gateway Press, 1984.

Click for Larger View | Source: Ancestry.com family tree and Gerald Everett, Are There Any Knoffs Here? An Inquiry and Some Answers. United States: Gateway Press, 1984

One must critically evaluate information posted in ancestry.com trees. I have culled information on the family of Louis Knoff through five family trees and from Gerald Everett’s book. Here are some key points about Ancestry Family trees:

Accuracy depends on the owner of the tree

  • Ancestry trees are user-submitted, so their accuracy depends on the research and sources of each individual user.
  • Some trees are very accurate with good documentation, while others contain many errors and unverified information.

Potential Issues with Ancestry trees

  • Many online Ancestry trees contain inaccurate information.
  • Users often copy information from other trees without verifying it themselves, propagating errors.
  • It is common to find impossible facts in trees, like children born before parents.
  • Some users intentionally include false information, fabricating famous ancestors or hiding “undesirable” ones.

Evaluating the reliability of a tree

  • Check for citations: Trees with numerous citations to reliable records are more likely to be accurate. Avoid trees that only cite other trees.
  • Look for impossible facts like parents born after children or people in two places at once.
  • Compare to your existing research to spot discrepancies in names, dates, and locations.

Using Ancestry Trees responsibly

  • Treat Ancestry trees as clues to guide further research, not as definitive sources.
  • Avoid automatically copying information from other trees into your own, as this can introduce errors.
  • Message tree owners politely if you spot errors in their tree.

While Ancestry trees can provide valuable clues and family history information, their accuracy is not guaranteed. It’s crucial to verify all information against primary sources and your own careful research before adding it to your tree.

Adams, Janine, How Accurate is Ancestry?, 9 Aug 2019, Organize your Family History, https://organizeyourfamilyhistory.com/how-accurate-is-ancestry/

Koch, Andrew, 7 Steps for Fact-Checking Online Family Trees, Familytree, https://familytreemagazine.com/strategies/fact-check-family-trees/

Should Your Ancestry Tree Be Public Or Private?, 3 Dec 2023, Family History Daily, https://familyhistorydaily.com/genealogy-help-and-how-to/ancestry-tree-public-private/

Martin, Andrew, How to easily mess-up your family tree with Ancestry, 29 April 2018, History Repeating, UK Family History and Genealogy Blog, https://historyrepeating.org.uk/2018/04/29/how-to-easily-mess-up-your-family-tree-with-ancestry/

Louis’ father and mother were Karl Knoff and Christina Guisler. The family story of Karl Knoff can be found in  Gerald Everett. Are There Any Knoffs Here? An Inquiry and Some Answers. United States: Gateway Press, 1984.

“Carl Knoff was born in Festenberg, about 40 km northeast of Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland), and he moved to nearby Bernstadt, Silesia, where, in 1825, Carl married Christiana Guisler. Carl was a tanner by trade. He and Christiana began to raise a family and they had six sons and three daughters while living in Bernstadt. Gerald E. Knoff considers various reasons for Carl’s decision to immigrate to America: 1) that he did not want his sons to have to serve in the Prussian army, 2) that he came under suspicion after the revolution of 1848, 3) to escape the food famine of the 1840s that affected all of Europe (Ireland the worst, but Scotland, Prussia and Belgium were especially devastated), and 4) to seek economic betterment in the New World. Whatever his reasons, Carl Knoff and son Moritz, age 18-19, left Bernstadt in 1848 and immigrated to Johnstown, New York. Within 3 years Christiana and most of the remaining children would follow.

“1848 — Carl Knoff’s passport was date 27 June 1848 and was issued by the Kingdom of Prussian States. The passport states that Carl would leave from Breslau and travel through Mecklenburg on his way to Hamburg. From this document we also learn that Carl was born in Festenburg, 3 October 1798, and that he lived in Bernstadt, Silesia. It also gives a detailed description of the man: “Religion, Evangelical; Age, Octo. 3, 1798; Height, 5 ft. 2 in.; Hair, Blond; Forehead, High; Eyebrows, Brown; Eyes, Grey; Nose, Strong; Mouth, Normal; Beard, Blond; Chin, Round; Face, Oval; Color, Healthy; Stature, Stocky; Other marks, None.” Carl’s son, Moritz Knoff, 18, was listed on the passport and travelled with him. (Knoff, p. 13)

“Carl Knoff and Moritz arrived on board the Frau Charlotte in New York from Hamburg on 15 September 1848. The age listed for Carl was 21 (30 years off), and 19 for Moritz. They were both listed as farmers.

“1852 — According to Carl Knoff’s Declaration of Intention to become a US citizen, he arrived in the US in September of 1848. The Declaration is dated 9 November 1852. No record has been found to show that Carl completed the citizenship process before he died.”

[12] Louis Knoff Obituary, The Gloversville Daily Leader, 8 April 1893, Page 8

[13] Marie Pauline Gansel, Age 19, Birth date about 1830, Travel date: 1849, Destination: Nord-Amerika, Place of Origin: Balz/Landsberg, Standing: Kind Von Ambrosius.

Source: Wolfert, Marion, comp. Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration Records [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006. Original data: Auswanderungskartei (emigration cards) located at Brandenburgishes Landeshauptarchiv in Potsdam, Germany or Family History Library microfiche #6109219-6109220 (54 total fiches).

This database is a collection of government records regarding persons emigrating from the province in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Each record generally includes the emigrant’s name, age, place of origin, destination, and year of emigration. Many records also include the individuals standing (occupation and/or relationship) and some include the birth date. The database contains the names of more than 61,000 persons.

Beginning in the early 19th century, the Brandenburg provincial government kept records of people who requested permission to leave the county. Most emigrants went to North America (Nord-Amerika), but a few also went to Australia, the Netherlands, Austria, Russia, or elsewhere. Only those who received permission to leave were listed. ”

Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration Records, Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/4121/

Pauline M. Gansel Knoff: BIRTH 1830, Germany; DEATH 28 Feb 1862 (aged 31–32), BURIAL Johnstown Cemetery Johnstown, Fulton County, New York, USA; PLOT Section O, Lot 515; MEMORIAL ID 32491379. Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32491379/pauline-m.-knoff

[14] Herman Knoff, Birth: 9 Jun 1857, Death: 31 Jul 1915 (aged 58), Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Gloversville, Plot: Sec 57 Knoff Lot, Memorial ID: 32297853, Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297853/herman-knoff

[15] Lewis Knoff, 1870 U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Johnstown, Page 84, Lines 37 – 40 ; Census was taken on June 24, 1870. The enumerator indicated that Louis Knoff Junior was three months old which implies he was born in March 1870

Louis Knoff Jr, Birth Date 20 Mar 1970, Death date: 11 Apr 1941, Burial Place: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Gloversville, Memorial ID: 32297861, Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297861/louis-knoff

1875 New York State census, Fulton County, Johnstown, Enumeration District 02, Page 428

1880 Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville, enumeration District 006, Page 95A

1900 Federal census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville, Ward 2, Enumeration District 009, Page 8B

1905 New York State census, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 02, Election District 01, Page 43

1910 Federal census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 2, Enumeration District 0012, Page 10A

1915 New York State Census, Fulton County, 

1920 Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville, Ward 1, Enumeration District 7, Page 11B

[16] New York Land Records, Fulton County, Deeds, 1867 – 1869, vol 35 -36, vol 35, page 116 “United States, New York Land Records, 1630-1975.”Database with images. FamilySearch. https://FamilySearch.org : 14 June 2024. Multiple county courthouses, New York.

[17] Webster, Ian, CPI Inflation calculator, $2,500 in 1867 → 2024 | Inflation Calculator.” Official Inflation Data, Alioth Finance, 21 Aug. 2024, https://www.officialdata.org/us/inflation/1867?amount=2500

[18] Household of Eliphalet Veeder, New York States census, Fulton County, Johnstown, Page 492, Line 35

[19] Hayden, Martha, Plank Roads – A short Era in History, August 9, 2022, The Restless Viking, https://www.restless-viking.com/2022/08/09/plank-roads-a-short-era-in-history/

Heller, Dorothy, Plank Roads, December 30, 2020, Town of Clay, https://townofclay.org/departments/historian/history-mysteries/plank-roads

List of plank roads in New York, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on May 8, 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_plank_roads_in_New_York

Blast from the Past: Old Plant Roads of Fulton County, May 7 2023, Daily Gazette, https://www.dailygazette.com/leader_herald/towns/fulton_county/blast-from-the-past-old-plank-roads-of-fulton-county/article_f7c89026-b43c-5e62-9546-1cd6864a0008.html

[20] Atlas of Montgomery and Fulton, Published by J. Jay Stranahan and Beach Nichols in 1868, digitalized by the David Ramsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries, https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~226773~5506920:Gloversville,-Fulton-County,-New-Yo

[21] New York Land Deeds, Fulton County, Volume 34. Pages 538 & 539, 13 Nov 1867, Grantor: Louis and Rosina Knoff, Grantee: Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad (FJ&G) company

[22] The New York State Legislature passed an act on April 2, 1850 entitled “An Act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations and to regulate the same”. This law allowed railroad companies to acquire land and property under the provisions of the act in order to construct and operate their railroads. Specifically, Section 14 of the 1850 law stated that railroad corporations “may acquire under and in virtue of the provisions of this act” any real estate required for the construction and operation of the railroad, and all necessary lands.

The law empowered railroad companies to acquire property through eminent domain if needed for their rail lines. If the railroad was unable to obtain the land by contract or agreement, it was authorized to acquire the property “in the manner provided by law for the appropriation of private property for public use”.

This 1850 law was a key piece of legislation that facilitated the rapid growth of railroads in New York in the mid-19th century by granting them the legal authority to obtain the land required to build their routes. It was one of several important railroad laws enacted in New York State between 1850 and 1871

Railroad Laws of the State of New York From 1850 to 1971 inclusive, Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1871, https://www.google.com/books/edition/Railroad_Laws_of_the_State_of_New_York_f/NEA1AQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PA1&printsec=frontcover

[23] Larner, Paul, Our Railroad: The History of the Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville railroad (1867 – 1893), Bloomington, Anchor House, 2009, Page 26

[24] John Sperber, Grantee, Ellery R. Corey, Grantor, 14 Feb 1868, Fulton County Deeds, Volume Number 36, Page Number 115

[25] As indicated in a prior story, the house and business numbering system within Gloversville changed a number of times throughout Gloversville’s history. The numbering system appeared to remain constant between 1893 and 1903. Information in Gloversville City Directories in the ’90s confirm the Sperbers lived at 243 South Main Street and the Knoffs lived at 246 South Main Street.

[26] See Image 22 of Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from 1902 Gloversville, Fulton County, New York, Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York., Sanborn Map Company, Oct 1902, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902/?sp=22&st=image

Sanborn maps were distinguished in the 1800s by their highly detailed depictions of U.S. cities and towns for fire insurance purposes. Some key distinguishing features of Sanborn maps from this time period include:

Detailed building information: The maps outlined each building and included details like construction materials (indicated by color), number of windows and doors, and locations of fire walls. This allowed fire insurance companies to assess risks for individual properties.

Extensive coverage: By the late 1800s, Sanborn was mapping thousands of cities and towns across the U.S., making their maps the most comprehensive set of fire insurance maps available. Even small towns that may have been overlooked by other mapmakers were often covered by Sanborn.

Standardized symbols and colors: Sanborn developed a sophisticated and consistent set of symbols and colors to represent building features, allowing complex information to be conveyed clearly on the maps. For example, yellow always indicated a wooden structure while red indicated brick.

Large-scale, regularly updated maps: The maps were produced at a detailed scale of 50 feet per inch on large 21 by 25 inch sheets. For many towns, updated maps were released as often as every five years to reflect changes.

Dominance in Fire Insurance mapping: Although other companies produced fire insurance maps in the 1800s, by the early 1900s Sanborn had become so dominant that their name was synonymous with the industry. Their extensive, standardized, and frequently updated maps made them the leader in fire insurance mapping.

Sanborn Maps, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 1 May 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanborn_maps

Notes from the Field: Mapping History with Sanborn Maps, HAI Legal: The Factual Research and Analysis Consultancy, https://www.hailegal.com/sanborn-insurance-maps/

Wertz, Frederick, Fire Insurance Maps: Sanborns and Others, Dec 13, 2019, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/blog/fire-insurance-maps-sanborns-and-others

What is a Fire Insurance Map, HistoryMosaic, https://historymosaic.com/resources/

Ristow, Walter W., Introduction to the Collection, Library of Congress, Fire Insurance Maps: in the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/collections/sanborn-maps/articles-and-essays/introduction-to-the-collection/

How to Read Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, May 26 2000, Geostat, Charlottesville: University of Virginia, http://projects.mcah.columbia.edu/courses/newyork/pdf/SanbornMap_instruct.pdf

Introduction to the Collection, Sanborn Maps, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/collections/sanborn-maps/articles-and-essays/introduction-to-the-collection/

[27] Kidskin, Wikilpedia, This page was last edited on 16 October 2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidskin

[28] Alum paste tanning involves applying a paste made of alum, salt, and water directly to the flesh side of the hideThe main types of alum include potassium alum (potash alum), sodium alum (soda alum), ammonium alum, and chrome alum.

The hide is then covered and left for several days. Alum paste can be scraped off and disposed of in a sealed bag, making cleanup easier since the alum doesn’t contaminate a large volume of water.

Invicta Flies – Tanning with Alum, https://invictaflies.tripod.com/id211.htm

Aluminum Sulfate Tanning, Van Dyke’s, https://www.vandykestaxidermy.com/Aluminum-Sulfate.aspx

Tawing with alum, Leather Dictionary, https://www.leather-dictionary.com/index.php/Tawing_with_alum

Roger Barlee, Aluminium Tannages, Volume 11, Spring 2001, J Hewit & Sons Ltd Leather Manufacturers, https://www.hewit.com/skin_deep/?volume=11&article=2

[29] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities: How A People and Their Craft Built Two Cities, NY: Lake View Press, 1999, page 50

[30] Due to a number of political and bureaucratic conflicts, no state census was taken in 1885. New York State coordinated a census in 1892, and skipped the census which should have occurred in 1895, and then resumed census-taking every ten years in the fifth year of each decade—1905, 1915, and 1925. Records for the 1992 census are not available for all counties. All but 13 New York counties are available for this census. Fulton county is not available.

Most of the 1890 Federal census records were badly damaged by a fire in the Commerce Department building in January 1921. Only fragments of the general population schedules for some states and D.C. survived. There are no records of Fulton county for the 1890 census. 

New York State Census Records Online, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/subject-guide/new-york-state-census-records-online

Availability of 1890 census, United States census Bureau, https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/availability_of_1890_census.html#:~:text=Most%20of%20the%20census’%20population,in%20its%20Spring%201996%20Prologue.

U.S. Census Bureau History: 1890 Census Fire, January 10, 1921, https://www.census.gov/history/www/homepage_archive/2021/january_2021.html

Eleventh census of the United States, 1890. M407.3 rolls, National Archives, https://www.archives.gov/research/census/microfilm-catalog/1790-1890/part-08

1890 United States census, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 19 July 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1890_United_States_census

New York State Censuses, FamilySearch Wiki, Family Search, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/New_York_Census_State_Censuses

New York State Censuses, FamilySearch Wiki, Family Search, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/New_York_Census_State_Censuses

[31] Rosina (Fliegel) Knoff, Birth: 4 Mar 1826, Death: 22 Jan 1891 (aged 64), Burial: Prospect Hill cemetery, Gloversville, NY; Plot: Sec 57 Knoff Lot; Memorial ID: 32297870, Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297870/rosina-knoff

Click for Larger View | Source: Rosina (Fliegel) Knoff, Birth: 4 Mar 1826, Death: 22 Jan 1891 (aged 64), Burial: Prospect Hill cemetery, Gloversville, NY; Plot: Sec 57 Knoff Lot; Memorial ID: 32297870, Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297870/rosina-knoff

Rosina Knoff, New York Wills and Probate Records, Letters Test, Volume 0002-0003, 1856 – 1901, Page 498

[32] Louis Knoff Obituary, The Gloversville Daily Leader, 8 April 1893, Page 8

Louis Knoff, Birth: 8 Jan 1828; Death: 7 Apr 1893; Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Gloversville, NY; Plot: Sec 57 Knoff Lot; Memorial ID: 32297867;  Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297867/louis-knoff

Click for Larger View | Source: Louis Knoff, Birth: 8 Jan 1828; Death: 7 Apr 1893; Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Gloversville, NY; Plot: Sec 57 Knoff Lot; Memorial ID: 32297867;  Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297867/louis-knoff

Louis Knoff, Administrators Bonds,  1890 – 1899, Page 183

Click for Larger View | Source:Louis Knoff, Administrators Bonds,  1890 – 1899, Page 183

[33] A Carl Knoff is found in the 1900 Federal census but lives in Johnstown, N.Y. He was a boarder living on Burson Street in Johnstown. He was 36 years old, single, and was a leather finisher. It is not known if he was related to the Knoff brothers.

Carl Knoff, 1900 U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Johnstow Ward 01, District 0018, Page 8, Line 28.

He is also found in the 1910 U.S. Federal census at the age of 47. He is still a boarded but at a different address and is employed at a Leather Mill.

1910, U.S. Federal census, New York, Fulton County, Johnstown Ward 2, District 0027, Page 6, Line 43

[34] Louis Knoff, Birth 20 Mar 1870; Death 11 Apr 1941 (Aged 71), Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery; Gloversville, Fulton County, NY; Memorial ID: 32297861, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297861/louis-knoff

Louis Knoff Junior, Marriage certificate 14299

Click for Larger View | Source: Louis Knoff, New York Marriage Index, 1881-1967, 15 Aug 1894, Gloversville, Marriage Certificate 14299, Page 456

[35] Louisa Schmidtt’s birth date is uncertain. Her gravestone indicates she was born in 1871.

Louisa M Schmitt wife of Louis Knoff Jr., Birth: 16 Aug 1871, Death: 27 Feb 1957 (Aged 85); Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery; Plot Sec 57 Knoff Lott; Memorial ID: 32297862, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/32297862/louisa-m-knoff

However, her reported birth date in Federal and State census years varies. Her reported birth date in 1840 corresponds with the date that was inscribed on her headstone. Otherwise, another likely birth year is 1873.

Reported Birth Dates in Various Federal & State Census

YearReported AgeBrith Year

Louisa Schmidtt, Marriage certificate 14299

Click for Larger View | Source: Louisa Schmidt, New York Marriage Index, 1881-1967, 15 Aug 1894, Gloversville, Marriage Certificate 14299, Page 713

[36] The address location for the household of Louis and Louisa Sperber is based on information in the 1990 census that indicates street number and street.

Click for Larger View | Source: Louis Knoff Household, 1900 U.S. Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 02, District 0009, Page B8 Line 100 & Page A9 Lines 1 – 3

[37] Facts related to the births of Louis and Louisa Knoff’s children are based on information from Birth Index records and social security records.

The Children of Louis Knoff Jr. and Louisa Knoff

NameBirth date
Charlotte Rosina Knoff21 AUG 1895
Lillian Gertrude Knoff23 NOV 1896
Florence Elizabeth Knoff17 SEP 1898
Marion Augusta Knoff 22 JUL 1906

Charlotte Rosina Knoff, New York State Birth Index, 1881-1942, New York State Department of Health, 1895, Brith certificate No. 35361, Page 470

Charlotte Rosina Knoff, New York Death Index, New York State Department of health, 1895, Death Certificate No. 51565

Lillian G. Knoff, New York State Birth Index, 1881 – 1942, 1896, certificate No. 51462, Page 483

Florence Elizabeth Knoff Dutcher, Birth: 17 Sep 1898; Death: 28 Oct 2001 (aged 103), Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery, Gloversville, NY; Memorial ID: 112660825,  https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/112660825/florence-elizabeth-dutcher

Florence K Dutcher, U.S. Social Security Applications and Clams Index, 1936 – 2007, Birth Date 17 Sep 1898, 20 Oct 2001, Claim Date: 7 Jun 1963, SSN: 097283041

Marion Augusta Selmser, Birth: 22 Jul 1906; Death: 19 Jan 2005; Burial: Prospect Hill cemetery, Gloversville, NY: Plot: Section 115; Memorial ID: 236510560, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/236510560/marion-augusta-selmser

Marion Selmser, U.S. Social Security Death Index, SSN: 086-2653; Birth Date: 22 Jul 1905, Issue Year: 1962; Death Date 19 Jan 2005

[38] In addition to occupational references in Federal population censuses, local Newspaper articles refer to Louis Knoff as a motorman. For example a human interest story about Louis finding a 7 leaf clover refers to him as a motorman.

Click for Larger View | Source:The Johnstown Daily Republican, 18 June 1907, Page 5

He was also a witness in a state Supreme Court case involving personal injury to a woman riding the electric train in Gloversville. His testimony was related to his actions as the motorman in the rail car. 

Source: The Johnstown Daily Republican, Wednesday, June 5, 1901, page 3: See article

[39] Ella Sperber, Grantee, Andrew D. Simmons, Grantor, 27 Nov 1886, Entry Number 68, page Number 287, Index of deeds, Fulton County, New York, page 689, line 9

New York Land Records, Fulton County, Deeds 1886 – 1887, Vol 68 , Page 287

[40] Frederick Sperber Household, 1900 Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 02, District 0009, Page 6, Lines 30 -35

[41] Sophia Sperber, Birth: 28 Oct 1832; Death: 17 Mar 1897 (aged 64); Burial: Prospect Hill cemetery; Plot: Sec 8; Memorial ID: 158847782; Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/158847782/sophia-sperber. The Find A Grave source, incorrectly indicates Sophia was born in Baden Baden. She was born near Heidelberg, in Ittlingen.

[42]  Ida M. Sperber, Marriage certificate 5207, 25 Mar 1897 Gloversville, New York State Department of Health; Albany, NY, USA; New York State Marriage Index, New York State Marriage Index, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY. 
Ancestry.com. New York State, Marriage Index, 1881-1967 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2017., 1987, Page 767, Marriage certificate 5207

[43] Gloversville City Directory 1903, O. .H. Bame & Co., Page 201

Johann Wolfgang Sperber, Part Eight: 1890 – 1905 Establishing his Legacy

As stated in the first part of this multipart story:

“Johann left his homeland, traveling from the Rhine Valley to a port on the English Channel. He then endured the journey across the Atlantic in a packet ship. He married a German lady with a child who experienced the same journey from Baden, Germany. They established their roots in the fast growing twin cities of Johnstown and Gloversville, New York. Johann became a glove maker and eventually worked in one of the largest glove making manufacturing firms in the county. A firm that was run by one of Teddy Roosevelt’s college roommates.” – excerpt from part one of the story of John Wolfgang Sperber

The Maturing Glove Industry, Growth and Prosperity in the 1890s

The Sperber families were living in good times in the 1890s, even when there were bleak stretches in the American economy. Albert Aaron, a superintendent of the Louis Meyers & Sons Glove company in Gloversville stated “When business is bad throughout the United States, glove business is dull“. [1]

In the 1890s, the United States experienced a period of economic instability and transformation. While the country had become the world’s most productive economy by 1890, surpassing Britain, it faced significant challenges during this decade. The 1890s was a decade of stark contrasts for the U.S. economy – overall growth and industrialization alongside a severe depression, inequality, and unrest. The economy of the United States in the 1890s was marked by a severe depression known as the Panic of 1893, followed by a period of recovery and growth in the latter part of the decade. [2]

“The year 1890 saw the acceleration of the fine glove industry that became Fulton County’s claim to fame. … Between 1890 and 1900, there was a 47 percent increase in the value in the county’s glove production. In the same decade immigrants increased the local population by 33 percent, while the number of workers rose by 59 percent, implying an huge increase in two-income families and in the number of part-time homeworkers. Johnstown produced 40 percent as much as Gloversville. In 1900, the county produced 57 percent of all gloves produced in the United States. [3]

Modern technology was incorporated into glove shops and tanneries. While gas continued to be used for lighting in most homes and factories, electric power for lighting was introduced. The Gloversville power company was incorporated in 1890 using steam generators and quickly began to power street lights and industries. Within a year Gloversville factories had acquired 500 electric powered sewing machines. Natural light was still essential for cutting and making gloves despite the use of gaslights. [4]

The Sperber Household in the ’90s

Through the 1890s, the Sperber household witnessed the emancipation of all of their children and the joys of marriage and death.

As reflected in table one, John and Sophie had three children still living with them at the beginning of the decade. Ida Sperber, the youngest of the family was 14 and in school. Louis Sperber was around 21 and working. Kate Sperber was 26 and sewing gloves at home

At the end of the decade, John was a widower and was living with his two daughters Ida and Kate and Ida’s husband Charles Griffis.

Table One: John Sperber’s Family and Household in the 1890s

1890 –
in house-
hold entire
John Father1828-190562-72Yes
SophiaMother1832-189758-68Until 1897
RoseDaughter1856-194234-44 *No
FrederickSon1859-193631-41 **No
Louis P. Son1869-192021-31 ***First 3 years
Kate Daughter1864-194126-36Yes
Ida MayDaughter1876-195414-24Yes
* Rose Sperber married at 20 years of age in 1876, left the household and lived in Brooklyn, New York;
** Frederick Sperber did not live in his father’s household in the 1890’s.
** Louis Sperber married in 1893 and lived in his own household.

Available Historical Evidence in the 1880s and 1890s

For Federal and New York state census information, there is a ‘dark age’ between 1880 and 1905.

Due to a number of political and bureaucratic conflicts, no state census was taken in 1885. New York State coordinated a census in 1892, and skipped the census which should have occurred in 1895, and then resumed census-taking every ten years in the fifth year of each decade—1905, 1915, and 1925. Records for the 1992 census are not available for all counties. All but 13 New York counties are available for this census. Fulton county is not available. [5]

Most of the 1890 Federal census records were badly damaged by a fire in the Commerce Department building in January 1921. Only fragments of the general population schedules for some states and D.C. survived. There are no records of Fulton county for the 1890 census. [6]

While we do not have access of census material to glean a snapshot of the composition of the Sperber household during this period of time. However, city directories may provide clues as to where family members resided and what was their stated occupations. Comparing family member information from the directories can provide a basis to determine the locations of family members within the city. Of course this is a hit or miss discovery since not all individuals were canvassed or elected to actively post their name, address, and stated occupation in city directories. Incomplete evidence is better than none at all. The question is not whether directories are perfect, but whether their imperfections are so serious as to preclude their use completely. [7]

The first known city directory in the United States was published in 1786 for the city of Philadelphia. In the early 1800s. City directories began to be published more regularly for major cities like New York, Boston, Baltimore and Charleston. By the mid-nineteenth century, city directories became increasingly common and were being published for many cities and towns across the country.  [8]

City directories in the 1800s typically contained an alphabetical listing of residents and businesses along with their addresses. [9]

The History of Street Numbering Houses and Businesses

“The custom of numbering houses is now so well established in all cities or towns of any size, and house numbers are so indispensable to modern urban life , that it is natural for even the historian to rely too blindly on them.” [10]

Having a coordinated address system, including the match of property numbers to the nearest numbered blocks is a system that evolved in different ways in cities and towns. As population density and size of towns started to increase there was a need to more precise ways to locate a given property or inhabitants in a given town or city. Early approaches merely listed the location of a given town or city for individuals. As the population grew in a given area, street were added as unique geographic identifiers. [11]

“The frequent changes which take place in the numbering of streets are a great inconvenience.  They are often made without notice to the occupier of a dwelling, the plate containing the number over his door is changed without his knowing it, so that he who goes to bed at No. 50 in his street, may wake up the next morning at No. 100 … these proceedings are very uncomfortable to householders. They occasion confusion and mistakes in the delivery of letters and packages, and perplex strangers who re looking for the residence of their acquaintances in town.” [12]

The Sperbers in City Directories

The change in the numbering of households over time is apparent in Gloversville. As reflected in the table below, while John Sperber was in the same house since 1868, the address for John Sperber’s house changed three times between 1881 and 1903. Between 1881 and 1887, the Sperber household was located at 12 South Main Street. Between 1888 and 1890, their address was 155 South Main Street. After 1894, their address was 243 South Main Street. This trend suggests that the area became more complex from development of houses and commercial establishments.

Table One: John Sperber – Stated Occupation and Residence Addresses Found in Gloversville City Directories 1881 to 1903

1881Glove Maker 12 S MainGloversville Directory
1882Glove Finisher 12 S MainGloversville Directory
1883Glove Finisher 12 S MainGloversville Directory
1884Glove Cutter 12 S MainGloversville Directory
1885Glove Finisher 12 S MainGloversville Directory
1886Glove Finisher 12 S MainGloversville Directory
1887Glover12 S MainGloversville Directory
1888Glove Finisher155 S Main Gloversville Directory
1889Glover155 S Main Gloversville Directory
1890Glover155 S MainGloversville Directory
1892Glover155 S MainGloversville Directory
1893Glover155 S MainGloversville Directory
1894Glover243 S Main StGloversville Directory
1900Glove Finisher243 S Main StFederal Census
1903Glover243 S Main Gloversville Directory
Source: Gloversville City Directories, published by O. .H. Bame & Co

Reviewing the city directories during this time period reveals a number of interesting details of where Sperber family members lived in relation to each other. One must keep in mind that similar to the changes in house numbering for John Sperber’s home, the numbering of households for his sons, Frederick Sperber and Louis Sperber, also changed. Despite the changes in house numbers, it is apparent that Sperber family members lived close to each other or lived together in the 1880s and 1890s.

The following two images are from the 1892 and 1893 Gloversville Directories. The top part of images one and two are the page headers of the directory pages and the lower part is the portion of the pages that have Sperber family member listings.

There are three members of the Sperber family listed in the 1892 and 1893 city directories. In 1893 Louis Sperber was living in his father’s household, located at 155 South Main Street. John Sperber and his son Louis are listed as ‘glovers’. John’s older son, Frederick, a policeman, was living at 82 Broad Street.

Image One: 1892 Gloversville City Directory

Click for Larger View | Source: Gloversville City Directory 1892, O. .H. Bame & Co., Page 179

Image Two: 1893 Gloversville City Directory

Click for Larger View | Source: Gloversville City Directory 1893, O. .H. Bame & Co., Page 194

Image three is a page from the 1894 city directory (see below). As indicated in table one, there was a second change in the city numbering of households between the publication of the 1893 and 1894 city directories. While the address numbers changed John Sperber and Frederick Sperber resided in the same domiciles.

Image Three: 1894 Gloversville City Directory

Click for Larger View | Source: Gloversville City Directory 1894, O. .H. Bame & Co., Page 158

In the 1894 city directory, Louis P. Sperber, was listed as a tanner and lived across the street from his father’s house at 246 South Main Street.

Perhaps the major reason Louis moved out of his father’s house between 1893 and 1894 was that he married Anna Sprung on May 10th, 1893. [13] It is not known if the property that Louis lived at in 1894 is the property that was purchased in Sophia Sperber’s name in 1882, as discussed in part seven of this story .

They had a daughter Marguerita who was born the following year on August 5, 1894. However, she passed away at the age of 8 months on April 8, 1895. [14] It is not known why she died at such a young age. Multiple infectious diseases posed serious risks to children’s health in America in 1894, with smallpox, diphtheria, measles and scarlet fever causing significant epidemics and mortality in the late ninetenth century. [15]

Frederick Sperber continued to live on Broad Street but the house number changed from 82 to 13 Broad Street between 1893 and 1894..

While Kate Sperber was not listed in the directories in the 1880s and 1890s, it is assumed that she was living with their parents. Kate was John and Sophias’ fourth child. While Kate was 30 in 1894, Kate never married and lived with her parents in the 1890’s and then with her sister Ida’s family throughout her life.

Ida Sperber, the youngest in the family, was 18 in 1894. Ida was probably living at home and working as a glover maker.

As reflected in the 1895 city directory below, in 1895 John and Fredrick continue to live in their respective houses. Louis Sperber relocated to 3 West Woodside Avenue.

Image Four: 1895 Gloversville City Directory

Click for Larger View | Source: Gloversville City Directory 1894, O. .H. Bame & Co., Page 158

Correlating City Directory Information with Historical Maps

Genealogists can gain valuable insights using historical city directories in conjunction with maps made during the same time frame to analyze and document detailed historical spatial information on where relatives lived in relation to other family members in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The use of directories and maps can also account for research challenges like changing street names and city boundaries over time. The combination of these two sources allows genealogists and researchers to ‘geocode’ historical address data to a high degree of accuracy. [16]

Map One: Title Page for Sanborn Maps of Gloversville 1902

Click for Larger View | Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York, Sanborn Map Company, Oct 1902, Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C.http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902

The 1902 Sanborn map series had 32 maps of the city of Gloversville. The Title page, above, provides a street index of the city streets and a color coded depiction of each of the specific areas that have individual maps of the buildings in the city.

The Sanborn Map Company was a prominent American publisher of detailed fire insurance maps from 1867 to the late 20th century. The maps provided detailed information about the size, shape, construction materials and function of buildings in urban areas. They also included details like street names and widths, property boundaries, building use, and the location of water mains, fire alarms and fire hydrants and the exact street numbers of buildings. [17]

While city directories were more of a listing focused on occupants, the Sanborn maps provided a visual representation emphasizing the characteristics of the commercial and residential builldings. The Sanborn maps used standardized colors and symbols to efficiently convey structural information relevant for assessing fire risk. [18] However, the two resources are very complementary when used together for historical research. The city directories help identify specific people, businesses and addresses to locate on the Sanborn maps. The maps then provide rich detail about what those properties looked like at the time.

The Sanborn Company produced their distinctive type of maps for Gloversville in 1902 and 1905. Fortunately the address locations of the Sperber households were included in various sections of their Gloversville maps. Map two below is the cover map of the 1902 map series. I have highlighted the area where John and Sophie Sperber lived since 1868.

Map Two: Cover Map of Sanborn Map of Gloversville in 1902

Click for Larger View | Source: Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York., Sanborn Map Company, Published Oct 1902, Digital Id http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902  

Johann Sperber’s household was located in section 22 of the Sanborn Gloversville map series. Map three below is page twenty-six of the map series. John’s household was located just above the measurement legend on the map in the lower left hand corner.

Map Two: 243 South Main Street, Gloversville, NY – Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County

A blow up of the lower left hand portion of map six is provided in map three below. Sperber’s household is located in the middle of the blow up map, the back end of the property borders on the Cayadurra Creek. The Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad (FJ&G) touches the corner of the back of his property.

Based on the Sanborn color coding, symbols and numbers, John Sperber’s house was a wood frame building with two stories in the front of the house. There were two attached rooms on the back end of the house and a side entrance to the house.

Map Three: Blow Up of Sanborn Map of 243 South Main Street

A correlation of facts found in the 1902 Sanborn Map 22 of Gloversville and in the city directory of 1894 reveals how close the households of the three males in the Sperber family were in Gloversville. See map four below.

The street numbering did not change between 1894 and 1902 in Gloversville, so it is plausible to assume that the address locations listed in the 1894 city directory correspond to the street numbers found in the 1902 Sanborn map.

Map Four: Blown Up Portion of a 1902 Sanborn Map 22 of Gloversville Depicting Proximity of Three Sperber Households in 1894

What is striking when looking at map one is the proximity of each of the Sperber family households. John’s eldest son Frederick was living at 13 Broad Street which was close to the intersection of Broad Street and South Main Street. Frederick’s house was the third house from the intersection on Broad Street. John’s house was four house from the intersection on South Main Street. It was a short walk in between the households.

Frederick Sperber’s family was living on Broad Street since 1886. Based on Fulton county land deed documents, they purchased property on Broad Street in Ella Sperber’s name from Andrew D. & Mary C. Simmons. [19] The house was originally occupied by the Sunderlin Family. In the 1880 Federal census documented that the Sunderlin family was the third house on Broad Street. [20] It is not known why the property was placed in Ella’s name.

Frederick and Ella purchased the property when they were both 30 years old. They had three of their four children when they bought the property on November 1, 1886. At the time, their youngest, Frederick John Sperber, was about a month and a half old. He was born September 18th.

During the 1890s, Frederick, who was the Chief of Police for Gloversville, and his wife Ella had a family of teenagers and toddlers. By the end of the decade Rose, their oldest was 19 years old. Rose was living with her parents and was a pocket book maker. Arthur and Frederick John Sperber were teenagers. Arthur was a glove finisher and his brother was still in school. [21]

Table Two: Frederick Sperber’s Family in the 1890s

Age Between
1890 & 1900
Frederick SperberFather1859193631 – 41
Ella (Aucock) SperberMother1859192831 – 41
Rose M. SperberDaughter1880194510 – 20
Arthur William SperberSon188319317 – 17
Frederick John SerberSon188619456 – 16
Guy SperberSon188919401

As reflected in table three below, Louis P. Sperber, John and Sophia’s second son, resided in various places in Gloversville, New York throughout his life. Until he was married, he lived with his father and mother. As previously mentioned, during his first two years of marriage, he and Anna lived across the street from his father at 246 South Main Street. As reflected in map four above, the house was a wooden frame one room house with a porch.

As indicated in image four above, in 1895 he and his wife Anna lived at 3 Woodside Ave. In 1900, he and his wife Ann, lived with her mother Kate Sprung at 14 Washington Street. In 1902 he and Anna lived next door to his mother-in-law , at 14 Washington Street. In 1903, the couple resided at 18 Spring and in 1904 at 32 Elm Street. In 1909 through 1912 Louis and Ann, along with her mother, lived at 25 S School.  While it is not known when Ann passed away, Louis P Sperber remarried Rose Clancey in 1913.  [22] Louis Sperber died at the age of 51 years on September 15, 1920. [23]

Table Three: Louis P. Sperber – Occupation and Residence Addresses Found in Sampled Gloversville City Directories 1881 to 1903

YearAge OccupationAddressSource
188822Glover Finisher155 S. Main St.Gloversville City Directory Page 156
188923Glover155 S Main St.Gloversville City Directory Page 147
189024Glover155 S Main StGloversville City Directory Page 155
189125Glover155 S Main StGloversville City Directory Page 168
189428Tanner246 S Main StGloversville City Directory Page 158
189529Tanner3 Woodside Ave.Gloversville City Directory Page 165
190031Policeman14 Washington St.1900 Federal Census *
190233Policeman12 Washington StGloversville City Directory Page 195
190334Policeman18 Spring St.Gloversville City Directory Page 201
190435Policeman32 Elm St.Gloversville City Directory Page 189
190939Glover25 S. SchoolGloversville City Directory Page 334
Fownes Bros.
25 S. SchoolGloversville City Directory Page 307
* 1900, Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville, Ward 01, District 0007, Page 16, Lines 34-36

The following map five illustrates the various places listed in table two for the various residence addresses where Louis Sperber lived.

Map Five: Location of Various Places Where Louis P. Sperber Lived in Gloversville, N.Y.

Click for Larger View | Map Source: Image 1 of Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York, Library of Congress,https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902/?sp=1&st=image , Residence locations from various City Directories of Gloversville

John Sperber was living three doors down from the household of his brother-in-law, Louis Knoff. As mentioned in prior parts of this story, Louis Knoff had a successful tanning business and was married to Sophia (Fliegel) Sperber’s sister Rosa (Rose) Fliegel. Louis Knoff established his tanning business along the Cadayutta Creek on South Main Street in 1865.

While the Sperbers lived in wood framed houses, the Knoff family lived in a brick house. This can be discerned by examining the Sanborn map in map four above. The structure located at 235 South Main Street is color coded in red. Color plays an important role in the Sanborn maps. Brick and tile structures are represented with a reddish/pink color while the use of yellow indicates frame, or wood, structures. [24]

1897: Marriage and Death in the Family

Four years before her passing, Sophia Sperber created or updated her last Will and Testament on April 19th, 1893. She made her nephew, Herman Knoff, the executor of her will. [25]

Sophia passed away on March 17, 1897. She was 65 years and five months old. Sophia was buried in Prospect Hill cemetery in Gloversville, New York. [26]

Headstone of Sophia Fliegel “Wife of John W. Sperber

Click for Larger View | Source: Sophia Fliegel, Death Date Ma 17 1897, Prospect Hill Cemetery, Memorial ID 158847782, Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/158847782/sophia-sperber

Eights days after her passing, Sophia’s youngest daughter, Ida Sperber, married Charles Griffis on March 25, 1987 in Gloversville. [27]

The following photograph was taken towards the end of the decade: on March 14, 1898. In one of only three existing photographs of John Sperber, John Sperber is sitting in the center of the photograph, presumably in his home. John Sperber was 69 years old. Standing behind him are, from left to right, Ann Sprung (Age 22), Katherine (Kate) Sperber (age 33), Lewis Sperber (age 28, Ann’s husband), Ida Sperber (age 21) and Charles Griffis (age 20).

Sperber Family Gathering March 14, 1898

Source: Family Collection. On the back of the photograph was the following handwritten statement: Left to right: Kate Sperber, unknown, unknown, Ida Griffis, Charles Griffis, center – Grandfather Sperper, 03-14-1898 | Click for Larger View

The photograph documents and reflects a pivotal time in the Sperber family. Sophia the matriarch of the family passed away a year before on March 17, 1987. Ida Sperber married Charles Griffis on March 25, 1987.

The Turn of the Century: the 1900s

In 1900, John Sperber was around 72 years old, widowed; and living other family members at 243 South Main Street, Gloversville, New York. The household consisted of John along with his daughter Kate and his youngest daughter Ida and her husband Charles Griffis.

“In every census year between 1850 and 1900, over 75 per cent of elderly men residing with a child were listed as the household head. This suggests that in multigenerational households including elderly men, the older generation ordinarily retained authority. It is doubtful that many of these elderly men had moved in with their children because they could no longer support themselves ; it is far more plausible that the younger generation remained in the parental household after reaching adulthood. “ [28]

John Sperber Household in 1900

Click for Larger View | Source: 1900 U.S. Federal Census New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 1, Fulton, New York; Roll: 1036; Page: 5; Enumeration District: 0006 Page 5 Lines 98 – 100 & Page 6 Line 1

At the age of 75, John Sperber was still listed in the Gloversville Directory as a glover, living in the same house he raised his family in the late 1860s. His oldest son, the Chief of Police of Gloversville, Frederick, lived right around the corner. Frederick’s son, Arthur Sperber, living with his father, was a conductor for the railroad.

1903 Gloversville City Directory

Click for Larger View | Source: Gloversville City Directory 1903, O. .H. Bame & Co., Page 201

On June 29th, 1903, Harold Griffis was born. His parents Charles Griffis and Ida (Sperber) Griffis lived with John Sperber at the time of his birth.

John Wolfgang Sperber passed away on January 27th, 1905, twenty-five days after his 77th birthday. Harold Griffis was one year and a half years old when his grandfather passed away. It is not known what was his cause of death.

The following photograph is an undated photograph of the house located at 243 South Main Street. On the back of the photograph, a handwritten note indicates: “Room in upper left is where Harold was born”. An ‘X’ was made on the photograph to indicate the location of Harold’s birth on the second floor. It is presumed that the two individuals on the porch of the house are Charles Griffis and Ida (Sperber) Griffis.

Birthplace of Harold Griffis – 243 South Main Street

Click for Larger View | Source: Griffis Family Collection of Photographs

Below is a photograph of his headstone. John or Johann was buried beside his wife Sophia in Prospect Hill cemetery, Gloversville, New York. It is interesting to note that the headstone of his son-law, Charles A. Griffis, is in the background. Charles was the father of Harold Griffis.

Headstone of John Wolfgang Sperber – Inscription on Top: “Father”

Click for Larger View | Source: John Wolfgang Sperber; 2 Jan 1828, Baden, Germany; Death 27 Jan 1905 (age 77); Gloversville, Fulton County, New York; Burial: Prospect Hill Cemetery; Plot: Sec 8’ Memorial ID: 158839082; https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/158839082/john-wolfgang-sperber

John Wolfgang Sperber lived a long and full life. Perhaps for a number of reasons, he chose to leave his homeland on the Rhine River and create a new life in America. He found Sophie Fliegel and they raised a family in the thriving city of Gloversville. John Wolfgang Sperber and his wife, Sophia Fliegel, had six children; seven grandchildren; and five great grand children. 

They had two sons, John Frederick Sperber and Louis P Sperber. Louis did not have any sons. John Frederick, however, had three sons: Arthur J Sperber, Frederick John Sperber, and Guy Sperber. None of the three grandsons had any sons to carry the Sperber name forward. Of the remaining Sperbers, Ida Sperber was the last member of the Sperber family. Ida May (Sperber) Griffis died in 1954.

Despite the surname not continuing through future generations, the remaining descendants of John Sperber are represented through his grandson Harold Griffis. Through Harold Griffis, he has four great grandchildren, eight greatgrandchildren, fourteen great3grandchildren, and seven great4grandchildren.


Feature Photograph: The banner for this story is an amalgam of old and new photographs and a map. The photographs on each end of the banner are of the headstones for John and Sophia Sperber. The middle photograph is from an 1898 family photograph of the Sperber family at John’s house. The 1902 map of Gloversville shows the location of John’s house that he lived in for over thirty years.

[1] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities: How A People and Their Craft Built Two Cities, NY: Lake View Press, 1999, Page 59

[2] The economy of the United States in the 1890s was marked by a severe depression known as the Panic of 1893, followed by a period of recovery and growth in the latter part of the decade.

Economic Boom and Industrialization: The late 19th century saw rapid industrialization and economic growth in the U.S. This economic transformation made the U.S. a leading industrial power by the end of the century. However, the gains were not evenly distributed, exacerbating economic inequality. Key developments included:

  • Expansion of railroads, linking the country and enabling the growth of national markets
  • Rise of large-scale manufacturing, with output doubling between 1870 and 1890
  • Technological innovations like the lightbulb, telephone, and new manufacturing processes
  • Growth of corporate America and new management systems for large-scale operations
  • Shift from an agricultural to industrial economy, with manufacturing surpassing agriculture’s share of the labor force

The Panic of 1893 and Economic Depression: Despite the overall growth trend, the 1890s were punctuated by a severe economic depression.

  • The Panic of 1893 led to a major contraction in investment, commerce, prices, and employment lasting several years;
  • Unemployment rose from around 3% in 1892 to 19% in 1894, with over 3 million Americans out of work at the peak; It led to immense hardship for workers and farmers;
  • Thousands of businesses, including major railroads, failed; banks collapsed, farm foreclosures surged; and 
  • Causes included speculation in railroads, shaky finances, and a run on gold spurred by European concerns.

Social and Political Upheaval: The economic turmoil of the 1890s fueled social unrest and political challenges to the status quo. The decade saw the existing two-party system strained by demands for change and a realignment in the 1896 election. The depression exposed the need for new policies to regulate the industrial economy and provide social protections.

  • Major strikes like the Homestead and Pullman strikes reflected growing labor militancy;
  • The Populist Party surged, channeling discontent and proposing economic reforms;
  • Marches by unemployed workers like Coxey’s Army demanded government jobs programs; and
  • Farmers faced falling prices and heavy debt burdens, losing land to foreclosures.

[3] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities, Page 59 – 60

See also glove industry statistics in: See also Hunt, Arthur, Twelfth Census of the United States, Census Bulletin No. 175, Washington D.C. May 24, 1902,   https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/decennial/1900/bulletins/manufacturing/175-manufactures-gloves-mittens-leather.pdf

Whitte, David, The Depression of 1893, Economic History Association, https://eh.net/encyclopedia/the-depression-of-1893/

Economic history of the United States, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 6 August 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_history_of_the_United_States

Panic of 1893, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 29 June 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1893

Social and Labor Unrest in the 1890s, Politics in the Gilded Age, 1870-1900,  OpenStaxCollege, https://pressbooks-dev.oer.hawaii.edu/ushistory/chapter/social-and-labor-unrest-in-the-1890s/

Guilded Age, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 29 July 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilded_Age

Social and Labor Unrest in the 1890s, Lumen, https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-ushistory2/chapter/social-and-labor-unrest-in-the-1890s/

Rose, Gideon, How Today Is Like the 1890s, July 16, 2023, Council on Foreign Relations, https://www.cfr.org/article/how-today-1890s

[4] Barbara McMartin, The Glove Cities, Page 76

[5] New York State Census Records Online, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, https://www.newyorkfamilyhistory.org/subject-guide/new-york-state-census-records-online

[6] Availability of 1890 census, United States census Bureau, https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/availability_of_1890_census.html#:~:text=Most%20of%20the%20census’%20population,in%20its%20Spring%201996%20Prologue.

U.S. Census Bureau History: 1890 Census Fire, January 10, 1921, https://www.census.gov/history/www/homepage_archive/2021/january_2021.html

Eleventh census of the United States, 1890. M407.3 rolls, National Archives, https://www.archives.gov/research/census/microfilm-catalog/1790-1890/part-08

1890 United States census, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 19 July 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1890_United_States_census

New York State Censuses, FamilySearch Wiki, Family Search, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/New_York_Census_State_Censuses

New York State Censuses, FamilySearch Wiki, Family Search, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/New_York_Census_State_Censuses

[7] City directories from the mid to late 1800s provide a valuable record of urban populations and businesses during a time of rapid growth and change in American cities. They are frequently used by:

  • Genealogists and family historians to locate ancestors;
  • Historians studying the development of cities and businesses; and
  • Demographers analyzing urban population patterns

Although not fully comprehensive in terms of sampling, data coverage or reliability, city directories offer a unique snapshot of the economic and social makeup of American cities throughout the 19th century.

[8] United States: City and Telephone Directories , Library of Congress, https://guides.loc.gov/united-states-city-telephone-directories/city-directories

Tennant, Melissa, City Directories: More than Basic Facts, 2022, PDF copy: https://griffis.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/City_Directories_handout_2022.pdf   , internet location: https://static.libnet.info/frontend-images/pdfs/acpl/Genealogy/City_Directories_handout_2022.pdf 

Taylor, Maureen A., The Genealogist’s Guide to Directories, FamilyTree, https://familytreemagazine.com/records/directory/city-directories-genealogy/

Genealogy : Getting Started at The New York Public Library: City directories, Jul 30, 2024, New York Public Library, https://libguides.nypl.org/genealogy/gettingstarted/citydirectories

Weaver, Dan, Book Collecting Guide, Collecting and Using City Directories, Biblio, https://www.biblio.com/book-collecting/what-to-collect/collecting-and-using-city-directories/

Crow, Amy Johnson, What You Might Be Missing in City Directories, Aug 13, 2013, Modern Genealogy Made Easy, https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/might-missing-city-directories/

Anonymous, U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989 from Ancestry, 06 03 2015, Evidence Explained: Historical Analysis, Citation & Source Usage, https://www.evidenceexplained.com/content/us-city-directories-1821-1989-ancestry

[9] City directories also included other useful information as well:

  • Government directory with officials and offices
  • Listings of churches, schools, newspapers, and other institutions
  • Street directory and ward boundaries
  • Advertisements from local businesses

[10] Hoffman, Henry, Changed House Numbers and Lost Street Names in New York of the Early Nineteenth Century and Later, The New York Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin, Volume 21, Number 3, July 1937, Page 67 – 92, https://digitalcollections.nyhistory.org/islandora/object/islandora%3A7500#page/3/mode/1up

[11] Winberg, Michaela, The first census, a stubborn City Council and tossing the ‘horseshoe’: How Philly invented the common street address system, Aug 4 2020, BillyPenn at WHYY, https://billypenn.com/2020/08/04/street-address-invention-philadelphia-numbers-wayfinding/

House Numbering, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 5 April 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_numbering

Rose-Redwood, Ruben S., Indexing the great ledger of the community: urban house numbering, city directories, and the production of spatial legibility, Journal of Historical Geography, Volume 34, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 286-310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhg.2007.06.003 

Terrell, Ellen , The Humble (but Essential) House Number, Dec 10 2021, Library of Congress Blogs, https://blogs.loc.gov/inside_adams/2021/12/humble-but-essential-house-number/

Duffield, Annie, 25 Feb 2021, The history of house numbering, The Postal Museum Blog, https://www.postalmuseum.org/blog/house-numbering/

[12] New York Evening Post, July 19, 1839

[13] Marriage index documenting marriage of Louis P. Sperber and Anna Sprung on 10 May 1893 in Gloversville, New York:

Click for Larger View | Source: Source: New York State Marriage Index, 1881 – 1967, 1893, Page 775 Louis P Sperber and Page 775 Anna Sprung, marriage certificate. number 8257
Click for Larger View | Source: New York State Marriage Index, 1881 – 1967, 1893, Page 775 Louis P Sperber and Page 775 Anna Sprung, marriage certificate. number 8257

[14] Birth of Marguerita Sperber, August 5, 1984, New York State Department of Health; Albany, NY, USA; New York State Birth Index, 1984, Page 814

Death of Marguerita Sperber, 8 Apr 1895 (aged 8 months), Burial: Gloversville, Fulton County, New York, Prospect Hill CemeteryGloversville, Fulton County, New York, USA MEMORIAL ID158848379 · View Source, Find A Grave https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/158848379/marguerita-sperber

The following is an obituary notice for Louis and Anna’s daughter.

Source: The daily leader., April 19, 1895, Page 8, Gloversville, NY

[15] In the late nineteenth century, epidemics of cholera, typhus, yellow fever, smallpox, whooping cough and diphtheria claimed many lives, and endemic infectious diseases took a significant toll on infants and young children.  

Preston, Samuel H. and Michael R. Haines, The Social and Medical Context of Child Mortality in the Late Nineteenth Century, in Samuel H. Preston and Michael R. Haines, ed, Fatal Years: Child Mortality in Late Nineteenth-Century America, Princeton University Press, January 1999, Pages 3 – 48; Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/pres91-1 ; Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c11541 

Smallpox in 1894, JAMA. 1895; XXIV(1): 27–28. doi:10.1001/jama.1895.02430010045007 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/451038

Diseases and epidemics of the 19th century, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 20 January 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diseases_and_epidemics_of_the_19th_century

Shulman, S., The History of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Pediatric Research 55, 163–176 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1203/01.PDR.0000101756.93542.09

Leavitt, Judith W., “Politics and Public Health: Smallpox in Milwaukee, 1894-1895.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. 50, no. 4, 1976, pp. 553–68. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/44450375

[16] There are a few key studies that have correlated historical city directories with maps to analyze urban areas in the United States in the late 19th century:

For example, the Urban Transition Historical GIS Project used data from the 1880 U.S. Census along with historically accurate GIS maps showing the boundaries of enumeration districts in 39 major cities. They geocoded addresses of households from the census records, which enabled spatial analysis of residential patterns at various geographic scales. The project used historical city directories from the period as a major source, providing detailed street maps, ward boundaries, and lists of streets with address ranges. This allowed the researchers to trace street name changes over time and determine address ranges even when not explicitly listed in the directories.

Logan JR, Jindrich J, Shin H, Zhang W. Mapping America in 1880: The Urban Transition Historical GIS Project. Hist Methods. 2011 Jan 1;44(1):49-60. doi: 10.1080/01615440.2010.517509. PMID: 21475614; PMCID: PMC3070308. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3070308/

Another case study looked at using old maps and city directories together to research the history of a 19th century home. Even though street names, addresses and city boundaries changed over time, the combination of period maps and directories enabled the researcher to trace the history of the property

Majors, Randy, Case Study: Using Old Maps and City Directories to Research House History, Family Tree Magazine, https://familytreemagazine.com/house-history/house-history-research-example/

The Mapping America in 1880 paper provides more detail on the methodology used by the Urban Transition Historical GIS Project. In cases where city directories did not provide address ranges, they determined the range of addresses of residents along a street within enumeration district boundaries, and estimated their locations using linear interpolation. Multiple iterations were done, estimating boundaries, geocoding addresses, then correcting errors, to achieve a high degree of accuracy in mapping historical enumeration district boundaries and household locations in late 19th century U.S. cities.

John Logan, Jason Jindrich, Hyoungjin Shin, Weiwei Zhang, Mapping America in 1880 The Urban Transition Historical GIS Project, Database Developments, Historical Methods, January-March 2011, Volume 44, Number 1, Pages 49 – 60, Mapping America_Hist Methods 2011.PDF

See also:

United States Directories, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 20 March 2024, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/United_States_Directories

AMST 4318: American Dream?: Journalism, Politics, and Identity in U.S. Immigration Policy: Maps/Local History: A guide to library research, Cornell University Library,  https://guides.library.cornell.edu/c.php?g=1175551&p=8589887

U.S. City Directories, Research Guides, Library of Congress, https://guides.loc.gov/united-states-city-telephone-directories/city-directories

[17] Founded in 1867 by Daniel Alfred Sanborn, the company created richly detailed maps of approximately 12,000 cities and towns across the United States, Canada, and Mexico.Sanborn maps were originally designed to assist fire insurance companies in assessing the risk associated with insuring a particular property.

The Sanborn Company sent out legions, or to use the collective group term of surveyors, ‘chains’, of surveyors to map building footprints and collect urban data. At its peak in the 1920s, the company employed about 700 people, including 300 field surveyors and 400 cartographers, printers and managers. Sanborn held a virtual monopoly over fire insurance maps for much of the 20th century after acquiring its last major competitor in 1916.

While originally created for insurance purposes, Sanborn maps have become invaluable historic resources. They allow researchers to trace urban development and changes over time, providing unparalleled detail about the built environment of American cities from the late 1800s through the mid-1900s. The Library of Congress holds the largest collection of Sanborn maps, which are widely used by historians, architects, genealogists and others.

Sanborn Maps, Wikipedia, This page was last edited on 1 May 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanborn_maps

Sanborn Maps, About This Collection, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/collections/sanborn-maps/about-this-collection/

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Gloversville, Fulton County, New York., Sanborn Map Company, Published Oct 1902, Digital Id http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3804gm.g3804gm_g059511902 

Coons, Alana, Let’s Talk about Sanborn Maps, University Heights Historical Society, https://www.uhhs-uhcdc.org/blog/lets-talk-sanborn-maps

Introduction to the Collection, Sanborn Maps Collection, Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/collections/sanborn-maps/articles-and-essays/introduction-to-the-collection/

Interpreting Sanborn Maps, Fire Insurance Maps at the Library of Congress: A Resource Guide, Library of Congress, https://guides.loc.gov/fire-insurance-maps/sanborn-interpreting

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map: How to Read Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginiahttps://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/collections/maps/sanborn/web/details.html 

How to: Use Sanborn Maps City Archives & Special Collections, New Orleans Public Library, https://nolacityarchives.org/2024/01/08/how-to-use-sanborn-maps/

[18] Key for interpreting Sanborn fire insurance maps

Click for Larger View | Source: Colors and Symbols,Interpreting Sanborn Maps, Library of Congress, https://guides.loc.gov/fire-insurance-maps/sanborn-interpreting

See also:

Interpreting Sanborn Maps, Fire Insurance Maps at the Library of Congress: A Resource Guide, Library of Congress, https://guides.loc.gov/fire-insurance-maps/sanborn-interpreting

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map: How to Read Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginiahttps://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/collections/maps/sanborn/web/details.html 

[19] Ella Sperber, Grantee, Andrew D. Simmons, Grantor, 27 Nov 1886, Entry Number 68, page Number 287, Index of deeds, Fulton County, New York, page 689, line 9

New York Land Records, Fulton County, Deeds 1886 – 1887, Vol 68 , Page 287

Transcript of Deed

This indenture, Made this first of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty Six between Andrew D. Simmons & Mary C. Simmons his wife of the Town of Johnstown Co. of Fulton & State of New York parties of  the first part and Ella J. Sperber of the same place part of the second part, 
Witnesseth, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of nine hundred and thirty five $935.00 dollars to them duly paid, has sold, and By these Presents do grant and convey to the said party of the second part her heirs an assigns ALL that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Village of Gloversville Fulton County N.Y. Bounded and described as follow viz. Commencing on the West side of Broad Street at a point four rods south from the South East corner of a lot owned by Charles Sunderlin running thence Westerly about twelve (12) rods to a point forty three feet Southerly from the South West corner of said Sunderlins lot and on a direct line with the Westerly line of said Sunderlins said lot. Hence Southerly forty three feet. Thence Easterly to the West line of said Broad Street about twelve (12) rods. Thence Northerly four rods to the place of beginning, be the same more or less. The party of the second part agrees to erect and maintain a good and sufficient fence on the West end of the lot hereby conveyed at her own expense.

[Recorded on the 27th day of Nov. 1886]

The Original Deed

Click for Larger View | Source: New York Land Records, Fulton County, Deeds 1886 – 1887, Vol 68 , Page 287

[20] Charles and Jennie Sunderlin (Sunderland), 1880 U.S. Federal Census, Fulton County, Gloversville, Page 9, Enumeration District 8,  Line 24-25; the Sunderlin Household in 1880:

Click for Larger View | Source: Charles and Jennie Sunderlin (Sunderland), 1880 U.S. Federal Census, Fulton County, Gloversville, Page 9, Enumeration District 8, Line 24-25

[21] Frederick Sperber Household, 1900 Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 02, District 0009, Page 6, Lines 30 -35

Click for Larger View | Source: Frederick Sperber Household, 1900 Federal Census, New York, Fulton County, Gloversville Ward 02, District 0009, Page 6, Lines 30 -35

[22] New York State Marriage Index, 1913, page 6164, May 28, 1913, certificate number 10165.

[23] Louis P. Sperber, New York Department of Health; Albany, NY; NY State Death Index, 1920 certificate number 54031

Louis P. Sperber, Find A Grave, Prospect Hill cemetery, memorial ID 158848240, Section 8, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/158848240/louis-p.-sperber

Louis P. Sperber, a life-long resident of Gloversville, died at his home following a lingering illness. Louis was the son of John W. and Sophia (Fliegel) Sperber. Louis was first married to Anna Sprung. After her death, he married Rose Clancy. He was a leather worker, a former member of the police force and a member of the Republican City committee from the third district of the sixth ward.

Besides his wife, Rose, he is survived by one brother, former Police Chief Fred Sperber, of Gloversville: three sisters, Rose Knopf of Brooklyn, Catherine Sperber and Ida M Griffis of Gloversville; one niece, Mrs. Rose Jennison of Rural Grove and four nephews. 

[24] Colors and Symbols,Interpreting Sanborn Maps, Library of Congress, https://guides.loc.gov/fire-insurance-maps/sanborn-interpreting

Interpreting Sanborn Maps, Fire Insurance Maps at the Library of Congress: A Resource Guide, Library of Congress, https://guides.loc.gov/fire-insurance-maps/sanborn-interpreting

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map: How to Read Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginiahttps://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/collections/maps/sanborn/web/details.html 

How to: Use Sanborn Maps City Archives & Special Collections, New Orleans Public Library, https://nolacityarchives.org/2024/01/08/how-to-use-sanborn-maps/

[25] Sophia Sperber, Wills, Vol 015, 1893-1901, Probate Records, 1789-1955; General Index, 1830-1967; Author: New York. Surrogate’s Court (Fulton County),  pages 193 – 196, PDF copy

The following is Sophie Sperber’s Will and Testament. It is interesting that the handwritten will identifies Sophia as ‘Sophiah’. It is not known who actually wrote the will in the ledger.

Click for Larger View | Source: Last Will and Testiment of Sophiah Sperber, New York Wills and Probate Records, 1659 – 1999, Fulton County, Wills, Vol 015, 1893 – 1901, Pages 194 – 196
Click for Larger View | Source: Last Will and Testiment of Sophiah Sperber, New York Wills and Probate Records, 1659 – 1999, Fulton County, Wills, Vol 015, 1893 – 1901, Pages 194 – 196

The following is a transcribed version of the will:

The last will and testament of Sophiah Sperber of the city of Gloversville, Count of Fulton, and State of New York.
I Sophiah Sperber do make, ordain, publish and declare this to my heart Will and Testament, in manner and form following, that is to say:
First – After the payment of my just debts and funeral expenses, I give devise and bequeath for my dear husband John W. Sperber all my estate, both real and personal, of every name and nature, and whoever situated and rents, issues, and profits thereof for and during the term of his natural life and from and after the decease of my said husband I give and bequeath to my daughter Kate Sperber the sum of $200. and the organ and al the sofa furniture now owned by me and our bed and bedding sufficient for the same.

Second – I give and bequeath to my son Louis Sperber a bed and bedding sufficient for the same.

Third – I give and bequeath to my daughter Ida Sperber a bed and bedding sufficient for the same.

Fourth – All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate both real and personal, I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter Rosa wife of [blank] my son Fred Sperber, my son Louis Sperber, my daughter Kate Sperber & my daughter Ida Sperber, share and share alike, provided always and I do declare that in case I shall in my lifetime advance and pay to any of my chidren, either sons or daughters any sum or sums of money for his or their benefit or advancement in the world or otherwise and shall signify the same in writing under my hand, then if any  such sum or sums shall be equal to the share or shares of such child or children respectively of and in the premises by me hereby devised or bequeathed for their

Page two
respective benefits such sum or sums so paid or advanced shall in that case be accounted in full satisfaction of the share or shares of such child or children respectively in said state and premises but if such advanced sum or sums shall be less than the share or shares of such child or children respectively of and in said premises, then such advanced sum or sums shall be less than the share or shares of such child or children respectively of and in said premises, then such advanced sum or sums shall be accounted as part only or the share or shares of such child or children therein and in that case such child or children shall not receive or be entitled to any share or interest of or in such parts or the said premises which shall have been paid or advanced for him or her for the purposes  aforesaid until the other or others of such child or children shall have received as much or the said premises as shall make his or her or their share or shares thereof equal to what shall have been so paid or allowed for or for the benefit, advantage or preferment of such child or children or efectively for the end and intent that the said premises may be equally divided among all such children share and share alike.

The child or children or any of my children aforesaid to have the share or shares which hi, her, their parent would have   ?  provided either of said children or child be deceased. And I will and ordain that the executor of this my last Will and Testament for and toward the performance of said testament shall with all convenient speed after the decease of my said husband bargain, sell, alien in fee simple all of my lands for the doing, executing and perfect finishing whereof, I do by these presents give to my said executors full power and authority to grant, alien, bargain, sell, convey and assume all the same lands to any person or persons and their heirs forever in fee simple by all and every such lawful ways and means in the law as to my said executor or to his counsel learned in the law shall seem fit or necessary.

Likewise , I make, constitute and appoint Herman Knoff without bonds to be the executor 

Page three
of this my last Will and Testament and I hereby revoke all former wills by me made.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the 19th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and ninety three.

The following is a record of the probate hearing on Sophia Sperber’s last will and testament.

Click for Larger View | New York Wills and Probate Records for Sophia Sperber, Fulton County, Letters Test, Vol 0002-0003, 1856 – 1901, Page 312

[26] Documentation on Sophia Sperber’s death:

Click for Larger View | Source: New York Death Index, New York State Department of Health, 1897, Page 759

Sophia Fliegel Sperber, Death Date: 17 Mar 1897, Section 8, Prospect Hill Cemetery, 28 Oct 1832, Memorial ID: 158847782, Find a Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/158847782/sophia-sperber

[27] The following documents Ida Sperber’s marriage on March 25, 1897. While the source does not mention her husband, subsequent evidence in census documents and other records certify that her husband was Charles Griffis.

Click for Larger View | Source: Ida M. Sperber, Marriage certificate 5207, 25 Mar 1897 Gloversville, New York State Department of Health; Albany, NY, USA; New York State Marriage Index, New York State Marriage Index, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY.
Ancestry.com. New York State, Marriage Index, 1881-1967 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2017., 1987, Page 767, Marriage certificate 5207

Ancestry.com. New York State, Marriage Index, 1881-1967 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2017., 1987, Page 767, Marriage certificate 5207

[28] Ruggles, Steven, Multigenerational Families in Nineteenth-Century America. Continuity and Change. 18. 2003 ,Pages 153. 10.1017/S0268416003004466 https://users.pop.umn.edu/~ruggl001/multigenerational.pdf